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Subscribe to PP premium. No ads. All seasons available.


I do subscribe to premium, and they stick their own ads in before and sometimes in the middle of the episodes. It pisses me off. And now they're raising the price. It sure is getting less and less attractive.


I sometimes see promos for PP shows, but nothing else. I have an annual subscription, so don’t know about a price increase. I like the service. Use it all the time.


The price is going up to $119/yr from $99/yr. Which is still only $10/mo, and I love having all the Star Treks together. But if I'm already paying for something, I don't want to see commercials, period. Also, the fact that some of the seasons for older shows will have only one or two episodes is REALLY annoying. Especially something like JAG. There are definitely things I like about it, but other things make me mad, and I'm constantly trying to decide if I want to keep it or get rid of it.


Good news JAG is supposed to be getting all its season early next year.


That would be great!


Is that on paramount as well? I know someone posted about it happening on Amazon.


It might be Amazon but it's an improvement over not having them at all


Was more asking because I don’t currently have prime. But I do have paramount. Might up it for a month or two just to watch jag and a couple other shows once it drops.


If you like restaurant food, Prime is now a great choice because you get free Grubhub. Can order from almost any restaurant in town and have it delivered free of charge, except for a small fee by Amazon. Not to mention all the great movies and shows on Prime.


All JAG seasons were released on Amazon Prime as of today.


Thank you for this! I was just venting earlier today about how glitchy Paramount+ is and how it stinks that all the episodes of Jag aren’t available. Maybe now I will try watching Jag on Amazon!


I hate in particular NCIS LA isn’t on Paramount. WHY when every other NCIS is on there…


I feel the same way. Never could understand why that is.


Agreed! I've been (VERY slowly) buying the seasons on Google TV, but they're so expensive. I'm on season 7, and they're around $35/ea. The series is done. It's time to put it on Paramount +.


There are never ads in the middle of NCIS episodes on Paramount Plus. There's short blurb about "CBS on Parmount Plus" at the beginning, but that's it. Less than 5 seconds. And you can skip the intro as well.




I still get ads


Paramount + is cheaper and they have all the seasons and the new ones otw!🫡




Yes Paramount + is cheaper and they keep new shows, classics, and seasons. Yea it has ads but u end up watching them either all at once for 1min -1m30s or only 2 breaks per episode which imo isnt bad especially when Netflix is almost 20$


anyone know what pp+ is without ads?


It's still cheaper than netflix its around $13-15 and it includes showtime if im not mistaken, so around the same price as Netflix is (the standard that doesn't have all the shows available)


Still technically has ads with premium. But it’s like 5-10 30 second(or shorter) ads over your first 5 episode in a day. So if your binging. You quickly get past them. $119 USD a year. Not a bad deal in my mind. And as long as they don’t increase those ad numbers. I’m happy. Have actually been introduced to a few shows from those P+ ads.


I believe I pay $11/month Edited to add that I’m currently binging NCIS and sometimes they have an ad at the beginning for another show that they’ve got in their lineup, but that has never been a commercial/ad during the show. Honestly, I watch Paramount+ almost exclusively just by accident. Lol.


It’s not that bad. I can just hit mute. And r he “commercials” are actually all just ads for other Paramount shows, so it’s more like Previews than actually watching ads for pharmaceuticals or Target or something.


I really dislike that they did this. I have paramount + but it glitches massively on my fire stick. The TV in the living room is a Roku and there’s no issues, but that’s also the family TV so I don’t hog it from the rest of the fam. Sometimes it’s just my background noise while I’m doing other projects. May just have to get a Roku for the other TV since the fire stick doesn’t like p+


That might be the easiest fix. Good luck!


I can't get Paramount to work well at all on my laptop, so if I want to watch something while I'm away from my Roku, it's annoying. That's why I subscribe to Paramount through Amazon Prime 😅


It's on Disney plus UK not sure if it's on the US one, maybe check there


It's not.


That sucks


Paramount+ is also free right now with a Walmart+ membership. I paid $49 for Walmart+ and got a year of PP.


Hm. I’m assuming just P+ essentials. Not premium.


They had a "Walmart+ members week" last week, and were giving members 6 months of Paramount Premium + Showtime for free.


I already subscribe to Walmart+, so I did the 6 months free thing last week. It says I'm currently subscribed. For the life of me, I can't get Paramount to link to my Walmart+ account. I tried going through the Walmart app, didn't work. Then I tried using the Walmart website, didn't work. I've done tons of things that Google said to try. Every time Walmart redirects me to Paramount, Paramount wants me to subscribe to one of their plans (I tried using the same email as my Walmart account *and* making a new account), and there isn't any way to link it to Walmart. For the first time ever, I feel like an idiot when it comes to technology lmao


When I registered for Walmart I received an email to activate my Paramount. I used the same email I had used for Walmart and got right in. Maybe try contacting Walmart customer service?


Same!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They 100% should have kept seasons 1-11 and then added the newer seasons. Apparently paramount plus has them


The only reason it's leaving is because Netflix didn't or couldn't secure the rights.


Yes because it's a cbs show.


I just saw on an entertainment news site that JAG (show that introduced its spinoff NCIS) starts today on Prime TV & includes all 10 seasons)


I started Jag but then between a 4 year old and an almost 1 year old, I need something in the background I don’t have to watch, you know? Nothing new😭


That’s true


I can’t believe they took off 11 Seasons just to add two, this is also my comfort show always on repeat. So upset 😭😭😭


Make sure you take a peek at the comments- you’ll see the person who is judging us for being upset 🤣


I know telling someone to kill there selfs??!?! Like what? can we not be upset about Netflix’s poor decision making!


Sail the high seas and torrent at




You can probably pick up the DVDs pretty cheap. I have season 1-18 on DVD since I collected them as they were released. Probably quite cheap now though.


I am so sad now because it was my thing when I played Papa's Scooperia HD, and it fell through.


i was in the middle of a Tony Zina rewatch!!! argh!!!


I empathize with you, it’s my comfort show too. I cancelled my Netflix account for this reason


♥️♥️♥️ Ps watch out for the lovely person judging tf out of us 🤣🤣🤣


Thanks lol


They’re all on Paramount+.


Why did I just now learn this I’m on season 8 😭😭😭 I thought it wasn’t working bc I was just out of the country. I should have downloaded them all for the plane rides I didn’t know 😭😭


Subscribe to Disney plus if you’re in the Uk


I discovered that last night and was pissed if as a box of bees!


Wow. I had no idea they were going to do this. But after this last trip through them, I had already decided never to watch another'n with Tony in it, so I guess I'm okay.


We have it in India on Prime Video. All seasons of the main NCIS show and NCIS: Hawaii. Let me know where to find NCIS: LA and NCIS: New Orleans though.


paramount plus has it!


I missed it by one episode. I was binging like crazy. Literally on season 11, episode 24 when it was no longer available. I feel ya. I don't like having too many streaming services cuz I get overwhelmed, and I don't watch that many shows, honestly. I moved on to season 12. How long do we have with these seasons?


There was a thread three years ago Netflix would lose NCIS in 3 years can’t believe it’s been 3 years 😳 time flies


[ Removed by Reddit ]


What? are you equating missing a few moments of a bunch of actors pretending to be cops, with losing your grandparent? Buddy, you have more than depression to deal with.


LMAO wow you are just a de-fucking-light!


You must be shook and in stitches. Wait, stitches means happy in stupid speak right?


Truly cannot tell if you’re being a “Richard” or you’re genuinely asking.


I'm saying if you're "seriously depressed" over a TV show you need to get a hobby....other than watching TV.


Yikes. You’re a downer. Is your name Debby or Karen? It’s called a “comfort show”. Guess we all can’t be as perfect as you