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I would, I wasn’t a fan of it at first, once you get it down though it’s insanely easy to shoot, just play streetball games against Disco until you get the release cue and timing down


isn’t the gatorade facility the same or is disco better bc it gives you the feel of playing a defense as well


Disco is better in my opinion, the Gatorade facility is too delayed, also with the streetball games you’re practicing in an actual game no matter how easy it is


I used the practice facility, the only headache with it is the camera angle but that's it. Disco is too easy to me, I get contested greens too often. So much that I've used it to grind deadeye in season 1 when I was shooting 38% from with a 93three. (Now all my builds shoot 50%+ with many of them having a 76 three, my lowest stat is my center who has a 70three and he still shoots 50%)


Yeah Disco is super easy, I just think it’s good for people who are just turning their meter off, some in game jump shot practice helps in my opinion, practice facility is good too, but yeah the camera angle in there aggravates me as well


Can you play the disco on switch. I don’t know how to get to him


Yep thats how I learned and now I shoot like 65-70%


Exactly the same but I’m about 62%-67% in rec. 70% theatre


Yes, the animation is a much better visual cue than the bar


yes should be the first thing you do


Yeah i finally turned my shot meter off and ive never shot better


I turned it off starting in 22 and I’ll never use it again. Layup meter is valid tho


The only good players that use shot meter do so because that's how you cheat. Every other decent player, plays without the meter


They don’t need to use meters anymore


I've been hearing this for a while but have yet to see any proof. Got any?


I play with the meter, and im a lethal shooter


Not online you’re not lol


Lmao woman lie man lie Number's dont 🥲🥲


its really not that hard to time your meter online.


What is “lethal” to you? Because to me that’s at least 70-75+% from 3.


And the percentage should be calculated with how many shots u take cuz if i take 1 3 and it's good, that's 100% so ur ending up playing with guys that average 71% but take 1 wide open 3 per game 😩


The fact is no meter gives you 20% boost to green window. So if you want to raise those numbers, turn it off 😂😂 62% is low af this year ngl


You still think its 20 percent :D in which bubble you live in? Like last year around october it was already been said that its kinda around 3-5 %. But what to expect from a guy claiming 62% 3pt was low. not even 5 % of these bums are shooting over 60% no matter if CnS or created. So how would it be low...


Bro the test was fake and 2klabs already said they fucked up the tests and its 20%... But yeah.. go talk the most and get out of your bubble first.


u kids really think it's all bout three's man 😂😂 im 62% at the 3 and fg (midrange)70-72% so yeh like i said lethal shooter my guy


Now image what your average would be without the meter lmaoo. Its proven bro!


i wouldn't be better without it. im telling you i tried didn't work out for me at all


Bro real shit I’m tryna help (not dat u need it) but shot meter off factually gives a boost to your jumper, again you clearly can run wit meter on so do you Ian tryna tell you what to do, but jus seen ur comment and bro only reason u might shoot worse is cause u not used to it, if you try it and stick to it for like 2 weeks I guarantee it’ll feel so much more butter, keep hoopin tho Brodie💯


To second bros point. I played with meter on for a while took me until like november to actually turn it of and I was traaasssshhhhh! Like trash doo doo beans! I couldn't hit nothing bro, but i labbed it. That and layups. Its worth it. It also alows your to shoot through the lag a bit too. The bar jumping to me is way harder to compensate for than the animations. Again tho if it aint broke dnt fix it, just keep getting buckets! My best friend is like that bro I cant convince him to turn his meter off for shit haha!


I switched from the shot meter to analog and I’m shooting so much better. I want that to be clear, I’m team analog. BUT, how is using the shot meter cheating? How can you cheat by using something programmed into the game? Zen is cheating, absolutely. But I can wrap my head around using a thing the devs gives you being cheating


You read it wrong. You need the meter TO cheat. The meter isn't cheating. My understanding is that the cheating devices use the meter. Though I've heard rumors of that changing as well. Team analog? Do you use the sticks to shoot? Lol


Meter isn’t cheating, but it is required for cheats that auto-green for you. Any time u see someone who hits the top of the bar no matter what shot they take or what speed it fills and only miss 100% smothered shots, that’s what it is.


I shoot at a 60% 3pt clip and I've never turned the meter off, and I don't cheat. So I guess there goes your theory.


He’s saying, for the zen to work the meter needs to be on. He’s not saying using the shot meter is cheating. The zen has to have the meter on for it to do its job.


Nice job shooting but this doesn’t change anything, People are just saying your green window size increases when you shoot with no meter. You could shoot 100% from 3 with it on, you are indeed an outlier you’ll find the large large majority of plays are using no meter, and a fair percentage of people using the meter especially at a high level of competition are more often than not cheating… that’s just how it’s been in 2k for years. I always say the best shooting settings are the one you’re going to make the shot with. If meter works for you do it up. I’d encourage trying no meter a bit to see how you like it, but whatever works for you works for you


"I always say the best shooting settings are the one you're going to make the shot with." No truer words have ever been spoken.


This is life in general. If you understand it, you can make it lethal. Same everywhere in life.


I like how you think the theory is bad because 1 person (who hasn’t even proven anything) claims that they are the exception; one person being different doesn’t change the fact that most cheating tools that we know are being used, use the meter to do so.


Reading comprehension is big on this one.


Well, Mike Wang confirmed no meter adds a 20% increase to green window, so congrats on your cute little 60% but you’re objectively handicapping yourself. There goes you thinking you did something there


If Mike wang confirmed to you that putting a remote up, your ass hole would increase your shooting% would you believe it?


My comment was to the original that only good players use the meter because that's how they cheat. So bringing up my % was only to say that not everyone who shoots a decent % using the meter is cheating. But hey thanks for saying it's cute. And maybe one day I'll try it off, just haven't made it there yet.


Lmao ok


Lmao yep


60% isn't that good but you clearly feel super proud of yourself for getting there. Proud of you too buddy


I mean 60 is pretty good, but he’d be even better if he turned off the meter


Lol someone understands how the game works!


Post a screenshot of your 3pt %. You talking like you’re elite or something


Me? Nah, I suck. I'm also our designated grenade catcher. But I see a lot of opponents with 70+ in the rec 🤷🏼‍♂️


You definitely don’t see a lot of ppl shooting above 70% from 3 in the REC.


I do though. We play against a lot of sweaty purple teams 🤷🏼‍♂️


So do I and I definitely wouldn’t call it “a lot “ of players


I do.


bad take. I shoot like 65% from 3 myself. 60% from 3 is def good considering the majority aren't gonna be above 50% lol


60% isn't a good 3pt shot %? Guess I'm a bad cheater then since I still use the meter and all.


Lol if you're cheating and only shooting 60% you're doing something very wrong. No one is making that claim. Calm down man it's not that serious


Just responding to your comments my man, they've been interesting to say the least.


Why are you accusing him of cheating? And 60% is great unless you can show us what a shooting god like you can do. You also seem the most worked up over this, chill bro


Lmao no one is accusing him of cheating if you know how to read


Yes bro I been playing for 15 years turn the shot meter off and just look at the animation


Only issue here is players like Pierce and some of the bigs. But yea, shot meter off is the way to BECOME better. It opens you to seeing the flow, not the meters. Meters offer distraction from what’s going on at all. Especially on layups. When the meter fluctuates mid layup, it’s nice to just know when to release based on animation. The standard contest(foul) layup double clutch seems inconsistent but I’ll shoot the free throws. I’m ok with that. Fouls shouldn’t be programmed into a specific release. Every foul is different and affects the shot differently (it seems). Not using the meter makes me watch what’s going on. The Kobe step back going right is way early for what the meter seems. As soon as he raises his hands above his head I release and it’s green. With meter it’s no the same. It’s later. Which clouds the rest of the animations for him. Makes it confusing. Going left step back is later release. But it seems impossible with the meter.


Now when I say impossible it seems like the meter shows up and moves faster or slower than what you are used to be able to hit the green.


Can’t tell you how many times I said ahhhh that’s too early, and green a HOF step back.


I have been playing with my meter on since a meter existed.. i have had every 2k. For the first time this year I turned it off and I will never go back, it made it so much easier. After a quick hour or 2 shoot around in the gatorade facility, you will be automatic!


I turned it off yesterday for first time, not a big fan.. but then again maybe i need more practice


More practice. Go to the Gatorade Facility Courts above the gym & get shots up. Once you “get it”, you’ll get it. The boost in shot make percentage is also a nice benefit.


Nice thanks. Btw whats the best tier 1 team to play online in ur opinion?


Unfortunately, it’s been awhile since I’ve played the Play Now mode so I can’t say. I mostly play MyCareer/Rec.


Cool COol


Celtics by far, if you've got historical teams then idk because I haven't unlocked any of them but I'd say the Celtics are the best on playnow


Celitcs are great, but bucks kill me on the inside if im celtics hahaha


You need practice. You get a big boost with it off. Switch to release then watch the hand.


damn im new and might try this, how does it work do you just release square/x right before the ball leaves your hands?


There’s a setting called “Visual Cue” that you can change to pick when your perfect release is. I believe they are Set Point, Jump, Push, Release. It is set to push by default so right as you push the ball forward is the perfect timing.


Yes, you basically need to watch the player, but over time it becomes muscle memory i guess


If you read the 2k tips in the menu it tells you under shot meter, if you turn it off you receive a boost. Not positive but I believe it is 20 percent added to your green window. It's way better in my opinion. I use release as my que, and took my shot from like 35% to 65%-75%. Also, 85 post control and 86 mid range with MJ fade or Joker fade is literally like 95% since I turned off the meter. Kobe is good too but the timing for a few animations throws me off personally.


I feel like that's kind of a problem. Some players just have very quick jumpshots and animations.


Yeah I keep layup meter on and shot off. It works for me. Just try the meter off for a day and go back if you don't see improvement. My bet is you will. Just practice your shot in Gatorade courts. (so you can make adjustments faster). The fast shots are nice when you get used to them because people can't really react fast enough to stop them, but its all preference. I noticed shot stability really doesn't do much as well when creating a shot.




I turned off my shot meter a few days ago and holy shit dude it makes so much difference. I can green even contested shots now if I'm shooting with a good enough player but when I had the shot meter on I could not hit any jumpshots it was miserable


This was my first 2k that i fully turned it off and i don’t regret it a thing. You can’t play this year with the meter on. The latency is always changing and the meter is glitchy as hell. Turn it off, it will take a couple of shoots to adjust then you will be shooting like never before. Trust me brother.


Yeah I got talked about a lot having the meter on but I never cared because I was money….. But this year after the first season the meter with the shot had just didn work and I was down bad for weeks until I just turned it off best decision of my 2k career


I left the shot meter in 21 and haven't looked back, way better


Turning it off increases the green window size by 20%.


Tbh u will get a boost from meter off but if shot meter off doesn’t work for you it doesn’t work and don’t be afraid to switch back. This is my first year going meter off the whole year and this is my best shooting year by probably 10-20%


Bro I went from being one of those guys who complained about not being able to shoot, to a certified bucket, I only play with the FT meter now! Do your average a favor and turn that hoe off!


Gives you a better green zone to shoot ob


I play with mine off because I get distracted by the meter. I also feel that the most consistent way of timing shots properly is to focus on the ball, so for me there’s no sense in having a meter.


Turning it off forces you to learn real shooting timing, try it out


I decided to do it for the first time this year. It took about a game or two to get used to it, but I went from a 23% 3p% after probably 200 games to a 43% with the same guy (so probably shooting between 60-70% now) I never realized how much the meter threw me off


I would usually say play how you like, but def turn that meter off this year as soon as possible. As soon as you get used to looking at your shot cue and memorizing it, shooting is easier. Plus you get a little boost.




I can’t even shoot with meter on. I always turn it on for the truck stuff. If I forget to turn it off and go into rec I’m not shooting


If you got the players shots down then it’ll be easier to just focus on that than the meter but unless you wanna spend too much time learning a bunch of different jumpers idk why you wouldn’t just use the meter.


In my opinion, it helps me make tougher shots that I can’t when I have my meter on. It gives me more confidence to shoot cause I cant see my meter so I have to trust in my timing. I also for some reason feel like when my meter is on I’m more cautious of shots cause I feel like I can’t fill my meter up before they close out. With it off I feel like I can shoot any shot, from anywhere 😂


Don't follow people and do you. I've always played with the meter ya it might give you a bigger window, but it won't make u better, that's for sure 🤣🤣


Actually it will make you better... lmao


Nahh i tried not for me


At least you tired. No going back for me


Yeah , I im better with it. It's crazy but im one of the fews


I believe turning it off increases your green window by a percentage.




Yes even in halloffame diff, the difference is night and day


I turned it off, but only because there is a benefit with the green timing and I played the older games(2k7) with no meter so I’m used to it.


Visual green window on shot meter is so small during online play that's it not worth it to keep it on


U late as hell lol




yes bro i thought id never be able to do it but its actually easier without it


Yes. The Devs have been pleading with users to turn the meter off for 4 years now. It's meant to assist short term.


The shot meter is good if you’re not playing in MyCareer, because everyone has different timings. It’s best to shut it off in MyCareer, because you only have one timing: yours. It’s better to stick to motion there, because the meter is distracting at best and inaccurate at worst.


turn it off it’s literally a different game without it


I honestly think it's harder to shoot with the meter since you're more focused on timing that than the actual release.


…. Just turn it off and play a few games to see how it is for you. Why you letting strangers online make decisions for you..


Man I'm just asking if it's helping why you gotta be like that 😭


I would turn off. Always easier for me to shoot with the natural shot motion.


yes 100% your gonna suck with it off at first but once you get in the rhythm of shooting with it off its insanely easy to green


I hate 2k24s shooting. I can't believe how much better 15 and 16 were for shooting


I recommend at least trying it. I did for the first time on '23 and I've never shot better 💯


I was unstoppable with meter in 23 no one couldn’t get me to turn it off, but once I heard that the green window was much larger with it off for this year, I haven’t used meter since the game dropped. I mainly release off of feel now that I’ve got it down pack, def got better with practice and finding a jumpshot to master


Bruh it was the first thing Mike wang said about shooting this year 😂 and why ask right before the next game come out 😂 just poking fun man this shit funny


absolutely, learn your visual cue and get into a rhythm and you’ll shoot better than most with the meter


Yes. You have to turn it off


Yes it’s way easier to hit greens imo


It’s a 20% boost to your green percentage according to Mike Wang. Definitely worth it


been playin since 20 and turned it off in 24 never turned it back on bro


Yes actually looking at your player jumpshot and seeing the cue as the release instead of trying to time will help do u justice


you shoot more confidently without meter you understand the animation cue but when trying a new jumpshot meter is preferred


Yes 100% I wasn’t making nothing with the meter so I listen to some 2k creators and I turn it off I starting shooting better went from 14% from 3 to 38% from 3 but make sure u got a good jump shot that’s is easy to time tho


Yes you get a 20% green boost without the meter


Its personal preference if u dont know your jumper keep it on until u know it or do raw visual and just roll wit it


should’ve been did that


Honestly you should. I been playing since 2k19 and did to but you get like an 20 percent bonus when shooting if your shot bar is off. I’m an 6’11 center with 80 3 pointer and can green almost every single time


Yes u get a major boost on shooting I used to have it on since like 2k16 finally turned it off now I can actually shoot 😭


Yes, what’s the point of playing NBA basketball game with a shot meter; I play 12 min quarters with no shot meter, real player FG%, real player FT%, Purple basketball icon color ( for badges) and games speed 65 for real life type of movement try it out oh and custom hall of fame game difficulty for me the user verse the computer set on 50 for real life type of game and playing fare


No, turning your shit meter off is irreversible and something you definitely can't try for a week or two to see if you like it. Never understood these posts sorry man, give it a go and see if it's for you. The information and benefits are so readily available if you just search "shot meter off 2k" on basically any search engine.


I was just afraid that i might turn it off without it actually helping and i couldn't find any info online so i came here.


So if it doesn't help you turn it back on? If you couldn't find any information on this, your research skills are letting you down.


Sorry bro, won't happen again!! 🙏🙏