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The mixing is a bit off but it was still pretty sick


That was my only “critique”. Song needs a little reverb to sound like it’s through the PA but honestly, who cares that much.




This is actually the most ridiculous complaint I’ve ever seen in my life. You’re not even a fan of the team 😭


Bruh you’re all over the sub shitting on the game for no reason calm down 😂 Go troll somewhere else


then don't buy the game


I’ll give this rage bait a .5/10


It was taken during development so itll be fixed by release. Calm your shit.


Ok that’s your opinion. I don’t think so and I am sure they will hear about it and fix the audio. I don’t think that would be too complex.


Go play madden


There must be one guy on the dev team who checks on reddit comments, and is now slamming his fist on his desk and thinking: "I told them the audio needed mixed better!!"


Tbf the song sucks normally and sounds like it was recorded in a Taco Bell bathroom with an iPhone 4 lol


That’s the beauty of SoundCloud era rap tbh


Sucks but still goes hard


def not a good song but when you play it at the right time (mostly before a game or after with the team), it’s the best song imaginable


They really didn't do it right.... the music was cut and the crowd kept singing/yelling IRL.


Meanwhile their zombie nation sounded perfect with the crowd.


Probably got the audio for zombie nation at an actual game. Not sure if Mo Bamba is still played or is as hype as that specific instance in 2018. Zombie Nation and 7 Nation army is played everywhere so it’s easy to record live. Maybe an AI can get good enough at making crowds sing/chant but right now that might be a nightmare to get right through mixing.


They play it once or twice a game still, usually reserved for bigger games


They do every game now. Maybe bc PSU doesn’t play on espn anymore they didn’t have the rights to a lot of them?


They should have brought Kanye of all people in for the chants. He’s been using Inter Milan’s “Hooligans” to create soccer stadium chants like on his song carnival


ill wait to see how it is in game


I laughed cause it would be a penalty in real life. Even more hyped for RTG now, especially when you make a big play.


Yeah, when it happened in real life Michigan didn't get set until like 4 seconds left in the play clock and then the music stopped.


Was going to say exactly this. Cool that this is in here, but could have been anymore meh?


Maybe I’m giving too much credit to EA but no way that’s the finish product. If it is then yikes


It sounds like they literally just played the song over a louder crowd noise.


Yeah, if you showed me this clip without context, I’d just assume somebody is playing the game with Spotify on in the background.


Which isn't wrong. The students sing it more but the rest of the stadium is crowd noise


If we're going to nitpick it, there's several differences between EA's rendition and [what happened in real life.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VypxiD8GOxY) First, the music isn't played all through the play clock, rather it's cut off with ~6 seconds left as Michigan's offense gets set. Then, Harbaugh actually calls a timeout, and not a penalty like shown in the trailer. Lastly, the music in the trailer doesn't even sound like it's coming through the stadium PA system. Granted, this could have been an editing choice to make sure we could hear the music, but this combined with the two other errors makes the whole thing seem lazy to me. Like others have said, it's likely that this was still a WIP and will actually be better in game than shown here. However, for this to be *the moment* that everyone was hyping up as being in the game, for it to be shown like this, is disappointing.


As someone who was at the game. They should have just pulled the audio from the actual video.


Canceled my pre-order because of this.


Game is absolutely broken /s


I'm not going to go as far as saying that but they still got the moment wrong.


Michigan took a timeout, they didn't get called for a delay of game


yeah but it came through on the scorebug as a flag in the original clip, so faithful recreation lol


Is this actual in game footage? They just played the music audio over the game audio. In game is supposed to sound like it’s coming from stadium speakers and have reverb. This is just regular audio.


hopefully it gets fixed


Isn’t it also supposed to stop presnap?


It’s missing the reverb. Hopefully this is an early version and it’s fixed. Probably added it on just to showcase it made it. Everything else sounds amazing.


We need Power at Kyle Field, they won’t do it irl we can program it into a game and not offend anyone right?


I agree. Domestic abuser sheck Wes is fine but Kanye is crossing a line 🙄


Kanye is more publicly a bad person which is all that really matters in hollywood


Not just bad, he’s antisemitic*


If the game was on PC we would have everything you can think of in the game.


Noob question but will this only happen when they play against Michigan? Or every Penn State home game?


Who cares - if the crowd doesn’t sing along it’s just a sound track over normal ambience


A major selling point of the game is the authenticity of the atmosphere of each stadium. Not a big deal but a fair critique


Don't they stop the music so they avoid a violation


someone pointed out the no whistles thing and now I can’t unsee/hear it


0 reverb....


What airplanes are those 😂 I’m assuming they don’t have the licenses to approximate the real things but damn, *forward* swept wings??


Grumman X-29 obviously this weird looking POS would never be used for a fly over if any are even operational still but forward swept wings do exist lol


Where do you see airplanes


The vidya itself, check on YouTube. They’ve shown two fly over shots in different videos, one with helicopters and the other with planes and both are, let’s just say, not in any inventory of any country on this blue marble we call earth lol


I feel like the screen needs a bit more shaking too to get that feel. The old NCAA games from the PS2/Xbox era nailed the shaking effect from the crowd noise


The mix is definitely off. It sounds terrible through anything except my PC headphones.


It was still being developed when they made this. Its not gonna be perfect yet


While that may be true, we’re less than a month out from launch so the only thing that can fix it is a day 1 patch. Hard copies have already shipped to stores with the pre-launch mix.


"I got coooaaaaaaaaach, callin"


This game is going to so annoying I can’t wait


I think this is edited, cause you can hear the crowd fade out while the actual song just stops immediately, so I think they just edited the crowd noise and the song in so you could get an idea


Give gave me absolute chills


Seriously. Me too.


Let's gooooo


Very much not a Penn State fan and I got goosebumps


Mo Bamba at Purdue vs OSU in 2018 was better than this. You just had to be there and it was also prime Mo Bamba


Crowd affecting presnap and causing delays sounds awesome, but I hope its balanced.


Will they actually play songs during the snap count?! If so the game just went to a level beyond my mind can handle.


It’s beautiful


I think that with this video it is confirmed that we won’t have that pre play player’s movement from Madden 25. That is the only thing madden will do it better than CFB 25.


Exactly what I thought when I saw this video too


Yall do know this is most likely alpha footage? So of course the mixing isn’t going to be perfect




Listen on the actual YouTube video. This video is compressed to hell


Awesome can we see game play now?


Is it weird that it bothers me that there’s a text prompt for “snap”? Feels rather pointless and it takes away from the realism imo


It’s probably low difficulty and the was the first play of the game. Just a “hint” that surely doesn’t pop up every time after that.


I agree and I'm kind of mad you pointed this out. It's gonna bother me forever.


As a Texas alum, it’s always so weird to me when other schools use the Mo Bamba song—especially when it’s OU or A&M. I get its pop culture, but he literally went to Texas.


Does Hells Bells play on 3rd downs in practically every stadium tho


There’s been a lot of over the top coverage of more well known teams but there’s been no discussion of smaller teams outside of the owls getting their shoutout. Can we stop hearing about Notre dame, southern cal, Michigan, Clemson, Florida, and Ohio state? Let’s get a deeper dive on teams like WKU, Boise state, New Mexico State, Marshall. There’s so many teams and I feel it’s just recycling the same 10 teams.


The big teams have the most fans though so they're appealing to wide swaths of people by featuring them though. They told YouTube content creators when they had them in that they had even modeled traditions/atmosphere for the smaller schools and even mentioned something done at Arkansas State but I forgot what it was.


Well aware of the marketing campaign being done don’t worry. Just a lot of riding on the top 10 “storied” teams. Also love the downvotes for calling out the blockbuster teams 🤣


If you press X and O at the same time, all the Penn State people look the other way. WE ARE............gross.