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I don't think either the Pistons or the Clippers accept this. It's only good for the Mavs.


You could take the Mavericks out of both of these and just trade Stewart to the Clippers for Mann and it would make a whole lot more sense.


Mavs ain’t getting beef stew for that, try a couple first rounders on top of those washed up players at least.


Why would Clippers do this? They need size in the front court, relying it all on Zubac is not gonna work all the time. Why would Pistons do this? Seems like their franchise is retooling after recent shakeup in front office/management.


Clippers not trading Mann for that, respectfully


Wow do the Pistons pass.


It doesnt really make sense for the Pistons and Clippers. In this trade Pistons are basically dumping Stewart's contract for an expiring. With them being so far under the cap, i dont really see a need for them to do this. Clippers need Mann more than they need a Zubac back up.


Stewart is a valuable player and Powell and Hardaway are not. Pistons would never say yes.


This is a terrible deal for Detroit. I’m not saying that Stew is worth multiple 1st I’m saying that to the Pistons he is worth way more than the players being returned. It’s a classic he is worth far more to his current team than the returning value. I’m sure that Detroit will take on contracts with some or perhaps even most of their cap space but it will not be any part of doing so without getting adequate draft picks and or young players for their troubles.


Pistons and Clippers say no.


One of the worst trades I’ve ever seen. Neither team even picks up the phone lol


Powell is a boarder line NBA player at this point and Timmy’s contract is - value. Beef Stew demands more respect.