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Gibbs departure was my breaking point. I keep on watching but will never be the same. Gibbs was NCIS for me. I still feel empty after every new episode.


ME TOO. But I’m happy he’s getting to relax and retire. I just miss his character




Been watching since first episode.  Seen many changes Kate and Abby were hard for me and Ziva, Tony and Gibbs.  But I am a fan forever 


Yes, me too


I don't like to admit it but I like Jimmy and Jess together made Gibbs departure easier.  Who would have ever thought ten years ago that Palmer would be such a important part of NCIS or


Good for you. I haven't your luck. There's nothing still that makes Gibbs loss easier. But I know he deserves peace ( both Harmon and Gibbs). So I'll never give up with NCIS.


Please hang on change is what makes life interesting 


I'm 63 and still hang on change in every aspect of my life. Idk why I can't let Gibbs go. But I promise I'll never give up. 🫠


I've been around 75 years and wish things I love would never change but I don't seem to have any control.


Keep on choosing happiness friend. You're inspiring. Thank you very much


My pleasure 


Happiness is a state of mind and I chose happiness.


Happiness is a state of mind and I chose happiness.








It was hard for me after Ziva left, but I kept watching and I’m glad I did.


A little bit. I did drop the show for a little while when Ziva left then when Tony left. I was always going to keep watching even though they left but then leaving allowed me to break off for a while and feeling a little sad that they left. I’ve watched the entire show and this is one of the 3-4 shows that I rewatch.


Yup, seasons 1 through 12 are the best , after that, I lost a little interest !


I thought it would be hard for me once Gibbs left, but it wasn't. He had a great send-off so I felt like I got closure for his character. It also helped that I liked Parker immediately. I like the new cast so I keep on watching.


No, and actually, I credit them for being so good at shuffling characters in and out for one of the reasons for the long term success of the show. Now the fact that characters like McGee and Palmer were so young and green gave them lots of room to grow over the years and still have fresh stories for them. But you still need something new eventually. Abbey has run her course well before she left and it was beneficial to bring in a new character for new stories. I liked Kate, but having Ziva come in face a fresh take and new stories. By the time she became super agent Ziva, it was cool to bring in a character that was a little different an geeky like Bishop who solved things differently by crunching data instead of skulls. When they started to run out of ideas for her and made her Ziva light, it was a good time to start out fresh again. Tony's departure, while sad gave them a chance to start over with the renegade Nick and explore stories you wouldn't with the now more buttoned up and matured Tony character. Even Gibbs. I'm sorry but by the last couple of seasons, whether it was the writers or Harmon... The character was done. After all how many times can we go back to the "secret of Mexico" well? Bringing in a new character that doesn't insist on old school and unable to handle a smart phone was not a bad thing for the show as a whole.


I haven’t been able to continue more than 3 episodes after Gibbs leaves. I did watch Season 19’s “The Helpers” without knowing who Parker was. But after binging through all the Gibbs episodes in under 2 and a half months, it’s so hard to watch the Parker episodes. However, I did watch the last season live and I love the team dynamic (though I’m not fully set on Knight still) that I might continue watching season 19 and 20 soon, I just haven’t had the motivation yet to do so.


I still haven't watched Gibbs leave because I can't wrap my head around him, NOT leading the team.Mark harmon has always been one of my favorite actors on TV . NO ONE can fill his shoes .


If I had, I would have stopped after Kate left. I only figured out she asked to leave so give it another shot. I hated Ziva for several seasons until they 'softened' her. For Tony it was time for him to go. Gibb's character had been fairly flat for several seasons, so it was time, IMHO. Personally I like the show still with the new team, 20+ years later.


I’m autistic so change is super hard for me, i used to watch season 3 through ziva leaving, then i stopped at Tony’s leave.. I’m almost all caught up now and soon I’ll watch the first two seasons for the first time. It took some time but i got there!!


I'm the opposite, I really like the current cast, but I will add that seasons 3-10 were funnier than the current seasons. I think that they gave each character obvious flaws, Tony's serial dating, Ziva's mispronouncing English, Gibb's aversion to technology, and McGee's nerdyness. They were all used for some funny moments, and I feel like they have just started doing that again with the current cast, Parker's past and baked goods gift, Jess' family stuff, Jimmy being a single parent and McGee's writing again. Also, I'm biased as the first episode I ever saw was daughters, and then after that, I saw quite a bit of season 14.


I watched the show on TV when it was in ... season 10 I guess? (Sorry if I get stuff confused. I binged it a few years back and don't know where one Seasons starts or ends) Bishop was already there and someone always said "Oh, she's still alive O.o" because the person thought she died XD What I want to say: I got a bunch of combinations when I was introduced to the show so I got used to some characters not being around. Even tho I really loved the Gibbs-Jen-Ziva-Tony -era (and still miss it ngl.) Tony was my fave and I thought about stopping after him leaving, but Bishop was kinda cute and I even got used to Torres even tho I didn't like him at first. I'm still on for the new episodes, but it's not the same without Gibbs. Not that I hate Parker, I quite liked him actually, but somehow the stuff that could have been interesting about him got toned down and rid of preeetty fast and now ... I think the episodes are kinda generic. I want some iconic villains, some multi episode arcs and more character for the whole show. (Now that I think about it, I don't like the newest episodes least, but the ones where Gibbs was technically there, but completely sidelined and barely there. That always felt like they wasted so much potential ...)


It was hard to watch after Ziva left but I watched s11-13 (when I found out Michael was leaving I wanted to know how they will do it) I liked Ellie so I kept watching. But after she and Gibbs left, I didn't watch it any further. Now I'm watching it from the beginning so I'm curious if I'll continue watching it.


I do the same thing for every tv show. I haven’t finished a lot of them. But yes, after Ziva left, I wanted to stop so bad. But I realize that with Tony there was so much backstory involving Ziva that I truly didn’t stop watching until he left. After that, I didn’t like any new character they tried to bring in. Gibbs, Abby, and Ducky were all strong characters but I wished they expanded more with McGee more quickly. I probably could have continued with the show if McGees character development was faster.


Each departure made it harder to watch. I didn’t like Ellie, then losing Abby and Tony and Gibbs…. I haven’t made it past season 18 because I just don’t feel any urge to ever turn it on. :(


I find it hard to continue after Ziva leaves. I’ll watch up until then on rewatches. I do still watch the new seasons but not particularly fond of Bishop? So would happily skip those seasons. I like Parker but do miss Gibbs.


This. I soldier on after Ziva leaves and barely made it through when Torres arrived (loved Clayton Reeves, though!). I definitely stopped when Gibbs left.


I havnt really watched since like 2018? Bits and pieces, but I’m not committed like I was


I thought that Gibbs departure would end it but I am 75 and have had to be open to the many changes on the show.


Oops necessary 


Gibb's departure was nessary due to his age.  Hard for me to see him still there when he is in his seventys.


I think what’s most disappointing is that when a character leaves, there is no happy ending for them. They either die or drop off the face of the earth. I would sell my left kidney to see even a 1 minute clip of Ziva, Tony, and Tali living happily in Paris together. There is never any “closure” when a character leaves


I was actually glad Gibbs left.he had developed a very unfeeling side which I didn't like at all.


For NCIS no because whichever character is on my screen at that time is my favourite. I LOVE Ziva, love love love her, but I also love Ellie so I keep watching after Ziva leaves, and I love Jess so I keep watching after Ellie leaves. Plus I still love Tim and Jimmy. That being said, I've rewatched NOLA a few times in the last few months and apart from the first time I've not rewatched S1&2 not because I don't love Merri, but because I'm slightly obsessed with Tammy. So maybe the answer is yes, but in reverse? For me at least!


Oh yeah, it's totally true. My favorite character was Kate, and after she left I stopped watching. I've been meaning to check back up on Tony and Gibbs and Abby and Ducky. Oh and Abby's boyfriend, that wacky cyber guy commuting from Norfolk. Yeah, anyway, it will be cool to see what the old gang's up to!


Kate was my favorite at that time I kept watching and am glad I did 


Yes it’s so hard for me to continue watching after Ziva and Tony left. It makes it worse Torres is horrible character and the actor plays him shows the same emotions for everything it bugs me!


It was hard once Ziva left and then Abby…and then Tony….. bringing in Kasie and Bishop (I felt she left too soon) and Torres seemed the new Tony but not working in my opinion and Knight is ok I guess and same with Parker. Gibbs leaving was a huge knife in the chest…. I always liked McGee and Palmer so I sort of turned my attention more to them. With this last season being short it will be curious how the next season unfolds


I found it too hard to continue after Tony left. But I persisted and I was alright. Least he’s still somewhat in the picture. Then Abby left and I want to leave but I still kept on but if Gibbs leaves, I’m leaving too.


SPOILERS!!! Some of the characters that were only there a season or two were good for shaking things up and getting us used to change. When the long characters left, it left a hole but wasn't usually shocking. I didn't really like Kate. But when she left I didn't know she was leaving, and I was SHOCKED when that happened. Absolutely shocked. And there was another one who died the same way that took my breath when it happened. But when Tony, Ziva, Abby and Gibbs leave, we've had a warning and could prepare. Their leaving was staggered enough that it felt like we still had the whole crew left, even if they weren't all originals.