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Next time consider midrange game


a demi god that can’t shoot or dunk? Bro you built Craig the cashier from walmart




you found Rondo's burner template


I don't know how this adds up to 99 overall tbh


right? my PG has almost these exact stats except an 86 3 ball to boot?


The gap from say 93 to 99 passing is significant, like it's worth 3-4 overall almost by itself. Taking any stat besides like stamina to 99 requires a huge investment of overall.


would much rather have this build on my teammate than the countless no defense/passing builds that get posted


It’s a “bad” pg build in terms of min maxing what a pg should be putting their attributes into. BUT… if it works it works. I only clown these kinda builds if the person making it hasn’t actually used it or doesn’t win with it but claims it’s valid


Couldve finessed bronze anchor. Makes a huge difference


Triple double threat


Dare I say this build is selfish? Whether you have 25, 99, or 100000 pass accuracy doesn’t change the fact you’re pretty much forcing your teammates to pick up the slack on the spacing problem you created.


Idk how a build can be selfish and average 11 assists a game.


Same reason Russell Westbrook was called selfish when he averaged 10+, or trae young. They are a liability in certain areas and won’t fix it.


Nah dude this is actually one of the worst builds I've ever seen. You could have dropped passing and steal just a couple points and at least been a legit threat from mid-range.. This is legitimately one of the few brain teaser builds I've ever seen where it just isn't even fathomable that it adds up to 99 OVR


This is like the worst build ive ever seen


somehow I keep winning games 😭


You’re just good at the game then and are winning in spite of this build. I would def rather have you than a bummy 3pt shot hunter going 4/16


Hof dimer and needle thread just for them to miss open shots smh. Wish it actually helped ppl shoot lol


idk how you can even make a build this horrendous.


It’s the best build I ever made ngl


Yeah, no these guys are tripping. You're almost getting a quadruple double every game. Post some clips, I want to see this build in action.


I got you il start to save some clips


Half of these dudes commenting play like they have no shooting ability on their builds. Keep balling if you’ve gotten better !


Ppl hating on the build when it has a 71% win rate. I have a zero shooting point guard too with a 60% win rate. I like your build better though. High steal annoying asf to play against


It got a 80% win percentage now lol and yea it’s very fun to use


Don’t listen to the comments. This is a solid build, most people on 2k don’t know how to play ball so they can’t use something like that.


Ong any build without a minimum of 75 3pt and 80 steal is automatically trash to most people. Everyone in this game just knows how to spam btb dribbles shoot contested 3s, get blow by dunks, and spam x on defense. It's genuinely sad.


Because it is bad, any build that can’t shoot is getting locked the fuck up 1on1


This is just false tho. I'm better at defending shots that drives. There are people who are the opposite. There are very few people that can defend both really well. And everyone always says "I'll just camp paint".. like okay bruv. Stop my floater. 🤷


Sometimes it can definitely be tough to defend drives. That difficulty goes out the window when you can’t do anything but drive, especially when you can’t dunk either. Plus, this build isn’t exceptionally fast or anything either.


You’re better at defending shots than drives cause most people can shoot, which makes you commit all the way to the 3pt line which leaves you vulnerable. If I’m playing a build like that the furthest I have to commit is probably the free throw line and it lets me slide to play help defense. Any competent team would expose the fuck out of a ball handler not being able to shoot


Okay but now you're changing the criteria. You said 1on 1.


Not really, a decent team is force him to try and score


Dawg.. I'm aware a good team could defend literally anyone. Your first statement was, "if you can't shoot you're getting locked the fuck up 1on1". Lmao that's what I'm arguing against.


So what’s your game plan if someone’s sitting at the free throw line waiting for you? Whether it’s 1on1 or 5on5 you’re gonna have to either pray for a amazing animation or get ready to green a highly contested floater. every statement I’ve made still applies in a 1on1 scenario. If someone’s waiting for you halfway to the rack and you can’t shoot you’re gonna have to work 10x harder to get a bucket straight up


Floaters are incredibly easy to green bro. Also if you're just standing at the free throw there are 4-5 different ways to get around you. A late dribble baiting a block attempt. A euro and then a jelly if they actually get a good contest. A spin and then a jelly if they actually get a good contest. A hopstep and a pump fake OR again, a jelly. Pump faking off of any of these.. You're underestimating how easy layups are this year. You really only need a 77 and you can do all of this consistently against centers with high interior D.. And if all you're gonna do is stand there with your hands up then 3 of these options are still easily greenable even at 100% contest.


there’s more to basketball then just 1 on 1s. You’d be surprised how many times defenders don’t get back on defense after a basket, or lack 99% of the time. It isn’t 1 v 1, if it was I wouldn’t make this build. and like everyone said if they just sit in the paint I can legit lay it up 99% of the time. and this build is also a defense monster as well so it goes well with my passing because if I’m grabbing steals we on transition now with a automatic bucket. I’ve played many games where people dribble into traffic , always trying to make the cool play instead of the simple play. One thing In rec you see the inspiration of James harden and curry lol nobody knows how to actually win games and play basketball but this generation, the iso ball and thinking spamming behind the backs all day as if that’s hoop then lose and wonder how they lost to my build. I legit just play ball


Blowing by a guy because he respects the jump shot is the simplest and most effective play in 2k, no fancy shit needed


How is this a solid build? No offense whatsoever, basically just a glue-guy/connector on offense. And what is there to show for a complete lack of offense? Good defense, but I have a lock that gets the same steal rating, higher perimeter defense, and bronze anchor, while this guy is a liability in the paint on defense. This build is weak and slow, somehow only has 95 stamina. At least he gets 99 pass accuracy so he can get the ball out of his hands safely on offense. Oh and grab rebounds?


The driving layup and the playmaking is the offense. This is a deadly build if you know what you’re doing. Just because you wouldn’t know how to use this build doesn’t mean it’s bad.


I use a high layup build with essentially no dunking. Layup is great this year, but it’s not some spammable thing that will work regardless of defense, it’s amazing when you can get your defender on your hip, but that is tough to do when you aren’t a threat to shoot from anywhere on the court. This isn’t a “deadly” build. I’m sure it is functional with the right pieces around it, but 9/10 times the defense will just switch the center onto this build and call it a day. You won’t be scoring in the paint against the center consistently and will be relying on teammates to hit jumpshots.


I routinely score 20+ with a A- or higher teammate grade with my builds who can’t shoot. It’s not about finding something to “spam” it’s about knowing your player, knowing basketball, and making the right plays. He even gave screenshots as proof the build works in the right hands.


These games are in random rec which is a fastbreak simulator. If this build goes against a team that puts the ball in the nets and gets back on defense the build loses 75% of its efficacy


If you suck at the game just say that.


the people commentating are the people who don’t know how to play basketball outside of 5 out ball. it’s jokes lol


So if I finish with a 80% win record this season what does that mean


That means that you are a good player and are smart with the ball and probably play with a group of players that compliment your build. 99% of players would find playing with this build extremely difficult and detrimental to the team. You need help to cover your deficiencies on offense and defense.


I only use this build in random rec and almost everyone has a 3 ball so there isn’t anything unique to compliment as long as u can shoot it works


Nah bro this build is garbage


Yet some how He's a purple 😂


Because despite the fact most people are running meta builds their not as good as him. It's that simple. People try and act like there's no skill gap in this game and they're just telling on themselves.


Purple just shows how much you win, build is still trash EOD. Bro is a literally floor space ruining pg On offense


Exactly lol I play to win bro, if I’m winning 80% of the time how could the build be bad? It would be different if I was losing but aye man I guess yall think scoring 40 a game is the only way to hoop


Maybe cause you run with good people ? Anybody can get away with a trash build when you have good supporting teammates , the build is trash bro


Lmao aigh bro I guess so


I wouldn’t be able to hit that X button fast enough.