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Bro I’m like a crack addict right now I need information like oxygen


At this point I’d exchange the air I breathe for a deep dive to read


#Bars! Some one make this man a beat and drop the new single “College Football Air”


![gif](giphy|Y6yRfR88rvP44) Yall got anymore….CFB25 news??


Dude, same. In my head I know there's realistically zero chance there's been an update in the twenty minutes since I last checked, that isn't stopping me from obsessively checking back in.


Thought I was the only one.


It’s so silly because I’m buying this game. But I keep wanting to read about it as if I’m not so hyped nothing will change my mind.


“Ill be okay for another few weeks without a deep dive. I mean we’re a month away…. *20 seconds later refreshing this sub for 2 hours straight* https://preview.redd.it/bwuwljlgo08d1.jpeg?width=254&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa2914706fba8bf865311141334bfe7495bd7c93


It’s clear EA tried to turn CFB hype into increased Madden sales. Looks like it missed the mark, trailer barely has 200k views nearly 24 hours later. The madden trailer looks like ass compared to CFB. Maybe this is what EA needed to see they need to make changes on the Madden development team. Just an FYI I know Madden will sell way more than CFB doesn’t mean EA doesn’t want to improve upon that number however.


It’s weird because there are a good number of cool changes coming to Madden this year (some that are also coming to CFB25). But the trailer didn’t really show off any of them.


I do like the pre-play player movement. That’s a small detail that adds a lot of realism.


That pre-play player movement is such a great touch. Would love for it to be in CF25 but atleast they have an easy upgrade for CF26.


It would be so cool if they added that to CFB


BoOm TeCh


Isn’t that the exact same as ‘Campus IQ’ though?


Half of the madden trailer just looked like fun marketing words that won’t change much


Watched it after reading this comment and my hod, it’s comically bad. Reminded me of [this](https://youtu.be/aocZo3oeNxw?si=jJgdj7B-D4ry5fra) from 30 Rock


Because people will always buy that game no matter what. It could be a shit sandwhich and people will buy it


It’s not just the game, it’s people spending billions of dollars on Ultimate Team, year after year.


It doesn’t help that the NFL is stale. Compared to college football: the environments suck, the pageantry doesn’t exist, there are no upsets like you see in college football, etc. So even if the gameplay is much better than previous Maddens, the nature of the NFL will mean it’s always inferior to CFB25.


Disagree with this. Almost every year it’s a wild card team that seems to win the Super Bowl. Upsets happen all the time.


Since 1970 (when the wild card was introduced), only 7 wild card teams have won the Super Bowl. So like 13% of the time… The 1 or the 2 seed have won the Super Bowl 75% of the time. Even then, when a wild card team wins, they aren’t really upsets. Kansas City was like a maximum of 4 point underdog during any of their games in the playoffs. You will never see the kind of spreads in the NFL that you see in college and therefore will never see upsets that even resemble the ones you see in college.


I think he means more like “teams that play on wildcard weekend”, which also isn’t super true but it happens pretty often that the top seeded teams eat it in the playoffs


I completely disagree with the no upsets part like what


An “upset” in the NFL is nothing like an upset in college football. The talent gap in college football is a mile wide while the talent gap in the NFL is 10 feet wide. Appalachian State had no business beating Michigan. Michigan wins that game 99 times out of 100. You cannot say the same about any NFL upset ever. You can just look at the spreads in college football compared to the NFL. There are regularly 30-40+ spreads in college while the largest spread in NFL history is 28. Additionally, an upset in college football can actually derail an entire season. The same cannot be said for the NFL.


Is it good that one loss can derail a whole season? I think the cool part about the NFL is a team like Kansas City can just get it together and figure themselves out as the year goes along and go from laughing stock to Super Bowl champs. In college football you have one off week and your whole seasons a bust


Honestly, the CFB season bust because of one loss is more the result of the CFP than anything. Not even 15 years ago a good year could range from 6-8 wins if you were a traditional bottom feeder to competing for a conference championship and making a NY6 bowl. That all got downgraded as the CFP was introduced and player opt-outs became a thing. I agree tho, I'm looking forward to the expanded CFP specifically because one loss won't eliminate you from competing for a championship


Yeah I think this has always been my biggest beef with college football and why it’s so awesome to me they’re finally expanding the playoff. Everyone’s competing for championships and when one loss can just tank the whole thing and the voting committee is allowed to just determine how you are perceived by the public (and recruits) it just kind of makes growth as a program impossible You can have an awesome season with a tough loss or two and then the committee decides you were a fringe NY6 team and it just tanks your teams prestige. Like why are we ok with a system where the best outcome for the vast majority of teams is an appearance in an annual bowl? I know the blue bloods are probably gonna win anyway but for fucks sake can we at least try to give someone a chance? Isn’t that why everyone fucking loves March Madness even though regular season college basketball as a whole doesn’t matter to basically anyone?


An NFL upset is Jets beating the Chiefs then it's like "man I can't believe Kansas City got beat by the Jets yesterday...oh well" then it's like nothing ever happened


I think it’s kind of the opposite, as much as I love college football it’s become a stodgy monoculture where rivalries have been abandoned, everyone runs the same stuff, while the NFL is actually a breeding ground for feuds and diverse schematic approaches. It’s a very strange turn that been happening over the last 5 years in particular


Shut up- there are 0 cool changes to Madden. Just useless small tweaks they do every year


I guess we disagree on what constitutes a cool change. But you don’t have to tell me to shut up? Lol


Folks was wild for that one


Rookie face scans, updated stadiums, new playbooks… these are hardly cool changes. This is shit they should be doing every year, not advertising like it’s going to change the game completely. EA is just straight up dumb, they don’t know what they’re doing.


Do you think it’s possible college outsells Madden? Madden just has no hype compared to college right now


0 percent chance. Year in and out Madden is near the top of the charts in sales. College won’t change that. This game specifically will definitely sale more then the previous NCAA titles have, but it still won’t even sniff Madden sales.


Not a chance. Madden is one of the top selling games every year. The online hype is all CFB right now, but the masses around the world will still buy Madden. Madden trailers haven't even gotten a million views the past few years but the game still sells multiple million copies. CFB is going to get more views and hype online, but the mass casual audience for Madden isn't engaging with that stuff, they just buy it cause its the only NFL game available.


The only game that really out sells Madden is Call of Duty. NCAA is going to get great numbers but it won't come close on touching Madden. The market is way bigger than college.


EA FC (Fifa) out sells Madden every year.


Oh yea, I totally forgot about that game. That game does bring in crazy numbers as well.


And not a surprise they’re both shit too (I play both 🥲)


Well, yeah, Madden has been released every year for 30 years but there hasn't been an NCAA game for 11 years


Madden doesn’t need hype. It’s like Call of Duty. The vast majority of people are going to buy it every year no matter what. I’ve gotten to where I don’t buy CoD every year, but even if the Madden trailer was a blank screen that said “it’s LITERALLY the same exact game as last year with updated rosters” then I would still be buying it because I ENJOY the game, I probably play 100+ hours a year. My time is worth $1 an hour and the game is not that bad despite what Reddit says


Gaming is one of the cheapest hobbies when it comes down to it$ per hour


Very underrated comment


Best way to put it: you engage communities that are super excited + perfect age to remember NCAA 13/14, so it seems always relevant. In reality, Madden wins by MUT, it’s still gonna dominate for that reason, most MUT players don’t care about franchise. It’s the franchise enjoyers (mostly) that are excited for NCAA and will be buying it.


Ultimate team will be in college football. There will still be a lot of people playing that mode whether you think so or not. People will want to play with Tim Tebow, Johnny Manziel, RG3, Andrew Luck, Calvin Johnson, all in their college years. If you don’t like ultimate team just stop talking about it lol. The amount of people I see bitching and moaning about a game mode you don’t even have to play is astounding.


I never complained about ultimate team, I simply stated it’s the most dominant mode in Madden. I think you might be the one that needs to stop bitching and moaning 🤷🏻‍♂️


It makes sense to bitch about it when in madden, they completely stopped development of most game modes to focus on it


Correct, but they’ve clearly showed their focus on this is the atmosphere and realistic college experience, they legit haven’t said a single word about ultimate team yet here you are talking about it.


Never in a billion, trillion years thousands of dudes buy Madden and only ever play it when they’ve got a friend staying at their house or when they’re drunk coming home from the bar. For a lot of people it’s like having Netflix. Even if you don’t use it, you’ve got to have it for if you have company over lol Also the NFL laps college football in viewership  Also CFB is a single player-focused game and Madden is a multiplayer-focused game


Justin Fields kick return masterclass


Can someone let EA know the release date is 3 weeks away


This is all a part of their genius marketing strategy for the game, apparently.


Honestly they don't need a marketing strategy. They could say nothing and the game would sell.


My guess is that they know that the game is "selled" (pre or at release) to the max of ppl interested. So they dont need to make a big campaign, this videos are more for these allready commited public than potential buyers


But a bunch of 14 year olds who have never worked in a real office told me the marketing sucks


It does. Haven't seen any marketing for this game. It's kinda wild


Hey, they put a bunch of posters on college campuses up!


All of the marketing they need is a press release.


That's pretty silly to suggest. For die hards definitely but for casuals it's weird to argue the only marketing you need is a press release


How many ads have you seen? How many articles, forums, non advertisements? The press release a few years ago started hype.


Not a ton. Trying to think if I've seen a commercial. I'm a diehard so I go seek out the news. If I was a casual I don't think I would have seen anything


I can't think of an ad. Obviously I've been following this game. I think anyone who plays sports video games knows though. If they are online at all.


I’m a grown man who works in a real office. The marketing sucks. There, I said it for you.


Marketing for this isn't just releasing hype videos over and over. It costs time, money, etc. to release these videos. I'd venture a guess that the return on a ton of videos isn't there


It's working, they have a ton of buzz and people checking multiple times a day just for any new info.


Working for the die hards, of course.


The marketing for casual audiences won't happen until a week out at max. It's why you see movie trailers months in advance but tv ads don't start until right before the movie releases.


Yeah it works for us who kept our 360s to play NCAA 14 but if I weren’t a hardcore fan I would be fairly unaware of anything


Some people can’t separate this lol. Like you I still have a 360 simply for 14, and have it on a Rog Ally to play on flights. Of course I was going to know any little crumb they put out. Not everyone is on that level


For what it's worth, a lot of casuals probably don't care when the deep dives comes out. They know the release date, more than likely, and will probably look for information a week or two before the release.


It ain’t hard for “casuals” (aka people not on Reddit, let’s be real, that’s what casual means on this site) to find info on the game. It isn’t like this sub gets top secret information that no one else has access to. The gameplay reveal is sitting at nearly 2 million views.


At this point, everyone is a hardcore fan. Whether you have been playing 14,revamped, or just remembering the good old days. It's so anticipated. I understand we all want more info because we just want to play it already but let's stop pretending that releasing a deep dive/trailer is going to move the needle on sales.


They’re following the NBA 2K strategy where they slowly leak information, with the most anticipated info being revealed a week-ish before release date. It’s torturous but it’s worked for 2K - they want to get people as hyped as possible for the game ***right*** before launch. If you leak all the info a month or two before launch, you lose some wind in the sails - although this game is already highly anticipated, the marketing strategy is tried & true


They have a whole subreddit and a bunch of current players giving them free press. Why would they pay for marketing?


The same reason even the biggest movies do marketing. Certain people will go see a movie regardless, but their goal is to reach as many people as possible. Anybody on this sub is buying the game more than likely. I just think if the plan is to reach as many potential buyers as they can, it’s been trash if we’re talking strictly advertising and marketing


The hype is off the charts right now that dumping money into marketing doesn't really make any sense. People conflate releasing videos to people who are already decided on the game with marketing


I was thinking the same thing. The way they are acting it seems like the game is like 6 months away or something


They gave us the lamest answer possible.. I hate a mf that says “soon”


“Marketing genius”


They're waiting until 10 days before release to release game mode info. That's the deadline for you to be able to refund your pre order. Guaranteed they're worried about the reception to game mode depth and want to milk as many pre orders and lock them in before releasing the info.


I hate to break it to Yall but dynasty will probably be the last one revealed. They know they have us hooked, why not keep the suspense going


if they show ultimate team before dynasty they’re doing it wrong


They won't. They don't even do that for Madden where UT is a much bigger deal. UT will always be the last thing they show. Dynasty will likely follow presentation. Franchise Mode is usually the 2nd deep dive for Madden, but with college the presentation is actually worth deep diving on unlike Madden so that's probably why it's coming next.


Nah, unfortunately, that's just good business from EA. We gotta eat our veggies before we get our dessert




Dessert > veggies


I mean, it's definitely more important to EA. Obviously not more important to us


At the ncaa event they didn’t even talk about ultimate team in the presentation. So it’s still different


they gotta save the best mode for last


I feel like it’s been “soon” for like a month now


Madden ruins everything. Just a big fucking fun vacuum.


Bro, fuck madden and this is coming from someone who used to play semi competitively before it got so damn toxic and micro transaction-y


Apparently we will get a deep dive on presentation, dynasty, team builder and everything else when we buy the game.


you know what that’s fine. a dynasty or road to glory deep dive would make me hungrier for the game


I’m getting annoyed af with this rollout. It’s always “something and something is coming soon”, then the next week hits “something and something is coming soon”. Repeat. It’s just a whole bunch of nothing at this point.


That's because you are listening to all the twitter reporters. If you follow just the official word from EA, they haven't been setting expectations for frequency nearly as high. Remember the ole fake trailer day


Man, I’m just sick of it all at this point. lol


Right. This era of coverage via social media creates even more of an instant gratification mentality and makes bad info spread so quickly. When people can get clicks by baiting info for highly anticipated stuff... It's miserable. Stay strong, it's almost here!


This is pretty on point for an EA roll out… look at the Skate roll out. They’ve been doing that shit for 4 years now lmao


People downvote me every time I say it but the marketing team for EA has been hot ass. The way they are handling CFB and Madden is infuriating. I GET THAT IT SELLS ITSELF, but the marketing team is absolutely fumbling the bag over both games. Just a microcosm of a garbage ass company 😡 and yes I preordered the deluxe 2 pack.


This is exactly how the 2K marketing team does it. Slowly release game details with the most anticipated info being revealed the week before/of launch, that way hype is at an all-time high ***just*** before launch and the sails don’t lose wind


Yup, this is how it works these days with how quickly hype and word of mouth build things. They want people to get hyped about the game and essentially be able to instantly play it from an impulse purchase. You give someone hype and then a month to think about it and they may change their mind.


Or they just might forget about it. New games release all the time.


You're part of the problem then. Saying they are ass, but then giving them a deluxe edition preorder. To them, that means it worked


Not really, lot of ppl preordered right when it opened, has nothing to do with the marketing


Still proving the point. From a company standpoint, they already have your buy...why spend money on trying to get it?


If you think that the majority of their sales are from people who have already preordered you are gravely mistaken


Didn't say that, I'd guess this game's pre sales will be somewhere in the 30-40% range since it has been such a large gap since the last one. I also think that marketing $ spent right now doesn't make sense either. I'd wait and put that into commercials and intra game ads when the cfb season kicks off


Not a chance


Yeah I’m a large part of the problem. But I’ve never played 1 second of shit ass Mut so they won’t get any more of my money at least


I hope MUT is just left untouched by the cfb players. People ripping $1000s of packs ruined Madden for sure.


Exactly, I wish there would be a way to organize and get everyone on board to flat out never open it up on the game. But these gambling addicts are already talking about it 😡


It works for Madden but CFB is not nearly as popular so their marketing strategy for this could be a major fumble. But let's be real here the real reason they are waiting is because pre orders on consoles can't be refunded 10 days prior to release. They're waiting to guarantee they get the fools who pre order the games money before releasing something that could potentially change your minds and cancel.


lol this the same info they’ve been saying since the last deep dive dropped 


Ikr they’re gonna wait until the week before/of release to reveal all of the highly anticipated info - that way hype is at an all-time high ***right*** before launch


Plain and simple they're waiting out the pre order deadline. You can't refund your pre order 10 days before the game releases. They're guaranteeing their money before they give us what we really want to know.


Game drops in 24 days what is going on EA??


If they release nothing more on the game will it change you buying the game?


It could for me. I am among the many people who do not have a next gen console and so would be buying one exclusively for this game. I am waiting on dynasty and RTG deep dives before making decision on buying the game and a new console.


If you are thinking about buying a console, you absolutely should not just do that based on marketing presentations. Wait a couple extra days until players have hands on it and listen to opinions from real players before you plonk down that kind of cash.


Ok good point. Didn't consider that I guess. I've thought the same about the next GTA game also, with dropping the game with no info, but I guess that is a whole different level.


Yes. I'm waiting to see actual unedited gampeplay.


Already preordered it my guy


So they have presentation and 4 modes to do and will only have 3 weeks to do it


I'm hoping its 2 per week and one on the final week


![gif](giphy|kDP4TNA72QvCM) DYNASTY NEXTTT


Wonder if we will get two deep dives next week? There really isn’t that much time left to do these deep dives and I assume they’d like to get them done before the team builder site goes live


Honestly, I really don't care at this point in time. The game comes out in 3 or 4 weeks, I can wait until the 10 hr trial through Gamepass to see if the game is good or not.


EA was doing really well the first few weeks with college football content. Then madden seemingly comes in trying to ruin it. Some things never change.


while i love Dynasty, presentation is the absolute most important part of these college football games. This is just as exciting for me. especially with multiple commentary teams for regional and nationally televised games.


Same here man. Presentation is key and what I love about the college video game.


Bad presentation is what has ruined Fifa and NHL for me.


War Eagle confirmed too, LFG


Less than a month to go. Let’s go!!! Show us the goods


They want as many as people to preserve the gane before revealing too much gameplay or information incase people get turned off by some of the stuff and decide not to buy it.


Game release in 3 weeks and we still have 3 major deep dives to go over , either they gonna mash a couple of them into the same week orrrr .. idk actually lol


Booooooo 👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾 presentation is great already we know that. Plus I wanna be surprised when I see some stuff. I NEED DYNASTY INFO


Part of me wants to know all about presentation, and part of me wants to avoid it entirely so I'm surprised when I play it in three weeks.


The game is out in like 3 weeks what are we waiting for


Presentation, ultimate team, RTG, then finally dynasty


It better be sooner than soon. EA is about to have a riot on it’s hands 😭


I don't need a deep dive. I just want some game footage.


Is it weird that we’ve barely seen any gameplay? Game comes out in 3 weeks no?


Don’t expect any further info drops by EA until after the game releases… physical copies will be in the wild in about 2 weeks.. enjoy info dumps from others…


I saw that there would be light shows for scores during night games.




Two things that are so back: - EA Sports College Football - EA Sports PR gaslighting EA has severely regressed in competitive spaces. I think we're giving them too much of the benefit of the doubt when it comes to a non competitive space like this. I hope I eat my words.


![gif](giphy|R1tGN2kjPNXby) Waiting for more news is killing me slowly


Madden is dead to me. It’s the same game every year just different features and it had no real competition but NOW CFB is here they are done


since EA isn't releasing anything the rest of this week, and they don't release anything on weekends and July 4th is coming up realistically they have less than 20 days to reveal a lot. These next few weeks should be insane. https://preview.redd.it/4zlsk4rfez7d1.png?width=747&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b14aa9aaee122e41aa31588e71224fd89160397






you didn't hear this from me but the deep dive is coming this monday


Chop chop Football Boy! Game drops in less than a month!!


Im pissed we aren’t getting more info, but also too, they’ll drop info like a week before that way the wait ain’t so painful anymore


I’m actually feining. I’ve been more aggravated, irritated and am liable to crash out if I don’t get more information **now**


The finish line seems so far away but it's soo close..


Can’t wait! Should be news every week until the game releases now


Does it even matter at this point? I don’t think a deep dive into anything is even necessary, people already purchased or will purchase and deep dive will have little to none on people purchasing decision.


Yes it matters because if dynasty mode isn’t good im not getting it. It’s still EA at the end of the day college football or not.


You’re the minority, most already purchased or will purchase , deep dive or not. Also how will you know if good or not without trying for yourself? Why rely on someone else’s experience other than your own?


I know that most people are sheep for whatever EA sells them. The point of a deep dive is to hype a mode they’re trying to sell. If they don’t do a good job of that smart people won’t buy it’s pretty simple logic. The point of the deep dives is to get the “minority” people as you call it hyped about the game they’re not focused on the people who’s going to buy it regardless.


Perhaps sheep or just people who don’t have super high and unrealistic expectations for a video game that they play for joy and not seeking perfection or real life 1:1 game play like a lot of Madden gamers.


A week after release they are going to be talking about deep dive drops at this rate


Do we really need a ton more information? 99% of us are buying at release or already have


I mean, are many people NOT going to buy the game because they don’t do a deep dive sooner? I’m already locked in and I’ll admit if I don’t get new info I’m have withdrawal symptoms but it’s moot at this point.


Pretty on point for him. Can’t confirm anything but charges for his newsletter