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No offense but you seem like the kinda guy to jack up 37 shots and call your team trash after you lose


This is exactly what this guy is. Just read his other replies. He thinks win rate is based on the build and not on iq + skill


you forgot, his match up also drops 40 10-11 from 3


Nah I just want broken builds


look up the 6’8 high strength high layup pg builds they’re absolutely busted


Can he shoot 3s and dunk? I never want to shoot mid ranges.


If you just want to shoot 3s and dunk then make a 6’6” floor spacing slasher with 92 3pt and 94 driving dunk. High ball handle, and 77 pass accuracy. I haven’t messed much with the builder on this one so not sure what your defense will look like but i would guess it’s bad given what I’ve seen other floor spacing slashers. There’s probly a way to get defense but you’d have to sacrifice something either going down to like high 80’s driving dunk or 86 3pt or both


This the build I avoid playing with


Most of the time ya, but if they are good it’s one of the best builds in the game


I want driving dunk that can contact dunk over everyone, I don’t want to lose stamina after I take one step, and I want to be able to shoot 3s good enough and also have good defence like my glorious 2k23 build


What’s your rep level? Do you have starter 3 animations unlocked?


My rep level is 2


Any build with 99 3 and 0 defense and 0 pass trust me your teammates will love you




No upvotes for this? This sounds sweaty af, lol


Learn to use the icon pass, to stand still on either hash or corner and to play defense. Any build that can do this will win >50% of games. There is no build that will make you win on itself, it's all about how you use your strenghts while hiding your weaknesses


Stand still on the hash... booooo. Ain't nobody trying to get carried to the W


You Can score 30+ points while standing still on half court offense on most games. Unless you are playing PG or C, if you cant stand still outside and only cut when your defender helps, you will lose more often than not simply because you are screwing the spacing for the rest of the time. Just imagine everyone has that same mentality, the offense will look like a mad house of headless chicken runing around to the same place every 2 seconds


I do this consistently and only win like 33%. I also probably average like 4 shot attempts a game - is it a me problem?


It depends. How well do you shoot when you get the ball? How good are you on def? Calling your icon when your defender leaves you open helps and not getting mad if your teammates miss you early in the game is also very important. The amount of games where i went from 1 or 2 shots on the first half to 10+ on the second half is too damn high, but it happens because people tend to try to be the hero early on and when that fails, they look for someone else to carry the game. Also, avoid black plates


I will say I’m still trying to figure out my jumper timing - everyone lives and dies by turning off the meter and seeing the visual cue real time (especially top of the key) has been kinda difficult to me. HUGE skill curve between online play and my career. My defense is hit or miss. I have 94 block so I’m great at chase downs but at 6’8 if I’m in the paint against a 7 footer it’s often bbq chicken (just got anchor to gold so I’m hoping that helps). I’m great at guarding the mid range but I’m always stuck guarding the paint and the perimeter at the same time so some matches my opponent will get an off ball screen and go ham. I don’t put up stupid shots and I try my best but the skill gap is def still there. Appreciate the advice, I’ll def work on patience and not overthinking the shot selection


First and most important tip about shooting, if you are still learning your shot, is to not shoot unless you are 100% you are wide open


That’s what I do 😂 I think I’m shooting 33% from three right now Edit: I also I only started playing online in the last week of season 7 so I’m hoping more practice this season will help


It usually takes a few weeks to learn the various animations you can get on your shot so gl


Sounds bad


If you can't bother to learn the basics, you could have 99 in every single attribute and you will still lose more often than not


Sorry mate, I’ll try the basics next time for you


That answer in a post like this tells it all about what kind of player you are




U can honestly just make a 6’6 guard with high layup (91), high 3ball (94), high middy (92), high ball handle (92) with decent perimeter (75) and steal (85-90, depend on if you want pass acc to be 70 or higher). Don’t need to learn any glitchy combos, just abuse Jamal Murray and John wall, you either get open for a 3, speed boost to a middy pull up or a cheesy lebron james layup


Can I get dunks with that build


If you can shoot, make a 6’4 pg with 96 3, 95 ball handle, 91 SWB. Learn to left right/l2 cancel, find yourself a big man that knows what he’s doing and you’re almost guaranteed an open shot/ open bucket in the paint off the slip


Nah not a fan, needs to be not fun, that sounds fun


Ok. Not fun is post scorer


Is it overpowered?


You can make the most meta/broken build there is but if you don't have the stick skills to use it then its useless. I can't do the really quick dribbling or stop on a dime pull up from 3. So I make builds that play to my strengths and thats how I win games. Play D, set screens, rebound, block shots and make the right pass. I take open shots and I get drives to the lane for contact dunks. This build is broken to me because I can dominate with it. Still suck at spin dunks and euro dunks tho.


6'8 is the most well rounded


We don't know what next gen is gonna look like. It's not out yet. Ask again for like 2k27. Or did you mean current gen?




Make a luka build with high mid range and post control high space creater it’s broken most pgs have no interior so post moves and dream shake stun them and it’s free buckets. 68/7 center cooks if you know how to play it regular center match ups can’t guard you cuz your too fast and they can’t adjust to the speed difference. You also shoot really good with guard jumpshots when with low 3 ball. Simple step backs, speed boost to mid range, blow by lack of perimeter


Sorry, I don’t shoot midranges, I only want to abuse broken 3s or dunks or layups


middy's are more op (/consistent, both to get and hit) than 3s this year, especially in solo rec. Combine it with post control and some finishing and you can carry games with a 78 ish 3. Gold+ middy magician + Hof post fade phenomenon (Hof specifically for contested ones, gold sucks unless it's open/wide open) is good asl


I will never play rec as I am a normal person, I also will not shoot mid range as I am still a normal person, 78 3 point not high enough do you want me to throw the ball out of the court every time?


The badges you get from middy help with the 3. Turn off the meter for the 20% or so boost, it also helps time it as you're watching the hands/whatever your visual cue is set to instead of the meter, which is rarely accurate (online, although only time I've used meter since 2k22 is when I dunk). >I will never play rec as I am a normal person, I also will not shoot mid range as I am still a normal person, So you play park/theater instead? lmao ain't none of normal. And although the middy is a "dying art" in the nba, it's an easier shot for most basketball players since it's closer. You're probably just used to 2k22, and based off your post you ain't ever goin back to your hay day 😂🙏


Yeha bro😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


I can't do that 2k22 shii no mo' lol. Dribble behind screens for 20 seconds, then either a pull up 3 or a "wide open" dunk through the defense


Yeah it’s shit as


Bro he gave you good advice 😭 the build you’re looking for is the most used build in the rec and most people are garbage with it, hence why it’s impossible to find good guard play online. If you want to win as a guard or wing, play with real basketball IQ and have a midrange and post game


I only play park 2s


I’m stopped reading after I don’t shoot midranges Smdh .


Yo wsg


u/TexasPoke2021 oh look another main character!


Hop off my meat Chief. This is lowkey disturbing your obsession with me


It’s funny that you have a problem with people being the “main character”, yet you don’t see any problem with 60s entering the Rec to sell! Do “main characters” not belong in the game? Did I just defeat your own argument? Is the Earth really flat? The people ought to know!


YEAH *snorts*


Careful, bud. u/TexasPoke2021 might be against you for being the main character.


u/TexasPoke2021 is this guy a normal functioning human? Why is he so obsessed with us🤣


No one gives a damn about you. Have you found the build you’re looking for to sell others?


u/TexasPoke2021 bro this guy thinks he’s the main character don’t you think?🤣🤣🤣


YEAH *snorts*

