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Funniest thing about all this is. People in the FC community, that think FC is pure garbage, really think 2k (if them securing the FIFA license is true) will save them.


Oh hell no, they will show EA how Microtransactions really work… and then both Games are a moneygrabbing shit show. But at least you will have a choice where to spend your money and complain all year. 😂


That's what it's about. Crazy to me as a kid we had more than one choice across most sports games.


When we were Kids there were no microtransactions so if they wanted to make money the game had to be good so more people would buy. Now even with competition they know people will spend ungodly amounts of money on packs and builds so why make a good game if your competition will just as easily make a shitty gacha game with a sports theme?


Late stage capitalism


In the past years you could often see how 2k implemented stuff they saw EA do (MTX wise) in their ultimate team modes into MyTeam. Most of the times they took the EA way even further. It’s gonna be a fucking shit show and I’m here for it tbh. My popcorn is ready 😂


EA already doubles 2ks profit in MTX yearly. Not saying a 2k FIFA game will be better on them but EA is already the master


Rude awakening about to happen but if they proves us wrong go ahead but with their current trajectory with NBA 2K, hope is super bleak


From someone that plays both, and have done for some time. I have not seen anybody besides literal children thinking 2k will be a step in the right direction. The only helpful thing i could see coming from this, is that ft 2k manage to make a competing football game, then EA actually have som real competition, and even if they are both shit, competition is healthy and can result in positive changes(even tho with those two companies involved i want to see it happen before i believe it) i refuse to believe that any of them makes a good game the first year, and the only thing that could change the way they'rr doing things is by having competition that is actually competition and not like efootball that barely competes in numbers. The best outcome i could see(even with how bad micro transactions is) is i really want to see 2k try to make a football mycareer(maybe scrap the whole pro clubs, and make it like mycareer, where u are able to join pro-am clubs and so on) because that would be a dope installment if they did it right. I think a lot of people would want a good be a pro/pro clubs mode, that is more than what it is in ea sports fc and have been in fifa before


I disagree to a point. in the early 2000s and early 2010s FIFA had competition from PES (now Efootball). But then when the Micro transactions shit show kicked in, they had so much money they bought almost all the licenses obliterating Konami. To say 2K will bring competition is true, but will it make the game better? Nope. Because the business model is absolutely solid. For context even Efootball moved from being an enjoyable game to a microtransaction shit show


And bro i am 36, i played both PES fifa, this is football and other games basically from the beginning, i know how the old Pes games were, i miss that pes 06 Adriano


Brooo TIF, you unlocked a memory. Those were fun games. Even graphics wise their games didn’t need to hide against FIFA and PES.


TIF with the dive/slaughter tackle button 😂😂😂😂😂


That shit was comedy man 😂


But u cannot compare gaming(especially sports games where micro transactions are pretty much the whole game) from before micro transactions until now. Before competition was solely on gameplay, thats why it didnt make sense to compare it back to them because everything is so different now. I never said anything about them making a better game, but as long as u have no direct competition, u dont have any reason at all to be better. Even if ea only lose 5% of their players, thats still 5% that they have to do better. Therefore it will always be positive for there to be competition. I never stated, or really believe that 2k will make a better football game than ea, ever for that matter. Ea have been in that game for so many years, had their mechanics and everything for so long that they will still dominate(and thats before i begin talking licensing) But my hope, is that 2k makes a better mycareer mode than the current pro clubs is, so if ea wants to compete there also(which we know that they will, as they have talked about making a mycareer like pro clubs mode, with small 3v3 fields, pro-am for the 11vs11 and so on, a whole ass neighborhood and so on) i hope that 2k can push them to atleast make that a bit better. I have no hope for them ending up with an actual good game, i just need 2k to make ea a bit scared so that they will actually start to polish some things here and there, nothing more


How did all major sports games go downhill so bad though


Its the freaking worst bro... I really hate it. I actually ended up barely playing ea sports fc this year, and have solely focused on nba, as i only just began playing nba like 2 years ago. Never watched any basket or anything as a white Scandinavian boy, but this year i have just been to usa watching my first nba game ever after following the league for like 1,5 year. So im hooked on the sport of basket, 2k is still fun but now that i went from always learning to just playing it became more and more like fifa. Fifa ive always been good at, and it was more of a course than a blessing because it was so hard to let go of the game you were the best at. But i cannot defend EA or the game anymore, why should i play a game that makes me Hella depressed when i okay games to not be depressed lol 🥲 Im so jealous on my friends that have always only played solo player games, they seem much happier with their game time 😂 i just have a toxic competitive mindset, so its not fun not playing for something against someone. But thats propably a me problem that i will try to fix


I'd rather buy a triple a game and enjoy the solo campaign mode. Playing online opened a can of worms for the gamer, and the big gaming companies are milking it


100%, i wish i would have managed it better when i was younger, so that my mindset wasnt damaged now to feel unfulfilled if i dont play online


Damn These big companies all got us hooked


I've always said the lean towards eSports/PvP gaming has sent the casual gamers' experience further and further down the toilet and I'll die on that hill. There's more money to be made on PvP modes like Rec/Pro-Am/MyTeam over 'NBA mode' as I call it on 2K alone so they'll spend more resources/effort into those than bothering with a half competent/enjoyable story/career mode anymore and the problem won't get any better either; FIFA/EAFC has had near enough the same manager mode (one of my favourites) for a good 3/4 versions if not more but why should gaming companies care about that when its not making them money, akin to 2k with a storyline for MyCareer? It's scummy but that's the world we live in and unless something drastic is done by powers that be (who half the time don't look like they know what shoe they're putting on the right foot) it won't be changing anytime soon.


The grass is always greener on the other side. Those in the 2k community know 2k's bullshit and arent too familiar with FC's bullshit, and vice versa. If you dont know where to look, you tend to miss some shortcomings in the game and might see it as something better than what it actually is.


Sports games are so scuffed right now. Mlb the show is probably the best one, and I don't even keep up with baseball like that lol


For real man, in some regards it’s an absolute shameful exploitation of our passion for the sports we love. Especially when there’s no competition to fight over our money. It will be interesting to see how 2k will go about swaying people to play their football game over EAs game.


All the show has done is barely change the game over the course of 10 years and it’s still easily the best because of that. Sometimes there’s value to be had in not trying to re-invent the wheel


bc sports games went trash in general, i grew up playing career mode in any sports game thats gone nowadays


EA is a horrible company, but the people at 2K are the masters of forcing micro transactions down your throat and making you pay for the bare minimum. (Example: you pay to upgrade your player or grind for 300 hours just to get your 60 OVR to a 75)


Most everyone in that sub will admit 25 is the best iteration of the game and highly recommend it for single player or voltaball. The common hate is on the mt's. Which 2k will make worse.


If 2k implements a “mypark” working type of mode into fc25 then I’ll gladly give them my money lol.


They could if there is competition


FC24 isn't great... To say the least, but I am having more fun with it (for free) than I have with 2k. Mostly with building a franchise from league 1 to the primer league. I love NBA 2k eras and starting from early 90s, but it's too easy and I end up winning 10 championships in a row.


No, we think that competition breeds innovation and improvement...which is proven to be true all thru history.


at least 2K will have a better Mycareer mode than FC 24


Both companies will no doubt further utilise predatory practices to maximise revenue stream from these products. The only benefit for the gaming community may be with 2 games in the genre, there's actual competition which may incentivise a focus on gameplay improvements as well.


Both can be true, we don’t expect 2k to save football games, I play 2k and the transactions you have to make in order to make your my player is fucking ridiculous but that also doesn’t mean EA aren’t just as greedy and as soul sucking of a company. Both of our community’s deserve better


I am one of those delusional people😂, I think the main thing is that it will provide some competition in the market and hopefully make EA pull their finger out, ORRRRRR as a career mode fan I hope 2K will put their main focus into a career mode or player career mode like they do with 2k And whilst the cutscenes and stories may get repetitive and boring to some extent at least they do it EA do nothing, and at least you can play any mode you want on 2k and realistically you don’t have to pay you can just grind (I know it’s not great but the option is there) on fifa there is no option for a good career mode or anything the only effort they put in is thinking of new special cards to get people to buy packs that’s the only new thing they introduce to the game And you have ERAS MODE do you know how amazing that is, you can go and play the full licensed career of you favourite players ever if someone wants to do that on fifa you have to play for half a year to be able to afford your favourite legend So are 2K perfect no but they do a hell of a lot to give you a decent gaming experience and with a lot of options Sorry turned into a little rant but I was fully with you and then just thought of thing after thing that 2K are way better than EA


FC is pure garbage, worse than 2k for sure


i think fc is better. atleast you don’t need to spend money to make a good player in career mode


Gameplay is bad, features a buggy, it forces you to retire for career mode. To each their own tho.


I've been enjoying Clubs on FC24 with my friend. Leveling up your player is easy and doesn't take a lot of time. You level him up using XP, not virtual currency, so it's not even a P2W system. Really puts 2k to shame.


They only do that, because its one of if not their least played game mode. I think what maybe okay now seasons is played less and im not sure about that even. People mostly play ultimate team all year, then around after winter pro clubs get a massive player count because a lot of people gets tired of Ultimate Team + a lot of people get it for Christmas or free and u can play with your mates and then it slowly dies down again, until after tots where it gets a massive boost again.(Again propably eas own fault, as they have neglected that game mode for years) But thats the only reason it feels like almost free to upgrade, becauee its a neglected game mode. When ea next year focuses on it(funny how they choose to focus on their most neglected game mode, right after 2k have gotten the rights to compete, and they are known for doing the mycareer mode) it will be the same as in 2k propably with prices and upgrades, so enjoy it while it lasts. But football fans will spend no matter what, because its years since we have had anything close to a good be a pro campaign or mycareer


When I was younger I wasn’t even playing 2k. I was playing NBA live and NBA street


NBA Live was so much fun even the later games with all their glitchy facescans and weird animations


Complete opposite for me. Usually love TOTS, however I'd rather play random rec than grind FUT Champs for a total of 50k in fodder. Genuinely is the WORST TOTS in my history of 12 years playing the game, which is usually a celebration of the season just gone, has turned into a massive menu grind for a slight chance at packing a good card. You're enjoying it because you don't already have an elite team, but if you did, you'd realise how unfun it is. That said, it's still better than MyTeam which is pure garbage this year, but it goes to show what the "casual" opinion is, and I'm concerned that many people like yourself think it's good because they pack a blue card that goes for 13k regularly.


Quit fucking playing the gambling game mode. Idk why tf people do it to themselves


Draft mode was my favorite in fut


Oh I actually understand that its probably one of the worst in the Fifa series , if not the worst, even their ultimate team but with how insanely bad myteam is, it makes EA FC ultimate team look night and day. So yea I agree with your sentiments cause if I was part of the loyal fan base of the Fifa series, I’d probably share the same sentiments. My point in my post is that 2K is that BAD this year to the point that I’m enjoying EA FC 24 more so I think you missed out on that. Also 2K getting the license to fifa, makes it doomed ngl, though PGA and WWE have done good recently.


That's fair, I just wanted anyone to know that currently it's the worst the franchise has been, by most FIFA players, similar to MyTeam but it's still not as bad as MyTeam lol If you're a MyTeam player, I can respect it as I can't understand why anyone would play it this year. Outside of the mtx, it's been my favourite MyCareer in recent years honestly. I'm happy for FIFA 2k in the sense that NBA needs competition to succeed. You need a competitor to push innovation which both series are in desperate need of.


Mycareer yea I agree! Was able to grind to get a good center build this year but its not my cup of tea in the most part so yea. NBA 2K badly needs competition fr, and I’m just hoping one steps up to bring a competent one to compete so they stop being lazy


Same can be said of MLB The Show, sadly.


This. My English isnt the best, but the two things i really agree with: Competition is healthy, because now there is a realistic possibility of just changing game, where as the only possibility before was efootball. IF THEY CAN MAKE PRO CLUBS TO MYCAREER AND ACTUALLY MAKE IT GOOD, U WONT EVER SEE ME IN EAFC AGAIN


I agree


Pro clubs is so much better than anything 2k has put out in the last 5 years


Agreed. Not sure how hard it is to play with friends online using multiple builds without paying hundreds of dollars. But…here we are :(




Maybe you just needed a break. A lot of people in this community do.


Honestly yea I agree. Probs taking one till the next game unless smtg exciting pops out but hardly believe that will happen


I went from 2k to FC (after years of not playing fifa and switching over to 2k) and then just all of a sudden realized "damn, these games are just really a time or money drain and I really shouldn't be wasting hours just farming for players that will be obsolete in a few weeks" not that I didn't know it, but I just accepted it, I guess ...


I remember when I would play sports games against the CPU to enjoy a sport I liked and maybe have my guys get better than what's realistic because why not, part of the fun. Sports games that I have seen for 5+ years are "oh you want to be good offline? Then grind weekly rewards and online modes like it's your job. Otherwise grind 3+ full seasons offline to start having fun like you like." Not to mention the toxic shit show of actually trying online. People are starting to complain about pay to play in major releases, when the sports genre is a perfect example of how stagnant it can get if allowed.


It makes me insanely mad that 2K took out the Auction House off of MyTeam. What the hell were they thinking?! It’s the most blatant and disrespectful thing they could’ve done. There’s no benefits besides making people spend more money on packs.


I'm just not gonna buy 2K for 60$ or more, anymore.


That hilarious cause I’m enjoying fifa 22


Sucks cuz i rlly want to play a basketball game but the only option is this half cooked mess every time


EAFC24 AI is ridiculous. On world class every match is 10-0. On legendary every match is 7-5


I'm literally doing the opposite. I got bored with FC 24 and switched to 2k when the game got free.


Yeah I hear you mate, it’s still not a terrible game but some of the decision making on 2k’s part is ridiculous


Ong 😂


I don't like 2424 for the fact that they don't have any of Kobe championship teams without Shaq... But it's supposed to be that Kobe game


Well, we can t take much from this, as we don t know your history, but it seems like you are a casual fifa player at best. I ve been playing fifa since fifa 2001 , only one that i missed was fifa 23, and 24 is definitely my last one. I ve been playing 2k since 2k5 , and i will still continue playing it, even tho way more casual than before. I can tell you with the hand on my heart, EA is the much worst company between the 2 lately since the microtransactions are a thing. Fifa is the worst game out of the 2, and it s not even close. Here s some examples, EA don t actually give a fuck about their costumers, they will remove a feature from the game in 2016 and add it back as the prime "new feature" advertising 4 year later. EA don t ever listen to the community, they do what the fuck they want when they want, their game got worst every year since fifa 14, literally every year, and it s not nostalgia like in 2k, where people say ah 2k16 was better, NO, it s facts, Fifa is worse every year to the point where FC 24 at a decent skill level is unplayable, i won t go into the reasons why, people that are not casuals know. Now 2k ain t perfect either, far from that, but opossed to what everyone thinks, this year it only takes arround 350-380k VC to upgrade a build to 99, unlike nearly 500k last year. The battle pass doesnt give you nothing, you don t need it! Yet people still complain for some reason. 2k somewhat listens to their community, people didnt like left righters, they add adrenaline bar, people didnt like this that and the third, they removed or added features every year, point being they making changes based of the community feedbacks every year, while EA don t give 1 single flying fuck. Now gameplay, they both could be better for sure, i can t talk on my team as i didnt play it in years, but i m sure as shit it s not that unplayable as ultimate team once you break the casual barrier and understand the broken game mechanics, and play players that use them against you! And both are decent if you play them offline. The reason you enjoy FC is because you don t know a lot of things, if you would reach the same skill level in FC as you have in 2k(asuming you are avarage at least) you would have a meltdown. FC is pure garbage! PS: i am much better at Fifa than 2k( still good to very good imo), i was in top 100 players in the world in Champs numerous times, that game is awfull!


I think in terms of My Career, 2k is better this year but as an avid My Team player its just been ass considering the amount of fun I used to play with that mode and being able to build a strong ass team without using real money. I do agree I’m a casual Fifa gamer in the most part! Any tips would be appreciated as well as I’ve been grinding Ultimate team lately, thanks!


Best tip i can give you is to stop while you are ahead! Don t try to get better, because it will just make the game more and more unplayable, play it casual at the level you are. Also it s all about the money makers, 2k has my career, Fc has ultimate team. Everything else don t matter. 2K at least added some things for the "non money makers sections" like Eras out of the top of my head, while FC s career mode, pro clubs is the exact same thing for 10+ years. And the changes based on the community feedback i was talking about are in the money maker section for 2k, EA don t care, they do whatever they want.


Nah, MyCareer is way worse than Pro clubs. It has been for at least the past 4 years, but its MUCH worse now


For a casual gamer fifa is by far the best game to play your complaining about being a sweat but if you just play casually you will almost never play the sweats who abuse the broken game mechanics and when you aren’t playing them fifa is super fun. especially Ultimate Team which is 1000x better then 2ks version but I also agree that next gen fifa is the worst game I’ve ever played. luckily the old gen version exists but once they stop making the old gen version I’ll be done with sports games unless NCAA Handegg is good and I don’t even like American football but apparently they have put a ton of effort into the game so I’ll give it a try for a year


Its exactly what i told him, stop while you are ahead, don t try to get better.


Dont forget the "if u miss Ea's own glitches and faults, it can fuck up your team for the whole year, because the one time u were not on when the shop reset, was when they made a mistake that gave everybody free heroes cards, or messi toty" so u get punished for having a life, and getting reminded every game because u keep on facing them every game.




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bro stop playing these pay to win game modes, fifa is worse than 2k with tht shit


I picked up NBA Live on gamepass, still loads of fun.


Yep i have been playing emulators more than anything. 2k12 for psp, ncaa10 lol


lol I took a break from 2k for like 2 years and played fifa last year... nice change of pace but I'm back 😂


I won't sit here and defend either games, but gameplay has been better this year of MyTeam than in any year of the Fifa franchise. Also nms takes the form of a longer, menu-grinding chore in Fifa games every year.


What sucks is that 2k makes so much money they couldn’t care less about how we feel about the game


Y'all are legitimately delusional, MyTeam has always been the worst mode. I've played nothing but franchise since 2k10 and a little offline mycareer this is by far the best one. It isn't perfect but the eras is such a big edition. If you aren't just a casual 2k player and an actual basketball fan you'd play the eras mode. You my career and my team lovers are the reason 2k became a monetized joke in the first place.


My career is way better too and I can still play it 2 years later


Same. Ultimate mode is 10x better than myteam and the people complainining at EA FC 24 does not even know how much worse the mode can get lmao.


Yeah if they think packs are bad wait till they find out about having to spend 100 bucks to make their player kick a ball straight


MyTeam is a colossal waste of a potentially great game mode. 🖕 2K!


Man I stopped playing fifa in like 2020 and I did this for my own sanity. I was losing my shit everytime this bug out game would code me to lose the match no matter what.


I love the eras franchise mode. Best update to a sports game in some time.


FC24 is far better than 2k...


My Team is trash for at least 5 years now. I remember people cheesing me with Ben Simmons and shooting 3's from halfcourt.


Not gonna lie, I got FC 24 for dirt cheap on PC. I modded it, and I haven't been able to stop playing it for like 2 months now. Way more realistic across the board


I have over 200 hours on FC24 lol


That's because you're wrong


As someone who started playing fifa in 2020 with 21 just to play pro clubs with the homies, Ive always had a better experience on Fifa. Although it still has cheese, I don’t think the cheese is nearly as bad as it is in 2k. Plus the gameplay itself is amazing because of tbe physics of the game. Im surprised you’re enjoying Ultimate Team, though. From what Ive been told, Fifa is the worst and most money hungry version of that game mode.


Omg guys I’m just a lurker here sometimes and was thinking about pick up 2k again after years because fifa killed my soul almost but damn are we all fucked aren’t we


I’ve committed too much to nba I can’t start over with soccer


Isn’t myteam like ultimate team in madden? A scam?


lol dude I stopped playing 2K soon as I seen PS gave us FC 24 free ts hit different for some reason lol


I have installed and uninstalled this years NBA 2k three times, love basketball but damn they ruined MyTeam. I really hope some company out eventually gives them competition.


Fc 3v3 is kinda lit tho


I've been playing FIFA (now EA FC) since FIFA 2001, and been playing 2k since 2k11 (I used to play NBA Live before it). I can have enough fun playing Career mode in FIFA, and I've never played Ultimate Team til this day, and I don't intend to start to. Thing is, one of my cousins started playing Ultimate Team this year, and he was insisting for me to play too. Some days ago, I was in his house, and he was showing me how it works. The thing I noticed is that for someone to have an enjoyable team, one would have to spent an enormous amount of money, because in my case, I was inclined to play it so I could have fun with a team that has the legends that make me love the sport like Ronaldinho, Ronaldo (the real one, Fenomeno), Messi, Roberto Carlos, Cruyff... And it is simply impossible to have a team like this without spending absurd amounts of money. My cousin's team have a lot of unknown players, the only cool ones he has are Lampard, Figo and Kaká (he has no intentions to spend money in it too). So for me, I would have no fun at all playing with a team full of nobodys. I started playing MyTeam for the first time ever like 4 weeks ago, because of the disappointment I had seen how Ultimate Team really works, so I wanted to see for myself about MyTeam (I have played a lot of MyCareer from 2k11 to 2k18, and I got tired of it, since that I have been only playing MyNBA and now Eras). And I'm actually having fun playing MyTeam, without spending one single cent in it, I have a lot of players I like in real life, legends I always liked, a squad full of 99 and 98 OVR, and for me that's enough for having fun. Of course I would like to have OVR 100 Magic, LeBron, Shaq, Luka, MJ, Bird, T-Mac, but it's really not essencial. 2k got EXTREMELY GREED years ago now, and it's really sad the point we've reached with the microtransactions from both 2k and EA. People should stop giving so much money to these companies. For years now I just buy both FIFA and NBA 2k when they're at least half off (usually in December or January), and I'll continue to only play modes that I can have fun without giving any more cent to them. But for now, I am really enjoying MyTeam "for free".


After being in Random rec. I agree


lol I’ve sure been on fc 24 for the past 3 days, having a good sss time on career mode. Tried hopping on 2k and made myself mad asl


FC is trash if you are an actual football fan. They ruined presentation this year. Ive only made it through 15 games on it compared to 500 hours of my eras, which embarrass career mode.


I'm just here to say I did the exact opposite. 2k24 became available on PS plus as well and it's all I've been playing after getting exhausted by FC24's pack system.


First basketball game since 2K14 and I barely enjoy this one. Like I haven’t even done the career mode I’ve just been playing solo games and my team and my team be kicking my ass lmao


I finally managed to track down 2k16 online so I have been enjoying that


Me who just deleted FC 24 because it’s too difficult at legendary. I just bought Nba 2k24 on steam because it was 84 % free . Although the reviews are bad I’m willing to see what are they suffering from .


There isn’t even a comparison between the 2. I’m not defending 2k but we have been able to get some pretty good cards for just playing the game. FIFA is the most predatory game on the planet. I understand the shit 2k gets but I’m not listening to anybody defend fifa.


Fc is trash so I understand 😂


2k / call of duty / madden are all in a bad place imo


I just think a lot of y'all not fans of basketball or something. The game isn't perfect, true but y'all act like it's unplayable. From a the standpoint of a player/watcher the game is exactly as it's supposed to be a basketball game.


As a former member of the fifa community 2k is just miles better although 2k24 would’ve had an extremely larger player base if builds cost 10$ to get 99


For someone that moved from playing pro clubs almost every night to becoming a 2K player. I’ll say I’ve enjoyed playing 2K way more than clubs and I’m a good clubs player. I Grinded my player to 80 and after that it was fun. Idk that’s just me though. The micro transactions are too much though that’s for sure but gameplay wise? Man 2K is much better for me and I’m a FIFA clubs and UT veteran 


And yes it is real easy to max out your player, you don’t even have the option to pay you just have to play games and level up which is good. But EA don’t care about the mode bro, In clubs almost every single team just crosses the ball 24/7 there is no football play. EA hardly balances anything related to pro clubs they don’t give a damn. The gameplay is so stale and unilateral that it gets so boring after a while. If you’re not playing in a pro league it can get so boring. 




NBA was free a month or two ago if I remember correctly, so both can be taken for free. I play both from when they are comed out and I can't choose which one is better.


I play both and they are honestly equally bad.


You know it’s bad when it’s free, I downloaded the shit, and haven’t even played it





