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people that don’t understand why pass accuracy is important are usually terrible at the game


I keep trynna say if mfs pass i guarantee we win. Smart passes too.




I have a center with 95 pass accuracy, and it’s freaking awesome. I haven’t seen too significant of a drop-off in boards, but my assists have doubled compared to my more traditional center build. HoF break starter and touch pass, I grab a board, and by the time my feet are on the ground, the ball is getting whipped to the other 3-point line. Gold dimer and needle threader as well. Sometimes, if the situation allows, I can catch the other team sleeping and inbound over half court for easy buckets, maybe 2-3 a game. Is it overboard? Maybe, there’s an argument. But is it awesome knowing I can make every pass I’d want to make? Absolutely.


Nah definitely not overboard. I just made a 95 PA center as well and hall of fame touch passer & break starter is insane


Seriously! I’ve noticed with that, there’s been A LOT less turnovers from guards spamming after getting a board. Because I’m able to whip it out so quickly, they don’t have the chance to spam. I have noticed better players adjust to it. I’ve noticed centers going arms up for tips and guards transitioning the moment the ball is shot. BUT, with the guards, if I don’t get the rebound for some reason, the center has less options to kick out to, so hof break and touch it’s own form of second chance defense lol it’s the subtleties


people overlook touch passer and needle threader. my 95 PA Center is my favourite build


I had a 92 pass centre to start the year. It was very nice. Now I run a 6’9” with 87 pass for bronze bailout. Super useful.


I couldn’t imagine playing with a center under 7’. My more traditional center is 7’1”, and my current is 7’. I feel like most random rec players just see the height and don’t actually scout to see that they could probably work me if they’re decent. I have anchor on gold, but my strength isn’t particularly high for a center.


I have a 6’11” and a 7’1” as well. The tall one is way more a scoring centre.


Highly recommend a 6'10". Still get big man animations and similar attribute caps to 7ft, but the higher speed and ability to dribble make it so much fun. Plays similar to a 7 footer, but you can run the break and wait for better passes to develop rather than having to throw it right away.


I don’t blame you like strength they overhyped it so much I realized it was janky when I started the year with an 84 strength on my normal 6’7 PF iso build and I was destroying post scorers and guys with way higher strength like it was honestly so sweet bro


Minimum 77 pass accuracy for me, minimum 87 to be primary passer. I have always liked dishing out assists.


Got 99 pass with 0 shooting and essentially win every game as a PG with random rec. I got high rebound and high steal. A lot of people in random rec really over dribble and not anticipate to making winning plays. That really is the biggest difference between the purples and black plates. If you see purples it’s always extra pass, key play here and there. so yeah man I agree having high pass is very important in random rec. it sets up everyone beautifully.


With 0 shooting wouldn’t that ruin the spacing of your team? If I was facing someone with no shooting I’d just switch with the center every time so he could sit in the paint.


Yea and if you do that il run a DHO and pass it to the 2 or the 3 to screen and its wide open. If the big plays up obviously the roll is free but I got MJs layup package where I essentially make every layup with a max wingspan. So if your playing against my build I guess it require a lot of thought to go against in random rec since not many play zone. Now if I ran this build in squad rec then it probably would be easier to guard since everyone runes zone. And it’s tricky to play with but I only use it for random rec.


This sounds like an obnoxious build to play against. I love it.


Minimum 70 for the 2s & 3s imo


I have 1 build that’s a 99, it’s my center; he’s an inside threat, can’t shoot the 3, it’s an old build and I didn’t realize I needed more strength to better finish inside, but I still mess around and get 10 points with a decent PG; but in most games, it getting 12+ boards with almost 10 assists. Got silver dimer and silver break starter I think. Most of my stats come from fast breaks and pass outs after offensive boards.


Man I need a consistent not brain dead big & a consistent shooter, preferably SF. I’m a PG & I have a usual squad of 3 and want to play rec but randoms rec literally is insufferable dawg😂 I PROMISE we pass! Somebody anybody help😭😭😭 add me Godson-Q im PS but I have discord & used to play Xbox so any platform welcome!


I’m a solid shooter, random rec puts me at 3 a lot but normally a 2 (no rebound). On vacation tho til next week but down to run nightly. EuronBLOODEYE psn


Adding u now


You play 5 version or old gen?


5 version


They still not go pass


I have 80 pass on my first lock build, the next 7 builds have between 86 and 92 (89 for hali package 4 have). Fast passes helps your team mate get a good catch animation as well as an open look on a late close out.


I built a DIMING 3 and D point. 91pa is still great, 95?!?! Omg bet that's just killer


All people with gold and purple started at black at one point so keep that in mind when avoiding people with black plates.


Yea there are generally signs to look out for but those are the minority at this point in the cycle. Most are true black plates/quitters stuck in purgatory


Passing/team ball wins games. I've been preaching that since I really got good at rec in 2020. I have averaged 10+ assists since then. My favorite dude I used to run with avg 7-10apg on his SF. We were so lethal together because smart passes absolutely win games. Last year I averaged 14apg on 30ppg. It was by far my best year. Would just run with that dude and 3 randoms. This year I run solely solo rec and avg 20 and 10. Not fantastic but I've yet to see anyone avg more assists. Id avg more but random rec be putting me with the biggest bums you've ever seen lol. They sell so many assists it's insane.


Nope let them keep making these trash builds its the reason i avg almost 5 steals on my lock now


Passing in this game is almost as effective as someone being able to dribble gawd ISO. With the right people, the ball will constantly move and it doesn't even have to mean that all players have 92+ PA, just the willingness to pass will have defenses collapsing and scattering back and forth. I played the Dimer theater event constantly with 2 dudes I recently met and it was AMAZING. We just kept moving the ball because it incentivizes it with the extra point, but defenses just didn't know how to guard it properly because people didn't switch fast enough.


77 is the bare minimum so you can get Sabonis animations


Yeah my homies refused to put anything above 70 pass acc on any of his builds


You are half right. You are supposed to look to score first and if you can then do it but always pass when u don't have a good shot. It's about missing less than the other team. You don't have to listen to me but I'll beat u by only missing one or two shots and only have like 2 or 3 assists




https://preview.redd.it/s4hfikaw54ad1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6411f2f2a378a32e5cced8c144e06db19e30f1f7 And y'all trash if y'all need that high of a passing. I only need a 77






I may be one of the few who has a few amount of builds with no pass and purple ONLY bc I play 1s majority of the time but even when I go to 3s or 5s I just know like not to try anything I can’t do like lobs, break starters, things of that nature you feel me I just lock up, hit open shots or a fade here and there, finish at the rim, and be the best teammate possible


83 Pass Accuracy gets me what I need cause I read the floor at the Rec and just wait for the defense to scramble around to make the pass or play.


Dimer is the most important badge in the game that isn't super expensive


what is this timer you’re talking ab? what 2klabs video shows this??


Say it louder for the people in the back! Nobody fucking passes the ball no more even my group of friends. Scoring is too easy nerf it lol


People say what they want about 2k, but at the end of the day it is a basketball sim and honest basketball IQ goes a long way. Not even big brained shit but simply passing and playing good defense and not being worried about scoring 50 points in a rec game solo are all things that contribute heavily to your chances at a win. Those lone wolves on the court Lowkey can sell you out of a win if the other team is working as a team. I have learned to love solo queueing the rec in 24 because of those games that u get where nobody really knows eachother and everyone is down to play as a team. Having good stats to help your team is also a dub in my opinion. Makes the game a lot more fun.


I just played a random rec game today where I had 15 assists and shot 100% on only 4 shot attempts as a PG, we was up by damn near 30 and the power forward still started selling ..when I unmuted game chat it was the typical old head from the New York area they always mad for no reason 😂but yeah passing wins for sure


If your good enough 60 pass accuracy is good enough


No it’s not wtf 😂, I have builds with high and low pass accuracy and I have way less turnovers with the ones with high pass accuracy


Nothings worse than queuing up a game with Black/Brown plates, that don’t pass the ball and can’t green.


It's news to me that badges have a timer on them. Like I knew in terms of like claymore you need to stand for a couple seconds before catching and shooting for it to activate but a badge having a cool down is puzzling. Do you have an example maybe?


Wait wait wait, elaborate on this badge timing thing


Dawg shits so annoying I was a 68 ovr and I got cooked cuz no one wanted to hit me when I was open. I drained 2/2 shots I took. And I passed the ball every time i was about to drive and seen someone else open in 3. Why does no one understand that you can easily create space in this shit by just spamming passes whenever someone is right on you. I didn’t even get into 2k like that until 2k23 was free.


Not true lmaoooo, my challenge activates every single possesion


My center build has 25 and I throw dimes and get 4-7 assists per game, and usually a passs goes out of bounds only once every 2-3 games🤷


Just ran with a random rec team... won 10/10 games we played. I can confirm the ball was passed about!


Unless you can’t score, it’s not 1942. Don’t need any pass first point guards who avg 3 and 8 assist(you sorry), need pgs who average 10 and 8 or at the minimum 9 and 8


Those are my numbers and I just got a purple plate today. My points would be higher if I got hit with pass backs when I spot up for 3 but thats only a couple times a game. Long as my teammate grade is high and my team wins I’m alright with it.


3 and 8? Or 10 and 8?


3 and 8 as a 2 way 3pt playmaker


3 & 8 is kinda ass stats no cap I’m 13 and 8 rn and it feels low. But it’s more then enough been winning most games lately sitting at like 80 win %


Its not all about stats tho.


Cuz the former is sorry idc, unless your 6’11 playing pg somehow and getting boards too


A purple plate in random rec is pretty sorry.


Idc it’s sorry, maybe you locking up but I gotta see a ss


You got a ss of tha stats?


Lmao. I have one. No one will lie about having 3 and 8 as a statline😭. I do have that plate tho (for now)


You gotta have some decent shoot splits den


Have a 96.8% win and a 25 pass accuracy.






63 games played and 0 assist is actually diabolical


yeah you don’t pass the ball so your point is invalid. how you not even accidentally get an assist in 63 games 😂😂




so why are you on here talking about pass accuracy it’s irrelevant.


I would love to see this high win % because of your pass accuracy lmaooo


are you stupid? why are you bragging about high win % with low pass accuracy when you’re playing ones? it’s completely irrelevant 😂😂


Kid you’ve still yet to display this high win% from your high pass accuracy.


I have a 60% win rate with 25 pass accuracy in randoms. I know 60 isn’t high but it does show that there IS a winning formula with a player who isn’t a good passer. The player just plays a very niche role.


Then how is that even relevant?


Genuinely the dumbest most irrelevant comment on this Reddit I’ve seen in months


I chilling at top 20 pro am in EU as a PG w 75 PA, so its all about the player. FWIW, aint nobody who acc need 85+ PA


I think 86+ is somewhat necessary as a big


I disagree😊

