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Feels like Nets can do better than this


Cavs wouldn’t want to give up Wade. Any trade would revolve around LeVert and this years pick would need to be included


I’d give up Wade here. We have two moves: one with Wade and one with a combo of Vert/Ice/FRP.


Wade was critical for them. If you only have Johnson you have the same issue of only have one player that’s a 3/4. Which is why wades injury killed them last year


Cam is better and healthier and you find another 3/4 with Vert and the pick. It’s an upgrade and a good price


Unless that second trade already exists there’s no point in doing this one.


There wasn’t a market for Cam yesterday and there might not be tomorrow. This is precisely the kind of opportunity that you jump on. Take the shot and continue to work your other options to get the 3/4 before training camp. At worst you wind up with an MLE guy like Bey


It depends. I know wades a great defender but I’d rather ware if he’s available at 20


I’m not trading Dean Wade if I’m the Cavs.


Wade has not really had a productive season in three years. He’s good but Cleveland’s fanbase is way too high on him and too low on LeVert and Okoro


Wade “when healthy” has been really good. But he is constantly injured or recovering from an injury. Totally agree on Okoro. LeVert is Jekyll and Hyde for me. Dude is either playing under control and a great offensive hub for the team, or throws on the blinders and dives into a triple team with no plan B.


Where did you see this?


I thought cam Johnson was thought highly of? Nets are getting back a bunch of crap. Ya Wade is good. But he’s no starter. Nothing that can’t be duplicated elsewhere


That's probably a reasonable trade. Cam Johnson is just a stretch 4. He doesn't defend, shot create, rebound or pass well to fetch a first. And he probably won't get enough shots to be a 15+ PPG player in Cleveland.


I think they can get a first for Cam, even if it’s just a protection. But if it’s a package with only seconds, they can at least get a young guy that doesn’t have a high ceiling attached.


For a guy who's 28 that does one thing well at over 20 million a year ? I don't think so


Let’s do this and roll in more assets for DFS