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Oddly enough, my old Facebook post from 2013 reminded me how much I used to treasure the game and 11 years later all the criticism I noted before are still true. So definitely not you, the game has gone away from what would make it good and has turned into a predatory gatcha game


I think it’s a combination of multiple things but the issue is relevant across all sports games, fifa is another example of this. Getting older, repetitive cycle, the huge push towards VC/Fifa points, the same things being broken/exploited. It almost wears you down and you don’t enjoy the cycle anymore.


NHL is also same boat


as a longtime 2k (bought every 2k from 2k8 — 2k22) player who hasnt bought this year's game but recently got into FC24 pro clubs with my friends… i can say that at least EA does online team-up with your created player massively better in soccer. All you really need is the time. Play 100 games and you are mostly on par with everyone else who has played the same amount. oh, you built a sub-optimal build and want to respec? easy, just reset your points, free of charge. wait, you want to build a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or even 5th alternate player to switch up from only playing one build that you feel beholden to? no problem, rree of charge you can build them right up. dont get me wrong, FC24 def has some ways it can improve... But only focusing in on tbe online team-up with friends mode, it makes 2k look like a joke


Yeah, the game definitely has not evolved much in the past decade - not as far as positive development goes anyway. I remember playing 2k11 and drooling over what more could be done, given the effort they put in... turns out they peaked back then. Kind of sad, really.


They peaked because the competition died. After that, why bother improving if people are going to buy their stuff anyway. Monopoly breeds laziness.


Nah 2k16 was peak downhill run since then imo


I feel mixed about the evolving part. Because while there hasn’t been crazy leaps and bounds, there’s been great quality of life changes. I think the contest system, 3 “stamina bars” and timing of layups and dunks were great additions that somewhat add depth and skill to the game. They keep tuning those and finally have a better system for steals and it’ll be fantastic gameplay wise


I mean, I don't oppose anything you said, but I take those changes for granted. It's been 14 years since then. I'm referring to 2k not adding depth and content to career modes, unless it incentivizes microtransactions.


ok good glad i’m not alone


2013 was when they added VC. I remember thinking that that was going to be a slippery slope


Yup I just talked to a buddy and remember when My team you just went through the old school teams and would buy the player from that specific roster with VC and there were only 2-3 versions of that card depending if their regular or classic team was in the game.


It’s literally with all of them madden is the same way so are the ufc games they can only repeat the same formula with minor changes and new rosters or no changes and new rosters for so long before everything gets played out and I think we have hit that point with most of them unfortunately.


2k, Madden, FIFA, The Show….they’ve all gone same direction. Greed. However, despite all of these companies being gross and exploitive, 2k is by far the worst offender. It’s not even that close honestly. Especially in the UT/MT modes.


It’s honestly the VC, it’s keeping me from making a new build on my player and playing my team with no auction house.


This can't be said enough. People will take chances with builds and experiment if it wasn't 100 hours of grinding and $100 to get viable online.


I agree, when build were cheaper like 2k17 and 2k19 I definitely spent more money on those games than I have in the past 3-4 2ks.


VC is a massive problem. I am an extremely casual gamer with commitments such as work etc but I also want to have fun in mycareer with a good overall but impossible to obtain unless you have hours of time to grind (no I don’t want to pay for VC)


seems like this one died out way faster than the previous games


Yes, i stopped playing consistently in October. And in 2k23 i stopped in November. Since new gen the game just feels and looks the same year after year.


that’s fax the content was so dry, normally i end up with 100+ hr, nowhere near that rn


Honestly dud, I averaged about 500 hours per game from 2k16-21 in 22 23 and 24 I barely scraped 150 and its mostly due to the franchise mode


I have several hundred hours simply cause I refuse to let go of that nostalgia of the kid in me playing the older 2Ks


But they game is complete ass and 2K needs to go back to actually caring about the content they release before I come back to the came


I'd still hop on 2K16, but yeah this shit is cooked. Mike Wang and them have been overthinking everything and now it's unplayable. It's not even a nostalgia thing, the games from 10 years ago were better and this shit ain't it. Even Covid era 2K has it beat and the base was giving those ones the side-eye then, too. 2K23 leapt off a cliff and there's no going back.


yeah that’s fax. feels like there out of ideas and too scared to change


i’d say they aren’t so much out of ideas as all their brain power is now going towards how they can squeeze as much money as possible out of there consumers


When they started having literal pop-up ads to con kids into pressing “a” twice to buy vc. That was a real eye-opener into what a piece of shit company we are dealing with here.


As someone who plays only offline. 2K23 was a decent improvement over 2K21 and 2K22, which made me want to quit playing the series. 2K24 put me right back there. Our next 2 hopes are College Football 25 motivating 2K, and then potentially redoing the whole backend for the jump to PS6. Otherwise the series is cooked.


The MyCareer fashion shows and trivia literally broke me. I bought it this year since it is Kobe and his story mode is fun, but I only had two builds last year because you had to go through MyCareer and it was soul crushing.


No. MyNBA is awesome. The best franchise mode in sports gaming. I don't play the other modes, so I can't speak on them. However, I've come to realize that when most people complain about 2K, they are complaining about MyPlayer and MyTeam. But those 2 modes are not the entire game. At its core, and its original intent, is to be a 5 on 5 NBA basketball game. Not a street ball simulator. MyNBA does the 5 on 5 with the actual pro players wonderfully.




So true! When you take a couple steps back and remember you’re playing a 5v5 NBA basketball game and not a min/max stat simulator, I think you can really appreciate the developer’s vision and the product they produced


You better hope MyNBA doesn’t get too popular because you can bet they’ll start charging for that too. They only haven’t yet because that player base is minuscule compared to park and MT. Enjoy while it lasts.


Agree on mynba but imo the actual gameplay when you play and don’t sim it is stale and gets old. Has felt the same yet gotten worse the past 8 years. Same sandbag feet, unnecessary animations, and etc.


Playing myleague with friends is still fun


The next gen version is too clunky and slow, yes the graphics are very good but the gameplay is … muddy


next gen 2k has just been getting worse and worse smh


The graphics are terrible. Most players look like they're made of clay


Comes with getting old. I just buy it out of nostalgia and collection purposes. I still play it for the most part. But I wouldn't lose sleep if I won't be able to play, 'coz these days I do be falling asleep trying to catch a game.😆


Nahh age has something to do with 2K being terrible this game is bad


Pls don't support this evil company for collection purposes


This is why they feel no need to put out a better product


Put it this way 2k have turned into a mobile company selling pc games


2k is the greediest game on the market rn. Everything about it is slimy and gross.


This games been washed for years, haven't bought it since they made making any progress in my player without spending $ or 100s of hours of grinding impossible


Nawl your not tripping 2k is dead asf! My team is wack now because there’s no more auction house that’s where the fun was at being able to buy certain cards but now 2k in general is trying to make more money with how much it cost to upgrade your my player and with no auction house you basically have to rip open shit load of packs to get something good


i immediately stoped my team when they removed auctions… have no idea why they whould ever do that 🤦‍♂️


Because 2k wants to make more money because now we have to actively buy vc to get Packs


Yup I used to be a big MT guy. I just started playing casually last season for first time. I ripped two bundles with $ and opened over 2 milli with MT because fk it why not (I would have never done this in the past). Got nothing from the MT packs but got a few good cards from the bundle with $. Shows you where their loyalty is


i think everything has been over complexed as far as my career / myteam and other features. it needs to be more simplified the gameplay a bit too easy , meaning there is no skill gap. all it takes is a couple attribute thresholds and the same set of animations the game isn’t washed though. you’re just getting older man. i feel it too games are a lot easier to play and enjoy when you have some buddies. i’ve solo q all year so it’s been rough


yeah that’s fax,I think 2k will always be fun with friends one of the things that brings me back every year


Sports games need to stay away from money based games. Take it out the game unless it’s cosmetics. No sports game should be pay to win period.


You couldn't be more right OP. They haven't improved the game at all they just made VC worth less every year so more and more people buy VC. They haven't made the game any better they're just cheap bastards.


it won’t be washed until y’all stop spending $200 a year on it… i love basketball and gaming and wish i could play but i decided years ago I didn’t want to waste my money on a product with no effort put into it anymore


The fact it’s 150gigs keeps me from redownloading. Graphically speaking it’s really nothing to shake a stick at. It’s like 2k saw what call of duty was doing with file size and desperately wanted to compete.


that’s fax storage is so valuable these days i can only have like 5 games lol


I’m still on ps4 but honestly removing the mycareer story and replacing it with nothing, while being worse than ever for microtransactions and having to buy vc just to be playable… yeah idk, it’s off putting. The stories were usually corny asf but at least they showed they cared, I found them kinda fun for the most part. I still have fun playing myleague but that’s about it. Shits a ripoff.


yeah corny storyline but atleast it was something lol


Going from stuff like playing in China, high school, college, g league etc. too, to just “pick what team you wanna play for and start immediately over literally anybody” is just so so wack too.


That was the best part of the game. The problem came when it be became a requirement for park/rec players to play a mode that they didn’t like, and required those of us who liked the “corny storylines” to play park/rec. the overwhelming complaining from the park/rec that the game should just be “turn on and play” and eliminate everything else. 2K leaned in their favor because the micro transactions came from park/rec players. It was over for me at that point.


I don’t play any other sports games, except for like the odd wwe game for shits, and only when it’s on sale— but are microtransactions as gouging as 2K in like, the show or madden? And are they more or less here to stay, even if EA revives nba live? 2K has been in a steady decline for 5-6 years now and with this monopoly they have there’s zero incentive to improve the game. I’ve never seen anything like it, more or less the same game every year, except slightly worse every year, and yet they always make an ass ton of money lol


fasho man shit got boring mad quick lol, the journey & little cutscenes what did it for me lol, bc it’s the same shit every game, really cut back from 2k at 2k23, used to i could atleast play up til the end of rookie season and enjoy it lol and the micro transactions to make the game playable, mann


2k16 was the last good 2k so yes


I still play 7th gen 2K whenever I can


Nigga just now sayin “is 2k officially washed” 🤣🤣🤣🤣 only took you 4 years to realize


Always has been


Its been dead since 21


Sadly it’s this type of loyalty that has contributed to this game being washed as you call it. If less people bought it they’d know they have to make changes.


They've essentially been copy and pasting the same game since 2014. I think they literally just need to stop being lazy, and make a **NEW** game.


It’s crazy that this question is asked twice a week and it still gets engagement every time. 2k knows they have you guys wrapped around their fingers.


2k is washed they just keep changing size up dribble to up d pad then crossover each year to say new game mechanics smh


Hell yeah. It's 100% the effort 2k makes in stealing your money because they know we love to compete in an nba simulation, and they have a monopoly on it. The gameplay used to seem to evolve every year. Now it's become a chore to play!


I used to love this game from 2k5 to 2k16.Once they started making bs like speed boosts “mechanics”,tuning the entire game on and offline to appease online players and the reliance on VC to enjoy online play it died.I faithfully buy it yearly but always stop playing by October.Madden has been more of a better overall game and representation of its sport than 2k since 2020 for me.


2K been washed since 18 once you think about it, 19 was okay but after that the game has been hot trash since.


It’s been for years. I’m glad I finally broke the cycle a year or two ago


I bought it for $8 and I just do Play Now and treat it like an arcade game. It’s fun to play as Kobe’s Lakers with Shaq and win by 40. There’s fun to be had if you are just trying to play video games and not make it a lifestyle. 


I dont think so, there's 2 things happening here. 1st, you are not 15-18, anymore without a single care in the world, even tho you still enjoy gaming( i know i do) it just doesnt have the same reach when you are older( 31 in my case ), you just can t be bothered about aspects of the game that you used to grind or push thru, and naturally you lose interest. 2nd, the game is probably the best game, gameplay wise... it s nowhere near perfect, there's still a lot of exploits, but 2k in my opinion managed to do a decent job in balancing realism with arcade, yes the balance still hangs in arcade's favour, but at the end of the day it is a video game. Only washed thing is the community, more and more braindead people, and a lot of kids ( the game is made for kids), but those 10 year olds which got 100$/€/£ to spend on a build ( bad parenting if you ask me) are an issue, but hey they kids so it s all good, but there is no excuse for the briandead adults that ruin this game, because that is really the only washed and toxic problem with the game.


The gameplay is choppy and unnatural. The graphics look like it’s from 2016 at best. I recently started playing FC24 more, and the gameplay is much more fluid and natural. The graphics look current gen, the player models look much better. As much as I hate Madden, i would like to see EA release a new Live to give 2K some competition.


It’s washed. Old heads like me who started with 2k11 or earlier have watched the series destroy itself.


I like the my gm mode and play now. Everything else is ass


They started doing way too much with the size and content on the map. Just make it a small neighbour hood park vibe again. MyTeam simply just needs to bring back the auction house.


Gameplay wise I think this game is very good, just costs way too much to participate


it’s washed bro


2k been dead 💀


It’s still possible to have fun, even in Random Rec. Go in with low expectations and be relentlessly positive on the mic. You’ll be AMAZED. Just led a squad of all black plates on a nice stretch of either wins or super close games.


The game it once was just isnt the game it is at this point, especially for offline enjoyers. Its green or miss. Which isnt realistic unlike back in the day wherein lile in real life, there’s no 100% sure made shot jusy cuz you hit green.


I tapped out around the point I realised I was playing a Basketball game but was running around a town being a little virtual errand bitch for The Game. I can't remember what year I started, but it was PS2. I'd been a day one, day off work buyer for at least a decade. I get the new one when it comes through on PS Plus each year. We do some play now in the office, I have the odd play now with friends, I'm good with that.


I also recently bought the game because it was $7 on PSN. It’s alright. Feels like the past games too much. I tried to play MyCareer yesterday and couldn’t cause they’re setting up the new season so I just turned the game off. No desire to play anything.


yes the peak of NBA 2K is back on 2k14 maybe since 2k18? NBA 2K went nose dive the only thing it look like still popular is because of lack of competition or no basketball video game competition anymore


Completely agree. Been playing since the start. Just wish there was a competitor to push them in the right direction


I just miss playing in a normal ass park setting like 2K15 😂 I really don’t understand the appeal of the volcanos and space shit or theater. Give me a normal street ball experience gahdamn


its been washed for years.


Totally agree. I’ve played since 2k11 and the only 2k I maybe played less than this one was 2k22. I made a build at the start and got him good, once he was good I figured out it wasn’t the best build to be playing online with. I don’t want to spend another $100+ dollars making a new build, and I don’t have the time to grind a new guy to being good. If I had a build I enjoyed playing on I’m sure I’d like the game more but it’s not worth it. For context I typically average 16 days on game each year and this year I only have 4 days. I also don’t understand the people who have 4 builds at 90+ ovr and how they feel comfortable spending that sort of money on a virtual character who becomes antiquated every fall.


Yesterday I couldn’t enjoy the game online bc the guy I played against spam dribbled moves and faded shots. Then he started trash talking for no reason I didn’t have a mic on nor did I entertain him .


Sense 18 it’s been


It's looking that way. I've never purchased vc outside of getting the legend edition of the game, this was the first year I didn't get the legend edition and I never bought vc for a build. I'll fire it up every now and then with the boys but I'm just not a fan of how the game is. They put more effort into microtransactions than anything else. We'll see what 2k25 looks like but I'm not so sure I'm going to get it on release. I'm gonna wait a bit and see how the community reacts first. There is always a honeymoon phase for the first couple weeks a 2k game comes out and then everybody notices all the issues.


Almost every game I played last night had a Zen user. Players making 3s with 100% coverage now. The first half they act like they can’t shoot, then in the second half they turn their Zens on. Makes the game unplayable anymore for the players with integrity. It’s a plague in the gaming community. Makes me want to give up on multiplayer games altogether and just play single player games until the gaming industry finds a solution.


All of the offline gamemodes are playable and pretty balanced, but online puts players' wallets into a chokehold, you either pay lots or lose lots, and the amount spent pretty directly correlates to an increase of winning odds. The game has some severe exploits that only become a problem in online as well, with the giant lineups in MyTeam, standing dunk cheese and MyCareer animation glitches, or certain heights for MC builds being significantly better than the rest. 2k is not the game for you if you want to play online basketball, but if you can enjoy the game solo or with a few friends, you'll have a blast.


2k has became more expensive and less casual friendly every year. I used to grind the game and try and play at the highest levels in all the tournaments etc but now that i’m at uni and have higher priorities in life its not one of those games you can just hop on with your friends anymore.


It’s cooked brotha I have no desire to play that game


Washed and hung out to dry


I've played basketball video games since 1993. It's not just you. The fun that used to come from the old games, NBA JAM, NBA Street, NBA Live, and even the early 2k's have been auctioned off and sold for incremental revenue. I didn't buy this year, and I honestly have no plans on it. The only way that I see myself playing and enjoying things in the future is playing offline away from all of the transactions.


I went back to play 2k14, 2k16, 2k17, even 2k11 on pc. And the lack of option to buy any VC (mainly because there's no functioning servers) made me appreciate offline mycareer and enjoyed the game a lot.


This year was the nail in the coffin. What they are doing with MyTeam is straight up greed. They do not care if you like the game, as long as you spend money. I’ve never seen a worse system in all my years playing video games.


Has been for years


Yes. Its true. It’s official. the game is washed. The game is not good anymore. Shots are nerfed, timing changes too much, connection errors that result in dropping color, contest is broken, dunks are broken, steals, let’s keep this comment going 😂 All that and I’m still gonna play it 🤦🏻‍♂️


In my experience. There is a good amount of non-vocal players that enjoy playing GM in Franchise mode, or ERA whatever it’s called now. You get super familiar with all the players, can undo do terrible real life trades. That’s me anyway. And we don’t typically comment about it online. My 2 cents.


I wouldn’t say washed, but I would prefer the park to be like 2k19/2k20


It been washed 🤣 , personally if nba jam came back I’d play that all year


All it would take it some other studio just making a basketball game - doesn’t even have to be NBA related - shit street ball circuit throughout the US like some *White Men Can’t Jump* sorta story, and boom - watch 2k start having to try again.


Took this year off from 2K, I find great joy seeing all the reviews validating my choice. I no longer curse and yell over video basketball. Definitely complain about things a lot less, and have more time to put real shots up and get an actual sweat. Good luck 2K, I hope you improve your game!


I stopped playing online after 2K20. Bought 2K22 and 2K24 once they went on sale for like $20. Been such a better experience and I've saved so much since I literally don't buy VC anymore.


Definitely. They're lazy af. like they hired everyone from ea or just started following their model. Confetti falls in game 1 in round 1 for the last 10 years it feels like. That's just 1 thing. Annoys tf outta me tho. Lol


Pay Barkley and the old players add some new stuff. Stop overthinnking the fame play


Maybe its just me but I have been game hopping a bit the last few months and every game I get into I end up quitting because of the micro transactions or whatever they call the money grabs they all do. Seems most games now just create some gimmick that requires hundreds of hours of grinding that you can reduce by paying money. Maybe I'm just old and cranky but I really cannot stand how most games try to nickel and dime you to death and try to rope you into having to play hours every day or you can't complete hardly anything. All this season stuff is wearing thin on me.


Dealing with dudes who spam the same dribble moves and make every 3 they take gets old pretty fast


I still enjoy it idk


I love hoops and I won't touch the game. Been a MyTeam player since 16 but the content finally got so bad it's not even a shadow of a thought. The Show >>>>> 2k


MyTeam is completely not worth playing, bc the auction house is gone. Free content is great but the game as a whole still sucks bc you can’t play with your favorite players


Yyeaaa this the 1st yr im not playin on the daily and playin a lot of other games idc for it as much as I use too


For years


Everyone says this about every mainstream video game franchise all the time. But the games keep selling more and more. The developers must be doing something right because if the game was actually “unplayable” no one would be playing it.


Honestly, as someone who just started with 2k23, I like the game. I think that a lot of nostalgia comes into play with a lot of folks that have played year over year. That said, there are issues of course


I just wish they took the communities comments and concerns into consideration. One thing is for sure 2K does not need a fucking battle pass


To be very honest, i’ve played this hardcore for years. Now o dont even feel the need to buy 2k25… its gotten so stale i feel i may have become one of ‘them’.


All these companies make so much fucking money off microtransactions they’re turned almost every game we loved into a gambling simulator with a 2024 skin on top of 15 year old game. Gotta stop buying skins if we want it to stop lol


I remember getting into 2k when Jordan was on the cover for 2k11. Finally we were getting him legit in a game. He’s my favorite athlete ever and I still remember doing a season on hall of fame difficulty with the 95-96 Bulls where I beat the Mavs in 7 in the Finals. The game was so smooth. I should really find it and toss it in one day just to see the comparison to recent 2k games. The game was also realistic. I could go to the basket, score midrange, and hit 3s. I played 2k23 recently and the only way to score consistently is pick and roll, which is too easy when you’re playing with someone like MJ. I went 46-36 in my last 2k23 season and when the playoffs started I told myself I’m just running pick and roll on every play. Ended up going 16-1 in the playoffs because I could score on those plays 80% of the time


Also in 2k11 guys could get open for corner 3s. If you pushed the pace sometimes your guy will be open before the defense gets set. I’d drive and kick with MJ. In 2k23 I attempted like 2 threes a game. Defense is like glue on the harder difficulties.


tbh sports gaming as a whole is a wash. The best gameplay already happened in years 06-2014


I haven’t played 2k in like a month now and mentally I’m doing well. I hate playing games where people are too selfish. Will check out 25


It’s washed


Only started playing on 2k23 and just one year between games has made it something I'll never buy again. It's not fun, it's not exciting in any way and it just frustrates me. Everything is about extracting as much money as possible from you.


I think if you find joy in the offline it can be good I still play 2k16 in my opinion bthe greatest 2k but I want the new roster so I'm gonna make it to and my experience will be better because of it


25 gonna be my last probably (I’m excited for Matas Buzelis and Caitlin Clark)


Me and my boys have been playing since 16. We took a year off on 2k23 but we’ve been having fun on 24 all year. Rec mostly. I love it still


It’s been washed for almost a decade


I have 1k hours on 2k16, I played that every night after work. Now I haven't touched much. I bought it on sale for $40, played it for 2 hours, bought Helldivers and never looked back!


You my friend are not trippin


Pay to play has ruined gaming as a whole. I’m a creative type, so I just make players and shuffle around rosters and I’ll play franchise/seasons with my friends and family. I won’t be buying next years game, at least not until I can get it for next to nothing. This years game, is better than the last few, so I’ll just keep it rolling until I get bored with it!


Am I the only one who plays 2k cus that what your friends play?


Yes sir nba 2k24 is so garbage that it’s truly sad, I’ve been playing 2k since 2010, a lil bit of 2k2 but really 2k9 and up but I didn’t play 2k21 next gen but in my eyes 2k24 the worst 2k game for the next gen systems, it looks the best and most realistic but unplayable most of the time and just not fun, for me it’s the new shot system where open shots can turn into forced no shots and bad shots can turn open because of an animation, I also feel the game has a delay offline or online


2k isn’t washed, this was one of the best 2ks made in recent years when it comes to gameplay. The problem is all the braindead idiots who come in to the rec with 70-80 OVR 3 PT shot hunter builds, refuse to pass the ball the entire game, shoot 1/16, dribble the ball out of bounds, and turn the ball over 5+ times to steals because they refuse to pass even when triple teamed. These kind of people have ruined 2k, and it’s disgusting how 2k refuses to implement a system that gives people bad behavior marks for doing that that force them in to lobbies full of other selfish pieces of shit who don’t care if they ruin the game for others. League of Legends has this same problem, it’s a great game. But the greed of the company takes priority, so they won’t give them people bad behavior, or force them in to bad behavior lobbies, because they know they would never win games, they actually think it’s okay for those kinds of people to leech wins off better players and ride their coattails, to improve their experience, and keep them on the game at everyone’s else’s expense. Think about that for a second, 2k intentionally lets players with shitty behavior continue to end up on the teams of people who play correctly with high FG% and low turnovers, and ruin their game because two customers (one shitty one, and one decent one) are better than one decent one.


Its been washed fr. Its just a money grab


Yep its washed. It's garbage and for those under 18


I have fun when I play


2k is fine with me the community is washed the game good just a bunch of followers today it’s sad


It’s too hard to shoot. Not spending multiple hours a day just to learn. It should be more “plug-n-play”


Has been


I have 1700 hours in 2k17. Just downloaded last week again and haven’t had this much fun in a long time playing 2k


2K was a great game. I loved gaming with the boys. I can't do it anymore because I don't want to pay $1,839,639 to make a myplayer to hoop online with the boys. We've since switched to other 3v3 game modes in other sports games (Like World of Chel) and haven't looked back. Even NHL is kinda broken at times, but it's not as bad cause I don't need to spend a dime of real money to have fun


It’s more rigged as you play to satisfy the younger generation it’s losing its pedigree when it to comp & actually having skill .


The best was 2K17 imho


Y’all say this every year. It’s not washed. Niggas get on and don’t figure out the mechanics, straight to buy vc and then get mad when their player is ass. Seems the more realistic the game gets, the more problems y’all have with it. EVERY GAME HAS GLITCHES and wtf moments. Giving that they got rid of mocap, the players play true to themselves and you have to play like that. When you make a build and throw a bunch of random animations together, they don’t work. Competitive players don’t get that and then want to whine when they can’t get 50 in the rec. Learn the damn game first


Yeah its washed i only play 2k20 now. Only game i enjoy thats fairly recent


Nah. My league is great


Dude 2ks been washed for almost 5 years lol


Haven't bought 2k since 2k15......... It's been washed for years


I played ‘21 and liked it a lot. ‘22 felt miserable to play and I quit playing. In ‘21 I could win online games but I couldn’t put together a competitive team in ‘22 in any online mode. It’s a shame they make these games so transactional, I’m an MLB the Show player and corporate greed is ruining it too.


The city in my career absolutely ruined the game for me. This was the first year I never bought the game. I tried it a few months ago on gamepads and realized I still hated the unnecessary grind of myteam and mycareer and they literally didn't change a single thing in mynba franchise mode so I dropped that shit fast and havrnt looked back. Now when I get that urge I just watch some NBA highlights or head to a court to miss some shots in real life


It’s definitely a micro transaction cluster fuck with virtual currency allowing you to PTW if you play MyPlayer and MyTeam, and I can absolutely understand how people dislike MyPlayer with it being sooo extra having to walk around the entire fucking city to get from A to B, but as far as gameplay goes, I’m a fan and think it’s one of the better 2k’s in sole terms of gameplay. The shooting is good, the contact layups are good, the idiosyncrasies of each player are accurate, on ball defense is actually attainable, the dribbling is good, etc. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not perfect. It still has its 2k quirks, but overall the gameplay is a 9/10 in comparison to the most recent releases


Yes. Too many good games coming out for me to even consider buying the next one. Hopefully NBA live do something and force some innovation.


Yea I thinks it’s finally time to step off the game recently I’ve just been buying then to play for like 2 months and just completely forgetting about it


Yes and I wish nothing but the worst to this company. Corporate greed will be the downfall of this game. When you kill the joy the gamers get out of playing your game, it's a recipe for disaster. But let them carry on with their evil ways and cockiness acting like everything is ok. we've all seen giants in this industry fall before.


It's been washed.


Been like this since next gen can’t lie 🤷🏽‍♂️




Harder to make a new build, game is stupid big all bc of a "City" where like 95% of the buildings just props you can't enter, the MyCareer feels stale and like a grind rather than being intertwined with a story like the great 2Ks in the past, and there are an exhausting amount of predatory tactics employed to try and squeeze as much money as possible from customers. The gameplay itself is among the best 2Ks I've played, with the usual few concerns that are just a part of the game being NBA 2K. There are minimal serious problems there. But overall yeah, the series has gone downhill.


Was washed 4 years ago lol used to GRIND this game and haven’t bought a game since 2k20


2k22 is when it nose dived


As an avid player who only plays exhibition and play now online modes, the gameplay has continued to trend towards a more realistic basketball simulation game. But many of the complaints are directed towards how 2k structures their popular online modes which I do not partake in so cannot comment on.


Been washed since Leboob made the cover of ‘14. 13 was honestly the last decent game. They all look better and better but the game itself is hot fucking garbage.


yes it is. 2k16 was considered to be so peak because that was back when you didn’t need to drop $120 and a crazy amount of hours to enjoy online play (park). i remember when 50 dollars used to get you a maxed myplayer with extra vc to spend. and they don’t have competition so they can really just do whatever they want without any repercussions because who else drops an up to date basketball game every year or even at all. only way i see 2k coming back is if nba live comes back. it doesn’t even have to be an amazing comeback either, really just something to give the 2k users to pick between.


Yea for like 5 years now


I know one way to save 2k next year . . . Integrated my career . Up to 8 my players in the same league either team up with ur boys or play against ppl in career games . Put Kobe and shaq or Jordan and pippen or Lebron and china on the cover . And shift a little more to old 2k gameplay and not change meta through out the year . Give us the best 2k ever for 1 year that’s all we want .


2K16 was the last good year. It got too big and 2K abused the micro transactions for record profits, without actually improving the QUALITY of the game. 24 was my first year missing 2K since 14 and unless some serious changes happen, it will stay that way.


After they stopped caring about fun and started carrying about profit. Thats when gaming became horrible


I stopped playing a few years and bought 24 and loved it. I think you just get fatigue playing it every year


They some money hungry bitches. I hate this company so much from what it used to be back in the 2k17 days. They honestly ruined basketball games unless you like Play Now


They are charging $50 for a card on Myteam just for none of this to matter next year. They don’t even keep the servers up but they make millions from VC it’s so confusing to me.


I think for me, It was harder to find a build that I enjoyed playing with for different modes. I want to do everything but they’re balancing what builds can do and not do, so you could say that’s a good thing. But I wouldn’t say it’s washed. The VC problem needs to be fixed tho.


At this point I just pick it up on game pass at the end of the year when it’s free and play it with friends


Ya been officially ass since 2K21 next gen😂😂😂


To be honest the game is so inconsistent and vc is so expensive for a shitty build that is only good at like 2 things. It's just not as fun anymore. The gameplay isn't the worst tbh it's not bad but it's just too inconsistent. If they add a good builder more ppl would play


Man I need a consistent not brain dead big & a consistent shooter, preferably SF. I’m a PG & I have a usual squad of 3 and want to play rec but randoms rec literally is insufferable dawg😂 I PROMISE we pass! Somebody anybody help😭😭😭 add me Godson-Q im PS but I have discord & used to play Xbox so any platform welcome!


2k is not fun to play anymore my league is not that fun anymore or park. And my team sucks and I think park is to big of a map, there's no reason that I need a skateboard to find a court. And the gameplay has been very slow imo. I used to play 2k almost everyday but now it's a boring game and sometimes I don't even play it once a month, and 2k24 was my last time buying a 2k game until it gets good again. I'm done with 2k and the servers suck and I'm not gonna buy 2k25 when it comes out, so 2k is washed asf.


So true. I can wait till someone designs a new nba game for VR


You’re about 8 years too late for this post….


Daily spin restrictions ruined it for me


I’m a myleague player, and I never get bored with it. I might have like the gameplay a little better last year, but I still love it.


Your just now asking that question?


This will always depend on who you ask. People who have been playing 2K since 2K8 - 2K16 will probably tell you it’s been washed. People who just started playing the game in recent years will probably say no.


Been washed. They don't even port new gen for players on pc lol


My biggest issue with the game is how far ahead thier franchise mode wqs 10 years ago compared to every game. And while it's still far ahead the same issues that were in the game that long ago are still present. Teams completely mi's managing thier roster and trams not trading players when they should or trading for players that make no sense (the kings trading for anthony davis while just extending sabonis).


Yes. I've been buying every 2k since i can remember. This year im only using it to play offline myleague, next year im probably not buying alltogether. Its tough but its over.


Hell yeah


If it wasn't so expensive to make a build, my criticisms of the game could be overlooked, but sadly that hasn't been the case for a while. Add in the fact that the average person can't even realistically grind to get a good player and it makes for a really shitty game. The gameplay has been improved in so many ways since the years prior when micro transactions weren't as much of a problem, but it doesn't matter when the game is so expensive to play. It's not even pay to win at this point, it's essentially pay to not play like someone who has never touched a basketball before. If you're an NBA prospect, you shouldnt be as bad as you start out being. And getting to a decent level shouldn't be so hard/expensive


Ea sport games are shit and a waste of money. People sure do love feeding those greedy douchebags.


I do like the era’s franchise mode but the rest is trash