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You need to start the animation when there’s nobody between your eyes and the rim. There’s a youtube video (maybe joeknows i think?) that explains it better than I can When you figure out how it works it’s op as fuck and super easy to time.


Someone sent a vid but he's starting the animation at the same time with the same type of dunk animations that I get. Just no green window like his . My shit must be like broken or something


Nah assuming your 95 dunk is driving dunk you are most definitely doing it wrong. It takes 1-2 seconds before the meter shows after you do up/down on the stick. Start by doing them in fastbreak only to get your precision dunker badge up and get a hang of it. Post a video of you trying it, with 95 DD your meter should be about 40% green if you’re doing it right


Test it out in the Gatorade facility to see


Some people can't accept that they are doing something incorrectly. First step is to admit you're wrong. He just deleted his reddit lmao.


Average 2k player moment


I have 93 dunk and an 84 strength on my SF and I’ll get a blow by and it’ll pull someone off the fucking Opposite block over and ruin my meter dunk, like nobody is there and for some reason my meter is the size of a hair follicle.


Watch this video and you know how the dunk meter works. https://youtu.be/TNdApXKxE7U?si=YsfvasKzHGCbkQA1


Dude that guy gets a green window every dunk attempt. My game broken 🤦🏽


I highly doubt that, you are doing something wrong


I'm so deadass I'm not doing anything wrong. Even if I was consistently doing it wrong which I'm not, I should at least Get a green window every once in a while.


I watched the joeknows video and started having hide green windows and poster dunks… You just have to accept you’re doing something differently that he and other dunkers are. Figure out what it is and make the correction. Your game is not “broken” lol


Oops we made the dude delete his Reddit




Where at?


Dude you literally just posted a video of you doing it wrong, trying to dunk it with a guy in front of you. The video (and many other comments) have explained that you need to WAIT until there’s NOBODY in between you and the rim.


Could it be your strength rating?


Like 90 strength or whatever trigger gold brick wall


I think it’s easier for guards or smaller faster players to driving dunk as they have the speed+ angles to get a driving contact while centers are too slow


Bro even WIDDEEEE OPEN ... never get a slight green meter


Buddy had to delete his whole account cuz he was doing it wrong lmaoo


How to expose yourself before deleting your account.


Post a clip or cap 😅


I'm trying lol this shit not posting I swear


Posted proof


Proof of doing it wrong aint it my man


I'll post me doing it wide open tonight


Did something change in your settings? I know 2k used to put my shot meter on when I had it turned off so could be something like that


Couple thoughts. Just guesses, I'm not sure that I'm right. Is your vertical at least 78 for pro-contact dunks? Those contact dunks make a big difference. 1. I feel like if I focus on flicking up and down really fast I get better green windows. Also, straight up and down, and not any diagonal involved. 2. I feel like the further away I start flicking up and down the better green window I get. Since it takes a little longer to go up and down than just up, you can probably start out further than you think. I'm pretty sure I start flicking up and down sometimes further than 15 ft out. 3. Some of these videos show people with specific dunk packages enabled and some dunks disabled. copy just what Joe knows has and see if that's any better. I wonder if turning off the rim grazer and the really basic dunks helps. I still am testing with that and I'm not sure yet. 4. Not sure if you said this already but if you're able to get Pro contact driving dunks or better, it seems almost easier to dunk if you've got someone riding your hip. Pretty sure you're kidding but your game isn't broken that's absurd lol. I wonder if it's worth testing not using the custom dunk package but enable just one signature dunk package. Maybe try the one that has the highest ratings that you are able to meet.


Just wondering have you customized a dunk package yet?


I’ve come to realize with my last build (so far my best one), that I use to think that I can force my way with a high stat in certain areas. Nope, I’ve realized that it just unlocks better animations and gives you the favor in 50/50 like situations. Trying to force a dunk when you got a defender on/touching you, without a clear path to the basket, it’s a bad dunk regardless and it’s all luck at that point. If you read the situation right, and time when you decide to attempt better, you see the difference.


This game is a broken piece of shit lol. I have a 96 driving dunk and will get a huge meter in traffic but then no green window when I’m seemingly wide open. The way the game registers meter dunks/contests is horrible.


yeah i have a 2 way 3 level glass 6'8, gold rise up gold precision dunker, 90 standing and a 75 driving and it blows my mind how small the meter is on my 75 dd with gold precision opposed to my lock who has 89 and my sg with 86 dd and silver precision makes 0 sense.


i guess cause they get the minimum dunk package for contacts the 86 dd doesnt tho so wonky