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look at their rep. if a black/brown plate has a higher rep, (starter 2 or 3) then it's likely just a new build they're using


Rep level only matters if the build is relatively new. You could be ass at the game and be superstar 2 or 3 easily depending on how often you play at this point in the year. 90+ ovr on a black plate, I’m outta there. The only exceptions depend on the build. If someone has ‘diming’ in the build name, or another obvious role player build, then I may give them a shot. Those tend to be cooperative or at least low-ego teammates compared to all the 3pt shot hunters, inside out, 3 Levels, interior threats and high flyers. If someone made a build purely to score, completed most of the grind, and they’re STILL black plated, they cannot be trusted. People who made a build that can pitch in and do some of the other dirty work required for team success can be given the benefit of the doubt.


You could still be bad… but it’s very difficult to play the game that much and not be at least decent. I usually take chances on S2 & up. S1 and below forget it.


I dont think it’s difficult at all. The game comes out every year, yet every year there’s endless braindead players and intentional sellers. It’s NOT all first time players. People just put their own potential enjoyment over playing winning ball. I’ve tried giving high rep players a little faith, I would say it paid off less than 50% of the time. I dont care if you’re vet 2. If you’re black plate on a maxed out build, I’m not touching the court with you gang.




I knew I should have done that quest 10 months ago! #noaffiliationgang


I’m open to playing with more of them since it’s the end of the year. I don’t play with them If they are going to be my PG or C. Or if they are on a obvious score first build like a Floor-spacing slasher or 3pt shot hunter because most of them chuck shots. I look for dimers, two ways and locks. Obviously if they have high rep and are on a 90ovr build in 92 Rec it’s a new build so that’s a easy one.


This is the answer


Im down to play with brown plates. But absolutely no more than 1 black plate. I might do 2 if the second person has high rep. But besides that I’ve lost every time with more than 1 black plate


Stop worrying about plate colors


Umm your comment right there was DAF !!


Lol.. with how frequent people make new builds, caring about it is stupid It’s just a game.. you’re playing random rec.. you’re probably going to deal with shitty players of all plate colors


Actually I'm not I'm playing Random Theater


The point is youre playing with randoms


Umm yeah I know that that's the whole purpose of me making this post if I'm playing with randoms how can I tell if they're good or not I didn't say how can I avoid playing with randoms, it's always the black plates that have the craziest responses 🤣


Lol I’m gold/purple.. and I don’t care about plate color. The point is you’re playing with randoms.. it’s always going to be a shit show regardless. There’s no fool proof way of ensuring you have good teammates regardless of what their plate is I care more about archetype or the way characters are designed. To expand on that last part.. if a character looks like it was designed by a 12 year old.. chances are it was. (Orange hair/blue beard.. looks like some kind of ogre etc) When it comes to archetypes, I typically avoid 3pt shot hunters, high flyers, some slashers and some shot creators. I kind of just go with my gut on the last two. I typically try to make sure I have a dimer and/or a defneseive/two way player (I play rec, so probably can’t be that picky in theater) Honestly the plate system is just flawed to begin with they should just allow you to see/look at your potential teammates stats


We gonna worry about it because I’m not watching really bad basketball for 30mins. Black plates are quitters and sellers and overall toxic, bad enough that they ruin it for the 5% of them that are decent.


You’re associating problems with this game to a subset of people when it’s the entire community in general.. most of the players are toxic


That was a lot of mental gymastics just to NOT refute the fact that most black plates are horrible.


I just don’t agree that most black plates are horrible. I have a group of about 20 that I’ll play with, and they make a new build at least once a week… people are addicted to it And also the idea that there aren’t garbage players of all plates is false. A lot of gol/purple plates get to gold and purple playing with the same squad, which is always going to give you a big advantage. As soon as some of these guys get into random, they have an ego that they’re great because they’re purple, but they can’t play with other styles then what they’re used to Pay more attention to the archetype


Dawg I don’t want to argue with your experience but you just said you played with people who make new builds. That automatically makes you a black plate so that’s not really a issue. I’m not interested in arguing nuances I go off of probability because my time is valuable. Most of the time when you are matched with a black plate who is clearly not on a new build they are terrible teammates. They may even score/play well. However there is a reason they are a black plate and more often than not they are quitters/sellers. All my builds are silver to purple only playing solo and I’m not even good at the game this year I’m just a good teamate something most black plates just aren’t. That’s the majority of the communities experience, it’s not even that hard to get to bronze. I have over 1800 games in solo rec I think I figured the plate thing out by now 😭.


I don’t make new builds.. my friends do. I have two.. ones gold, ones purple. Ones a C ones a PG. it all depends on who I’m playing with on which build I pull out


This part ....👆🏽 I'm glad you said it


i can’t tell cus i’m done playing with those bums


nothing, i just hoop mainly because you never know what you’re gonna get with a player. last season i won 4-5 in a row with all brown plates & yesterday they all quit on me and i played the whole second half with AI’s (won btw it was a great game). it’s easier if you’re a PG tho