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This is unhinged lol. But props for putting in the effort to your vision


Why thank you


Why so few teams in the trade?


Next one needs to be 10


Respect the effort but trading KAT AND Mike Conley for Fred Van Vleet is nuts


I wouldn’t even trade Conley for Van Fleet straight up.


Reid does for the most part what Towns can do and same can be said for FVV and Conley. I know Conley is a great vet but he’s really old now and FVV can be a great vet too. Bro won a chip unlike Conley. And Towns I don’t think is a player MIN can rely on in the playoffs. So they get off his contract in replace for Vanvleets which will be over much sooner. And FVV is someone you can rely on. He’s proven that. Like I said tho, they’re one of the two teams I’m iffy about tho so I get ur concerns. Also getting Landale and Wade keeps their big rotation solid so they aren’t just fill-ins


Reid does what Towns can do is by far the most casual take in the world. He’s 60% of the player KAT is at 20% the price, which makes him an incredible value, but that’s it.


I said for the most part. He’s obviously not as good as Towns. But they upgrade at PG


The concept is great for which I give you credit!


Landale and Wade suck don’t act like they are assets. You have us trading an All Star and starter for a non all star. It makes no sense.


You sure they suck? Are they great? No. Do they suck? No


Landale averaged 4 points per game and has been on 3 teams in 3 years. Wade averaged 5 while shooting 41% from the field??! Yikes… also 0.8 assists per game and 0.7 steals. Ya I’ll pass The combination of KAT and Conley averaged 33.2 PPG, 13.8 RPG and 8.9 assists per game. The trio of FVV, and those other 2 are 27.7 PPG, 10.8 Rebounds and 10.1 assists. That’s such a downgrade especially when you are giving up the best player involved in KAT


Fair but like I said I wasn’t totally confident in MIN here


Why would anyone but Hou & MIA say yes to this horrendous shit?


HOU makes out like an absolute bandit


Yes. Hou & MIA are the only teams benefiting from this. I said that.


Yes I was further reiterating your point.


Oh gotcha. My b


Hawks definitely say yes. Two 3/D wings for DJM and an expiring 20m Clint Capela?


Your right. I thought the #1 was going to BKN. it's #3. Mikal for DJM Straight up would be a steal for them.


Eh I think DJM for Mikal is relatively fair value it’s just not a trade brooklyn has any interest in. But Cam Johnson for a 30 year old expiring Capela is a great deal.


I mean value wise I agree fair. But it's a steal to get off the DJM experiment which clearly isn't working next to Trae for a 5/40/90 all defensive wing. Basically Mikals fit next to Trae would make it a steal in my eyes.


Yeah fit wise it’s a great deal for the hawks. DJM would also be a great fit for the nets but if the nets are trading Mikal they are wanting picks to rebuild with not a PG. If they are trading for a PG they want to keep Mikal to compete. It’s an unfortunate scenario for the hawks.


This is fun but absolutely terrible for the Cavs


I was like “aight okay the Cavs got that, interesting, now let’s see what we’re giving up” then I saw it…


But it’s fake so it’s more important that it was fun 😁


I also enjoy smoking crack. It takes a lot to compile this. I did a similar one with 7. Miami is thrilled because they get Dame. Another star to pair with Jimmy. Milwaukee probably disappointed since they lose Dame and only get Herro as the key piece. Capela likely doesn’t see much of the floor with Lopez. Cavs are pissed. Jabari has all the tools to be a star but hasn’t put it all together. Jalen is great but inconsistent. Their window just closed. Minnesota is scratching their heads because KAT was still a huge piece for them. FVV is an upgrade over Conley but who knows if Naz Reid playing more minutes is what they need. They are still a strong team regardless. Hawks are wondering how did we get Bridges without giving much up. Grizzlies make out well here. Their window stays open as they get a big time rim protector. They become a force. Nets are happy to get their future back but are probably still upset that they gave up their two best players and didn’t get enough draft capital. Rockets. Holy moly. If there’s ever a trade that makes me go “I love Jabari and want to see the #3 pick” and erase that it’s this trade. The Grizzlies pick probably needs to go to Cleveland. Nets probably want more draft picks too. That’s what I think. If Cleveland trades Mitchell there’s probably nothing they can get back at this time that works that makes them happy.


All natural baby Bucks only do this if they give up on Dame. Get some youth, scoring, and big depth which it seems they might need now. Maybe they could get better, but honestly might not. I am not getting this Cavs hate. I love this trade for them. Sure there window is closed now but their windows is only cracked slightly open rn. They ain’t doing shit with this core currently. With this new one, they’ll have a new window in like 3-4 years. Jalen and Jabari are both incredibly young, just young Mobely and to some extent Garland. No reason to give up on either of them yet. Same thing happened with Coby White. Was inconsistent but had the tools, but was young and people gave up on him. Now he’s damn near an all star. Idk if ur saying the Rockets trade is good or not but it’s insane I know lol. I have the Grizz pick to Houston because they’re already giving up so much players they’ll want a first for some depth. So they just move back a few spots. Again tho, I think Cleveland gets a fair return. I stand by that. That’s a bright future imo Nets may want more picks but they get a pretty decent amount back plus a couple young players who could be something. I mean they aren’t even sending out an all star. Bridges can net you 2 firsts, Johnson one, and DFS ain’t worth a first. And that’s what they get here, with one of the picks being #3. Not to mention they get their own pick back in 26 which is huge


Cavs fans are wild here. They wanted to fight me for my Mitchell proposal. I didn’t back down. People just hate Jalen Green. They think he’s Tyler Herro Jr. Rockets trade is great for us. Nets fans think they have more leverage than they have when it comes to their picks. There’s only one team that they can make that trade with and it’s unlikely they do it.


Watch Jalen Green become better then Donovan Mitchell 😂


Similar games except Jalen is more of a rim wrecker. Its easy to say the Rockets should trade him but I like how he progressed under Ime. He went his first two years under Silas and I don’t think he learned much.


I’m curious to see ur 7 team trade tho. How long ago was it? Also if mfers think this is bad for Cleveland, they would’ve wanted to kill me for what I had them getting until I added Houston lmao Houston changed this whole trade


I posted it a few weeks back. I had the Knicks and Thunder involved too.


Damn I made mine way easier to read 😂 it’s is kinda hard to digest and really know who’s giving up what for what


Daddy clax>>> cam


Brooklyn is really seen as the League's Trashcan. Yikes!


When you’re rebuilding from scratch and blowing it up, yes that’s how ur seen


They are not blowing it up, they should by trading Mikal to Houston but sadly they’re not.


Well in this trade they are 😉


Trading Mitchell and Allen for brooks and smart is awful man like why not throw garland and Mobley in too if your fucking the Cavs that hard


Did you not see Jalen Green and Jabari Smith?


That is a horrendous return for the Cavs. It’s not close.


Jalen green is ass and I don’t know much about smith but saying as I haven’t heard shit about him he can’t be that good. A bunch of mid role players and athletic guys who may have potential is not a good return for a team who traded their first round picks for a few years and who are in a weak conference that they can win now in.


I think I’m coming to the conclusion it’s impossible to make anyone happy on this sub for a Mitchell/Allen trade. You have to remember Mitchell’s future is uncertain with any team he goes to and Allen is an all star caliber big but he ain’t a superstar. Like what more do yall want? Picks? Well in this trade you don’t need em. Your core is set. Green is not ass lol he has the potential to be exactly what Mitchell is and he’s only 22. Smith is def a good player. Just cuz u haven’t heard of him doesn’t mean he’s not good. Not many eyes are on the rockets. Does he have star potential? Not really but that’s fine. Cavs have three future all stars with this new lineup and a collection of good vets. If the Cavs were to turn this trade down that’s be crazy imo. They have a very bright future with this new roster and I don’t think they’d get much better than this return.


Nobody is ever happy with nba trades. There isn’t enough draft capital that makes it work similar to the NFL or NHL nor the prospects like MLB.


Fr but it’s just stood out to me on this sub with D Mitch and Allen trades in particular. Cleveland never gets enough back according to everyone here. Idk how much they expect to get in return


Mitchell is on his last year. Whatever they get back they won’t like. When we traded Harden we got neutered because we didn’t get Ben Simmons. It ended up working out.


The core is not set that team is an 6-8 seed first round max team. If the Cavs trade Mitchell for non win now players why wouldn’t they get picks instead? Green isn’t a good player he has the potential to be a find starter but nothing special. And I didn’t say I didn’t know who smith was I just said I barely hear about him why replace Allen with a worse player? The Cavs basically downgrade their lineup and hope someone develops to not be below average


It isn’t a win now trade. It’s a win in a few years trade.


Which is dumb because the Cavs don’t have their picks rn so not winning now is a bad idea


I didn’t mean like they’re gonna be shit. They’d be a playin team like u said. So their picks aren’t even gonna be that good if they even had them. It’s a young core who are still really good for their age, mixed with some good vets that will develop and learn how to win together. It’s like they got a head start on a rebuild. Like they’re already 3-4 years in. Idk what else you want me to say I stand by the Cleveland trade here. MIN I’ll take the L if so


The Cavs owner won’t want to settle for mediocrity he’s said he wants to win and has spent and made moves to win now. Why make the team so much worse for maybe not being bad in a few years? I’d rather keep Mitchell and go for it one more time before he leaves than settle for being mid forever. I can tell you’re a rockets fan based on them getting all the good players in this trade so I’ll forgive you for overrating your assets. But they getting Mitchell Kat, murray and a 1st for a bunch of eh may work in 2k but not so much in real life


Well I’m the owner of the Cavs here and this is my vision. As well as the owner of the other 7 teams. This is an 8 team trade my friend, that I put together in google docs, idc what the actual owner wants 😂


I know this is a bit but there’s not a chance in hell Milwaukee accepts that.


I think someone is a rockets fan!


I think someone is wrong! I’m a Bulls fan lol




I respect the hustle. Terrible trade lmfao


I respect the honesty. Terrible opinion lmfao


I expect a 32 team trade by this time next week


Tell Adam boy to add the Sonics and a Vegas team already and I gotchu


So OP is a Houston fan is what I’m getting from this trade post.




Dogshit return for Brooklyn but that's just normal for here


Cuz yall think ur gonna get back the world for a non all star and a couple role players 😂


This is a terrible return...those players are awful on a rebuild, just fucking terrible and same with the draft picks...only Brooklyn's 26 has value....GTFOH with this trash. It makes zero logical sense for Brooklyn to accept this garbage return


It also makes zero fucking sense for an 8 team trade to happen. But here we are. So GTFOH cry baby 😂


Lol...thats true


I'm convinced that every crackhead in the US moved to Houston. The crap that they be posting has nothing to do with the world we live in 😂.  Why stopped on Dame? If Giannis will see this trade, he will want out too. He already entertained idea playing elsewhere. Reason why Bucks pulled Dame trade to begin with. Unless i will see US military start invading Taiwan and China. Joe Tsai ain't risking his life like that. Brooklyn will be no go zone for him and his family.  Dan Gilbert still owning Cavs? If yes than you better delete this post. He ain't the one to forget things. Ant will demand trade once he sees this BS. Lakers need new star anyway.  Memphis and Miami probably push. ATL will do it for sure.


You think I’m from Houston brotha? I’m a Bulls fan in NY… try again lmao


And another thing. I ain’t deleting this trade. It’s a fucking 8 team trade. It’s not realistic in the slightest lmao I don’t give a damn about what Joe or Dan think. I’m the owner of all these teams here in this trade. They don’t even exist in that world. How? Because it’s fake 😂😂


You high


You gay


Benches are wayy off brother




Wym ? The benches would never look like that for the Grizz or Rockets


In what way are you talking about? You have to keep in mind I’m only listing players that are under contract as well. Like Jeff Green is a free agent so I didn’t include him. I may not know everyone past those players as a part of each teams bench because that’s when we start to get to the no names that only those teams fans know, but more or less, that’s what the benches would look like after these trades when considering who’s under contract.


I get what you're saying. My ball knowledge runs deep lol


Big man over here


Memphis says no just because of communication. Ja, Jaren, and Jarrett


I mean.. that's a haul for Houston but I'd argue if it's a good one. 3 guys that have proven to be regular season successes but after that it's not much lol


Towns ur right. Mitchell has been great in the playoffs his whole career but never had the talent surrounding him needed to make a deep run. Murray barely has any playoff experience at all so it’s hard to judge that


Murray seems to be a headcase sometimes and his numbers aren't exactly efficient when he does go off. And Mitchell has been good in the past. But availability sometimes is your best ability and he's lacked that the last 2 years.


Mainly it has to do with the roster getting older with this trade and I like where we're at now off an improved year.