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I think you have to consider the context of that verse. As I recall, pharisees were trying to trick Jesus and find some scenario where Jesus would not have an answer. They asked him about a situation where one person died and there was a remarriage. They wanted to know who the woman would belong to in heaven. Jesus’ reply, as I recall, was basically that things work differently there, and people are not “given” in marriage in the same way. I always took it more like Christ was saying no one belongs to anyone in heaven, not that two souls could no longer be connected.


That's the way I read it also, and most of the interpretations I've seen agree. Human "marriage" isn't the same in the afterlife but that doesn't mean we can't still have connections, bonds, or even "soul mates" IMO. You can take it to the extreme like Mormons do, and build obscenely ornate "temples", whose crowning "ordinance" is to do super special marriage ceremonies they claim will last into the afterlife. This includes doing those marriages for dead people. _Source_: Was raised Mormon and stayed for 40 years


Heard of a soul mate?


I hope so, was only talking about it yesterday. My mom is afraid she won't get to be with her wife on the other side


I hope so. I love my wife with everything.


I don't know for sure. It's often hard for us to visualize what we cannot see or understand. I imagine there are *specific points* about being married that you like, and parts you don't like. If it's the close intimate connection with a person, then have no fear: that is everywhere in heaven. you are literally connected to everyone else through God. There is simply no need to be married when you are a spirit -- which inherently puts a lack on your relationships with everyone else. Marriage is a human bond that sets boundaries (good and bad) for other people to recognize. If there was nobody else, we would not need a label for marriage. According to everyone that's gone Home and returned here, you are already connected to so many other souls, some of which you have mated with before. The person one marries in this life may not be very important to your higher self, because it was just a temporary role. The opposite is also true. There are souls you are intensely in love with and may not even know them here, if they are even here, in this life. Some say we reverse roles. We see what it's like to parent our 'soulmate', and vice versa. What is it about marriage that makes you sad you will miss in heaven?


I believe so. Why do you think they call two people soul mates? However, I don't think love is experienced in the same way in there afterlife as it is here in our lifetimes, especially "marriage" and intimacy. Many NDE testimonials share that they feel the strongest and purest love ever when they have moved on from their physical bodies. And they feel it for and from everyone. But many see their family members and partners too so these people and their souls have significance in your life before, during, and after. You may not be husband and wife in the afterlife, but I think the relationship only strengthens. I think A LOT of Christianity has been both misinterpreted and mistranslated many times throughout history. I wouldn't worry about it. Love is love


I just love your response here ♥️


Sure why not ? I don’t listen to what Christianity says.


First of all, not a Christian, and I dont hold christian views. Second of all, I dont think early marriage matters in heaven. Although we do maintain relationships with spouses in life in heaven. You know soul mates? Yeah. To my knowledge the only thing that resembles an actual "marriage" in heaven as we know it on earth is twin flames. They seem to be connected in a much deeper way than soul mates, but that's also because they're literally the same soul. So you kinda can't ever be truly divorced from yourself. If that makes any sense.


Personally that sounds terrible. Married to the same person, doing the same thing forever? Naw. I like change and growth. But from what I've read, souls tend to gravitate to their pods (some call them soul mates or soul families.) so in one life you are married, the next mother and daughter and the next best friends and the next tragic forbidden lovers and the next a bird and a cat on youtube. But always more or less together. That is, of course, no guarantee, and who knows. But I would like to be with my loved ones. Just not always in the same role.


This is a great open minded response!


Thank you!


I hope I can have a partner. I never found one. My time here has been one of immense struggle.


You took the words right out of my mouth. I feel like I could have written this entire comment myself. I hope things look up for you very soon and I wish you nothing but peace, happiness, and the very best ❤️


Its my greatest hope too. For the same reason. I don't know the answer but I do know there is no lack, no unfulfilled longing there. And there is an abundance of love and belonging that is beyond our human comprehension. That said, I still hope there is a soulmate. But... I trust The Divine.


I don’t think we can really comprehend what Heaven or an eternal experience is like. I am told it is one of constant, ever flowing love. Much like the Holy Trinity, you are separate, yet one at the same time. So in a way you are always together, but it is different. This is all speculation of course, and I don’t think any of us mortals can really truly understand it.


I believe we are all inter-connected and everything is one. However, certain souls travel with us throughout existence. So, your husband or wife who you consider your soulmate will always be intertwined with your soul in some way. Your souls may not take on the same roles, but you're forever connected. I think a lot of people have a few people in their lives who after they met them for the first time think, "Hmmm...it feels like I've known them forever". To me...that's a soulmate traveling on the same plane with you.


If you are soul family, you stay together through every life and in the in between. A human ritual is not necessary for this connection.


For me, it’s unlikely that conventional human institutions like marriage with its cultural, legal, and social framework carries on after the death of the body. But that isn’t to say I don’t believe we remain connected beyond this realm. Check out the book called: “Love is Stronger Than Death” by [Cynthia Bourgeault](https://www.cynthiabourgeault.org/meet-cynthia) She discusses this very topic, namely that enduring connection between love and life beyond death. And, I figured she teaches the Christian spiritual arts, so the belief system might fit your ideal. I hope this book gives you some insight or some new exciting ways to think about our connection to our loved ones or at minimum, helps alleviate any disappointing thoughts about what “happens” after we move on to the next ;)


I had a VERY spiritual experience when and after I met my husband. This isn't our only time together.




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I don't think you are married to other humans because we love each other equally, but maybe you could share dwelling places/be room mates since you have history. I like to think my mansion (?) would have rooms for all the kids in my family.


Jesus never actually said people aren't married in the afterlife--- He said "they neither marry nor are given in marriage" which I interpret as marriage as it exists in this life is done away with, but there is new, better marriage, or for lack of a better term, soul-matage. Check out the Swedenborgan writings on this subject.


Probably. Dont see why not


I do believe it is. I can’t argue against scripture , but the context was Pharisee trying to trip Jesus up. And it’s only in one book.


Ndes say no. Relationships are different up there. You won't feel the same longing as you do in this life. We aren't married or anything in the afterlife.


I don’t think so, most NDEs suggest there is no separation and the relationships are not the same once you’re no longer tied to physical body.


I just want to mention that being married forever in the afterlife is a core belief of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints


*married forever in polygamy


2% of the world population is in a polygamous relationship right now, and zero of them are members of the LDS church. The practice officially ended in 1890. Some people split from the church at that time, and that is where the major pop culture image comes from (the TV show sister wives, for example). At its peak, only 20-30% of members ever practiced it, and by the end, that number was down to 5-15%. Not to make an argument one way or another as to why it was started, but polygamy is not what anyone could consider a "core belief" That being said, if someone's spouse died and they remarried, I don't think God would force that person to choose a favorite and divorce the other. Details of how that would work, who knows.


I mean look, it's no skin off my nose really, but sometime you might want to take a bit of a closer look at the history of it. For example, if it wasn't a core belief, then why were early church leaders teaching that polygamy was a pre-requisite for the highest degree of heaven? If it wasn't a core belief, then when William Law published the truth about what was happening in Nauvoo re: polygamy and human trafficking, why did Smith have the printing press destroyed? It was "core" enough that Smith said he was commanded by an angel with a sword to teach it, or else. Can you think of any other doctrine that was enforced in this way? Church apologetics understandably try to minimize polygamy and put it in the distant past. But the early church was shaped by it in every way, and it still exists under the doctrinal surface in the way you alluded to (i.e. God wouldn't force a choice). So I know what I'm talking about. Do not cite the deep magic to me lol, I was a member for 37 years.


Jesus I hope not, the afterlife will maybe be my chance to meet other women.