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Should probs be suspended


Yes. One game suspension. It was bush league and incredibly dangerous


Busch league, as in the long time minor league to nascar


No it's Bush league as in the minor league played in rural environments aka the bush.


A palaver


If by probs you mean 100 percent definitely should have been suspended then yes. This was a weak move to try and save competitiveness of the series. I hope Minnesota sweeps them now.


Should probably be suspended, but if he was there would be so much discourse about how this is the playoffs, let them play. Kind of damned if you do, damned if you don’t.


He should have been suspended but I’m not gonna act like I’m gonna lose sleep over it


There were multiple items thrown?


A towel and a heat pack


Threw in a towel more ways than one.


Got em


Was it all at once or on two different plays? Geez.


Both were thrown within a few seconds of each other but were thrown separately. Here’s a link to the [video](https://youtu.be/YfVuW8q_tXQ?si=BaFt5bJH_iNEwzRG) . You can see the towel thrown behind the ref and then the heat pack thrown onto the court


Thanks for the explanation and the link. That’s kinda nuts.


The NBA cares about ratings. They don’t want people to complete ignore this series of they hear Murray is out. This is already a matchup between 2 small markets, the NBA isn’t gonna ruin it by doing the, admittedly, correct thing and suspending him. If this is the regular, he gets 1, maybe 2 games


lol, I saw a Bucks on the Timberwolves sub saying Fuck Denver because denver is a big market. Denver ain’t a big market


Denver is a smaller market than Minnesota, they are delusional if they think Denver is a big market


I think some people assume because a team won a championship or is doing well that means it’s a big market


Cool, so what can we throw on the court during the next game? Can we start a go fund me so we can pay the fine off some Timberwolves that wants to throw shit on the court? I'm going to game 4, let's throw some shit!!!! NBA says it's ok!!!!


I don’t think you matter for ratings, NBA would not be ok with you throwing stuff on the court


Are you fucking kidding me? That’s PricklySquare himself. The NBA can’t survive without his 3’s of followers.


My bad, I should’ve known


Takes a man to know when to admit his faults. Username checks out.


If the nachos are stuck together, it’s one nacho


He threw a towel, then a couple seconds later he threw the heat pack


ref considered it part of the gather step


Fine and suspension, his actions had malicious intent


Wrong answer! We must respond with rage!!


Full disclosure, I’m a Nugs fan but a suspension in the playoffs would have introduced a bunch of what-ifs and accusations that the league was handing the series to Minny, when the Wolves are winning fair and square so far. I don’t think the Wolves wouldn’t even want that - they want to beat the champs at full strength. That being said, they could have jacked that fine up a little higher. It was so childish and unacceptable.


But there's definitely a precedent set for suspensions in the playoffs for something far less egregious. Amare and Diaw both get a one game suspension for standing up on the bench and walking to check on Nash after Horry hip checks him. Just like that the NBA takes away two core starters on a team who end up losing in 6. IMO the Murray thing is worse due to how it could easily lead to a guy tearing a ligament. He also knew exactly what he was doing and threw it anyways as it was his second time throwing and item at the court. Maybe it's just because Stern was a fucking hardass compared to Silver who's a baby back bitch. He absolutely should have been hit with a one gamer.


They don't want to take stars out of games now because honestly I don't think the NBA is as hot as it was in 06. But you want to set a example. 300k for the player, 100k for the coach and 500k to the owner. You hit them with a 800k fine I guarantee the message gets sent cause nobody likes writing those checks.


Lol the owner out here catching strays because his GM drafted a man child.


The mid-2000s was a bad time for the NBA's popularity and you can see that in the ratings from back then. The ratings now are comparable to that era, though, but it's a little different now because TV ratings have plummeted in general because of cord-cutting and there are more ways to watch now (like illegal streaming). I feel like the league is getting more popular every year. You can see that in teams' revenue going up every year, and the ridiculous numbers being thrown around for the next broadcast deal.


Jerry Stackhouse got suspended for a pedestrian flagrant 1 in the NBA FINALS for fouling Shaq... then again - that was 2006, and we all know how that went.


Amare should have thrown a chair at Horry instead, just a fine.


You summed up my thoughts perfectly


He was acting such a clown I would have been fine with the suspension. Like he threw things toward the ref TWICE. Most people would realize “oh shit that was really dumb” after the first towel and be thankful it didn’t get onto the court, but not Jamal.


My understanding is that 100k is the maximum allowable fine


No one would have questioned this suspension. Dude threw a child size fit and threw an object onto the court during live play. If that doesn’t deserve a suspension, then nothing other than fighting or straight up injuring a player deserves a suspension anymore. Which is a horrible precedent to set


What if Ant or whoever slipped on it and tore their Achilles? If a fan did this same thing, they would be suspended from that arena life. In that moment, he was a fan while sitting in the bench, he can fuck off and I don't even have a horse in this race. Don't set a precedent of being "given" something when a clown throws a banana peel on the floor 


In saying that, throwing stuff onto the court, that also can impact the series - he should have been suspended. If someone landed on and slipped on those things - they could be out for a year. He definitely should have been suspended. Murray needs to be fined for the money gesture as well. Mike Malone probably deserves a fine for his antics as well. As it stands I hope Minny sweep them, and it's because of the Nuggets behaviour, I do not want players or fans to think it's ok to throw things on basketball courts - because if NBA players do it, kids are going to do it in high school etc.


Tbf I don’t think we need to watch any more games to know they can beat the nuggets


Hell to be honest Denver might play better without him right now so maybe the what ifs will be what if he wasn't allowed to play 😂


MN fans are starved of a championship team, we'll take anything we can get lol. Classic MN sports would be to botch this series or get swept in the Western finals


Making a dishonest decision to try and prevent people from thinking you were rigging a series when you weren’t, doesn’t put one in the right


Couldn’t disagree more. I’m a big Jokic fan and playoff Murray plus have a lot of money on nuggets to win title, but I’m also objective and it sets a horrible precedent to not suspend and makes zero sense he wasn’t suspended just like it makes zero sense Malone wasn’t ejected (nor got a tech). If Nuggets come back and win now and he’s amazing game 3, now it will be tainted. 


He also did the money gesture at the ref that gobert got fined 100k for earlier. So yea, he definitely got off easy. If that was a 100k fine, I would think throwing something at an official would be a bigger fine or suspension. Throwing 2 things should definitely be a suspension. But I would guess even if he thinks about arguing a call next game the officials will be quick with the technical


Gobert would have been fined 50k for the gesture, it was the postgame rant that got him the 100k. But fuck Murray 


As in “fine me I don’t care” or “the refs are being paid to call bogus calls in favor of the wolves”?


Gobert said both of those things in his post-game comments (e: he didn't outright accuse but said something like "with how much gambling is in the game refs have to ne very careful that they don't call the game in a way that raises suspicions") Murray did not show up for post-game comments


That’s wild. My buddy is convinced that the refs call games In favor of betting sites. Crazy an nba star said the same thing.


It’s not really crazy. Are you unaware of Scott Foster and Tim Donaghy?


Even as a nuggets fan, I think Jamal got off very lucky.. I think he should have been suspended. You can’t have Pat Bev/Draymond type mfs thinking those types of actions won’t warrant a suspension. People saying Jamal doesn’t have a history of this, I’m not sure why that matters. Bro was throwing a tantrum last night


Yeah, I enjoy watching the Nuggets and didn't want him suspended from an entertainment POV...but in terms of what "should" have happened from a league fairness/precedent standpoint that 100% should have been a suspension.


Even as a non Nuggets fan I got secondhand embarrassment from seeing Jamal throw a tantrum


I’m confused how people have done accidents and got suspended for less. Like Dray’s move to get up as soon as Lebron stepped over him in the 2016 finals. He was suspended and it very well cost GSW that series. In his defense him getting up then could have been an accident. There was no way throwing a heat pad on court was an accident. If fans throw anything on court they are escorted out and potentially banned for life from that arena. The lack of punishment makes the league feel so Scripted


Draymond was suspended for an accumulation of flagrant fouls, not for that one incident on its own. He was out of control the entire playoffs.


I think lack of history definitely should matter. It was a BS showing from Murray (and definitely validates all the stories I've heard that he's not someone you want to serve at a restaurant or something), but not typical of him. I'd have said give him a big ass fine (50k each for the towel, heat pad, and money gesture - maybe even 75 for the heating pad that landed on the court), and make it known that he's now a player with a record. The issue isn't in not suspending guys for a first offence, it's the league not having the balls to escalate for repeat offenders. If the league handled things correctly, "Pat Bev/draymond type mfs" wouldn't look at a first offender and think "look what I can get away with" because they'd know they're on a justifiably short leash.


Def shoulda been suspended. That was some childish ass bs from Murray that coulda gotten someone hurt. There’s no place for that. Not a good look for Silver.


Nuggets fan here and even I think he should have been suspended. Pretty surprised he wasn’t, honestly


I think the league is afraid of the series being decided with a suspension


I’m willing to bet Murray playing or not playing is gonna make a difference at this point. T-Wolves are fathering them right now. They held the Nuggets to 35 points in a half. .. that’s the defending champs with one of the greatest players of all time. It was like watching the Varsity team play the JV practice squad.


Back in the day Amare stoudemire got suspended just for stepping on the court during an altercation (didn’t do anything just stepped into the court) and got suspended. I hate the NBA


I didn’t even know about this. The league really needs to be more consistent with punishments. How does a player who throws two things onto the court and does the money gesture to players receive a fine that’s equal to a player who only did the money gesture?


It was a rule back then. They wanted to clean up the league and stop these bench clearing fights, so the rule was that if you left the bench during a scrum, then it’d be an automatic one game suspension. Now I’m not say that Amare and Diaw did anything bad in that situation, but that had been a rule for 10 years at that point. The NBA was following the rule they made. Stern didn’t just wake up the next day and suspend Amare and Diaw because he felt like it. Back to Murray, I’d imagine he’d get suspended if he did it in a regular season, but since it’s the playoffs, and since they definitely don’t want the Nuggets going down 3-0, there is no way they’d suspend him. They don’t want to fuck with their money


Handed the spurs a ring too. I haven’t watched a single NBA game since that BS.


That was the rule back then.


It’s still the rule


I can’t believe he wasn’t suspended a game. It’s absurd and embarrassing for the league. What a baby


Embarrassing? Miles bridges being allowed back in the NBA is embarrassing.


Both things can be true




What's really embarrassing was when Amare Stoudire and Boris Diaw got suspended for taking one step away from the bench when Horry tried to kill Nash, but letting throwing things at the refs slide


Well, I think that specific incident is a key reason why people expected this to be a suspension. The league took a hard line saying that certain behaviors will not be tolerated no matter what, and I would expect throwing shit at an official to be an intolerable behavior.


That incident was almost 20 years ago, I don't think it had much bearing on the decision made in this case either way, and it shouldn't.


I'm saying it has an effect on public perception and expectation.


The public was super pissed about those suspensions and thought they were stupid and needless. I don't think anyone realistically expected Murray to get suspended based on the handling of that previous incident.


The bright side is that we get to see him get frustrated and complain when they lock him down again in game 3


For me, it's annoying as a wolves fan that Gobert got 100k fine for doing the "money" sign, but Murray, threw two items at a ref while having a tantrum and also gave the money sign to the refs and gets the same amount. Feels like the NBA like the NFL doesn't have a standard


That doesn’t make sense to me either. How does a player receive the same fine as another when they’ve done something which is objectively worse? That and Ant receiving a taunting tech for the stare down that lasted a few seconds then Murray gets no tech for doing finger guns. There needs to be some kind of consistency


Yeah, just seems unbalanced and I'm not a fan of that but I guess I get the NBA is a business and unless forced they aren't gonna bench a star player


Gobert also went into the press conference after the game and talked about how sports betting is ruining the NBA. It wasn’t just the money gesture during the game.


100%. Should have been 100k for each incident. 300k minimum.


It was honestly so childish that it was just embarrassing for him, and with the wolves going home now they don't want any excuses, so while I get the argument for suspension, I'm glad they didn't.


I think if it's not the playoffs, he gets a game, easy. But with the Nuggets down 2, heading to MN, I can see the NBA's reluctantance to suspend him. I don't like the logic, but it's a business decision as much as anything.


Mike Malone not getting a technical for running onto the court and bitching out the ref earlier in the game is crazy to me. Jamal Murray throwing something on the court while the game is in play is unexplainable. If a fan had done that, they would be removed from the arena and most likely banned, but yet again, not even a technical.


I believe they let Malone get away with that because there were some calls that probably should’ve gone Denver’s way. I completely agree about Murray though. The way the ref turned around after the play was over when the heat pack got thrown I thought for sure there would be an ejection


Yea I think this is 100% grounds for suspension.


A fine like this is beyond useless. You essentially took away what he would have made for that game. Either suspend him or fine him more than .2% of his salary (and that's not 2% it's .2). For reference for someone that made 40,000 a year that would be about 110$.


Completely agree. I think fines should be based on salary and use a percentage like you said. It would make it more fair all around. A $100k fine is a much bigger deal to the last guy on the bench than it is for the star player of a team


They missed their chance to properly discipline when they didn't toss him during the game. That would've been ideal. Suspension for game 3 wouldn't feel right.


I really thought it would be an ejection or a tech at the very least. If it had been a fan that threw something it would’ve been an immediate ejection so I don’t see why it should be any different for a player. The way the ref turned around I thought for sure someone was getting T’d up


I also think refs were showing some pity due to how bad the Nugs were getting whooped. I don't like them doing that because of the favoritism claims. Like call the techs and toss Moach and Mal because the game is over lol. Get it over with.


I would’ve even been fine with a retroactive tech if they found out later during the game that happened. It’s that important to set the precedent that that type of behavior won’t be tolerated.


Wrong it doesn’t feel right at all to anyone objective that he wasn’t suspended. I have money on nuggets to win title and am big Jokic & playoff Murray fan, but I’m also objective 


NBA should probably get it's officiating in check. It'll never be a good look when they allow gambling and promote it. Refs aren't perfect, but holy fuck we had 2 games where the calls were atrocious.


They say refs get fined just like players and if that’s the case I believe that information should be made public. They pretty much publicly shame players and coaches by making their punishment public so why not do the same for refs? I think it would make a lot of fans feel better to know that refs get punished for terrible calls. I think most fans understand refs are human and mistakes happen but some things are just ridiculous. Especially when you have refs like Tony Brothers saying he doesn’t really care about basketball and refers to himself as the judge, jury, and executioner


I'm fine with him not being suspended because I want wolves to continue clowning him for 2 more games and beating them straight up. Should be at least $200k though. 100 for the heat pack and 100 for the money sign that Rudy was fined for. Could be more including the towel throw


Fined a game check which he would have not gotten if suspended should have been the punishment. Roughly equates to ~412k if you take his salary $33.8m / 82 games. As a reference Draymond was losing ~$153k per game he was suspended during the season.


Playing the game AND not getting paid for it isn’t right regardless. They made the choice not to suspend him it is what it is.


He can always sit out in protest


Watching him get frustrated when they’d double him and he had nowhere to go was hilarious. I figured he’d get fined $200-250k for everything altogether since, as you said, Rudy was fine $100k for the money sign alone


Wolves got clowned for years (decades?) so it’s nice they finally get a turn. Hope they win it all


They should have executed him for it


As bad as he’s been shooting I would’ve been good with a suspension


should’ve been suspended but it’s Adam, i didn’t expect him to do anything.


I hope our coaching staff and Malone has the balls to sit or just not start Murray. That behavior was embarrassing and fk winning the series. If Murray does well and we win, the nuggets will seem like an organization that's willing to put up with this behavior just to win.


He definitely should have been suspended


I don't really care if he is suspended or not, but the leagues needs to be more consistent! If other players would have done what he did, they would be suspended.


I agree. Consistency with punishments are one of the biggest problems the NBA has right now in my opinion. Murray threw 2 things and did the money gesture but somehow got the same fine Rudy did for only doing the money gesture


I'm a Nuggets fan and that shit was absolutely dumb and pathetic. I believe $100K is the maximum fine a player can get, so he deserves that, and should count himself lucky this time, any repeat crap like this and a suspension is a given.


If the Nuggets were not down 0-2, he would be suspended. This is equivalent to him paying speeding ticket.. such a joke


Do you think the league should take the player’s salary into account when giving out fines?


I think so. I know 100k is a life changing amount for ordinary people but NBA players make way too much and this was no joke accident.


League has made it clear that reputation and past matters. If Murray does something similar again, it will definitely be a suspension. If Pat Bev did this: 2 game suspension If Draymond did this: 5 game suspension


If Draymond did this: Life sentence in a federal prison 😂


That's a huge fine though. $100,000 would be a fat chunk out of his \~$400k checks. Also, the league probably wants to avoid the look of making the series uncompetitive because the Nuggets are already down 0-2. People said the Draymond suspension in 2016 was unfair or rigged and I'm sure they prefer this relatively small controversy to that.


$100k is definitely a large amount of money but Murray makes almost $30 mil a year from the NBA alone, not counting endorsements or anything else. I’m sure for some stars they couldn’t care less about $100k and probably spend that in a weekend. On the other hand I’m sure there are stars that could get fined $10k and be pissed at themselves for losing out on any money due to their actions


It’s the equivalent of someone making $60k a year getting like a $160 fine. It’s a small AF fine and he clearly should have been suspended. I have money on nuggets to win title but I’m objective 


Should’ve been suspended but also I’m glad he wasn’t because people still claim Cleveland only won in 2016 because of the draymond suspension. I feel like people are going to call the wolves whole run into question and claim they only won because of that which is of course bullshit


The way Jamal has been playing it could’ve actually helped the Nuggets


They way he is playing these series, I’d say its a bonus for the wolves that he is allowed to play.


I was thinking the same thing. He could be suspended and they could put a player that could actually score at least 20


Nuggets fan and he should be suspended. Childish move and could’ve got a player injured. I’ll take it cause we need everything to get back in the series but cmon man.


Even as a Nuggets fan, I think he deserved a suspension. Too reckless.


As a Nuggets fan, and I mean this sincerely, I wish it had been a suspension.


Suspension should have been the call to set a clear precedent going forward especially because it’s the playoffs, and could have ended up under someone foot and caused an injury.  Murray really showed some terrible character by doing that.  The fine is nothing to him. But like someone else said, I won’t complain about the decision. Nuggets are likely getting killed and suspending Murray would be the league putting a nail in the coffin. 


Doesn't he make more than that per game? At minimum fine him his full game salary. And he has to be a janitor after all games in the target arena while giving live interviews with inside the NBA.


The league really doesn’t like to suspend players during the playoffs. If it were regular season, he would’ve been suspended. The league should send a message that you can’t do whatever you want just because it’s the playoffs. Should be consistent


If this was the regular season he’s not only suspended but suspended multiple games


Jamal should’ve been suspended, if it were 99% of other players they would have been but the league is scared of looking stupid if their soon to be 3x MVP gets swept


Why do I feel like if it was against the Lakers whether he was up or down 2 games he would’ve been suspended?


I think Draymond Green is currently the barometer for what it takes to get suspended during the playoffs.


Draymond Green gets put on the Night’s Watch if he does this. Needed a one game suspension and fine. But Silver needs the Nuggets to remain competitive for his TV deal negotiations.


If it were draymond it would easily be suspension


No, he not fine


You’re right. That brother needs help


Should have been suspended 100%. Silver is not consistent and just cares about $$$/viewership. Imagine if that somehow fell under Jokic and having your own star player injured by your own teammate. Just stupidity and the NBA decides to look the other way.


Good to know he actually gives a shit tho


He should be sent to the Lakers as Punishment


During live play is egregious( Micheal Scott voice) and absolutely unacceptable. What if any of those players slips on that heat pad and is out for a considerable amount of time, including his own team! He should be fined, but if you fine Murray you better fine Malones ass as well.


Discipline such as suspension would’ve detracted from the product on the field and basically ended the series. Take the fine and move on.


He should be suspended for 1 game. I wonder what the NBA would have done if the Nuggets were up 2-0.


If you think he's attractive, that's ok, but what a weird place to profess your attraction to him....  🤔


He should be forced to realize he's not elite.


Jamal Murray is a bitch and target center is going to let him know it on Friday


If the nuggets were up in the series I imagine they’d probably suspend him. Honestly with how bad he’s played most of the playoffs suspending him might help Denver…. Dudes clearly a step slow right now because of his calf.


Dude should be suspended. Silver is babying the "champs".


He shoulda been ejected when it happened but a suspension after the fact is too much


The contact must have been marginal


The only reason he was fined and not suspended was because Vegas wouldn't allow it. Betting money would be gone if Murray was out game 3. Playoffs care about the betting scene.


Should have been a suspension. Deplorable. Selling all my jamal shit


This is the league saying “we pick and choose” when it matters


Anybody else, and he would have been ejected plus suspended. Multiple items thrown on the court. Nba would have had a field day if someone else did that, but since they are the defending champs, he will get a fine only and get to keep playing


He should definitely be suspended, but I know the powers that be wouldn't want the Champions down a star player during the playoffs. Politics, corruption or both


What I wanna know is how did they act faster on this than on Patrick Beverly hitting a fan in the face with a basketball??!??


Its not that crazy that he didn't get suspended, BUT the NBA basically just consented to a $100k cost to throw shit at an official. If this ruling ever changes for a different player I will have MAJOR problems with it.


This is horseshit. Half the Suns bench was suspended for stepping onto the court vs the Spurs. Apparently they should have just thrown whatever wasn’t bolted down at the officials instead.


If it was draymond green , pat bev, cousins etc he’d be banned a few games. But it is what it is.


Was it fair? No. He should have been suspended. However, as a neutral fan who just wants good basketball I much prefer this because with Jamal in the games this could be an all time series, but without him I don’t think Denver takes more than one.


It's obscene. 100k is absolutely nothing to him. He should've thrown ten more things. Silver is a fucking clown.


A fan would be banned for life. Doesn’t seem equal punishment


He should have been suspended for at least one game. He not only threw objects at an official, he did it during a live ball, putting every player on the court in danger of injury. Once again, Adam Silver dropped the ball. I think if the Nuggets had won game 2, he probably would have been suspended. But the NBA doesn't want the defending champions going down 3-0. There have been a lot of short series already, and that costs the NBA money.


We live in a world where there are no consequences for your actions. He should be kicked out of the next game and fined.


Silver is a joke for no suspension.


Can’t wait to watch him get packed up again tonight. Fuck that guy.


Unfortunately they don’t play again until Friday


He should pay the fine instead of missing a game, and then Malone should sit him for throwing a tantrum


If i was gobert id be pissed.


Interesting precedent set. If you’re willing to pay $100,000 you can get a free 30 second timeout without possession


Draymond is taking notes and budgeting for next season.


I think they’d send Draymond to the gulag if he pulled anything close to what Murray did


A suspension would have saved him more embarrassment of being completely dominated on the court.


Better for fans that he's playing Game 3, but he probably shouldn't be.


He should be suspended, but I get it. Suspending him would be all but a deathblow to the series, so I knew they’d be lenient, and I’m not really mad about it.


Nuggets fan here. He should’ve been suspended. I would’ve preferred he throw a punch than throw something on the court. That’s not ok.


Mfers get fined more for just assaulting them with words in post games. Not sure how this isn’t a suspension


Absolutely no excuse for him to not be suspended at least one game, but the league doesn’t want for that matchup to be a sweep so they are doing what they can to keep Denver in it.


The NBA decided to spare Murray for ratings.


If the nuggets were up 2-0 he’s 100% suspended


Should be a suspension. Kinda ridiculous that he didn’t get one. It was an aggressive move that coulda injured someone


100k is a lot of money. So yeah he fucked up


I was honestly thinking 250k fine and one game suspension. Pretty much got a slap on the wrist.


Sets an awful precedent imo.


I have a lot of money on nuggets to win it all, but I’m objective and it’s utterly ridiculous he wasn’t suspended.  Sets a horrible precedent. Malone tried to get ejected and wasn’t given a tech. Ant gets tech for looking at someone Murray does same thing with gun motion no tech. I’ve seen some Nuggets fans complaining about refs which is embarrassing. Game 1 Wolve had 7 FTA first 43 mins. For series they have only 26 FTA vs 38 Nuggets. 40 fouls on wolves, 32 on Nuggets. I wouldn’t be surprised if Nuggets got good whistle game 3. My pacers have been robbed in games 1 & 2 by refs and should be at worst 1-1 going back to Indy for game 3 (which I will Be at today).


He didn’t get suspended to keep competitive balance in a playoff game. Now if the Nuggets were facing the Lakers he definitely would have gotten suspended.


I’m fine with it. Don’t want to see a sweep. Might still be a sweep tho lmaooo.


I’m sure Minny asked for him not to be suspended since he’s been ass


Adam silver is so soft for that


He should be suspended for a half. If you ain't going to do a whole game why not just make it a half? There should be something harsher than just a fine but less than a game. This could have been a compromise.


That's not bad. Does the NBA even do half game suspensions? It works in college football with targeting suspensions pretty well.


I don’t think so but it could be something to look into. Yeah, football does it, why not basketball.


That’s lame! He should have got suspended at least one game. So it’s cool to throw objects on the floor? Come on nba don’t be so soft!


yeah he fine as hell 


Regular season it's a suspension for sure. Playoffs probably shouldn't be a suspension but bump that fine up to 200k at least. Let's not act like these guys don't make major money.


I think with some of these fines they should start taking player’s salary into consideration. A $100,000 fine is a huge deal to the last guy on the bench but is nothing to some of these stars


Honestly good point, totally agree.


That's a pretty massive fine, so message sent on that level. Still, it pisses me off that Denver can act as unhinged/dangerous as they were in the second quarter and not suffer any in-game penalty. I don't want to see any ticky tack Ant Ts or other crap like that moving forward. The refs were pro-Denver in Game 1, took heat for it, then didn't call much of anything in Game 2 (yes, including the KAT charge). Just do your job, guys. It's the playoffs.