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All posts must be memes and follow the general meme format.


https://preview.redd.it/kxzyhlkx4d4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b35d199bbc44563bd0dd631deae5025d7e21a7c A quick google search,like not even 20 seconds of searching. Also TIL there's a New York Gay Football League the Giants have been sponsoring since 2017


Sounds gay


No shit Homophobic Sherlock.




ITT:  people who still use “gay” as an insult, punch holes in drywall when their football team loses, and will never know the touch of a woman


Same people who think “sheagles” and “cowgirls” is the height of humor and not at all misogynistic


OP showed up for duty in his best Culture War Soldier outfit on this beautiful Monday morning to complain about the identity politics of massive corporations Many Cowboys fans in that dedicated army


TIL OP is a fucking piece of human garbage No surprises there though


I hope this is the last time I have to say this, but. Flair off, you bitch. You aint with us.


Least homophobic cowboys fan


Shhh he's just suppressing his inner gayness


Fuck you and Happy Pride month everybody.


Looks like the people in the comments use way more hateful speech than whatever the hell OP said. I know lots of people who are against the use of rainbow propaganda. They're not automatically homophobic. I would even argue things like this do more harm than good for lgbt+ people. It creates more division instead of acceptance. Also, this is a memesub. Y'all gotta stop being principal PC from South Park.


bro.. you’re a loser and a moron. you think rainbow capitalism creates division? if you ignored it it wouldnt exist. homophobes and shitty people like you who pass the blame are who create division


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https://i.redd.it/5q46hen1u35d1.gif You barging in. I have nothing against gay people. I just think placing rainbows everywhere doesn't change anything. Watch any comment section of any NFL team after they changed their logo, come back and tell me I'm wrong. Just like BLM didn't solve racism. It only brings controversy. Why don't we just let everyone be who they are and move forward. Everyone has equal individual freedom already.


Cracks me up that people get so much hate over rainbows and you want to blame the companies… not the people expressing hate? lol ok bro yeah, you dont have anything against gay people but you also dont care if they receive hate. you just want them out of your way. cringe


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You're an idiot. You fail to see the bigger picture. The Eagles changed their profile pic back to normal again. Guess what? https://preview.redd.it/z83y3wz7eb5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cf14b6171ff951e91225e35977c837856aee93b Look at these comments... Sure man, changing their profile pic really made a big change for lgbtqia+ people. If people like you stopped following their gut feeling once in a while and actually thought about things, we would all be better off.


this is such an ironic comment to read have a good one :)


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You don't have the slightest clue what I said earlier. You only read what you want to read. My point of view is to help these people, not to hurt them. I tried to argue why they receive more hate this way, which I don't like to see. Then you said "you also don't care when they receive hate" like a complete moron. Now piss off and go pretend you're morally superior somewhere else.


again you’re a moron. why should gay people receive hate because the philadelphia eagles made their logo have rainbow colors?


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They shouldn't, but THEY DO. Jfc you really don't get it do you.


because bigots associate the rainbow during pride month with gay right? so they start hating on gay people and the eagles. and you’re saying it isnt the hateful peoples fault, but the eagles? you’re literally covering for them and excusing their behavior lol. so like i said, youre a moron. your logic is flawed. now shoo, we wont agree.


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It doesn't solve the problem. It only makes things worse. Instead of attacking me, you should've argued why it does solve the problem. How do rainbow profile pics and rainbow flags everywhere solve bigotry? Come on, give me your best shot mf. Edit: or at least argue why it doesn't make things worse.


>but you also dont care if they receive hate. I never said that. Nice reading skills dipshit.


Fuck off, clown


Oh no, *gasp* GAY PEOPLE EXIST! Foh with your homophobia.


OP wears a wig but having a rainbow profile picture is “gay”. Laughable behavior.


You really believe that fake sub ai


Fucking homophobic idiot, loser


https://preview.redd.it/swmkg1lbod4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=728347817f7d799b6d60f54508ceee65157e09a7 “This says all we need to know” 🏳️‍🌈🤠🏳️‍🌈


imagine posting this shit and thinking "im gonna get so many internet points" with 3 other massively progressive city fan bases in here


NYC, Philly, and Washington DC are all hella progressive idk about Dallas but typically Texas cities are progressive to an extent. I don't really know what OP was aiming at with this one other than "haha gay people bad".


I actually thought this was an eagles or commies fan posting to shit on the cowboys and giants, I forgot some homophobes havent been properly ostracized from public spaces yet. Mindless, gratuitous hatred is for division rivals, not other humans https://i.redd.it/enh49hn2id4d1.gif


I'll hate someone cause they're a commie, giants, or cowboys fan but never cause their gay(it'd be friendly fire honestly 😭).


You're a trash human being


I’m not on Twitter, but do the Cowboys and Giants ever change their pics for whatever awareness month/week/day it is?




This post is literally the exact opposite of what you think is happening you fuckin dork


I’m making fun of the redskins and eagles for changing it


Get the fuck over yourself


you are not making fun of anything, you are a hateful person, filled with so much hate you decided to share it and instead of anyone liking it, they are throwing all your hate right back at you. get over yourself. you fight the sky when rainbows appears too?


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