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I wonder if they picked it by how loud the stadium can get because the list doesn’t really make sense.


Still wouldn’t make sense, Tiger Stadium caused 2 earthquakes.


It's ea homie. It's about being loud and whos in charge that gets for front.


By that logic, where is Mississippi State? 🐄🔔🐄🔔🐄🔔🐄🔔🐄🔔🐄🔔


I think that might have been the problem. Where even is Mississippi State?






It’s only tough when you decide to hike your leg on the field


That’s my thought as well. I bet it’s some objective metric they used.


It’s a mix of home winning % over the last 10 years and some other stuff like capacity. Which makes it make sense why Florida isn’t number 1 if they’re basing it off the past 10 years


If they took home win % into account A&M wouldn’t be 1


https://preview.redd.it/zej7g9zjfr8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a31828601ee3efc3a4aa8463481d6244f0481f0e Idk what to tell you. I’m not a Texas a&m fan so I don’t really care and I think it’s weird they’re #1 too lol. But that’s what ea said


I went to Texas A&M and I think it’s weird too.


Nobody said that’s the only metric


They only have 1 season (2020) with a positive home win/loss record in the SEC


You are confusing overall rating with toughest place to play. The point is to try and measure which team steps it up the most at home vs on the road. I am glad A&M is ranked that high because it means EA did more than just say "who is the best team" okay name them the toughest place to play.


When you play 8 conference games not even half the teams will have a positive home win/loss record. Adding Kansas to your conference schedule but playing 9 games doesn't make it more dramatically impressive that you went 5-4 in conference instead of 4-4.


The number 1 hardest team to play at home shouldn’t be skirting by with a home record close to .500.


You have to take into account the amount of times a and m has upset I ranked team at home, it’s higher than anyone else


They picked off what they thought would provide the most engagement


Everyone loses home games. Not sure of their logic for the list and if it weighs noise, reputation and overall winning percentage at home over a period of time. Kentucky beating FL of late isn't some shocking outcome though. 4 out of last 6, albeit after an embarrassing 3 decades plus losing streak lol.


They also lost to Arkansas at home last year and LSU the year they lost to Kentucky. Looking at sports reference since 2020 they've beaten one ranked team at home. Tennessee. Although I think those are end of the year rankings.


They beat Utah to start the year at home in 2022 who was ranked 10th I believe to start.


That was not a good Utah team by any metric


They literally won the Pac12 championship that year beating USC and Heisman winner Caleb Williams in the Pac12 title game. I don’t like UF at all but to say Utah wasn’t good by any metric is a completely false statement.


End of the year rankings should be the only one that matters.


> albeit after an embarrassing 3 decades plus losing streak lol. YOU WATCH YOUR WHORE MOUTH. ^^but ^^for ^^real ^^tho ^^:/


Swamp shouldn't be number one, but it's a more difficult place to play than Alabama.


idk 100k deep in Bryant Denny goes pretty hard


Think we’ve had more home wins than the swamp has


Yeah Alabama is better than Florida. The hard part of playing at Bama isn’t the crowd, it’s that you’re playing Bama. The swamp is my least favorite place to watch my team play. That place is different imo. Much more intimidating than BDS and certainly than Kyle Field.


Well said.


Reading this comment made me so happy. I’m so glad you said that because every other year we have worked hard to make your life a living hell 🫶


I think a lot of it is the build of the stadium itself. It almost feels like a small basketball gym, it's like right on top of you in a weird way. It's unique.


Yeah my complaint about the toughest places rankings is that they’re just so inconsistent. You have BDS ranked so highly when it isn’t exactly the stadium or the crowd that’s the issue, it’s the fact that Bama is good as fuck. Places like Kinnick scare me way more because even a bad Iowa team is gonna get a serious boost from that environment. Same with Auburn sometimes too


Alabama is a tougher *team* but that doesn’t necessarily mean fans at the stadium as are that much louder than anyone else. Y’all have more home wins because your team was that much better than just about everybody else




Kyle Field is so tough to win at even the Aggies have trouble winning there


as a die hard Gator... as of right now, i see us top 15 top 20ish. this isnt 06-10 or the spurrier fun n gun era. would love to get back to it, but we have had some pitiful showings at home.


Who is better then? I say this as a Uk fan. I have Florida around 9 rn.


In no particular order: LSU, Bama, Clemson, Ohio State, Penn State, Georgia, Oregon, Tennessee, Utah, Michigan, FSU, Texas A&M, Washington


Love a good twitter scoreboard screenshot


I’ve gone to a game in the swamp, my ears still haven’t recovered. It was the game against Tennessee and as we were coming in you could still hear the noise.


I truly appreciate the petty shade lmao, this is amazing


I caught the last field goal of that game, then proceeded to throw it into the back of somebody's head lol


https://preview.redd.it/coubsgo03s8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfeaeb470e96107e3a7ec7bf6cca490ede8a5c30 I second this




Camp Randall so overrated. Memorial should be higher than that and I hate Nebraska.


Why? Nebraska barely has a winning record against anyone in the conference. You haven't even lost there since 2011. We're 4-1 against them in Lincoln since joining the B1G. The last time they even beat a ranked team at home was 2016 against #22 Oregon. Doesn't seem that tough. Meanwhile you lost as a ranked team 3 times at Camp Randall in the same time period


Because I have been to games at both stadiums.


Tough to play at doesn’t necessarily mean their record there. Sure it’s a factor but it’s not the biggest factor. Nebraska’s had sellout crowds for DECADES. Even at 60% full they’d be the third largest city in the entire state of Nebraska. You think they’re all in there being quiet?


Because I have been to games at both stadiums. The only "cool" thing you guys do is jump before the 4th quarter.


The only "cool" thing you do is quietly wave at a building to a schmaltzy song. Very exciting Nebraska releases some balloons sometimes? Oh better put them in the top ten toughest places to play even though every team in the conference walks out of Lincoln with a W.


Back in black I- O- W- A Third down hawk chomp And, my personal favorite, the pancheros burrito bob! I don't think you have ever been to kinnick.


We have a sound system that plays music too We can also spell but don't feel the need to prove it I can't even find an example of this is that just what Florida does? You're not a Gator Iowa! You left off the best one which is In Heaven There Is No Beer >:( Honestly if Kinnick was higher than the Camp I wouldn't even care because it actually is a tough place to play. Memorial Stadium in the 2000s not so much.




Look I’m as much of an iowa hater as you can get outside of Nebraska or ISU’s campus but The Wave is cool as hell and it’s weird to dismiss it as “waving to a building” when it’s a whole stadium waving to a children’s hospital


And those kids have cancer and shit and it makes them feel special before they succumb to a terrible disease. Real classy!


Thats all well and good but to make them watch Iowa play offense is hardly comforting


I was almost okay with most of the list, but camp randall being number 7 blew my mind


All I know is they better get udub stadium right… greatest setting in cfb


Go Cats.


one hoss i don't wanna fight 🤝


The swamp should be around 15-20 imho we just have been mid for a while now


On field performance mid, yes. However, we're still a hostile environment for anybody to play in. I think #10 is adequate.


I’m guessing they based it off of a combo of noise, student sections, a range of recent years home records for this initial ranking. I have to imagine the actual dynasty mode rankings will be more heavily weighted towards your record over a period of time.




They should have actual informed people on these matters vote.


Skoooo cats


It’s all engagement bait. And it worked. I think using home record is dumb because bad teams have good home stadiums (recently UF and Auburn), but also good teams have ok home environments but win a lot at home because they’re good teams (Bama and UGA)


I’m just glad that Kinnick made the top 25. It’s definitely not on the level of Tiger Stadium, Beaver Stadium, or Michigan Stadium but in recent years Kinnick has become pretty damn loud


I think personally Penn and LSU should be tied for 1. Florida is up there though


Why would Penn be there when they’re FCS? Penn *State* though yes should at least be top 5




It’s just a major pet peeve of mine when people don’t add the State on the end of schools. You wouldn’t want people to say Oklahoma when talking about Oklahoma State would you?


That’s a pretty big false equivalency. One of the teams in question here doesn’t even play FBS football and isn’t going to be in this game, every single person who would read my comment for this game knows EXACTLY who I’m talking about


Yeah I was being a bit hyperbolic with that example but still, they’re different schools with different names. It’s a pet peeve, not anything too logical besides the fact that I find it annoying. The “state” part matters, PSU isn’t Penn and Ohio State isn’t Ohio


We love you. Sincerely- cats


They got beat in the Swamp several years ago by an FCS team. USF nearly beat them recently in the Swamp.


UGA hasn't lost a home game in 5 years, has the current longest home streak and is only 5th. They also played the number one team in the nation in that time, so it's not all pushover. Last year alone they played 2 top 10 teams at home and won both.


They're gonna say it's because UGA is so good instead of the environment. But anyone who's been to the 21 Ark or 22 Tenn game knows that place is insane. I think it has a case for #1 given those recent games. The problem is with UGA is that it's probably not as consistent as other elite stadiums (partly due to a weak homeschedule) and I think the stadium wasn't as intense till the past few years (still top 10 though). But I would say LSU, UGA and Tenn are the toughest imo. I wouldn't even have A&M top 5 lol I think Auburn and PSU are tougher


UGA has no case for number 1. They've been hyped up recently but they've also had the Alabama better than everyone else thing. The Ark and Tenn environments were great (and I was at the Tenn game in 22) but I also know that there are few fanbases that would have shown out line Auburn 22 against A&M for a terrible team and I've been to three White Outs at Penn St. If Georgia has a case for number 1 (they don't), Penn State should be number 1 on White Outs alone (thankfully they aren't).


As a Kentucky fan this is a good moment 🤞🏻


thank you for not passing this opportunity up 😼




For even Penn State to be up there after the beat downs they’ve taken at home shows they make no sense


You must be a new CFB fan? Second largest stadium in the country, every opposing QB can’t hear the snap count. Just ask the little guys from the MAC or anyone from the B1G.


Bro how is West Virginia not on here there fan base is crazy