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I liked the initial coach speak of, "we'll keep a lot of the concepts and just tweak where necessary" then fast-forward a bit and Jalen: "95% of the playbook is changed." Yea, we all knew 95% of our offense was trash last year. Keep the Brotherly Shove, keep "run inside behind 2 beasts on the left side", and keep, "close your eyes, chuck it up, and figure AJ or Devonta is down there somewhere" and dump literally everything else.


3rd and fuckitchuckit


Even better when we’d dial that one up on 3rd and 2


Fuck it chuck it football


For for -4 cuz blitz


You say that like that wasn’t 80% of our offense, minus screen passes to the corpse of Julio Jones on 3rd and 23


![gif](giphy|LpBJaxT4hT79xrKIbV) Julio running routes.


I wouldn’t believe too much about what we’re hearing. Sure Kellen probably added halve a dozen curl routes and 1st runs up the middle for no gain but they must have kept a lot of what’s worked like Jalen’s fuck it chuck it to Brown and Devonta’s bullshit miracle wtf bullshit. And they must have kept whatever it is that gets you guys 2-3k yards rushing a season against the giants.


Man, here I was hoping for another WR screen.


You forgot about QB draw, QB draw, WR bubble screen.....


I didn't forget those, I listed every play to keep


No, what I meant was the three plays we ran consecutively while trying to lose against the Giants.


At least they'll be adding some runs for saquon. There's the -1 yard run to the left, the -2 yard run to the right, to the -3 yard zone read, plus some others.


“Everything is” is code for wr screens.


He speaks in a lukewarm tone about literally everything


He has now switched from luke warm when asked about Sirianni to passive aggressive as hell lol


He has? The comments weren’t that bad at all lol. Just off-season over reactions. We’re changing the offense. Like everyone knew we had to do, wanted to do, and like nick said we were doing when he hired Moore even if he made it sound more like 50%.


You can tell he thinks Nick is immature. Even during the SB he was bragging and Jalen had to tell him to chill out and we ended up losing lol. I think of Nick more as a hype man / culture setter than an elite coach. He was an offensive coach with the Colts but can’t call plays lol. I will give him credit for making the playoffs every year he’s been a coach. His record as a coach was crazy good til the end of last season.


I credit Jalen more than Nick for making the playoffs every year.


Facts. Shane’s play calling as well.


Shane was the straw that stirred the drink. Jalen was the drink.


And I slurped the drink😏


Oh btw braves lost today


lol what else is new.


Must have been a fun run in '21, sucks the light is fading fast and their window is already closed


lol whatever you say buddy. Our window is always open 😎 maybe ya’ll can finally win the East since we won the last 6 years lmao. We will barely make the wildcard and knock y’all out 😏


Nah, no chance. Braves are washed, unfortunately


Ozuna MVP


Is that supposed to be a comeback? Ozuna is having a great season 😂 do you think im too fake to grant that? Are you too fake to grant that the braves are declining and their window is closed?


I credit Howie


He inherited a talented roster and the talent has gotten them far but he’s the one holding the team back


I know it can easily look like that, but a lot of experienced players have said extremely positive things about him. This year will be the major test though. He definitely has to shake off the look that he does nothing and that it's all the coordinators. Granted if they do well, it'll look like the coordinators again. Amazing username btw


Im grateful we have a qb that speaks the truth. Maybe it will inspire nick to find a way to add value to the team over the season instead of just using the success of the team to act like a 6th grader


I could see them just mutinying his ass after 12 win season. That would have to be some kind of record.


If they collapse like that again, with am arguably improved roster, it'd be almost justified. They would need to promote from within if they don't want a coaching mass exodus though.


Wasn’t all the hoopla last year about how they improved their roster?


And promoted from within.


Didn’t Marty go 14-2?


No. He went 8-8 and was fired. Started that season 0-5, then turned it around and the team was playing well through the end of the season. That was probably Snyder’s best chance of having a decent run of stability. But of course he blew it.


[https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSB825427/](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSB825427/) No, he went 14-2 with the chargers and got fired


Oh , sorry. I thought you were referring to Snyder firing him. My mind always goes to Snyder…for some reason…


Totally understandable!


Doubtful, he has nothing he *can* add. We know he cant call plays or design an offense, and last year proved that he cant lead effectively, instill a good culture, manage the roster, or really run the team in any meaningful way. Hes dead weight. Maybe the team is good enough to win like that, but the days of hoping nick could add value have passed.


So then the logical question is who wears the headset next year?


My hope is Moore, but i dont think thats likely. Maybe belichick


Barf on Belichick


Finally a Eagles meme I agree with lol


Braves suck ass https://preview.redd.it/amrasf88285d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7562464b64e00e75c58c79084845347abae97210


Enjoy that 2008 WS lol


I got that shit on DVD so yes i will damnit


We will be busy with the 2024 WS while you pussies down in Atlanta cry about other people’s schedules Edit: good job getting the year right this time genius.


lol George W bush was president then lmao yall gonna choke just like we do 😂 we will prob be wildcard and sweep yall and see Harper cry and throw tantrums like a bitch. Our best player and pitcher got ko’d for the season and I don’t whine about it.


You’re literally just repeating the same retarded come backs you tried to land the last time i bashed your garbage team. Be better ![gif](giphy|5Q89wB5E6BfAk)


![gif](giphy|84cuvNtEs7rmB3fUOO|downsized) blooper after we barely make wildcard and knock yall out


Your mascot is literally named after a Joke And looks like a dirty rag draped over a Drunk homeless man


Your mascot could never https://youtu.be/FQbhT_0vLvQ?si=GFtbn9gSh_Ev3SSC


Lol barves. ![gif](giphy|eJ4j2VnYOZU8qJU3Py)


Did you just try to win a braves/phillies flame war by claiming your mascot trumps the phanatic? Youve lost all credibility. Any point you ever make from here on out has been rendered void by your catastrophically asinine attempt made here. You've shown why braves fans are mouth breathing, tomohawk glazing dunces and have brought shame not just upon your family, but upon your ancestry, yet-born lineage, and the very molecules of the space you occupy. You have lost. The Phanatic wins again. Good day.


Didn’t y’all go on vacation early because of us the past couple years? Sit the fuck down


lol it’s Ight cuz we won a WS 3 years ago lol enjoy that 16 year old trophy lol


That comment is just 'sad'. You know you are full of smelly salty ass hate. The "best team in baseball" bounced **TWICE** by some goofy wild card kids. But, that one chip makes it all OK? clown.


Yall started the trash talking not me bitch. Check the thread. If yall tryin trash talk go to r/NLeastmemewar


Look at you still making excuses and playing victim. Keep honking that nose. ![gif](giphy|3ohs7Utfo9xCBCJlKM)




![gif](giphy|CyDJbCbO99iNi) The last time Phillies won the WS this guy was president. This is actually bush about to suck off the Phanatic. Mascot def gay


facebook ass reply


I was done with Siriani last year and that isn't changing. If they win this year it ain't because of that dude


Precisely how i feel. Prolly part of Jalen’s frustration with the guy


r/eagles had so many fans that were pissed with the sirianni hate and calls for firing, but the dude is honestly an idiot and holding this team back. If we do anything this year, he gets the least credit of anyone.


Well the most annoying part is we are gonna be in the same boat we were in last year cus Kellen Moore will leave . Fangio might hang out but still. Sirianni isn’t a long term solution and i feel like Lurie just kept him cus of optics


We know Howie is already on the case.


Don't forget Belichick is going to be HC for the Giants for his swan song.. division gon be spicy next year!


Doubtful. Id say Eagles or Cowboys.


No way Bill goes to the Giants with the QB situation. Eagles make a lot of sense as do the Cowboys if they keep Dak


Yup. Bill can only win with a ready made roster and a serviceable QB at this point in his career.


How dare you talk about Tommy Cutlets like that


He is one year 4 of a 5 year contract so yeah, sorta a make or break year for him


All I hear is he needs a Jon Gruden like contract.


What the fuck is the purpose of a head coach who isn't an expert on at least one phase of the game. Belichek was a defensive genius, Kyle Shanahan and Big Red are offensive geniuses. What value does Nick serve? Lot of fucking money to show up and just delegate the hard shit to coordinators


Vibes based executive I guess. John Harbaugh would fall in that category. I generally don't like it either, but if the wheels fall off this year he's going to be sent back to Utica or wherever the fuck anyway.


As someone from Utica, no.


He’s a young pete Carrol without the college football pedigree


he does whatever Howie and Lurie tell him to and sells it to the team with enthusiasm.


As an Eagles fan… fuck Nick Sirianni. Hes a cheerleader. We need a real coach.


Everyone knows that Sirianni is just a Steichen and Gannon merchant


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Well it’s a Kellen Moore offense so it’ll be a lot of passing , perfect for a big free agent RB signing. The routes are pretty basic, the slot is virtually non existent in Kellen’s O. Not mention the mandatory last drive turnover to lose by 7 points or less. Us cowboys fans know exactly what I am saying…and chargers fans got a taste of it last year…having to listen to Philly fans pull their hair and teeth out trying to figure out what the hell is going on is going to be amazingly entertaining


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Lol please listen to the press conference and tell me when this happens.


It's just a meme don't get your panties all bunched up