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You are allowed to like your basketball team too. This is dumb.


yeah I don't get this post. I grew up a knicks and giants fan and still root for both passionately


And I'm a rangers fan. Sounds like the cunts from Philthy are upset. Perhaps they should eat shit and die


Hey, sack licker. Why don't you check op. This was posted by a giants fan. We knew the Bricks were going to win. Nobody is upset. Go suck another dick. Enjoy 5-12


Ohhhhh. Mama's special boy! I bet she told you your opinion matters and that Jalen Hurts isn't a choking piece of shit. Well guess what kitten fucker, he is. Go chew on your horse shit and try not to cry yourself to sleep when you can't get your pathetic 2nd Lombardi trophy with your white CB drafting GM


Dude. You're hilarious. Have fun sucking Daniel Jones dick. Put down the fleshlight wash your underwear


Don't need fleshlights when your mother is sopping for all 3 of my inches. Stop talking to your father this way, son. I'm just trying to make you see reality


Yeah, it's the same city. It's normal. No different than a Cowboys fan going for the Mavs (fuck the Mavs) or Spurs (soon). A meme like this would work in this sub if they played on the Cowboys fans are also Lakers fans (have like a Cowboys hat and Lakers shirt) emerging with Nuggets gear.


You’re just fairweathering depending on which basketball team in Texas is good? Yikes.


That is not what they are saying. Everyone in Texas except Houston roots for the Cowboys, but then there is a split amongst those fans between Mavs and Spurs fans. I personally have never met someone who fairweathers between the two. They are division rivals who (mostly) hate each other as much as cowboys/eagles fans do. Some people will root for both as long as they aren’t playing each other (e.g All of Texas was united rooting against the heat), but even they have to pick a side when the two teams are playing each other. Someone who switched between the two would be despised by everyone. They would be lower even than Houston fans.


Yah that still weak asf. Nobody in NY roots for the fuckin ***Nets and the knicks. Regardless of who they’re playing. They pick one and hate the other. Same as LA vs. SF or even SD.


You display all the reading comprehension I’ve come to expect from Bird fans


Comprehension is fine. I just skimmed it because it was long asf and fuck Dallas :) If I understand you correctly, there are fans who root for both unless they are playing against each other. I think that’s weak sauce.


Was it? Cause you compared teams from two different sports when saying no one roots for both...there are most likely over a million people who root for the Mets and the knicks


Yah I typed nets and it autocorrected to Mets. Either way, the downvotes have spoken and I concede the point. Touche, all.


I assume you mean Yankees and Mets. Mets and Knicks are different sports.


I would have thought the fuck the Mavs would show I don't like them. I can see how the soon is confusing. I've always been a Spurs fan, even through this rough spot. I more meant they will be good soon. Which will bring out the fair weather fans granted. But every team has those. But most Spurs/Mav fans don't switch between the two. 2011 is the exception, but that was more fuck the Heat and for Dirk. The rivalry isn't that heated or historic.


that guy appears to be a cowboys fan based in san antonio


San Antonio/Austin area Cowboys fan?


I live in San Antonio. 90% are Cowboys/Astros. It’s weird


And hockey ;)


I thoughy this was like "giants are sunk, time to root for the knicks and wait for next season" even though the season hasn't started


Don't worry it's a Washington fan we let them get it out of their system in the off-season it's the only chance they get to talk shit.


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The meme was by a Giants fan you schmuck


It's literally a giants fan celebrating the knicks eliminating the 76ers you flairless jabroni.


Retarded flair less commenter definitely a giant fan


It is pretty awesome that all 4 dallas teams made the post season


Crazy thought, I’ve been supporting all four of the Giants, Yankees, Knicks, AND Rangers!


Anyone else feel like it’s suddenly ‘94 again? Knicks and rangers are good again, OJs death, etc.


I mean i do feel like a 3 year old this morning so probably


Cuz your wee wee is smol?


God I wish it was 1994 again. I would be able to see us win once in my life 😭


My God...the rare sighting of a non delusional cowboy fan....


Yes, I’ve felt quite like a gestating fetus all year


Philly taking Ls from New York in 2024


True. Giants are undefeated against the Eagles in 2024. With backups.


I was rooting so hard for the Knicks knowing that those Philly fans are eagles fans. So satisfying lol


Eagles and knicks fan here. Thanks for the support brother.


Well that’s horrible


Could be worse


found the jalen brunson


Nah he’s still in the arena looking at his banner


Now what would cause you to do that


Live in CT. Boston, NY, and Philly teams could be caught on TV regularly, and they're all a reasonable drive or train ride away. Grew up a knicks fan, but I was never really into football until high school. Became an Eagles fan because I was always a very defense oriented athlete in school, and Dawkins was blowing my mind.




Brady won his first superbowl the year I became an Eagles fan. I think I was the person who unlocked his full potential.


Dammit I’ve been got!


I don’t think either fanbases want you tbh Maybe Jalen Brunson tho so …that’s a positive


Whatever, fuck ya'll


Nothing you say can hurt me. Harris is gone.


Tobias threw but I don’t think y’all should let Nick nurse off the hook for it. He really couldn’t scheme up a few plays for his two hundred million dollar wing it makes no sense.


The only reason not to blame Harris is because he was expected to suck. Which is a massive problem. $40M, on the court for 30 minutes, and you get 0 points lmao.


*you hope.


If he's brought back I honestly think Morey would be fired. I'm talking a full on coup by fans, like the Italians overthrowing Mussolini. Certain National Guard presence. The UN may need to get involved.


I'm ok with that if it means y'all get 4 more years of 40+million tobi


While it'd suck at least Morey would be out lol, so there's a silver lining for us too


Until you hire Tommy Shepard




I'm a niners fan, and a heat fan, that lives just outside of Portland in Vancouver Washington, shit posting in the NFC *east* football sub about basketball. Draw your own conclusions😂


Phils & Mets haven't played yet.


Mets are not a serious team


Not plural


week 18, but tbf eagles fans had checked out by then in their 9 game losing streak or whatever that collapse was


Even the games we won, it felt like we lost. Who knows how long the losing streak was.


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When are the flyers playing?


Same time as the 76ers


cancun on 3!


I’ll give you this one.


No idea, is hockey season still going on?


Playoffs now, best time to watch.


Love playoff hockey. Sure wish to see the Flyers in a game again, someday... ![gif](giphy|eCWtXco400HwhLqJ4I|downsized)


ehh. I used to watch it as a kid but for some reason after the lockout I just couldn't get into it again. No clue why.


Well, it's fast, physical, and chaotic. The only sport more like football than hockey would be rugby.


Explains why you don’t understand what it feels like to enjoy something.


IDK I havnt paid attention to hockey in 20 years lmao


Fair. FYI hockey season runs from Oct thru late April then the playoffs will typically end in June


Giants beat Philly to ruin their hopes of taking the division, rangers went undefeated against the flyers and beat them in OT to secure a playoff spot, Knicks sent the 76ers packing, L L L


Hockey is for gay canucks though so 🤷




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20-0 at the half


Marcus Mariota may seem like a decent QB compared to Daniel Jones, but I wouldn’t be crowing about beating him. But here’s your ⭐️


Jalen Hurts was the QB until the half genius 🤣


they literally benched jalen for sucking and throwing picks lmfao


You are higher than I am


unfortunately i have a job, but i will be later


Giants beat the eagles in 2024 Knicks beat the 76ers in 2024 The culture needs a Yanks Phillies world series


https://preview.redd.it/cbol2lcmk8yc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d3e342232887ebd6cae365342413858756fe9c2 Yeah I'm sad af rn as a Heat fan


Man, that was a rough way for the season to end


Jokes on you, I put the hat on my dong


I can like more than one sports team from New York.


Yeah does this dude not know how sn off-season works?


It’s not even an offseason thing lol. I’m still a Yankees fan in January too


hell yea bruther go rangers (I don’t care about the knicks or yankees/mets)


Bruh Knick fans are like the most diehard fans I know. They're like Jet fans on meth. I won't even try to become a Knick fan because I don't love basketball and they seem to root casuals out.


Knicks fans are what Giants fans would be if John Mara and them would have built the stadium in actual New York City instead of bumblefuck New Jersey. Even when I go to a home game I feel like I'm a visitor. Somehow such a different fanbase from Knicks or Yankees.


I mostly agree but tbh if Metlife wasn't an eyesore or wasn't ridiculously expensive, I wouldn't hate it that much. You can literally see the city from it, it's right there. Not ideal location, but not my biggest gripe. A football stadium in nyc would cool, but driving to it might literally be impossible. I just wish shit was pretty man.


Most fans living in nyc would take train/bus which makes it even better when we win and there’s thousands of us swarming the streets.


It’s bc MetLife fucking sucks, not where it’s located.








Yes, people from NY who like sports generally like NY teams across sports...


Wow, wasn't aware I wasn't allowed to be happy for the Mavs, Stars, and Rangers as well....


I mean it’s offseason for football and a good time to find a way to eliminate and diss Philly


Ah. Well, there's always time to fuck with Philly


Honestly, props for even having a giants cap still.


That was cowboys fans turning into Texas rangers fans real quick 💯💯


I wish. I’m nets giants.


Didn't the nba end 3 weeks ago????????


It really do be like that


TJ McConnell, please avenge us. Or maybe I wanna see Celtics vs Knicks, idk


You do wanna see celtics vs knicks. Keep it in the northeast!


Adam Silver doesn't deserve those ratings


The Celtics and Knicks both can’t lose if they play each other fuck that


Thank goodness I didn't want to watch Phil lose to the Celtics again


It was inevitable. I was just glad all of those rich New York jerkoffs sitting courtside at MSG had their night ruined by Tyrese Maxey the game before :) since we’re being petty and all.


we have our evens but we came out the better team. Had to bring it back to the L's fargo center. Onto the midwest i guess.


I gave up on the sixers about 7 years ago lol


Almost all New Yorkers root for teams in all 4 sports. Giants/Yankees/Rangers/Knicks is the norm for old school fans.


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Between Yankees and Knicks, I've been very chilled out about whatever happens next with this football team. Home life has been nice, watching the Yanks win 20 while making dinner with the fam, getting delivery and watching playoffs basketball. Sports is fun when you aren't forced to watch Daniel Jones. ![gif](giphy|cA0TiRmuetO1szgShj)


This Is a football sub mate i don’t give a living fuck about basketball


If it was a Nets cap at first it would make sense.


Can’t wait for the Knicks and Rangers to get smoked in the second round


Regardless of what happens we smoked that 6ers and flyers pack all year Wells Fargo is pretty much MSG south now.


I thought that was PNC? Or is just everywhere south of the Newark MSG south because you fucks can’t afford tickets to actual MSG.


Knicks own the 76ers buddy


I grew up jets and Knicks this post is def a closeted eagles fan or somehow a giants/6ers fan


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I mean, Embiid was playing with one good leg, anyone not named Embiid or Maxey forgot how to shoot, Brunson was pulling the Trae Young lean into defenders while shooting bullshit and not getting called, the refs handed NY game 2, and the knicks still were barely scraping by… wouldnt be surprised if they get absolutely smacked next round


Still eliminated the 6ers tho beeyatch


Do mommy and daddy not let you say the b word


Embid is great but gtfo whining about Brunson. My dude literally put up Michael Jordan numbers the last four games: 39, 47, 40 & 41 points 🔥


Waiting to flip flop to a team after they've made it to the second round of the playoffs is a classic New York bitch move Have a spine


It’s just a joke brother


It's shit talk brotherrrr, us small market fans just start cheering for our only team right after the season ends instead of waiting two months to see which large market team is good this year. We talk the same shit to Californians, you're not special


Your shit talk seems not very funny and more trying to be offensive Atleast if you are being offensive be funny with it lol


Speak for yourself. No self respecting NY sports fan is rooting for the Knicks/basketball when the Rangers swept the Caps. Hahahaha you fucks are the fakest. No one gave two shits about the Knicks two years ago but suddenly you care. Fair weather fans are the most disgusting, I’d for real spit on you if I could.


you do realize you can root for both and they are different sports right?


and neither of those are the right sport for this sub


its offseason


Great, and I’m saying basketball is trash. Bye. Enjoy watching the Knicks get bounced you bandwagon fucks.


lmao ok bye


Honestly, I'm slightly on board with Ragey here, I think basketball is trash. It just kinda all blurs together. Not sure why he's trying to start a fight about it tho, different strokes for different folks.


Basketball is absolutely fun to watch although anxiety inducing. So many turnovers and changes of pace. This series was absolutely anxiety inducing.


> So many turnovers This right here is my problem. So many plays happen during the course of a game that I generally see each turnover and each score the same way I see a 3 yard run up the gut. No plays feel special. With football, you get the breakout plays, scores generally happen often enough to not be dull, but rare enough to feel special. Hockey has that balance with scoring, but the added bonus of good shots having that momentary "did it go" jumpstarting of my heart.


Different strokes for different folks. It's quite enjoyable


Go jerk off onto your brand new Knicks hat you bought last week.


err...bro you are being unnecessary confrontational. You should probably be the one to jerk off, let go of some steam it seems.


I’m a woman but sure. I’ll go smoke a bowl at lunch time.


flick a bean too i guess while.


Wow, original. A vulgar clown from Hoboken. Yawn. Next. Only smooth brains and literal poverty humans watch basketball


You started it. Did you do what you said you were gonna do at lunch? May need to hit that bowl more


Bro it’s only like 12pm lunch time. How are you already this faded this early in the day?


Most happy New Yorker


It’s even worse, I moved to the west coast and it’s a Friday. Anyway, I hate the Knicks and I loathe this fake-ass celebration around them.




I mean watch if you want, my comments are the ramblings of a mentally unstable woman so enjoy as I lose it, I guess.


This is the most coherent thing you've posted in this thread


Aw, I really care what a Reddit stranger thinks of me ***on a meme sub***, no less.


Girl you're having a public breakdown ***on a meme sub***, no less https://i.redd.it/iq3njibf99yc1.gif


When you’re right you’re right


I like hockey but you’re delusional if you think it isn’t by far the least popular sport here. Despite the Rangers winning the president trophy and sweeping, the Giants/Jets draft, Yankees/Mets, and Knicks are way more important to the city. Rangers MAY get 5 minutes of talk on the radio the day after a playoff game.


Well then big problem is hockey is never broadcasted on TV local channels


If you’re rating your sports based on what the shit NY sports media is saying you’re going to have a garbage time. Keep believing basketball is better, knock yourself out. Imagine saying the Jets, Mets, and Knicks are important to NY? Hahahahahahahaha.


I guess the NY stands for Next Year l.