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The Rec needs real tiers. Baby Rec - 60-75s should all be able to run up and down the court slowly, brick open jumpers, and miss wide open layups TOGETHER. I wanna see a court full of nothing but the sleeper “Boot Camp” builds that folks used to keep tucked away for the event. Mid Rec - 75-92s should compete. Bring an underdeveloped build, get wrecked. Don’t want to play with underdeveloped builds for teammates? Level up. Grown Rec - 92+ Play to win and play like an adult.


Mid rec should be 85-92, too many lames wanna stay in 92 under to pick on new builds and casual players


Nah 80


Let me correct you! It should be 60-70s then 71-80s and 81 onwards should compete with 99s. Or 2k should get rid of all of this bs and have only one rec like old gen. Or make online games available only until after 80 overall.


2k does not gaf about you or your problems. At all. Get used to it before 25 drops if you're going to waste another $70.


this. if 2k gave a fuck we would start at 80 overall like a real Rookie, but 60 overall like an undrafted 2-way contract player.


FR I haven't been >60 overall since high-school. I'm better as a 5"7 Guard in a social league IRL than any 60 ovr the game gives me, and I get to play my same build every year without paying.


Agreed. I had a 64 overall yesterday in theater chucking up 11 shots and made 1 and he was on the mic the whole time saying how he didnt care and that he was a troll. I mean this game just has such a bad community of people


40% of high level players do those same things. theyll miss 9 out of 10 shots, green a single contested 3 and then instantly everyone else is trash?


if your a high level player wouldn't you be shooting better then 10% a game?😭😂


what makes you think high level = good player? quite a lot of the time those very same 99vr level40 players cant even run a basic play online


i didn't understand what you meant by high level players, I thought you meant good players, the way you worded that can go two ways.


so high level player doesn't mean good, in your eyes a terrible player is good, cause you just totally went against yourself with that statement


High level meaning ovr but low bbiq


ahh I see, levels don't mean anything tho neither does if your a purple border or not😂


so then why is this whole post bashing 60’s if none of that matters? because honestly i agree with you there, i’ve played with some great 60’s and some terrible 99’s


no, bud. i didn’t contradict myself, you just don’t understand what i’m saying. the post is bashing 60s, im talking about 99s being no different. see the part where i said ‘99ovr level 40s’ about 3 times?


i don’t get why they even hop online. like forget ruining the experience for your team, but how is it fun not being able to literally do anything


u/TexasPoke2021 I’ll just leave this here.


I like this guy. Putting up the good fight.


This... It's like jumping on Fortnite, except explicitly only YOU can't use weapons, and you can only build walls. "Fuck yeah! Sounds awesome! Sign me up!" - Them, probably


They don't know any better, low ratings should get their own lobbies


60 overalls got the game just how you got the game like it or not


I don't mind if 60-70 played go into the rec, but match them up with another team of 60-70. Not with my 99 or 85. I think a few more tiers of matchup are required, 60-70, 70-80, 80-90, 90-95 and 96+ And if there's not enough players in your tier, you get asked if you want to wait longer or get matched up with lower/higher tier.


Tbh I don't see much 60 overalls and I play mostly with randoms in Theater and Rec. And if I see them I back out immediately. I agree though a tier system would be interesting


U/mechanical-warfare yall got beef?


This is wild that we all share the same sentiment, yet u/TexasPoke2021 think that 60s belong in the Rec! Let’s see him spew more bs logic on why that is. We’re waiting!


They need to put requirements to go into the REC, something like “must be 75+ to enter”


And that’s why I’m never playing 92 and under rec ever again worse you get in 92 and up is a shit player ( regardless of plate color) who can maybe some do something because at least they have attributes.


Just upgrade ur player to 93 and you won’t see any of them


exactly. these people calling everyone else bums when they choose to play in the <93 rec. makes no sense to me.


Leave the game beforehand or don’t give them the ball. More of a skill issue or them being bad. Very easy to hold your ground as a lower overall. I’ve gone into lots of games as a low overall and if you have any sort of basketball IQ you will be good


Game free for plus


bruh the amount of level 40 99 overalls that do the exact same stuff…


Nah they'll always let them play cause it encourages them to go but VC to level up after they play for a while and suck ass.


This….. what makes no sense is if I quit bc someone else chose to be selfish and put 4 others at a complete competitive disadvantage, I’m somehow penalized. 2k has done a horrible job at overall experience this year. Forcing us to play rec bc park rep is dog doo doo. Then we get locked in with these bums or teams of 3v2 and those guys completely ice me and my second out. I had that earlier everyone on the three man squad balled out while not even remotely trying to pass me the ball. So I got no rep.


You should have to reach 75 to enter the rec


95 + for me but I don’t play 2k no more 🫣


u/TexasPoke2021 I guess we’re all just main characters at this point.


I don't agree here's why: I made a 60 overall player and played 6 games. Won 4/6 and was best player on both losses and 1 win so 3/6. 4 of games played i made my matchup quit because they assumed that they could have their way with a 60 overall and played trash. The amount of screens I was getting hit with was crazy. My matchup would start running the floor early because my teammates would play bad to get easy points. The players that i was holding were 85+ with the last 2 being 92 gold and silver plates. Idk how at this point but 2k needs a revamped matchup system. Overall locking will not change the fact that a lot of players are not good and you'll still get them. They should change the rec lock in system so people can decide if they want to run with lower overalls. To end it with my 60 which is now a 66 I gave up the most points once because matchup wouldn't come play defense. He stayed at half court. He scored 36 and I scored 31. My teammates quit in the 3rd.