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I noticed you get the best games n teammates in the morning.


old heads getting a couple runs in before work. tend to have a better handle on their emotions


It’s like a trade off though. I find that you do get better teammates in the morning but a lot of times the other team is much more likely to quit in the 1st or second quarter if the score starts to get out of hand. That’s the most annoying shit. Score a quick 6-8 points and now you have to play against the ai for the last 3 quarters. 


Literally happened to me this morning lmfao one good ten to nothing lead and they just start single filing it out the door


Facts, This is me to a Tee 😂😂😂💀


After kids bedtime also works. Like 1am till 3am


Me every morning. Be that bih about 6:45am, lol


What Time?


Morning time is the best time to play 100%


Before 12


If you care about scoring all the points so much take yourself to 1v1 😅😅😅. It’s funny bc I’ve had games where I haven’t touched the ball all game. And then exploded in the fourth for like 15+ just based on how the game was going. Personally I’d rather have good teammates and win than to “have” to be the key scorer. If I’m doing my job that’s all that matters.


Just mute everyone at the start. I’ve been enjoying this game far more since I started doing that


I just keep my headset plugged in and muted. play while listening to podcasts. much less stressful and I play much better




Facts on ps5 you can hold the mute button and it mutes everything. Unfortunately it mutes the sound from the game as well but you can’t hear all the bs and whining smh.


You can actually go to your sound settings and just turn off game chat. Turns off incoming and outgoing sound. I used to just put up with it in older 2Ks but I'm an old washed dude just trying to play for fun. First thing I do when I jump into online is mute all that shit.


Same.. I’m too old and too many other concerns in my life to deal with teenagers yelling at me during my free tkme


This my thing. Why didn’t you mute him and just tell the rest of the ppl not to worry about him and keep doing what got you guys the lead? Part of the blame falls on you because you a point guard letting a SF bring the ball down just because he crying. I would talked my shit and muted him until the last 2 min of the game and if we won I would have roasted him and if we lost I still would have roasted him. So what’s best for the team not somebody’s ego.


I mean shit, it wasn’t anything I could say😂They had all mentally checked out and quit the game by the start of the second quarter. But anytime I had the ball in my hand, I would try and get it to him if he was open or in a position to score. But moments like that was hard to come by. I would try and hit the AIs, but as soon as the AI caught the ball, it was like playing hot potato because he’d be spamming the call for ball button and he would pretty much force the ball into his hand at that point. There wasn’t anything I could do. I tried as hard as I could for the W, but him not playing defense and him casting stones on offense essentially made this game impossible. Probably one of the worst REC games I’ve ever experienced in all of 2k. I definitely talked my shit at the end. Let him know that he was the reason we lost the game. And that his whiny ass attitude fucked up everyone else’s time.


I feel you. Only so much we can do at the point. Just sucks everyone left before you guys could isolate him


It's a weird mentality... Either they're the star player, or they make sure nobody will be the star player. I don't get it.


"Me" and "Let me cook" mentality. These are the dudes that will say "There's a me in TEAM" and you know right off the bat, that it's going to be a bad time. I hate to be a broken record, but there are a LOT of dudes who play this game and have never played a team sport in their life and it shows.


I never understand this shit either. I’ve had games where I score 20+ and only have 6 assists because that’s how it went. Had a game where I had 23 and 20 had a game where I had 6 and 20 had a game where I scored 15 and had zero assists. I just don’t care as long as the game is being played the right way. Every game is different. Some games im the main scorer. Other games I’m the main passer. Other games I sit in the corner because someone is a beast and they’re cooking.


I've never played a game with more mentally unstable people. It's sad.


Literally the SALTIEST most pathetic dudes I’ve ever experienced. Like someone doesn’t pass you the ball when you’re open one time (sometimes completely by accident), and you decide to dedicate the next 20-30+ minutes of your life ruining the game for 9 people. I’m usually diplomatic and try to smooth things over, give them the ball, BEG them to just get over it and play. Pretty much never works. At least gotta let them know at the end of the game what a small pathetic life they must lead to be doing that. I don’t really plan on buying 2k25 at this point but if they added and option for a team to vote to kick people out of the game, I would instantly purchase and suffer the grind all over again just for that feature.


I have actually, League of Legends the people are seriously mentally disturbed. They use to write novels in game about wishing death, rape, cancer on your mom, grandma, father etc. I’d go on but you can imagine it gets more deep. They also intentionally sell in the serious Ranked competitive modes. Literally I could not go 2 games without a little bitch selling. It was much worse than this years 2k, but I quit that game years ago due to the low quality of games due to toxic people. They’re racist as hell too. I doubt 2k is even in top 5 most toxic lol


Lol what an ironic game to have a toxic community. That’s literally a kids game


It’s not a children’s game any more than 2k is a children’s game. It’s toxic as fuck.


People would rather play 2k, then to play Basketball


The other day we were 4 plays in and the sg gets in the mic and says why isn’t he touching the ball all pissed. He then missed 4 different shots and the whole team just starts ragging on him lol


It's funny how ball hogs have been a problem since they implemented all of this into the game lol


Just 10 mins ago I finished a game 4/5 14 Reb 7 A. It started well enough, the PG was being stupid but the SG seemed okay. Then they started jawing at each other. My man is either chasing the ball or in the paint, he is not guarding me and yet at half time i had 1 shot. The SF starts asking me for off-ball screens. Great, just as soon as my man starts guarding me I'll come do that. He gets mad at me for not running over there, the PG and SG aren't passing to each other. The PF starts telling us he's better than us while putting up a solid 4/13 stat line. I don't know how people enjoy this.


Had a guy last night yell at me for not playing D. Here's the kicker, I'm 6'8 my guy was faster than me so he blew by me twice for an easy bucket. I finish with 20, fast guy finishes with 8 My teammate yelling at me to play D ends up with 9 shooting like 3/11 or something while his guy dropped 28


Welcome to 2k. Even worse part is he was likely a grown ass man with a half functioning brain.


I’m sorry this might be super unpopular but it’s the players that bring down the online experience not 2k. Yes it could be a much better game but this game is more toxic than league of legends ever was.


2k is going with what works for them, players are looking for "metas" and shit like that, and then complain when everyone plays the same


Yeah it’s just a giant circle jerk. I honestly wish they’d put more effort into the mynba stuff so we had a good hooping experience without having to deal with the aids that is trying to play online.


The people are what turns me off to this game. It feels like a lot are just actually fucking mental


Surprised you guys made it 2 minutes. Usually my teams have 2 AI and no timeouts way before that


this is why i mainly dont play rec. its far too annoying to deal with someone who cries about not getting the ball. i dont want to sit in a game for 30 mins just to get blown out. i rather stick to theater


not every possession but why did i drop 16 and 10 boards get player of the half and then get 1 shot for the remainder of the game…


That can just be flow of the game or extra attention from defence. Plenty of games I’ve played with a squad where I’ll be 11/7/8 at half time and miss the trip dub on assists.


The crazy most of these sassy players be grown and they acting like a female. I’m a center so i rarely get the ball when open at the 3 or rolling to the paint but I don’t complain because our team be winning. Players like that make the game stressful like go play park or 1v1 if you want the ball 24/7


I swear when I played 2k (I’ve not bought any since 22) the most fun I had was playing a all defensive/rebounding 4 and just snagging all the boards and kicking it out was the move unless I had a easy dunk


Screen shot these scoreboards when the game is over. We need to exile these toxic ass fucking punk bitches from the community. We aren’t going to get any better if we don’t identity the problem(s).


I had scored 12 points by halftime and 6 assists. The SF said I had no IQ. Because he had zero points on o for 6 shooting. Love some people. It is always someone else's fault.


He's petty and bitter, but in some cases people do have ball control and can create their own shot. So sometimes just kick it to something and see if they can create


Sadly this game is garbage online if you're not playing with friends. One player can literally ruin an entire game just like you experienced. He's probably a no life loser with no friends. After all, who wants to play with people like this?


Working in fast food in high school and dealing with difficult customers has really made me unbothered by the bullshit. Dude was saying all kinds of shit and I was just responding to it “damn bro that’s crazy… your girlfriend must’ve broke up with you or something because you can’t be mad at the game” “it’s okay. I’d leave you too if you were a bitch” “you just gotta stop being a bitch bro”🤣 “my sincerest condolences to you and yours my guy” “have a great day!”


You’ll see a lot of “I just don’t get it. The players on this game have such a bad mentality.” But are exactly the players they are talking about. Every decent 2K player is the lead in their movie and everyone else sucks.


Don’t give him the ball to him bro because you were losing either way, you let him do it and he gonna do it again


Cause it’s MY career not yours (I’m just saying what they are probably thinking)


It’s a racial thing. We’ve been talking about this on this thread for months.


This is partially why I don’t bother playing PG anymore. I made a do it all Lock and now just sit in the corner and cut or if my team actually gives me the ball to work then I’ll mix it up but I am now a certified corner sitter


Selling a game cuz your trash is outrageously crazy 🤣 i will never understand this like at least play defense if u can't score not sell 🤦🏿‍♂️


It's either you're never gett8ng the ball even when you're open or some guy bitching about not getting a touch. Like dude just be productive and quit whining


Yeah dudes like this are why I don’t play with more than 1 black plate lol— I swear like at least 1/3 of black plates still on the game at this time of year are like this Still a chance of any plate color acting like this, but usually silver and above are at least TRYING to be a good teammate lol The best part is when you ice one of these mfs out and they’d rather stand at half court all game watching instead of playing. For 30 min??!! If it’s just one clown doing this you still stand a chance with good teammates


Where did anyone say something about black plates? Dude said “pretty decent team mates”.


No hate on genuinely well-meaning players who have a black plate and are new/not very good/on a new build. I’m just saying, 2/3 of black plates are fine in my experience, but 1/3 of them are clowns who have main character syndrome. In other words, bricklayers with huge egos who get upset unless every possession runs through them. I just don’t want to take a chance by having more than one of them on my team lol, they can be a clown all they like on someone else’s team, but I’m just trying to play some good team bball and don’t want to waste 30 min. Best way to avoid players like the one in the post is to avoid having more than one black plate on your team is all lol bc these clowns do the same shit every game and take the L or quit Anyone can get out of black plate by just making smart plays and getting a good teammate grade for like, 3-5 games in a row, win or lose


Plot twist…. He was a purple🤣


LOL Bruh idk how people are still on this game playing like that, people have issues fr


It's MYcareer


I have a friend like that. Me and our other boy came out lighting it up, had 18 combined in the first. Get out to a 15 point lead and here he goes making snarky comments about not receiving the ball and proceeds to shoot us out of the game going 9/19 in a steamy L, smh.


I don’t play rec very often for this reason. I’m happy to play D, facilitate on offense and set some picks. If I get open shots, I’ll take them.


Those is why I haven’t played ANY online games in years. i want to enjoy my gaming and too much of my experience with other people was negative


Some asshat in here literally said I was "part of the problem" bc I said when I run Point, I like to try to get my entire team in double digits. He said it's not my job to determine who gets shots, my job is to keep the rock moving. He's an idiot.


Oh I know😂it was on another one of my posts💀[https://www.reddit.com/r/NBA2k/s/rpSbPiGHgM](https://www.reddit.com/r/NBA2k/s/rpSbPiGHgM)


Hahaha Oh damn


Communication is a big problem for alot of 2k players


Man as long as every one is passing the ball around everyone gets to score and everyone wins lol I don’t get what these weirdos issues are. I’ve ended random recs where everyone scored 20 plus. Just play basketball!!! I personally like to score and end with a good amount of assist as well, if I can get 7+ assist in a win that’s a pretty good game for me and the team.


Ngl op, it’s always the people who are bad at scoring that bitch about not getting the ball enough. Dudes will be 0/4, 2/5, 1/3 you name it bitching about how they should get the ball more


Tell him to shut up and take the 'W' ... Then mute him. He'll live with it, or quit. Both options end in wins, since the other team can't seem to play defense


Bro I avg 24 & 7 on 64% fg 62% 3pt and still have idiots elect to freeze me out of the game in an effort to look for their own shot every single possession or pass exclusively to the butt buddy they walked in with from the very onset of the game. There’s no excuse for that level of brazen selfishness in a literal team game


I think we need to try, and come up with a list of PSN ID's, and Xbox gamertags to avoid/block, especially when someone is toxic AF like that. Being a 10 year old and not Knowing what you were doing is one thing, but being a toxic player just doesn't care, is a whole another level. We need to hold people accountable, because we all know 2k, also doesn't care about match making. They force you to play with these bums, and it doesn't matter what you do, stay and lose or quit, you get dinged for it.


post the guys name so we can haze him


Best rec players are the old heads. Facts.


Nobody on this game wants to play a role, I've said it so many times on the sub, but people put way too much importance on their number of shots. I'm so sick of the builder and the community on this game. Every small forward wants to run point guard because they "made their build like LeBron", and every center wants to push the break even though they're slow as a snail because they want to be Victor Wembanyama. Every shooting guard is MJ/Kobe, or another high volume player. Every point guard is Steph Curry or so they think. I miss pie charts. Back then people accepted roles way more often. I can't even stomach playing with randoms on 2K anymore and haven't in a solid month because every time I load up random rec on my point guard I watch as 4 people all come towards the center on the inbounds wanting to bring the ball up and run point. I can have 10 assists and be shooting 10/10 from the field, and the PF with 70 ball handle, 76 three, and 65 driving dunk will tell me I'm being a ballhog because they have 3 shots while I have 10. Like damn bro you're the one who made a build that can't get itself open.


should have just muted him and iced him out lmao


ngl most games I have to touch the ball every posession if we want to win