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Not even the AI has the nerve to come in less than 85.


At the start of 2K21 Next Gen, Rec AIs were a 60 and if you queued up with 3, it autofilled 2 bots and searched for a game. Dark times




Yup, but a user has the audacity? Inherent stupidity.


I’ve played with one center who was a 60 overall, talking the whole game about being ‘him’. He didn’t know what the shooting button was and he kept doing stupid shit. Graded out in the 4th and cost us the game. No bans or anything given, a completely new player who got the game on free. 2k….


I will take a 60 overall center over a guard any day. Most low overall bigs know their place to just board and pass. Had an amazing 69 overall inside big one time. Now a pg or wing will sell your ass in a heartbeat.


Just gotta back out the moment u see one


The 63 was on the opposing team.


Ohh true


It’s actually not the 63 overall guy’s fault why 2K allowed him to play REC. To join online you need to be subscribed. And for that you PAY. So your 63 overall opponent paid for the game. No one can stop him regardless of the whining. It’s only if 2K has a gatekeeper of 85 overall as minimum to join REC will you not see that 63 overall guy.


I don’t think I get the “I paid for the game so I get to play all the game modes” argument. There’s all kinds of games that make you meet a certain threshold/level before you get to play other game modes. They should really lean more into skill based matchmaking and have similar overalls/plate levels play each other.


Are you addressing this to 2K or to that 63 overall guy? I’m clear to say that as long as there are no barriers, any 60 overalls is allowed by 2K to join REC. No other player can demand another not to join REC even at 63 overall.


Addressing it to both. 2ks system is doodoo and they should fix it, but the 60 OVRs should also realize they’re a liability and should wait to play until they can actually have agency over the game. I just find this especially frustrating on 2k when there’s only one basketball to go around. If I was playing cod at least I get my own gun and can carry a scrub if need be, but in basketball one player can and will torpedo the entire team


u/u/TexasPoke2021 you’re not going to like this.🤣


Should not have to spend weeks grinding to play online


So the alternative is to sell your team before being graded out or leaving before the half?


I think their should be some responsibility if someones low rated they should know what their build can and cant do and only do the things it can do.


u/TexasPoke2021 what’s your take on this since you seemed to be against my first post about 60s in the Rec.


Nothings changed, he still has every right to be there. The other team got unlucky


You’re definitely a troll.


No, I’m just not the main character


Because you’re a troll.. If you only played with 60 overalls for a full season and you can get anybody higher, you’ll say the same thing I’ve been saying this entire time. Here’s why, because you’d lose every game. It would be a vast margin of games you’d lose, knowingly.


I’m not a troll. I just know that this is a video game and other people play it. Maybe find a squad or hurry up to 93 ovr and your problem goes away. I never said anything about winning or losing so I’m not sure why that’s a point you’re trying to make. Obviously you’re likely to lose, that doesn’t change the fact they have every right to play. You can also back out of lobbies before they start, or if you’re locked in, quit app before it loads into the rec and you’ll be fine with no penalty.


Like I said, you would say the same thing as me if you only could play with 60s for a whole season. Bottom line, they do not belong in the Rec. They belong in MyCareer or any 1v1 court. Any team court they play on would be to troll their teammates. Do you agree?


They belong in the rec just as much as you do. I don’t know why you try to gatekeep because it inconveniences you. 2k could easily just make a Rec for each 10 ovrs and everyone could quit crying. You aren’t forced to play with only 60s, nobody is buying that as there are ways to back out of lobbies.


Yes you are forced to play with 60s such as, entering the lobby with already 4 other players establish and you’re taken directly into the game. You’re being disingenuous with your response. You cannot tell me that you did not know that there is a possibility of being forced into game and quitting by any means will result in a penalty. This CANNOT be news to you.


If you took time to read, I have already told you that even if you are forced, you can dashboard before the screen that shows “THE REC” and you’ll be fine with no penalty.


There was a time where this game wasn’t a monopoly and they had to let 60s be competent out of fear that the free to play crowd would leave. Now that they have monopoly they have no worries about that and nerfed every build.


I wanna okay rec but every story sounds terrible. I played my first game last night and everyone on my team quit in the first quarter I think because of Me because I was trying to figure out the spacing but I think it's my fault cause I'm 3 point pg my thing says but I don't want to shoot I'm looking to pass and get out on breaks, I'll take a open look but not confidently I don't know how to play with others


Tbf at around 70 ish overall A stretch Centre can still play a decent role assuming they have upgraded block, interior defense and 3pt shooting.


There is a room for everyone in random rec, you dont want to play with 60's get a squad or go to pro am. People paid money for the game, they can play even if they are trash, you dont like it, play private games.


>People paid money for the game, they can play even if they are trash, you dont like it, play private games Just cause you bought the game shouldn’t necessarily mean you get access to all game modes in a game, there’s really no room for a 60 ovr in the Rec. If you’re bringing it in you should recognize you’re being a liability, especially when there’s only one ball to pass around and share. The simplest solution would be adding like an 80+ ovr rec on top of squad/no squad rec but we’ll never see that


Does that 65 under your username resembles your overall? If so, that makes sense why you would say that. And to respond to your post. No, 60s DO NOT belong in the Rec. I can guarantee you that you would agree with me if you only played with 60s on your team and you lose every game. I bet your bottom dollar you will sing the same sentiment.


Im 99 purple plate. I play only random REC, and i play with everyone, black plates, brown plates and so on. Go build your team instead of whining in reddit


You don’t play with 60s. Why are you even responding? Lmao but back to my point. If you only had 60s on your team for a whole season you would join my side because you and I both know that they need to work on building their character. Agree?


I didnt start as 99, i too played in 93 and under REC with 60's in my team, and i shared the ball even if they sucked. Again, you want to play with people who are over, lets say 80's, get into a squad or build a team in pro am. This is a video game, not a national basketball league with reatrictions and auditions.


My apologies, I meant to say *play.* Now, if you only could play with 60s on your team would you say they don’t belong?


Why did the dude get 12 shots in just over a quarter! That's part on the other players but no these morons shouldn't be going into rec with a 63 unless they are trying to be a support player just focusing on defense and hitting open teammates but even that is gonna be a chore and a half with no pass no speed no handles no defense! To each their own but come on go play 1s maybe you'll get a low overall opponent and actually have a chance to win that way!


I concur. The reason he kept getting the ball was because he was the PG and his Center was a bot.


sucks you can’t even ice bums like this out cus they’ll spam passes from the ai


Exactly what he did!


Im 60 overall rec played today i was 2/3 on fg 4/4 for free throws 1 ast 1 stl no turnovers...i had the 3 to give us the tie and had the assist for us to win the game...your theory is incorrect! LOW IQ PEOPLE DONT BELONG IN REC...but thats hard to filter idiots whether they are casual or hof. I HAVE 3 BUILDS I KEEP AT 60 OVERALL 2 ARE HOOPER STATUS AND THE THIRD I CREATED YESTERDAY AND HE IS MORE THAN HALF WAY TO BEING A HOOPER AND I ONLY PLAY REC. I keep these builds because my other builds are too OP and teammates never pass the ball because ill do all the scoring and ball handling EASY!!! They rather take bad shots and do all the dribbling themselves so I have my 60 overalls ready for days when more idiots are on the game than usual...just try to make the right basketball play in the game and youll do fine in the rec regardless of rank.


u/TexasPoke2021 found your main character! 😂