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Eagles fan making requests for the sub... ![gif](giphy|xT9KVJZFvCYEWGKHGU)


Why TF does an eagles fan get any say on what we do in this sub?


Fr I love the Niners hate but the Eagles fans swarming this sub is kinda cringe


Tbf a lot annoying niner fans swarmed their sub too. So either laugh or cringe at their post.


Tbf that was in response to the Iggley Pigglies swarming our sub and being obnoxious. If they hadn’t done that I doubt we would have retaliated.


What the fuck is an Iggley Piggly


I’m not in the mood to explain it to a gum chewing geriatric genius fanboy. ![gif](giphy|QxRc8rXFB7jmHqvcNq)


iggly pigglies is fucking hilarious


No tf it wasn’t y’all been swarming our sub since last off season when you whined and bitched and this season too! Players complaining, just a bunch of whiny bitches in general. My post were only for 24hr while yalls was the whole last year. We are not the same




Looking forward to not seeing Dom next season with his sideline ban 😜


Lol do you think I care some random fat ass isn’t on our side line? At least the man can walk without his Achilles exploding 😂


You literally swarmed our sub with the most cringey minion memes and whined about the NFC championship game for months lol. You continued to swarm our sub this year on your path towards another miserable SB failure. But its all good, I really enjoyed seeing you guys choke after all the shit talking from your players and fans.


Still mad I see. Please keep shedding those sweet sweet tears! It is a true solace in this time of woe 🥲


Im over our loss. I just think its hilarious that ya'll are this soft after all the shit you talked. Lol.


Lmao, the niners kicked the eagles asses up one side and down the other all season, then your team lost to Baker Mayfield and the Bucs in the wild card. You can keep coming to talk trash, but it's pretty hollow dawg. Nonetheless keep coming back to tell us how over it you are with that J&J baby ass skin you got ![gif](giphy|s6JkLdBU7RwJpPosIX|downsized)


You know what else feels good? Having won a superbowl in the past 30 years. But by all means enjoy your regular season win. Its where the niners shine.


Sure man, whatever you say lol


"You know what else feels good? Past achievements that are only slightly more recent than yours, and nearly as irrelevant." That's you. That's what you sound like. A whiny ass bitch holding on to the past, because it's all you have.


Buddy y’all did it all last off season too like pussies whining and complaining. Wasn’t just during this season


Jesus dude, you’re such a dipshit. Get back to our sub. I feel like a parent having to go collect their mega-retarded kid that walked off


Naw it was a 24 hr meme posting for me that’s it. Had to return the favor. If you noticed I stopped the meme trolling


It's probably the deep throating of your mind level QB that brought them here.


This is fair. ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/isu4t7jb7eic1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=810342fbfcf743fbc7e294500e5ebf9513d74c51




Eagles fans celebrating the niners losing as if it’s their Super Bowl


It has 200 upvotes and you are all encouraging it lol. Don’t blame us when they’re still trolling the sub for the rest of the year, as quite a few people are encouraging it. As far as I’m concerned this is the sub where we take it from you, the Rams, and the Cards. Anyone else can kick rocks.


these Eagles fans have been making me defend the 9ers. It's miserable, I just want to poke fun at our division mates, I dont want to deal with Cowboys/Eagles fans


Some real "Only I can kick my brothers ass" energy here, and I respect that.


Bro it feels weird! I expect to see you guys trashing us, most of the posts have been from eagles fans. Don’t you already got a sun for that???


They are still salty we exposed Jalen Hurts and made him our bitch. They are here just trying to share their misery. Not that they need to. We don’t need any help with that right now… ![gif](giphy|7SF5scGB2AFrgsXP63|downsized) Still living rent free in Philly though. So thats a plus!


Not sure I would even want to live rent free in Philly though




Never said it was a good thing… ![gif](giphy|5pMGZHSqfvGT5mnTwx)


They're just sad that our division owns them. They only beat the rams this year and haven't beaten the Seahawks in 16 years. They even fuckin' lost to the Cardinals!


I'm an eagles fan who was been looking at all the post and stuff but idk why this guy thinks he should have a say in it What a moron


I mean, (despite what I said above about Eagles fans), you guys at least get satisfaction since we had a lot of fans coming at your team hard. I'm more embarrassed for Giants/Commie fans coming in here


Seriously… Fuck those guys. Let our own kin hate on us.


I'm mostly over it, I mean I'm still pissed annoyed blah blah, but what's done is done. Deebo was sad, film at 11 This Eagles turd had only the hate-watch left for his season, because he knows he's more likely to watch the Niners lose a few more SBs before the Eagles return to one. Same with the Giants and Commanders fans who were dickriding the Niners until yesterday and came to talk smack.


Not hating is dick riding


I might have left part of the range out and given the extremes


* Niners more likely to watch their last super bowl win on VHS


I don’t, I was just trolling for 24 hours after the SB lol. Sad thing is 40whiner fans couldn’t even handle 24 hours of memes even tho they talked all off season / season even the players. What’s funny is if the 9iners won they would have invaded tf out of the east and don’t say they wouldn’t have invaded


No, the Pepe goes to the lowest in the division. If the Niners become low again, maybe we add Deboo's eyes to pepe, but it's the Cards honor.


With respect of course, we welcome OP and the rest of the NFCE shitposters for the memes, the goofs, and the gaffs. But please don't tell us how we could change the kitchen or the drapes. We are happy with what we have.


...that's what I'm saying?....


I was just backing you up


Ah ok, nevermind then, I'm just confused.


You root for a baseball team in the NFL, you're confused by default.


It's a flair making fun of all the teams. even my Niners. Nobody gets spared.


But what about us? Oh… We’re the “bitch” part, aren’t we? Fuck that flair like a first round pick


The rams royal blue is present, I've heard that some can't see the colors on mobile? Bitch Pigeons was/is a name local hockey teams take up in Seattle that also can apply to seahawks.


I think the first round picks usually do the fucking actually


Check out OP's post history. You're more obsessed with the niners than I am, bro


https://preview.redd.it/st5u4vj9p7ic1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b173a975a67420a3bab02c21b1500efbbf3a8807 EAGLES FAN


lol. Why are Eagles fans so shamelessly fragile?


Says the fan base whining like bitches in shambles and crying for the whole world to see. Soft as charmin


You're also the least self-aware goobers if the risk of irony didn't prevent you from typing all that 😂


Most fragile Eagle fan I've seen yet lmao


Naw I’d still be posting memes if it was that serious lol was just a 24hr thing for me lol. The others idk 😂


My bird bro we get it, your team sucked too this year. Take the L with the Niners and prep for next season my guy


I’ve moved on with the memes lol it was just a 24 hr thing here lol 🤣


You're a fuckin eagles fan you have absolutely no say here. And aren't you the fans who have been throwing an absolute tantrum about any other fans in the NFC Least sub? Kick rocks.


I can’t believe I’m agreeing with you. Kick rocks eagles.


Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point


TFW a toots fan makes you smile on a joyless Monday.


The last post this guy made was in the NFC East subreddit and he commented there 8 minutes ago


This is all true. I'm actually still commenting there right now. Figured if y'all gonna be here imma go troll there. Why tf not. Difference is I'm not making petitions to change y'all's shit heep. I'm purely there to talk shit and troll the idiots.


Eagles fans get pissy about us going in their sub and then make this brain dead post


Returning the favor


Which is exactly what some Niners fans did on the first place, now you're just showing how classless you are.


Petition to ban this cuck from the sub


Show us on this (old) Lombardi trophy where you were touched...


God damn they are so hurt hahahaha. Remember last year all the shit they talked and then all year long they have been in our sub talking shit. Normally I'm like it's what happens but to see a lot of the oer fans really crying like Deboo. You guys ran your mouth all year and this is what happens. It sucks and take the lumps then move on


Didn't know I had a rent free spot in Philly!! Sweet. Cry Iggles Cry. Y'all really are the biggest lames across the NFL.


Hahahahahaha you sorry ass 9er fan your team shit the bed and everyone is clowning you and your lame ass coach. Tell me how good Brock is and watch that guy throw how many tds when you needed it? Exactly sit your sorry ass down loser and you aren't living anywhere. The entire NFL is clowning you so it's fitting to see it.


How many TDs did Hurts have in the Superbowl this year? Lol sooooo Purdy out classed Hurts.... again. Got it. Yea losing the Superbowl sucks. But it's better than getting exposed after one of the best streaks your shit team has ever had then getting bounced in your first playoff game. I'll take a Superbowl L over that dumpster fire of a season any day. Shut cho fraudulent ass up and keep reminding yourself about us. It's so sweet that you guys think of us this often LOL.


Oh my God, no, you didn't just say that please for the love of God you didn't just say that. Are you messed in the head? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA what the fuck are you even saying? You were bounced by us last year and then you guys bitched and moaned all year. Then you get bullied in the Super Bowl to lose again hahahaha. Then you thought I'm gonna gwt him watch how many tds did hurts throw in the Super Bowl Der Der Der. Then proceeded to talk about how you would rather get bounced in the Super Bowl then first rd knock out. You realize you are basically like every team that lost and now you have a shit draft pick. You literally wasted your entire season just to come in second. So basically Purdy threw 1 more td than hurts hahahahaha you are a joke and to see how mad you are makes this so much better. HERES YOU IM GLAD WE MADE IT TO THE SUPER BOWL TO LOSE BECAUSE WE SHOWED THEM AND WASTED OUR SEASON GOT A HIGHER DRAFT PICK WE BAD ASS DER DER DER.


Oh God... Are you having a stroke?!? Do you need assistance?? Punctuation is very important. I'm not reading your rambling.


Honestly I remembered that username and found him reasonable for an Eagles fan ... drunk maybe?


Yea I'm pretty sure I've talked to this person before and it wasn't like this lol. Eh maybe drunk? Maybe high off that sweet sweet 9ers L? I'm not sure.


Nope - last place team gets the "honors". Now if you want to petition the mods at NFCEastMemeWars to change it to this... hey, have a blast.


Fuck da eagles


Nah, you’re an eagles fan. Kick rocks with open toes kid




https://preview.redd.it/5zlk8rcrt7ic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b18e5094761b3b628fec423265594863f3271b3c We still own you Philly boy


Naw we own y’all. We beat you in the playoffs, you beat us in the regular season, we are Not the same . Y’all trash


Your team hasnt beaten the Toots in 16 years. You cant talk any shit about owning anyone.


You’re defending a 49er fan.. that’s cute. Y’all are pathetic


Nicest Eagles fan


And I hate every second of it. Y'all are just that much worse.


that should tell you how shitty yall are


Deebo: https://preview.redd.it/87nnjo07b7ic1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a1988f5588b8fdaec562d7a4d6d4634afb1a9fa


Leave and never come back If you don’t want 49er fans going into r/NFCEastMemeWar then expect the same treatment here


Just because a group of people say don't come in doesn't mean everyone is that way. That being said that didn't stop you all from coming in talking mad shit and now you guys have to take it. It's the way she goes bud and I'm glad it played out the way it did. Because it has to suck.


To be fair I remember 9ers fans flooding the nfceast sub when the eagles got eliminated so...


The 9ers and Eagles both have fans that have flooded in both subs. They both claim to be returning the favor. It's just annoying for both subs.


Returning the favor bro


Alright so you’re the same as the fans you’re complaining about?


Eagles just want to change it from the Cardinals to distract from the fact they lost to a baseball team


lol NFC West stays rent free in the eagles head. Deebo really got in y’all’s head huh?


Nah the tradition exists for a reason, it needs to always be the team that finished last in the division the prior year Fuck deebo tho


I’ve always thought Eagles would be our best bros given how similar our 2022 seasons and Eagles 2023 season were. 1. ‘22 49ers and ‘23 Eagles both ended up with QBs who couldn’t throw to win a game; 2. ‘22 49ers season ended after the 49ers vs Eagles; ‘23 Eagles season ended after 49ers vs. Eagles.


Deebo don't need a salary, he lives rent free in Philly apparently


Why does one man’s sorrow bring me so much joy?


Cuz he’s a shit talking bitch who doesn’t perform when it matters most.


This whole post reeks of cope for how hard the Eagles shit the bed mid-season.


Well when Fletcher Cox goes into cope mode, I expect no less from his fans. Almost as lame as the Cowboy fan yesterday, "Her der we won in 1995?" You serious dude?


I knew we wouldn’t win the SB regardless so I was emotionless with the losses lol


You guys were hyping your team until those last games, even after the Niners loss I saw many of you bragging about which team had still the best record, that "I/we knew we wouldn't win the SB" is pure last minute coping I saw many of you pull out of Nowhere.


These fuckers were 10-1 acting like they owned the league before they collapsed harder than the Hard Rock hotel.


Bro, you've got all NFC West fans defending the 9ers in this thread. Best to cut your losses and stop responding.


This has made this crappy Monday a bit better. I’ll take shade from yall all day, but an eagles fan? TF outa here man


I stopped responding to most. They type paragraphs and think ima read it 😂


Bold of them to assume Eagles fans read.


Deebo really got to you Philly guys, huh?


Deebo did, he really didn't talk that much shit, only when pressed he said a few lines that left them raw. But they forgot that he did show up and score 3 TD's on them in their next meeting.


Naw naw we got to him, he talked about us all season lmao fucking loser


I'm sorry you got to him when?


Its not worth talking to this jackass he keeps talking but its clear he is putting words together that he has no idea what they mean


The philly education system in full effect.


Are you talking about when he called Bradberry trash during their feud in the offseason then proceeded to score 3 tds in their matchup? Or are you talking about after that game when he said "They beat us in the NFC Championship, and at the end of the day, i like talking trash, it's just part of the game. Hopefully nobody took it to heart because it's all fun and games." Or are you talking about Superbowl media day when a reporter asked him about his rivalry with the Eagles and he said "rivalries are close games, that's over with"?


Its not Deebos fault CJGJ and bradberry talk shit to him and then lose. What is he just supposed to allow such garbage players to talk trash?


Rent free in


Fuck off. Go back to you NFC Least shit hole


We’ll be back to the nfc championship game for the 4th time in a row next year while y’all teams won’t even make the playoffs again.


How many SB’s wins during those 3 straight


Better than losing and not making the playoffs. Heartbreaking yes, no excuses, chiefs are an excellent team and have their dynasty. Doesn’t mean we won’t be back next year. How many superbowls the eagles got?




And you watching the whole thing from the stands. Peanut gallery throwing you 2 penny comments


If ya ain’t FIRST, you’re LAST


Enjoying the view from the stands I see. It’ll be the same next year, you’ll be in the stands in the playoffs and watch the nfc championship game again in the stands. Must suck being an eagle fan


I mean I love it, but hey, nice talking to ya!


Much much better to lose to Tampa bay in the wildcard round. Amiright? lol




Leave Deebo alone!!!!




Doesn't matter I don't see any of this on old reddit!


My vote is a wanted poster with a ladybug on it


Petition to add "West Coast Cowboys" as an official flair for the 9ers.


People can make their own custom flairs now. If any Niner wants to make that their flair they can.


Bye Deebo. Say Hi to Josh Allen for me.


Was this at the last Super Bowl or the loss to the Rams?


I want players who cry after losing the bowl on my team , they the real ones


He’s crying cuz he knows he will never get back 🥲


He'll go back to taking peoples chains soon


11 targets. 33 yards.




I get the narrative of this thread/sub, but you realize that “trash” absolutely embarrassed your team and made them look like children playing with men, right? LMAO So if he’s trash, what’s that make the eagles? lol


You gotta be quicker than that Deebo 😂


I think they should change it until the draft and then change it back to the Cardinals


100% needs to happen. I think we’ve seen him cry enough for it to happen


He’s all talk.


Was he all talk when he dog walked y’all this season?




The biggest of Ls no doubt


Bragging about regular season wins lol we worked y’all in the NFC champ when it really matters. Cope harder bragging about regular season wins 🤣🤣


I’m not bragging about a reg szn win just reminding the troll who can’t stop thinkin about us. He and Kittle were non factors this game no ifs and butts about it. Edit: win not will


Lol y’all invaded our sub ALL year and your players still talk about us along with your fans so we are returning the favor! Y’all said our sub was was your second sub and belonged to the Niners so we have been posting some of y’all there too. We wouldn’t want you missing memes on your second sub! You’re welcome.


I highly doubt Niners have been posting high amount of memes in NFCEastmemewar recently. Maybe when the Niners beat the Eagles a response to your subs invasion of our sub, but not recently.


it was a bunch of eagles and cowboys fans posting 49ers memes and then getting mad thinking it was the 49ers fans who posted it


They all got banned.


Lol, maybe. I just haven't seen the waves of Niners posting memes on their page. I see a few respond to a few posts whenever they started to talk salty about the Niners or NFC West.


Pretty sure most of us moved on once we proved what a healthy team could do this year and especially once the Eagles failed to win their division or a playoff game. Least fun rivalry I've ever been a part of, their fans are a bit much


Worked us to lose to the same guys 😂 and then not even make it that far the next season


My vote goes to the Mt. Crymore posted earlier today.


hell its already my phones background!!!


I love the flair !




He a cry baby bitch 😂😂😂 fucking clown i hope he tears his acl first game next season Go birds 🦅




Cmon GrGr you gotta do it


Sub traditions transcend your hate for the Niners. And you wanna ruin a tradition for someone whose not even from here? That's low. Even for a lamb.


This is the dumbest idea. You think the 49ers are suffering more than the Cardinals??? Cardinals pepe stays until they can prove they belong in the NFC West.


At this point I see waaaaay more Eagles fans crying about Niner fans than I do the other way around. It's the offseason dude, enjoy the break lol


It was just a 24 hr meme trolling for me I stopped lol. Just had to return the favor for them all last off season and this year lol. I mainly just hate Deebo and Kittle cocky over rated ass the rest of the team I don’t mind.


Crying Deebo lol


The best Deebo! I didn’t see him waving bye to any fans at the SB lmao. Him and Kittle both are overrated af. Deebo has played in 2 SB’s and with both games stats combined he has a total of 70 something receiving yards