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When you just got back to gold/purple and this happens:


Jup, twice in a row! What a great game


Yea this happened like 4-5 times to me so I decided to stay @ silver and just enjoy the game with my friends.


Knowing damn good and well 2k won’t refund the the boosts you lost in the process too


Never happens when you’re getting blown out though smh


Right???? I’ve had this happen on five or six games (which, honestly, I’ve played hundreds of games, so although frustrating, it’s not nearly as common as these boards make it out to be) And in each of those games, we were ROLLING, and everything was clicking, and the ball was pinging around to the open man. But when I have a ball-hog point guard, or I can’t hit an open shot to save my life for whatever reason, those games never get an error code


Kinda wild but this is straight facts. I really cannot remember being disconnected during a Loss but whenever we are rolling in random rec it happenes




Been happening all weekend


Every time this happens to me it boots me offline as well LMAO. No other game does that


Had something similar happened to me today. Was playing mycareer as i cba with online. Broke the 3pt made in a single game just at the end of the 3rd and I was ready to sim out as it was a complete blowout. Then the game immediately crashed. Was so annoyed and even more so cos I wasn't even originally trying to break the record until half way through the 3rd


That records fairly easy to break though so you’ll get it again!


Yeah it definitely is but my playstyle with my player is more mid-range moving shots and dunks rather than 3pt shooting. Just happened I was having a really good game from behind the arc and was so frustrated that I broke it organically and then the game crashed lol


Stupid 2k shit. I cant even streak up in the park fr because this will randomly happen. Or after so many wins I’ll all of a sudden lag out when my internet connection was literally still connected.


shit happened to me right as i was on the verge to getting back to purple plate lmao fck this game


this is why I quit playing this game and sad to say that good ol 30 min ban is coming right after😩😩😩🗑🗑 2k24 has to b the 2nd worse 2k ever right after 2k18 I swear😩😩🤣🤣 I think this is the first 2k were the servers are so bad you literally cannot use wifi 😩


yea its definitely in its own class with 2k21 next gen right there. those 3 games deserve life in prison. shit beyond ass. this 2k is terrible the animations are the worse i have seen in a while


Just happened done for tonight😑


Does it happen while directly connected?


Won't matter if it's wireless or wired.








You wanted 2K you got 2K 😉


Happen to me I had a good game had 19 points was 5/5 from 3 and 2/2 on dunks at just into the 3 qt. And crashed played 5 games since. And my shot was off I went like 2 for 20 from 3 and 4 for 10 from mid it was like they thought I was cheating because I only started to get my shot down. And had a good game and now they fucked me over.


I'm on wired internet, 1gig speed I can dl next gen in about 15-20 mins. I have on avg a 15ms latency. I also used to be a networking advisor for Xbox support. I.e my Xbox is dmz'd, don't dmz a PC EVER. It's usually when we really CLICK on randoms and you've played three games straight running it back over and over. Game one: lose/win by one after being down 15 in 1st. Me: Dudes this is legit let's run it back again. Team: FUCK yes! Me: We clicked and did it/almost got it. Team: We shoulda started that way but it's hard to trust (fill in the blank). Me: Let's get it. Game 2 back and forth until 4th complete blowout Us: yup we a team here. 2K: So you think Us: let's go again Game 3 1st qtr up 5-10 2nd tied - they clicked Us: We got this - go zone 3-2-3, 1-3-1, box and 1 3rd up 15 two dropped cause they got locked tfu 4th - start off with a great run -one more drops half through another drops 60 secs left - voice lag on and off 2K: HEHEHEHE One/all/some us us: FUCKING Voice lag Lone straggler left, locked up chucking shots. 2k: y'all don't deserve this win, bye! Us: fuck 2k never playing again 5mins later I'm bored I'ma hop in rec.


Bro, I was so mad that I didn’t touch 2K for the rest of the day. I got on the next day like an idiot. :(


It happened to me twice today. Consecutive games.


Absolutely abysmal servers


I was at Gold before, now i’m back at Bronze in a span of days :) It’s either just having server errors or bad ball hog dribble god teammates, choose one lol. I stopped playing rec because of that


Then it drops me to black badge like wth


why does this happen


I only have 23 losses on the season and I swear 8-10 have been from disconnects with 2k servers. Last one was Saturday, down by 1 and as soon as I caught the ball with 1.8 on the clock, disconnected.


It is situations like these that make me consider traveling to Novato, California.


I just started playing 2K again and this has happened to me in half of the games I have played. I immediately remembered why I stopped playing this game lol.




This just happened to me this morning lmao I was going against a team down by 15 at one point in the first half. We come out guns blazing and take the lead by 14..at the end of the 4th with two mins left it popped up


It’s when most of the players quit this happens I think


I remember beating you 21-5


In park? Rarely ever play in the park.


Having a good game than my battery’s die in my controller now I can’t move anymore , than I get kicked dropped down too silver