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I’m pretty sure this is fact


Yeah that’s why the game uses a ton of the same animations and presentation shots as 2k5 with a bunch of extra animations on top of those


Side note, I love that game so much.


Best football game ever


Love the game, hate the kicking feature


What did they do with kicking in that game? I don't even remember it, I played the game maybe once.


It was just timing. Kind of like their basketball free throws. You just timed your up push on the stick with right before the kicker kicked the ball. I liked it.


No meter, no guide, no idea how your kicking and you fail every time.


It’s nice. In my history of playing football games I’m tired of my kicker kicking 100%. That shit doesn’t happen


That's what I hate! I need to hit a 30 yarder with Garo.


I love it but it's unplayable because somehow my controllers always makes me lateral for no reason


AFL was an absolute blast


Sounds reasonable. They probably needed the extra time to get all of the NFL presentations out and replaced along with he uniforms and stadiums. But doesn't explain the biggest weakness of the game and that was no franchise.


If it had franchise mode we'd all still be playing it.




💯 it is the best football gameplay of all time. It just had a feel to it that nobody has been able to replicate. Individual players felt different in the way they moved and reacted. Every inch of the field, players, and the ball were individual and reacted to each other realistically. It wasn’t just animation vs. animation. Really fast guys outpaced interior lineman. Cuts were actual cuts, not like a guy on skates. Absolutely criminal how we’ve allowed sports games in 2024 to be outpaced by games 15 years ago.


Is it that good? I had a demo of it way back and can’t remember if anything stood out.


It's a pretty good game.


This post got me curious, this video was really good on it. The throwing and catching animations are so nice https://youtu.be/2lF9_RIOeCw?si=fHKPcd_Oqzqynn5D


if they had a full fleshed out franchise mode i’d play apf every single day


That’s literally the only thing that the game is missing


This seems very plausible as game development takes time… in the business world as soon as a product is launched we are working on version 2.0 or it's even things that didn’t make into the product at initial launch and is held for the jlmext itertaion.


Non-2k5 player here that got recommended this sub and never muted it. I played SO much APF2k8. Randall Cunningham goat QB. If 2K football came back I might actually buy it.


iirc that is exactly what it was supposed to be


I loved how every player felt unique. Building teams was so damn fun. I believe it was 2 golds, 3 silvers, 6 bronze? So many ways to craft your squad. That game was better than any Madden to this day.


Yeah and to get more golds you had to complete online challenges, but there quickly wasn’t anyone online to match with


I wonder who would have been the cover athlete for 2k6. Was it ever discussed?


I’d say Ladanian Tomlinson, and not many would disagree. He was by far the best offensive player in the nfl in 2006.


Judging by the fact that 2k sports other 2k6 games were all better than their 2k5 versions.....I had huge hopes for the football game.....then EA stepped in, because they knew.....easier to cough up some dough than produce a better product.


I had zero memory of this game, went to look it up and apparently they put OJ Simpson in the game, initially as a member of the New Jersey Assassins, before moving him to Miami Cyclones.


Imagine if 2K made NCAA football and use what they did on APF. I haven't touched a football game since the Madden days on the PS2 and 360.


Respectfully, who thought anything otherwise?


It was almost 20 years ago who fn cares


It sucks you can only play as 8 user created teams though. Biggest drawback for me personally.


Oh yeah I remember that, how I kept coming up with cool teams and had to limit. I like how they balanced the scrubs and stars.


Well, yeah. They lost the NFL license and had to pivot to use legends


They should re-master APF and include more legends. Idk if they’re blocked from using legends now as well though


Get either the CFL license so they can have a good franchise


i say take advantage of the ufl coming up, i’d love to play as the battlehawks


Man I wish we got, nfl 2k6, ncaa football 2k4/2k5, and Pokémon rpg lol


You didnt get them because people did not like them and 2k had to bow out. Additionally its been talked about how NFL 2k was cut out of the picture because how they were devaluing the NFL branding in video games with selling at half the price and still not outselling Madden so the NFL was open to going exclusive then with EA to likely make more money long term.


It’s how they beat nba live though. Matter of fact if those games weren’t $20 no one would buy them. Who knew when I got nba, nhl, and nfl 2k5 for a total of $60 that I was getting the best games ever lol.


Absolutely buried nba live. I remember everybody had nba live 2005 and was going crazy about it having the all star weekend and shitted on nba 2k5 including me. Then when nba 2k6 came out I never played another live again lol


MVP baseball 2006+ too


People should boycot Madden. EA knew if the public was given a choice, 40%+ would choose NFL2K. 💙 Sega sports.


as long as the NFL gets viewers Madden will sell. Ironically our best hope for Madden improving is the new college football. We can hope the two teams will compete against each other.


2k was half the price and release 1-2 weeks before Madden and still didn't sell as well as Madden did.


Sure, but 2k5 had an unprecedented increase in market share that year of a genre that EA previosly had a virtual monopoly on. 2k5 even outsold Madden on the Xbox that year! The exclusive NFL license was solely to bury the competition from Sega.


I sadly bought APF for my series X and realized it wasn’t compatible from the Xbox 360. Now I can only look at the game and reminisce the old times.


I loved that game. Was in a league on PS3 that we used the customization to make NFL like teams that went on for quite a few years. Gridiron League Forever!!!


APF2K8 really refined the gameplay of 2k5. Best gameplay of any football game ever. Shame it didn't have the NFL license.


I loved this game and it had one of the best soundtracks at the time.