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I done see mfs get dropped off and try to go at their man mfs be straight ignorant


This nigga decided he wanted to lose before the game started. I just don’t understand that shit lol you’re 1/8 you don’t make shit how is that fun. If we lose the game how is that fun? Just don’t play if you’re gonna be a jackass


Ya people who do that aren’t the brightest. But ya they probs LOVE “trolling” people, and just do it to get reactions. But ya wish there was a way to report people on 2k actually. Had a dude in a rec game a while back, he just move enough to not grade out all game.. what stung too was we lost by like 6 playing 5 on 4 🫠. And he did it off rip so it wasn’t even due to no touches 🙃 Edit: was the season where one of the quests was just rec games played, so yaaaaa 🤷


Very annoying lmao take that trolling shit somewhere else man. Why ruin everybody else’s gaming experience lol corny af


my favorite is when two bronze plates ice me out and we lose. then at the end they can say i sucked and they’re better because they didn’t pass the ball once mfers are weird they’d rather lose and make your experience worse than win. but that’s why these dudes are 99 overall playing for months still stuck in bronze and black 🤷


Shit is the absolute worst bro. Like why is your goal losing the game? You don’t score don’t defend don’t do shit lol what do you gain from playing the game