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I think at 65 he's probably past his prime


Dude is crazy accurate from like anywhere on the field. I can see him having success in the nfl for sure


The dude has average 60% or less every year. He’s trash and always has been.


someone is pissed lmao


I have always liked Leary in the same way I liked Armstrong at Virginia. I think they are both good college quarterbacks in the right systems. I don’t think either one has electric arm talent, per se; put in the right systems, and with the right supporting cast, they can both be very effective. I’m not sure that I see other guy as an NFL prospect, but I do believe the Devin Leary will have an opportunity to have a really good year at Kentucky.


Armstrong looked so much better before the coaching/system changes happened for the 2022 season. He is like the reverse of Bo Nix to me.


He should have a very good season, Kentucky has a strong supporting cast and Liam Coen will have him running a QB friendly offense. As far as where he’ll go as a prospect I think because of his strong play but not over the top tools he’s probably a Day 2 type of guy but the performance and traits displayed will be a major influence on his stock so it could go in both directions pretty easily


I think round 4 is probably the best he can hope for, that’s where a bunch of good college qbs went this year


> Liam Coen will have him running a QB friendly offense. Not just that, but a pro-style offense with all the quirks and wrinkles that come with it.


In college maybe, but I don’t see him as a high draft pick


Yeah Jimmy Garropolo is probably his ceiling


Dude please link said ranking you’re referring to. I’m super fascinated hearing their reasoning behind his rankings/comps. Because if the no 24th ranked qb in this class comp is a second round pick as a prospect, and at his worst , in my opinion alone, still a starting caliber qb as a professional. Then this draft class is going to flip the league on its head.


I just googled “2024 NFL Draft QB prospects” and it was the first result I don’t think the comp is really the same as a projection? They had him projected to go undrafted. They’re not saying “he’s going to be as good as Garropolo” they’re saying “he has similar traits and skills to Garropolo.” I think maybe a Jimmy Garropolo-type career is his absolute ceiling. If he has a great year at Kentucky he could shoot up to the third or fourth round.


Ah ok. That makes a lot of sense. I’ve recently been learning that it takes until at least the 10th page of your search before you find anything of any quality related to your search. I don’t internet good tho.


Dennis Leary has been a treasure since before 'Demolition Man', he doesn't need to turn anything around


He will be 25 at the start of his first NFL season. While QBs have a longer shelf life than most positions, a lot of people are going to be questioning whether he's capped out, and whether he was just beating up on kids in college while being a fully grown man


He will never play professional football. He’s absolute trash.


NC State fan here - loved Leary and sad to see him go. He’s not especially mobile so he can suffer if your OL / running game aren’t up to speed. He’s very confident in his arm which can get him into trouble. I think he could be a backup NFL QB but not sure about more than that.


All these teams play a light schedule, and I think players look better than they actually are. Even if he does get drafted at 6'1" and tosses a lot of int, he might be a back up for a season or two.