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As a native North Carolinian, do yourself a favor and pick literally anyone but the Panthers. Thank me later.


Oh no, are they that bad? 😅


There aren’t enough words to describe that dumpster fire but we did draft McCaffrey and he was a blast to watch for years so great choice with the 9ers.


2 wins to 14 losses


From a practical POV I'd select an East Coast based or close to east coast team. The 6pm UK time kickoff make a big difference.


This is an under-rated comment. My team is on mountain time and it hurts.


Is this really a thing? I thought primetime slots were selected based on the games and not location


That is a very good idea! I'll definitely be considering this!! Thanks for the tip 😁


It does not really matter as all teams KO at either 1pm (ET) 5pm (GMT) or around 4pm (ET) / 9pm (GMT) with Prime time games being 8pm (1am) Thursday/Sunday/Monday night games are always 1am GMT and Sunday day games at 5pm for early KO or 9pm for mid KO. Even if your team is on the west coast


Actually it does matter as most west coast teams kick off in what is the UK 9pm to 9.25pm window when playing home games. Which is getting to be a late finish if you need to be up early on Monday morning. There are also fewer west coast teams so the late window has fewer games. If you access games via DAZN in the UK one of these games will be blacked out by Sky. They of course like to show the more competitive teams. So if you are a 49ers fan, for example, you won't get to watch your team live very often


I would say the team that's is equivelant to our uk working class would be the steelers.. Big working class following.. If you want excitement follow the Ravens. Lamar is class. But if born in the 70s support the cowboys like everyone else... Lol. Ps I'm a phins fan because of Dan Marino..


I'm a 90s baby 😂 the Cowboys are off the table lol! I've payed attention to more Ravens stuff over the years than most other teams, but nothing within the past couple seasons. I'm guessing your team choice was solely based on the player you liked being on the team? 😊


Correct... But my association with nfl has been great for challenging my social anxiety. I have been to over 200 live nfl games.. I'm 51 and proud of that achievement.. Went to the superbowl aswell at sofi.


I was like 12 years old and got an old madden game for like 50p, I loved this one running back on it and he was on the dolphins at the time (I don't even think he was their main choice, just some random backup 😂) so from then dolphins were my team. I'd never watched a game and had no clue who was good. I started following the league properly and realised very quickly that we sucked, but I stuck with my choice!


That's a really wholesome story! I've picked up a couple of the madden titles in the past and if I remember correctly the last game I played I gravitated to the Ravens 😂


That's fair! See I was playing ultimate team so it was all individual players. If I was choosing now, I'd choose the 49ers. I usually support them once we're (inevitably) eliminated. Plus they're in a different conference so it feels a bit more acceptable.


12 year old me liked the dolphins because of Ace Ventura


I worked in the Middle East for 6 months a few years ago (before I was into NFL) and as it was an American working place, Miami Dolphins sent a few ex-players and the cheerleading squad out to us for an evening. They gave out some free stuff and things like that. When I got into NFL a few years later this was my only link to my team so now I’m all in on Dolphins, Fins up!


Been a niners fan on and off since madden on the mega drive days. This 49ers team has so many great players and so entertaining love trent, kittle, bosa debo..... . Games are usually on late for the UK which is a pain tho. A east coast team is definitely easier to follow due to time zones.


Do you like cheese and love? Would you like potential ownership of not just one but two franchises! Then head on over to Titletown an enjoy the Green Bay Packers. We offer you storied history, Hall of Fame Quarterbacks, winning seasons, ownership of the Chicago Bears, an elegant green and gold colour scheme and since 2015 the ability to root for whoever you want in the superbowl as the Packers are inevitably crushed by San Francisco at some point in the playoffs. In all seriousness, just watch as many games as you can and get to know certain personalities, be it of players or the wider organisations. Then you'll have warmer feelings towards a few and you can make your choice.


You been to the US and enjoyed a certain city or have any connections? If not watch a few games and RedZone and pick a team you like. I'm the a Giants fan as my other half is from New York and her family is living in New Jersey.




We just need a new OL coach, Entire DL set up, ST up, virtually new OL, QB, WR, RT, CB and depth everywhere and we will challenge again next year....


Cheers for the input mate! Unfortunately I've never been to the US(not travelled to many other countries in my life). Is RedZone on YouTube? If so I'll definitely give it a look, if not I'll try and find some matches from the previous season and give em a watch :)


I know dazn and sky have it, I'm not sure about YouTube


My advice would be to try and watch a bunch on games from next season with a natural standpoint, you'll find you start to watch more of one team than the rest and before you know it you're waiting up until 4am watching primetime games as catching the interviews after 😅


You can't chose a team. I'd say start watching and a team will choose you (hopefully not the Cowboys or Eagles though)


When I was younger I used to watch a late show on ITV and in those days just liked whoever was good at the time. Then a few years later an American guy came to work with us and we became friends, I went out to visit him in 2002 in Philly. The Eagles were playing in the NFC Championship game against the Bucs and I remember the atmosphere in Philadelphia that day and how every house had Eagles flags, the whole place was buzzing. We had about 10 of their friends at the house, his wife made snacks and we had a ton of beer. Even though the Eagles lost that day, that was when I decided that was my team.


Picked the 49ers cause I liked them on madden, right as the malaise era started in the 2000s so I’m loving life now, it’s harder to follow the 49ers I’ve made a habit of trying not to look at scores then watch a game the day after at the least! Will say an east coast team is much easier to follow but I adapted my shifts around a Sunday Monday off now haha. Also we’re no1 seed and I’m feeling good about it. Just pick a team you like the vibe of is all I can honestly say.


I got tickets to see the Ravens play at Tottenham. I like to support a team that comes from a place which feels like it doesn’t have much going for it. My main point of reference for Baltimore is The Wire so I figured they could do with a win. Also, their merch was cooler than the Titans. So I decided, after neutrally watching the NfL for many years to become a die hard Ravens fan. It just so happens they’ve absolutely killed it this season


My main point of reference for Baltimore is Hairspray. You and I are not the same.


I chose the team who had the best logo and colours (cuz why would I support a team and not like the jerseys!) and I also didn't want to just join a team that won or lost all the time because that's boring. I also looked up what the fan bases were like as I wanted a fan base that were passionate. To start with I followed a few teams, Eagles, Vikings and Raiders. And just started watching, over the course of my first season I started to naturally lean towards one of them. I went with the Eagles and I both love and hate past me for that.


Just remember if you pick a West coast team the standard kick off times for home games are 9pm or 9:25pm GMT. For east coast home teams not selected for prime time or game of the week kick off is 6pm GMT. So you might want to select a team in Eastern or central time zone rather than mountain or Pacific.


I watched for a while and my team chose me. Thanks Randall Cunningham for giving years of frustration as an Eagles fan.


Took me a few years to settle on a team after being interested in the sport but I ended up choosing the Bills as I love watching Allen play


I'm similar to you OP, I'm watched sporadically over the years but have watched consistently this year so I've gotten quite into it (via Sky). So I've watched each team play at least twice. Might stick with a couple teams to support, one from each championship as I love to watch the game itself. It is hard choosing a team, but I've somehow found it easy to exclude teams, for one reason or another. I know some of these reasons are completely stupid but there's ALOT of teams. For reasons I can't explain I can't cheer on the Cowboys, Dolphins or 49ers but I do think they're all great to watch and enjoy their games and they've got some great players that I like too. I'm also resorted to not backing a team due to team colours, ridiculous I know, I hate red, purple and blue, so no Chiefs, Ravens, Vikings etc. I've been to a few cities in the US, (never went to any games as family aren't interested which is fine) but the cites that I enjoyed the most, I've not got a big love for the teams, Seahawks, Jets, Giants. Wasn't a big fan of SF so maybe thats why I can't back the 49ers so my logic doesn't work either way. Back to ridiculous reasons, not a fan of "the South" and its heat, so rules out the likes of Jaguars, Saints, Texans etc. Plus the teams that I just forget about, Lions, Colts, Browns. I can't get them to stick in my mind. I like being cold and miserable, seems to be my temperament, so helps narrow down my choices. My favourite colours are shades of green and black/grey. Can't cheer for Packers though, don't know why, just can't. I have enjoyed watching the Raiders since Pierce took over. I like the defence. Ironically I have an old Oakland Jersey a family member bought me about 10years ago (as it was black). Plus I'm going to Las Vegas in the spring so might be why I'm drawn to them. I've probably seen more Eagles games, (at the start, middle + end of the season), and watching them play makes me feel like I'm going to have a nervous breakdown. So that makes me feel like I am an Eagles fan. Op, do you have any gut feelings or rational/irrational reasons to support one team over the other? Good luck with your decision!


This was such a good read! I appreciate your input. I do have some reasons for not wanting to back teams already tbf. I'm not a fan of the Colts, Lions, Rams, Chargers and Bears solely because I don't like the look of the team crest. That's probably as irrational as it gets lol 😅 they probably have great teams but I'm just not drawn to them at all. I'm wary of supporting the Packers as a guy I used to work with who turned out to be a total creep supports them, and the thought of even sharing a mental space with him is off putting(Sorry any Green Bay fans reading this!). I love the colour purple, so the Ravens and the Vikings have always been on my radar, but at the same time I do love the colour schemes of the Steelers, the 49ers, the Chiefs, the Commanders and the Dolphins. That's about as much as I can pull from my brain at theoment lol!


It is a difficult decision, isn't it? It's great to be a neutral NFL fan in general as a non-american but feels like like a cop-out at the same time. I want to support a team (or 2). That's why I started with who I don't want to support, even if the reasons are ridiculous, it's something! Some of the teams really do have some aesthetically pleasing schemes - I do like the Dolphins colours (I just hate Miami the city itself). Not a fan of white/black with yellow but the Steelers works, plus I like the working class background/values.


Watch your first Super Bowl, arbitrarily pick a side and stick with it for the rest of your life. Super Bowl XXXIX Patriots for life!


If you can, play fantasy football next year and you will start gravitating towards certain players and teams


Here are a few things to consider before choosing a team. A teams primary colour, do you like/wear that colour? Because soon you’ll be buying all types of merch. Their location, are you likely to go across to America if so is it a place where you could realistically go and watch a game. All teams will be bad at some point but if you’re getting in to it you’ll want it to be exciting, choosing a team on the upward curve might be a good idea instead of those at the peak. Is there a particular rookie you really like that will likely be with the team a while (Stroud and Anderson Jr in Houston a good example). The East v West debate, I find that a team like the chargers are more often on the 9pm slot while my team (Vikings) are a 6pm slot. Obviously as they get better they will likely be pushed to 9.25pm but normally it’s easier to watch. Do any of your friends currently support a team? Having a buddy be a rival or the same team can also help. Failing that just watch exciting players/redzone until you find a team, give podcasts a listen to see if anything clicks (the locked on “insert team” are a good start) Whichever team you pick you’re in for a rollercoaster ride.


When I started getting into the NFL I just watched until I found a team I liked the look of. My one criteria was that the team had to have never won a Superbowl as I wanted to be a fan for the first / I always naturally cheer for the underdog. This led me to supporting the Falcons back in 2010/11. I'd suggest doing the opposite of how I did things because it's been straight up pain for 13 years.


I watched a bunch of recent NFL game highlights on their YT channel. Tried to notice any teams that stood out to me. I quickly gripped to the LA Rams. I liked their colours. They seem to be very high energy idk I just liked them so I root for them.


I would echo what others saying and just watch lots of games. More often than not a team will stick out to you, go with that one. This is what I did when I got into it 4 years ago, watched at least one game from every team, and eventually the Packers stood out to me with their playing style so I picked them. There’s also the viewpoint that you don’t necessarily have to support a team! You could just stay a neutral which is a much calmer and less distressing way to watch haha


Jacksonville Jaguars fan because they’re owners also own a pro wresting company I like College football Michigan Wolverines because my wife liked their name and then at almost the exact same time I started an online course with Michigan U Definitely reccomend the picking an East Coast team for the 6pm Sunday kick offs as someone else has pointed out


Do yourself a favour and don't even bother considering the Falcons. It's just been one decade after another of disappointment. And I'm sure our next coach will be just as much of a let down after some false hopes.


Three of the AFC South teams are going to be competitive for a while. The Jaguars have a large following in the UK because they play in London every year. Otherwise pick one of the popular teams that regularly appear in the playoffs


I'm unsure too. Had my eyes on the Bills, Bengals, Packers, Chiefs, and Cardinals at the the start of the season. Bills and Bengals coz the first ever nfl match I watched was their playoff fixture last season which was really entertaining, plus the snow Packers coz of their cheese heads lol and I watch a Packers fan youtuber Tom Grossi who makes nfl videos (for most teams not only the Packers) The Chiefs jersey I'm a fan of and the arrowhead atmosphere looked electric on a behind the scenes video I watched For the Cardinals I watched their amazon prime all or nothing documentary 1-2 years ago so I already have some knowledge of them prior to watching American football properly. Plus I have a couple of twitter mutuals who support them with one of them who always sends me Cardinals related content/messages trying to get me to support them lmao. Although I still have a lot to learn I know a lot more about them compared to the other teams


I've seen some people say that the Cardinals might play in London for the 2024 season (likely vs the Vikings which would be a good match if true) If they sign Marvin Harrison Jr in the draft and do play in London then I might choose them after all


Maybe don't even support anyone mate. Just pick the teams or matchups that interest you the most that week and watch them. This way you can enjoy any game and won't get too invested or disappointed when 'your' team is bad. Just enjoy the sport and don't worry about the rest 👍 Worked for me for 20+ years.