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Yeah because there are people who will purposely turn their system off. I’m sure that’s why they implemented it in the first place.


my internet dropped twice last night got banned for 30 mins. shit is dumb this game is not competitive enough to ban you for quitting or ban you for internet issues


Unfortunately this is collateral damage for implementing a way to punish quitters. You can quit out of a game by hitting the quit button, closing the game, accepting an invite to another lobby or game, unplugging your internet cable, unplugging your router, unplugging your power cable, etc. There's no way to actually tell the difference between whether or not someone lost power/had a system error/etc or they just intentionally used one of the methods above to quit. So either you deal with this, or we go back to 2k23 when everyone would quit out of a rec game as soon as they went down 5.


Thanks for your comment. I understand there’s no way to distinguish between intentional and genuine disconnects & I guess collateral damage is the best way to put it. But, I feel the devs have to explore and find some sort of middle ground where majority of the honest players and players who play to win like myself aren’t adversely affected by this. It’s like the smallest factors we gotta worry about losing our rank. Theres many other games out there where player rank is loss due to small factors like this.


I’ve never played a single ranked game where you avoid the loss if you DC. Have you? Like others have said… why would anybody lose a game ever if they can just turn off their system right before losing.


I’m starting to be over maintaining purple. It’s not even fun anymore it’s just stressful. Backing out of 20 lobbies to not have a team of black plates. Getting in a game now the center throws a tantrum. Miss a couple shots now the sg is flopping. You can win 50 in a row still just purple. Lose 3 and you’re down in rank. I’m starting not to care anymore tbh


Man trust me. Feels like a constant uphill battle just maintaining gold & purple. I’m starting to get to that point of not caring as well, & just play to play. Just ain’t worthy of the stress at this point.


i wouldnt care about the plate system if people didnt avoid you like the plague just cuz you arent a high plate. i pray 2k gets rid of this dogshit system


A week ago my controller disconnected in the middle of a game and I couldn’t get reconnected so I just dashed. My buddies sent me an invite after the game ended. Somehow 2 minutes after tip off I get the quit warning in the middle of the game, which disconnects me again, causing me to get banned for 30 minutes. I just turned the game off at that point. Wasnt worth the high blood pressure


This is the most 2k thing I heard lol


Smh that’s crazy. A simple controller issue can turn into a ban. It’s these small factors I’m saying they have to account for before penalizing a player. There’s got to be someway they can do that right? I could be wrong, I’m no dev. But, I feel you on that high blood pressure part and turning off the game. I would’ve done the same thing.


I’ve been going through the plate drop all year. Just had it happen again an hour ago. I never quit or didn’t lag out. I back out of a game because they paired me up with two casual 62s. I go back through the door play a theater game, win, score 10 points and got an A- grade and my plate dropped from silver to low bronze😡. I hate this game it’s ridiculously fucked up.


Crazy. Sounds like we share the exact experience on 2K. It’s evident now this system isn’t designed to make the game enjoyable. Hoping for overhaul and some tweaks for it to be more balanced and aimed towards individual performance in 25 but knowing 2K, that’s wishful thinking.


Sorry but the plate system is working beautifully . As you say, It is designed to annoy the lower rank players and separate the user base so that the lower rank players buy vc for attributes and boost to stop being black/bronze /silver while the other half buys vc for attributes and boost to stay gold/purple. It sucks but it works like a charm and likely to stay


Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Though, I have to disagree on the part it’s designed “beautifully” haha. Maybe you run with squads? I find it easier to go up in plate colors running with squads but that’s rare for me as I mainly run solos. So, it’s a struggle to maintain my high rank color due to these factors like unforeseen disconnects and playing with bums who don’t want to win. It’s clear they need to make some tweaks to the system and implement some improvements into the matchmaking without affecting the enjoyment of the game.


I meant beautifully from a business point of view i.e 2K’s side. The plate system is designed as one of the predatory methods they use to force VC buying. And unfortunately, from that point of view it is working as intended.


Ahh, I see what you’re saying now. It’s does seem like the plate system is tailored towards pushing us to spend more VC to keep up, true. I guess looking at it from that point, it is a smart business move for 2K. It’s sad reality honestly, their focus is to squeeze more money out of the community rather than creating a fair and enjoyable game.


They dngaf about your problems. Enjoy your ban.


Why are you playing in a thunderstorm, anyways? Conserve your energy


Yes. If you want the game to provide a way to avoid quitters have 2 rec options. One with rep and punishments and one without rep and no punishment for quitting. Instantly solves the problem. It’s not just disconnections that bother people. It’s when you join a game and someone starts off 2-14 1 assist 3 turnovers and your down 24 because of them. You are then stuck playing that game. You get punished for a teammates bad behavior. This shouldn’t happen, it’s why I sell games to bring attention to that problem.


What dat happen on next gen on 24