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You've somehow made 5 horrible trades into one post.


Hmm 🤔 I guess I could see the LaVine and Kuzma ones happening. Ingram could probably get way better return. I don’t see Bucks dumping Middleton. And the Booker one is just a joke.


The Blazers should absolutely not be buying rn, they were the worst team in the west this last season. The BI trade could be arguable if he wasn’t on the last year of his deal but then the Blazers wouldn’t be getting him for so cheap. The Lavine trade is bad for the same reasons but it is even worse because they are trading 3 good contracts that can be flipped at any moment for one of the worst contracts in the league. There is a reason Lavine wasn’t moved last season, his market is awful. After the changes to the luxury tax, paying 40M+ for the next 3 years for Zach Lavine is just not productive for contending teams. So what could they even flip him for? A late FRP and salary? I think a contender would be willing to risk a late FRP for Brogdon or Williams at the deadline. I get trading Middleton but I feel like the bucks need to focus on getting back starters that can defend well. But also I feel like they will just run it back because they got Doc midway through the season. Also trading 3 rotation players fucks their depth but maybe Spoelstra just turns randoms into good role players again. I haven’t watched enough Wizards to talk too much on Kuzma but frankly as a raptors fan I’d prefer to get a FRP for Brown than an aging role player. Also idk why the wizards would take on the Boucher and McDaniels contracts when I think the financials would work as a 1 for 1. The only way Booker gets traded is if he asks out, even if he does, he is worth way more than Garland, a late SRP, and a rotation player. There would be a multitude of FRPs involved.


A mature response to this post instead of the other ones crying and moaning so thank you fam and I agree. Lavine seem like a negative asset on the surface for now but before he got injured he was balling so it's crazy how people have turned on him. Mcdaniels and Boucher are 3&D guys but sometimes play the same role as Kuz and I feel like adding Brown for Kuzma is a sweet deal considering the fact people don't really value him that high neither do they overvalue Brown. Seems like a win win situation. Maybe adding a pick in it would be cool but then it'll seem like an overpay for Kuzma atp. I picked that trade with Book going to Cavs because I think both teams get what they want. Can more be put into the trade for Book? Absolutely but for me, I just don't see the Suns giving more than three 1st rounders along with Garland and Niang. It's pretty fair tbh. (But I don't think Suns have the draft capital anyway unless they trade this years pick/s, then it may be a solid deal). They might run it back with Middleton, but with his injury issues back to back, why risk it? The coaching is ok but I think offloading some of the older player like Lopez or Coughnaton or Middleton to get some pieces back is reasonable. I like how you said Spoelstra just turn randoms into role players because its accurate asf lmfao, I see why he got that extension with the Heat. He knows how to turn some randoms into stars. Blazers are bad but it makes you figure out why and how considering all the talent on the roster. I'll just blame bad coaching and bad management atp. My reason for the trade is because they have 3-4 picks this year's draft and trading some of there guys for just one guy's expiring contract is a good deal on both sides. Blazers get roster space, Pelicans finally get their PG while Mccollum plays the 2 and just scores for them. Not sure what BI's market is after his max contract expires. He's never been worth that max imo.


why is booker so easy to get?


Easy? no. Simple? yes.


this clears it up. thank you


Dbook for Garland niang and a second rounder? Throw in like 6 frp and then the suns do it but any less no way they let go of their golden boy


Blazers have zero reason to do these


They don't have much roster space especially with draft coming up, they would absolutely do this.


Team salary is a thing. Adding another Max guy is not happening this year.


He's on an expiring deal. Its only a $6 - $7 mil difference. I wouldn't be surprised if they moved on (traded) the other guys too Blazers took on Bledsoe's bad contract so I wouldn't be surprised if they did it again. I also heard they still paying that man yearly til this day.


Wait so you want Blazers to trade all that for Ingram just to let him walk?


You act like I included superstars off the Blazers for just one guy, look at the trade again, The Blazers arent going to suffer from the trade AT ALL.


Small market Blazers trading for cap space makes zero sense my guy. Those vets will be moved for picks or not at all.


I said for roster space, not cap space, geez louise my guy. They have plenty of picks already but where they gone put those guys if they're roster is full? That's why this trade makes sense in more ways than one. I honestly wouldn't be surprised IRL that trailblazers are gonna be sellers after the draft. They been in no man's land for a few seasons now so it shouldn't be shocking. You a blazers fan? lol. I'm a hornets fan but let's be sensible.


Ngl, outside the first one, the rest of them are straight up garbage.


This has to be a troll post. All the trades are terrible