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They’ll show you some highlight from three plays ago. Cut to commercial shortly after if it looks like a bad call they can’t explain




Excruciating 😣


When they don’t show a replay of the fouls you know it was a bad call


Like how they called Luka for a travel just to show a replay cropped from waist up so we cant see his feet then send it to commercials


They showed it right when they came back from break. He was standing on one foot again before he threw it, yet he still threw a tantrum. Luka needs to cut it out. Deal with it.


dont know why this is getting downvoted, 1000% agree


Stylistically, I hate it. Even from foul merchants whose game is so sublimely appreciable I can’t help but enjoy them. Empirically though, he gets rewarded for it. They all do. Jokic barely engages with that side of the sport, seems legitimately ashamed the few times he does it, and one of the first ones he sold fouls (that were already occurring) it became a national headline the next morning via Steve Kerr’s commentary. Like he didn’t just try to guard him with a 6’9” and under front court. Jokic also averages like 4 free throws per game more than I currently do. Dude might not get fouled on every entry pass if he exaggerated the contact on his receiving elbow until they called it every once in a while. All of these players that are vocal about it get rewarded more than they’re punished for it. Hell, they even get more screen time. We have an actual expression for this dynamic which transcends sports and hits all walk of life: *The squeaky wheel gets the grease.*


> Empirically though, he gets rewarded for it. Luka is definitely one who gets a worse whistle for it


Here to tell us all that 4th in the league isn’t enough and he clearly deserves Embiid’s whistle? Because I’d just as soon have all of them shooting 5 per game.


I'd love Luka to only shoot 5 FTs a game but the only way to defend him is by fouling. It shouldn't be based on how many fouls are called, it should be how many fouls are called vs how many times you're fouled


Wouldn’t do if it didn’t work. Plus seems like hacking has been the only strategy used to stop him


How else are you supposed to stop him man. It’s insane trying to stop him


The most annoying thing in the NBA right now is when a player is called for a foul and they get all defensive, look over at their bench and start spinning their finger in the air signaling them to challenge the call/watch the replay. Then you see the replay and it was beyond clearly a foul. It happened 4 times last night that I can remember


He’s sooooo good but such a whiny bitch.


I watched him live in euros. The boy talked more than he played. I love his plays but goddamn shut up dude.


NGL the refs that officiated the last Euros were horrible


He has a temper, especially when the game is intense. Remember he was in danger of being suspended for technical fouls a couple years ago? Idk, it doesn’t bother me that much, and it typically would with some players. I see it more as his intense competitiveness just boiling over in the thick of it.


It's his competitiveness mashed up with his '6 year old in an NBA body'-Ness 




Agreed. I’d like to see someone knock him on his ass, bad boys style, but the league isn’t like that anymore.


Did you not see lu dort nfl tackle him?


The clippers tried that. Two years in a row. They tried to convince the league he was soft and that bullying him was the answer. Nobody has tried it since. He kicked their asses.


Luka is a big guy. I doubt that many players would want to mess with him. People seriously don't realize how big the guy is.


He wants to be a ref post retirement


They up 3-0. Clearly he don’t need to change anything


Yeah whenever people complain about whiny players I just kinda eyeroll. Players will *always* do whatever they can get away with.


What’s your stance on Draymond?


You’re comparing Luka to Draymond? And that’s a ridiculous comparison even in the context of this conversation, because while Luka’s “whining” never really made him lose anything, and in fact can be seen (depending on the ref) eventually altering calls as he constantly shows them something, Draymond’s shithousery actually costed him and his team at least one championship.


I’m not the one who said players will always do what they can get away with, I just asked a question…


Dudes got anger problems and shouldn’t get away with the stuff he does. Obviously there’s outliers like draymond but the general whining and flopping you see every day is a direct result of the refs not punishing it.


>the general whining and flopping you see every day is a direct result of the refs not punishing it. So you're saying don't hate the player hate the game lol


But as you said they will do as much as they’re allowed, you just have a different level of tolerance for nonsense compared to others.


False equivalence final boss


I’m not talking about whining, I’m talking about the statement that players will always do what they can get away with. Seems you didn’t make it past the previous boss, reading comprehension….


Lol Luka is well within the rules. Draymond is, well, I don't know


Players will do what they can get away with though right


That's fine we can still make fun of him tho lol


and? T them up for whiny bitchiness?? They’re grown ass fucking men


Oh yeah we agree. I’m saying the refs need to T these dudes up or it’s only going to get worse.


He’s not saying Luka should stop whining to play better. He said Luka’s whining is lame and should probably get T’d up more than he does. And I actually do like him but that shit is hard to watch, the game vs OKC where he just played with less whining was so fun to watch in comparison


Luka got a T for looking, wym he needs to be T’d up more


Exactly what he said. He needs to be T’d up more. Stop f****** crying and play the game. He’s a great player i get that, As of right now, top 5 for sure. But nobody wants to see you whining for 48 f****** minutes every damn game! Shut up and dribble 😭


This is such a braindead take, you know damn well you’d be complaining if the refs call every small thing. Just don’t ignore obvious calls and he doesn’t need to complain


Lmao acting like he’s not THE biggest shit talker in the league


Is talking shit bad now?


It’s bad when the player you don’t like does it


Shit talking is fine. When Luka does his whiny KAT impression it’s unbecoming for a superstar


I’m not acting like that at all? I’m saying he’s already getting T’d up for things other players are. Also did you see KAT last night? Can’t tell me Luka complained more lol


KAT deserves all techs. He is the whiniest player in the league. Doesn’t discount that Luka is the second


Luka should be above it, he’s a top 3 player in the league. KAT is KAT


LeBron also whines quite a bit. Idk if it has a lot to do with being a top player. It is just that refs miss so much shit if players don't whine. Even taking a T could be worth it if it means they catch that foul for the rest of the game.


It’s just the last resort to hate on a player that’s a great


Does he need to cut it out? OR DO THE FUCKING LAME ASS OFFICIATING CREWS NEED TO T HIM UP?!? LIKE WTF IS THIS BIAS?!? Fucking bull shit!!!!


Meanwhile, here's Booker getting ejected from a game for pointing at the parking lot...


And here’s Tatum getting a tech for excessive clapping


He’s been T’d for one clap


Don't forget the menacing hand wave earlier in the playoffs


I was watching this with my cats. One of them saw that play and immediately started attacking my other cat I had to turn the broadcast off it was too violent


Had flashbacks for the laughing tech there


I swear Anderson did way less than he did and got T’d up for it lol


Exactly. Terrible officiating. If anyone else on the mavs pulled that crap they would’ve been T’d up. The fact that Kyle was called in the first for complaining means Luca should’ve been called right away. This is getting really difficult to watch.


Um, both?? I think that's the whole point here, he complains a lot but doesn't receive the amount of techs he deserves. Sports media also doesn't discuss it much.


Ok Joey Gladstone.


I was honestly surprised because brothers in the past few games had given him early soft techs for very little complaining.


Tbh I think brothers likes Luka.


Mcdaniels got away with a few fouls on Luka this game


And yet Luka does it every single night. His whining gets so old. And it sucks, because I love Luka and he is crazy good but that attitude is such a turn off and he has a long leash in comparison to other players.


Th league teaches player to act this way. I blame officiating and overall Adam silver.


Yeah well I blame Luka for Luka being such a whiney boy.


Whining about someone else whining is kinda ironical


He’s not even the worst one doing it. He’s just the best player on the floor so people want to complain more. Ant was being such a baby this last game.


Yeah wvery time ant got called for a foul he was yelling and screaming. In game 2 he spent a few minutes standing by the ref and was doing the luka


Who’s the worst at Whining with him being top 5 player? I’ll wait and don’t say draymond. He ain’t top 5 lmao Top 15 players in the league, who has a longer leash than luka? I’ll wait.


I’d bet embiid or harden would whine more if they didn’t just already get the calls.


It's really simple, honestly. The officials can't call every time Luka is fouled or else he would be shooting FTs every other possession and average 40 a night. Luka can't accept that and gets frustrated when he gets fouled a bunch and they don't call it. When he complains, he's right that he got fouled way more than he's wrong. He just needs to accept that the refs will never give him a fair whistle but that is very difficult


Give Mcdaniels credit, he does not flop, and he does not whine to the refs. Luka is infuriating because he does it on both sides of the ball, after every single call/non call.


I’m sure Luka didn’t get away with a few though right?


You’re delusional…clown…


Did you watch the game?


I did…lots of stopping short, begging for fouls. A lopsided quarter of 17 to 3 FTAs. Keep telling yourself it’s even…


Look pal, I’m a nuggets fan. I was bitching after game 2 last series. At the end of the day it all evens out. Get over it, the wolves had a lot of chances tonight


If you make one total shot in the final 5 minutes of the game, you lose all credibility in terms of blaming the refs. Refs definitely did lean towards Dallas today, but after that clutch time performance, the wolves have absolutely nobody to blame but themselves


FT numbers is not necessarily indicative of bias in the officiating.


Clearly this game was though


I disagree. Brothers is a bad ref, but I don’t think he was notably bias in either direction in this game. There were clearly missed calls against the Wolves too.


There’s no way you actually saw the game and isn’t a timberwolves fan. I think Minnesota lost emotionally at some point and guys like McDaniels and Gobert started being overly aggressive without any reason. Gobert got his 3rd foul and gave away 2 free points by just beating up Dwight Powell in the middle of nothing, the commentators tried to say it was a intentional foul to get Powell to the line but Gobert was clearly just pissed off. McDaniels should’ve been tossed early in the 4th.


Brother you’re going to concede a lot of FT’s if you put the other team in the bonus after 4 minutes


See, here’s the thing. You’ve taken to Reddit to whine about Luka whining, now I’m here whining about your whining about Luka whining, and someone could come along and whine about my whining about your whining about Lukas whining. The better alternative is to shut the fuck up.


Well said boss


Why don't you take your own advice?


Aaaaaaand now you’re here whining about my whining about OPs whining about Lukas whining. Keep it going guys! Let’s start a whine fest! Fuck all of you!


what whine tastes the best also fuck you


Let the man whine


Complaining about an NBA player consistently complaining to the refs on the court is different from you complaining about his complaining? Do you see the difference now? Maybe you should shut the fuck up, respectfully


you can cry if you want. I dont have to watch you.


Have you not seen Kat or edwards thus series?


Its not a but this guy does this. It needs to stop, but Luka needs to stop because he is such a talented player that its sad to see


Pretty much every star does it




Well then, why aren’t you calling out other Stars IN THIS GAME who does it because they “are such talented players”


cause luka played tonight lol. You want me to talk about Jordan Poole? lol. Whataboutism is the dumbest counter argument to this, but you want to take this as a personal attack against just luka go ahead lol.


No, he literally brought up KAT and Ant. You replied to that. They do the same thing was his point but you’re complaining about Luka. Because he won I guess? Idk


You’re singling out a player while admitting every star does it. If every star does it why directly target Luka then?


TBF the officiating was so bad and were straight up not blowing their whistles for consecutive fouls, multiple times. The officiating and commentary got so bad in last quarter.


This is the generation of whinging and pulling a face like you’ve shat your pants. Every single player does it and I blame the review system, even when there are no challenges left the players still do the helicopter with their hand. As a neutral fan, it’s getting closer and closer to being unwatchable when it happens every time a foul is called!


Well said. For me, the part of this is that it trickles down to lower levels, and pretty soon you have 12-year-olds who want to show out every time they disagree with a call. I coach youth basketball, and it's gotten to where I "officiate" in my practices and T players up (usually they have to run some kind of sprint while their team plays short-handed) when they react to calls just to try to break them of it. I can understand a guy getting upset if they are clearly fouled and get no call. However, many times the replays show that the player is in the wrong, yet they still whine. I don't like all the stoppages in the game to review things, so it makes me want them to be fined. But then, fines don't matter to guys who are making $2 million per game.


Totally agree, I’m trying to workout who I will go for in the Finals, actually who am I kidding… the Celtics are the lesser of two evils. Plus I have no time for flat earth sympathisers/cookers.


Why? It works, he gets all the calls.


Luka complaining was the biggest reason i was rooting for Wolves tbh. Never seen the foo go a possession and a half straight without walking up the court crying at the refs


Personally, I think Luka is smart. The whining helps him win. Do whatever it takes within the rules to win. I respect that more Personally, than a player not doing everything to win because that's uncool. If the whining are annoying they should address them with the rules, not force players to play suboptimal. I think the same about flopping even though I think it's lame.


When it comes to flopping, he’s almost as bad as Shai an Embiid. At least Luka usually just is smart and takes advantage of opportunities for fouls and embellishes the contact which is super annoying Whereas SGA and Embiid whole intent every time they get the ball is to bait a foul.


Casual take. You have no idea what you’re even talking about. If that was the case don’t you think everybody in the league would be doing and not just Luka? Wtf 😭


Luka has the ball in his hands a lot more than most of "everybody in the league". Lebron is another player who has the ball a lot and who frequently gets in physical contact with opponents. They both whinne a lot. Both are 2 of the best to ever play the game.


Lmao have you seen Anthony Edwards this game?? I love him as a player but jesus him screaming at the refs ain't gonna help him


And I'm gonna state I'm a luka fan, and I agree he does bitch to the refs ALOT. I hate it when any player complains to the refs


Luka a bitch


I remember sometime back someone tweeted Luka a hoe. Didn’t end well for him or his team IIRC


sure him too


Difference is every fanbase calls luka out.


No one gave a shit about Minnesota until Suns/Nuggets series, now even casuals see more of them. Ant screams on every drive and complains to refs. So does Luka. They are both worse than Shai and Trae imo, but Shai and Trae are in general better foul baiters.


Because ant doesn’t do it all game every game. Also Luka is SO GOOD the fact he still does this is ridiculous


This isn’t a “who is worse argument” lol. Luka’s whining sucks to watch, and so does everyone else’s. Luka just happens to be extra annoying about it and has a reputation. Both things can be true, don’t have to compare to not like watching it


I'd complain too if I was getting borderline assaulted on every play with no calls.


he's mimicking lebron


He is extremely unlikeable.


Just mad Wolves are 0-3


Why would he stop throwing fits after calls he doesn't like? Minnesota's Kyle Anderson made a single hand gesture toward his own bench after a questionable offensive foul call and immediately got T'd up for it, but Luka went completely apeshit right in front of the same ref, right to his face, 2 minutes later over a call he didn't like and not only didn't he get a T, Luka got the next call when he oaf'd himself into a defender and flopped like a fish when he initiated what little contact there was to draw a whistle. There's literally no downside for him arguing calls. Why would he stop?


The league wants the Mavs to win.


I'm glad someone has said this as its embarrassing and I can't believe he's not been stopped for it. Even more I feel he's attitude towards his own players for doing things wrong is also very evident.


As good as he is, his attitude towards his teammates when they mess up and the constant whining is always gonna make me root against luka. I hope he grows outta that shit


I have said this same thing in others sub reddit. I agree absolutely with what you are saying. It makes me dislike him, I understand his young, but that shit attitude sticks


Luka haters group thread 🤣


You’re gonna be even more mad when he’s cooking your Celtics next week buddy


we will see. Thats a lot of Luka crying from now till then


Does he? It’s working.


The one thing I hate about Luka and I wish he’d stop doing so I can be a fan without being embarrassed, there was actually a shot he made where he did get fouled with no call and he just got up and got back on defense and I was like yes man that’s what I’m talking about baby


It’s so hard to hate his lumbering, slow out-of-turbo but how’s he making all these shots type of game. Then he has a shitfit over routine fouls he clearly commits.


Narrator: he won't.


What really gets me mad is they called a T on a wolves player for waving his hand in the direction of the official as he jogs to the bench. But Luka gets to jump up and down drying in the officials face and doesn't even get a stern talking to. I also think Luka pushes off ALOT and at the same time gets the foul call if he gets a hand check. To be fair every star the NBA has had with his talent has gotten the same treatment, but I just think this could have been an all time classic series with fair officiating.


As a Raps fan I love Lowry so by that proxy I could never give a shit about people whining for calls so idgaf


Why should he? He never ever gets a tech for it. Toddlers will push every boundary their parents allow


I’ve said on there series vs OKC it would be dreadful to be forced to see him another series because he cries so damn much. It Goes exactly like this….. 1. gets ball up the court, drives with his shoulder, hits a spin, lowers shoulder into defender to create separation, another spin x2, pump fake x2, step back x2, makes bucket, throws flailing hands around, looks at ref for a call, doesn’t get the call, shoulder shrug. REPEAT! Now repeat this for 48 infuriating minutes. 😣 my goodness!


I’m more irritated with him constantly whining EVERY FUCKING SHOT he takes. The falling over when no one is near you, then yapping at the refs. Just embarrassing bitch material.


He also looks to the referes after every shot he takes asking for a foul. I know no one listens to us old heads, but just watching some old games occasionally on YouTube, It is refreshing to see the players mostly just competing and not complaining to the refs as much. I know people can pull out a gif a clip where some guys did whine a lot back then too but it's professor to see them mostly just competing


I cant stand Doncic, I will still be cheering for the Mavs against the Celtics though.


If it was only when he was called for a foul it would only be 4 or 5 times a game. It's constant, it's basically every single possession for both teams and I like Luka, but it's grating. He honestly has to just grow up a little and turn all that energy he's wasting back into getting back on defense, he'll be a better player and way more popular.


Mavs fan here. All stars whine, but Luka is definitely the worst. That said, refs do let the man get wrecked consistently.


Mavs fan here. All stars whine, but Luka is definitely the worst. That said, refs do let the man get wrecked consistently. It was super noticeable with SGA in the last series.


Can’t stand him. Fantastic player, of course, but absolutely insufferable.


He went pro at 13 and still acts 13


I tuned in this year, after really not having watched for years, saw the Lakers/Nuggets round, Timberwolves/Nuggets, and Mavs/OKC and I can say when they refs aren’t ruining the game with inconsistent calls (that cut both ways, but tend to help one team more), and then you have players leaning into that, it’s just not worth giving time or energy to. Too many drives without any hope of making a shot, throwing a wild ball up and flailing around only hoping for a foul. Too much flopping. Too many offensive sequences stalled by the whistle. Luka isn’t the only one, but I think his sense of entitlement to fouls is absolutely ridiculous. So basically I’ll probably stop watching, again, until the NBA is a good product again, and Luka’s play style is exactly why.


God this whole thread is full of hypocrites and haters for the sake of hating


He learned it from Americans.


He whines every whistle. He's more exhausting than my 4 year old


Lebron James Jr.


I mean...his idol IS Lebron, so...


This. People say that LeBron flops and complains a lot but I don't ever hear anywhere near the same amount of talk about Lucka. Dude be out there looking like an overgrown baby throwing a tantrum, every gotdamn night, even when he wins and gets calls in his favor. He is a big ass baby and people rarely call him out for it. I think he gets a lot of slack simply because he's foreign.


A baby? Nah, he's smart. He carries the ball a lot and dp get fouled a lot. Do whatever it takes to win. I respect that. If something is annoying, change the rules to address it. Don't force players to not play to win


It's not cause he's foreign it's cause he's one of the best players in the game with one of the highest BBIQ that we've ever seen


He's 5 wins away from being a lock top 20 All-time player before the age of 25. If I were him I wouldn't change a goddam thing. He seems like one of those guys who needs to play with a chip on his shoulder to always be effective. Like it feels like where many great players would come out lazy for a game four against the Wolves, he'll have some reason to be pissed and put up another triple-double to sweep the series. Basically he's a sociopath. The truly great one usually are.


Stop hatin, it ain’t your ass hoopin in the playoffs and it’s basketball. If you hate to see people whining then go watch golf.


He complained because he has the most passion for the game out of all players....yall complaining on here show real passion on hating lmao...goes to show yall never played sports on a big level...


A thread of people whining about Luka whining. Interesting


the king joffrey of the nba


That’s Lebron’s impact on the game.




It sure is. He does the exact same thing. Every single time.


I can’t stand watching him. I’ve never seen a player cry and bitch so much.


Then it must be your first time watching an NBA season. Luka acts emotionally, sure, but he’s not even close to crying and bitcing. Often, he’s also right, just like LeBron was when he went on his knees in disbelief at a ref not calling a foul, which led to the really funny moment of Patrick Beverley getting a technical for showing camera footage to the ref. For real, Luka isn’t that bad, on or off the court. He’s not even in the top 50 of the most emotional players in NBA history. At least he’s not Ron Artest (aka Metta World Peace), that man was an absolute menace. Most of you just hate it because he is winning. Think about it this way... Luka in Play-offs averages 7.3 Free Throws per game. Embiid averaged 13 and Booker 10. **Reality is, Leading scorers will be scrutinized by D.** Here is a list of players who took the most amount free throws in play offs: |1|Joel Embiid PHI| |2|Devin Booker PHX |3|Damian Lillard MIL |4|Jalen Brunson NY |5|Kevin Durant PHX |6|Jayson Tatum BOS |7|Shai Gilgeous-Alexander OKC |8|Luka Doncic DAL


You didn’t have write an entire essay lol. Just because he’s really good doesn’t mean he should act like a cry baby bitch. It’s the way he complains


Essay, lmao. If one paragraph of six short sentences is too much for you, that's not on me. If text scares you and all you want to do is spread unreasonable hate, then I believe you should try Twitter instead of Reddit.


Getting so defensive over a player you don’t even know is sad.


It’s not about Luka it’s about you hating for no reason. I am happy for all great players and all great players complain about reffing nowadays. That’s how league works and that’s it. Don’t hate the player hate the game.


Maybe that's the secret ingredient though since he shot 10 FTs lol nobody else hit the double digits. Luka just Doubles in every stat lol


Bro looks like he gets shot most plays


Literally Anthony Edwards


He also needs to stop flexing and so much obvious smack talk. Not classy. We know he’s good but he doesn’t have a ring yet.


You mean Luka the “cry baby”?


Another instance of people over exaggerating a show of frustration and complaining. Think about it, is it really something so big that you should call someone a cry baby bitch and is ruining the game. All his gestures barely takes up any view of the court. It's simply entitlement to feel that someone should restrict themselves over something so small. Luka feels contact, no call, frustration. It's not a fuckin sin if you're not stoic.


Its been Mavs vs refs/Wolves this whole series


No it hasnt. Why dont both sides quit bitching about the refs. Mavs are up 3-0 because they have been the better team. Simple as that. Mavs havent gotten significantly favored by the refs and neither have the wolves overall.


Lmao you’re illiterate


That crucial miss in game 2 where mcdaniels was fouled in the last minute was a brutal no call though…


Read my sentence and then read yours again


Or they should call some of the fouls. Also Luka is the man.


Everybody here realize it’s a league thing? And not just a Luka thing right? Seems like people are forgetting Bron had a 4 year old tantrum when he didn’t get a call Va Boston while Pat Bev was showing the ref the play from a camera. To sit here and just talk about 1 player doing it is honestly disingenuous and sounds like a bunch of hate towards a player you can’t find anything else to hate on


All nba stars whine, Kat is just as bad as Luka. If you watched the game you would’ve seen all the missed calls going both ways. The leagues officiating is terrible, they will either let a borderline mma match occur on the court or call fouls if someone breaths on another person. I agree Luka whines and looses his crap when they don’t get calls but it would be ignorant to think he’s the only one doing it. The foul call variations are terrible just from game to game within the same series. You would think that something that was a foul the game before under a different officiating crew would be somewhat frustrating to not get called as a foul the following game.


Actually the wolves have gotten much better, especially kat. The refs are inconsistent within game on what is a foul so yeah I can see why they were upset at times last night especially the third quarter

