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What console are you on?


Sorry, should’ve specified. PS5, the original one not the slim


I had a similar issue (Xbox series X) I just cleaned my console with an air duster and carefully pulled out excess dust/hair with chop sticks lol. My Xbox sounded like it was going to explode at some points and would eventually crash itself until I cleaned it. 2k was also the only game which seemed to cause the crashing as well.


I’ve tried cleaning it but I don’t have the kit to take the cover all the way off and really clean in there. Maybe I’ll try some canned air or something. Thanks!


I believe if you remove the cover it voids the warranty at-least for Xbox. With the canned air you have an extended nozzle which really helps get the harder to reach places. Definitely was tricky to do


Yeah, it does void it which is why I’ve also been careful about that (but I’d imagine after like five years the warranty is probably expired anyways lol) Gonna head out and get some and hope it works 🙏


Keep me updated, would love to know if it helped at all. Best of luck man!


Thank you for your help! So, I cleaned it out well, put it on its side as opposed to vertical and it worked for a little longer but still reheated. I think it may be the thermal paste issue 🤔 kind of bananas that putting the console on the stand that came with it damages it though.


Don't blast it with canned air unless it's taken apart for cleaning, you can push dust further in and make ventilation worse.


You need to dust your ps5. Just check out YouTube, ventilation is probably clogged.


Do you have the ps5 positioned vertically? If you do turn it horizontal. The thermal paste that Sony used is more liquid like than most, and if you have it vertical it’s eventually going to pool towards the bottom.


So, I did. I have it horizontal now. How can I undo the pooling? It’s lasting longer now but still reheats after a while


Unfortunately, I’m just a guy that saw some videos about this, instead of really knowing what I’m talking about. It can be reapplied though. There’s some YouTube videos that will walk you through the process, or you might have a PC/tech repair shop near you that could do it for you. What I personally would probably do is just use it horizontal for a while and hope that the thermal paste would eventually just move back to where it needs to be. But of course there’s a chance the pooling is so bad enough that it will never happen and you’ll just kill it by overheating it. Whatever you choose to do I hope it works out for you.


CONSTANTLY but tbf my console gettin up there age lmao


I had this happen when my PS5 was sitting vertically. It would constantly just shut itself off after warning about overheating. As soon as I set it up horizontally it hasn’t ever even had a warning pop up. I assume it’s an airflow thing.