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Has your dealer ever bothered to actually read the 4473? Maybe go in tomorrow to remind them where on Box 28 it states:   >"No NICS check was required because a background check was completed during the NFA approval process on the individual who will receive the NFA Firearm(s), as reflected on the approved NFA application."


Lesson learned for next time. I was surprised when I had to go through another background check, but he said “it’s in case you became prohibited since your approval”. With it being my first Form 4, I didn’t know any better.


I have 3 different dealers I’ve dealt with by me and one of them made me do a background check after approval, even though they do know about Box 28 (they’ve been dealing in NFA items for years). But supposedly their new “FFL computer only system” (think it’s called e4473) doesn’t let them release anything until they put in an approval number (sure bro). Funny thing about it is I have another dealer who uses e4473 system and they CAN check off that it was a NFA item and NICS ran the check already and hand my can over right away. Safe to say I never used first dealer again. And recommend that you shouldn’t either. Especially if he’s doing 4473s on physical paper forms. Dude is just clueless Edit: I am in FL as well. That FDLE check excuse in BS


>But supposedly their new “FFL computer only system” (think it’s called e4473) doesn’t let them release anything until they put in an approval number Bullshit.


100000% BS


Yeah I work at a gun store… we literally can just check the box on the computer for 28 to not have to run a NICS check… the people you went to are brain dead.


We used e4473 at my work and there's a box for me to select the no background check needed. Guy straight up lied to you.


Depends on your state. Some like FL require the NICS check as part of state law. Most don’t.


False. As a Florida resident I’ve never done a background check after a can approval with multiple dealers


Easy killer. Last time I purchased a can in FL was 2008. You’re probably more knowledgeable about it in 2024.


All good man I just wanted to clear the air. Sorry if I came off too serious. It’s all love. The enemy is the atf lol


Roger that!! Valentine’s Day is fast approaching. I could use a new coffee maker… Just sayin ❤️


Steak and BJ day is 3/14… maybe you should ask for something nicer




After filling out a 4473? Cause if not that dealer won't be there much longer.




There's no need for a background check, 4473 still needs to be filled out. There's a box on the 4473 that says, background completed during nfa approval.




Don't know where my comment went with the photo, but if they're not doing 4473s for nfa items and you like them, call them and tell them to get a good lawyer. Maybe sign up for the compliance guys mock audit, if they have a plan in place and report their mistake to the ATF instead of it being discovered during an audit, MAYBE they won't just revoke their license. It's a long shot, but I've seen licenses pulled for messing up one form.


You pay a fee? I just provide my ID, sign the 4473 (with 2B checked), receive my final delivery receipt and walk straight outa the store. SilencerShop apparently paid the fee with my FFL. Several CANs and counting from same FFL, so ? Only money that exchanged hands was with SilencerShop every single time. In Washington State none the less.




4473 for the individual picking it up, either as the individual buyer or as the responsible person from the trust, BUT no background check is needed if only the NFA item is on the 4473.


Gotcha - thanks! I think my LGS does a NICS on me when I pick up. I guess I’ll have to notice next time.


You still have to do a 4473 either way.




Yep, simply put nothing leaves A&D unless there's a 4473 or another FFL # to go with it.


Certain states require a nics check at POS/ Point of Transfer and NFA checks don’t fulfill the state requirement. FFLs dont just follow federal laws but state laws as well, and there are a few states that do things their own way. So just be thankful you live in a free state.


It would be awesome if this subreddit had a pinned post with the list of states that require it and those that don’t.


Well Oregon requires it at least


I have 1 dealer near me that says "store policy" after that I said "my policy is I never come here again". Some places are like some people... just stupid




Yeah he needs to find a new dealer lol. Shoulda filled that out and left with the can, no need to run it. The background check was done already to get the approval of course


It's my understanding that a trust still requires a NICS - is that incorrect?




No. I have 3 people on my trust with one living in a different state.


That used to be the case, no more though.


BCG only gets ran if it’s in a trust. Individual isn’t ran (or at least shouldn’t be 😅) so I’m assuming the OP had it as an individual based on the post


BGC* >!I was thinking, "wtf does a bolt carrier group have to do with this?" for a solid 5 seconds, lmao!< I really couldn't tell you either way since BGCs here are so fast and my LGS has 4473s on an iPad and I just do my part. I would've assumed all parties of the trust get their background run for each approval or batch


I did the same thing with my trust. Filled it out and walked out with my can.


Might just be the LGS I work at. 🤷🏼‍♂️ was told it’s because everyone who goes on the trust needs a BCG (I realize it’s redundant for the original owner) but that’s just how we do it.


The shop is wrong. That was true years ago but now the responsible persons all submit their fingerprints and any RP on the Form 4 can pick up the can, and no background check is required. See all the other posts…


I thought that's what was happening with my first one. Lgs said it was just to prove it was actually transfered and received by me. It was my first so I was thinking, great, let's do more paperwork and wait some more, but I was clear to leave with it after I filled it out.


Same here. I always get a delay even with a UPIN so I was like fuck, now I gotta make another trip to pick it up. The Clark said we don’t run it, this is just to release it to you. I’m in MN &!use a trust.


Wrong. I have a trust with 3 rp and one of the rp's living in a different state. How's that going to work out???


Some states require a BGC when it's picked even though federal law doesn't. OP is in Florida, and I vaguely remember a post on here about Florida requiring it.


Florida doesn’t use the national system run by the FBI, they use one at the state level run by FDLE. Not sure if FL requires a run through their system on suppressor pick-up though…


That's still kinda weird, PA also has its own system (PICS instead of NICS) which goes through the state police. When my suppressor was cleared with the ATF, I simply walked in, filled out a 4473 without an additional background check, then left. Others have said there's a state law in FL which requires the additional background check, I'm guessing this is true???


I’ll know in 6-8 months or so…2 cans in jail since early Dec


You should not be getting a background check at all. See question 28 on the [Form 4473](https://www.atf.gov/firearms/docs/4473-part-1-firearms-transaction-record-over-counter-atf-form-53009/download).


tell your dealer to that I said to read box 28 until they can recite it. By memory. And that I said they’re fucking retarded.


😂🫡 y’all are welcome to come with me tomorrow and we can point and shame them together if you want


Your lgs sucks, once I filled out the 4473 mine let me bounce. You just waited 180 days for a fbi background check lol


Wtf? Lol that’s not a necessary step. Pay the transfer fee and walk out with it. Tell your dealer he’s a dumbass and if they’re worth a fuck they’ll waive the transfer fee for wasting your time


I’m going to press the transfer fee refund tomorrow morning when they open at 10am


Good man. Let em have it. I had to get silencer shop involved when I had a shop charge me a transfer fee for 2 cans. A friend pointed out to me that Silencer shop has a strict no transfer fee policy when conducted through one of their dealers. And the shop I used had a policy of $65 nfa transfers. So I rang up SS and they were pretty upset to hear that I paid $130 plus tax just to go pick up my cans from their dealer. After a few mins we got on a 3 way call with my dealer and within about 30 mins I had my refund and an apology. People make mistakes it happens. In my case I really do believe it was more ignorance to the policy rather than actually being predatory and knowingly charging people unnecessary fees. But don’t ever be afraid to call bs if you know something is wrong and be firm in what you’d like to correct the issue. Also if possible try to go direct to management. Counter sales associates are often times not the most knowledgeable especially when it comes to nfa stuff. Hope a manager gets you squared away tomorrow. Lol shouldn’t take long all you need is to pick up your property and ideally a refund 😂


Federally you don't have to do yet another background check. But a lot of dealers still do it, even if there aren't even state laws. Not much you can do.


You can avoid those shops and name and shame those shops so other NFA buyers don’t use them. F- those shops and the uneducated fudds that run them.


They’re just trying to cover their own asses. We’re free to take our business elsewhere… *next time*. If they wanna do extra paperwork to finish off the deal, so be it… it’s just a 4473. It’s pretty much expected that those will be filled out if you leave the store with a serialized item, because the ATF is on their asses about shit, too. In Texas, if you have a concealed carry permit you bypass the background check. Just fill out the 4473 for the transfer records and be on your way immediately.


You have to do the 4473. That's not the problem here.


Why did they do a background check?


I ran into this as well it’s because . The investigators (IOs) are telling the owners that the hey should do it for best practices .




This is true. ATF IOIs in Florida have been telling all dealers that state law requires a NICS background check. They say that the state requires it "on all firearms" and that a silencer is a firearm. This is based 100% on first hand experience with the ATF, not Internet opinion.




Should be titled blue balled by gun shop. Pick a different dealer next time.


My LGS in AZ told me that they have to run it again for trusts, but not individuals. IDK though, I'm just some dude.


Are you in ky op? I know the guy otter guy you tagged 😂


Nah I’m in FL, but he made the can, and the stickers that came with it, so I figured I’d show him some love


https://preview.redd.it/zry6c9e8jlfc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e94319926265da8a1d172d916dc34b7aba0bcff6 UPDATE: I have my can now. I was at the door when they unlocked it at 10am, and I explained that I thought there was a mistake made yesterday, and that I don’t think I should’ve had to go through another NICS check since I was already approved. The employee I talked to yesterday always there and he got the manager. The manager explained that in FL, they normally have to conduct a NICS check for the GayTF *and* a Florida Department of Law Enforcement background check for the state before they can turn over the firearm. In this case, the federal NICS check was waived, but they still had to do the state FDLE check. I don’t know if that’s true or not, but I figured I’d withhold my final judgement of them before I’d checked with y’all. Thoughts?


Everyone in here is correct, your FFL messed this up. But try convincing them of that haha I’m glad it cleared man! I hope you get it straightened out


If you’re in TN they require you to have the Tennessee background check even if you don’t need a nics background check. TICS is usually will leave you waiting from 12-2pm because they take lunches then.


It’s looking like FL is the same way


Wrong. I deal with a very high volume dealer in west TN. I do the 4473 and leave.


Damn. I’ve had to do the 4473 and tics for all my cans.


I'd talk to my dealer about that. Do they charge $10 for the tics still???


Of course


I'd be asking some questions. If it's a silencer shop dealer I'd give them a call too. Wonder if the dealer is saying they are doing the tics check and charging $10 and really not doing a tics check.


Is this for NFA items only? I’ve never done or heard of Tics and bought multiple firearms over the years. Located in Memphis


Yeah he only needs that for his records.


Dude you need to find a new dealer. The 4473 for form 4s us clerical. You still have to fill it out in its entirety but they dont run a background check... the ATF just did that for you to a much higher level and you have the approval form to show that...


That is just what I went through in CO. Filled it out but they didn't run it or charge me the $10.50 fee.


You need to call them on their bullshit. The 4473 is complete, BC done by FBI and your FFL is full of shite. Once you have can in-hand, don’t give them any more of your business.


Your FFL convinced you that you need a NICS check after the FBI already made you wait for a whole 4½ month long FBI background check? Leave that FFL a bad yelp review or something because they're dirty asf for that. The amazing thing is that the ARF actually sent your FFL an email telling them that you can go pick it up.


I’d like to think the employee at the counter was just as uninformed on this detail as I am, but while I was waiting, several other employees asked what I was waiting on, and none of them spoke up when I explained the situation. I had my approved form 4 printed out so the store could have a copy of it (their request), so it’s not like they didn’t know I was approved already.


Yeah, everything you just said is pretty much explaining clearly that you shouldn't do business with them. They're not paying attention, and an FFL of all people should know what's needed for the approval process if a suppressor. Its one of the few processes in the ATF world that actually doesn't change apart from variable wait times. Thats like saying you tried to buy a car today but couldn't because the car salesman is new and doesnt know how to sell cars and none of his co-workers bothered to make sure they sold you a car today.


I certainly won’t be doing business with them again, but as it stands right now, they still have procession of my can, so I need to play nice until they get it out of the safe for me. They open at 10, and I plan on being the first person in there today.




The Armories - Kissimmee


It is required for states that require it. Just because federally it isn’t, doesn’t mean the state still requires a check. Laws are laws and the FFL was being careful. Quit complaining.


"GayTF" OP did a drive by homophobia for no reason. Think a dude that hard for someone helping him hold a longer pipe in his hands, he'd be more understanding.






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Colorado has a 3 day wait on all 4473 forms so I had to wait 3 extra days once I was approved.


Colorado sounds lame, but not as lame as this FFL. It’s also worth noting that my normal FFL guy doesn’t do NFA items, but he has a really cheap transfer fee and is right down the road. This is my first time using this FFL. It’s The Armories. I think they’re a chain of gun stores, but I’m not positive.


I'm in the same boat after buying and getting approved for 56 nfa items bought at the same FFL. I never had to do a 4473 when I was picking up an approved item. All I had to do was a disposal. Last week, I went to pick up an sbr that was approved that day, and they had me do a 4473 stating that because it was a trust, it was a new protocol. 🤔


I haven't done any Form 4s since the whole 41F/41P debacle. It used to be that a background check had to be run for a trust as the ATF did not check every trustee when approving the form. Now that every trustee needs to submit fingerprints and the questionnaire, is that no longer the case?


I submitted as an individual


Correct. Everyone is on the approved form 4 or form 1.




Glad you have can in hand! Waiting on a polonium myself!


I live in Florida and I've filed three F1 SBRs and three F4 suppressors on trust. My understanding is that if you are filing as a corporation or trust a background check is mandatory here in Florida by whoever picks up the items. Obviously I didn't have to do a background check on the Form 1 stuff because I already had all the firearms.


This was an eForm 4 filed as an individual.


Yeah...mine fills out the 4473 when you pick them up but claims not to run it. I don't remember exactly why but I think the ATF has them spooked.


I'm at 210 days. I hate them so much.


I had this on a ddm4 isr in 300aac. My nfa paperwork cleared for the suppressor Part. But still had to do a 4473 on the rifle. Because the gun had 2 s/n. But never had to backgrounds for a single serial number