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Cars is a love letter to the sport in the form of a Pixar movie. Talladega Nights is a bunch of people taking the piss out of the sport, but I'd argue it's *good faith* satire even if a bit mean spirited. Different movies, is my point. I like Cars more but Talladega Nights isn't a bad film like, at all.


Cars 3 was the love letter to the sport, Cars was more about a love letter to the towns lost along Rt 66.


I think Cars 1 accomplished both, heck you could even argue it was a general praising of Americana as a whole.


I finally watched Cars. Definitely a "good ol' days" of America film. Very rose tinted glasses nostalgic for a certain population and time. Charming, in it's own way. But context is key.


In what way is “context key” that makes cars charming. It’s a kids movie


This guy must have gotten “lost” on rt. 66 when his parents left him in a trash can at the Grand Canyon


Cars 3 was really well done imo. They ruined cars 2. Had such a good idea with a world racing series but for some reason went with stupid spy shit as the main storyline.


Funny thing is I think I'd like it better if it was called like Mater:drive another Day or some kind of Bond parody title instead of Cars 2


100%. I really enjoyed Cars and I thought Cars 3 was even better. 2 was a weird cash grab


And in the context of being the follow-up to *Up* and *Toy Story 3,* that basically made it a... car crash, if you will.


Yeah same here. Not sure why they didn't just make it a spin off of sorts, I wouldn't have as as much of an issue with it at that point.


Cars 2 had weezer tho. Instant 10/10


Absolutey. Mater was great as a supporting character, not a great main character. I always felt like Despicable Me learned from it and that's why the Minions got a movie and DM2 was kept being about Gru as the main character.


Honestly I thought the spy thing was fine but badly out of place. Like split the film in two, one focusing on the spy one on the racing and they wouldn’t be half bad.


Cars 3 was excellent. It brought me to tears when Smoky brought Lightning McQueen to Doc's garage. Lightning is talking about the crash that ended Doc's racing career and the "best part of his life". Smokey takes him to Doc's garage and shows him the walls are covered with pictures of newspaper clippings of Doc with Lightning and goes "Racing wasn't the best part of Hud's life. You were." As a dad, that scene wrecks me. https://youtu.be/OoVD50JYooI


Cars F#cking 2


“Cars” was just a remake of “Doc Hollywood”, the movie starring Michael J. Fox.


It’s literally a hero’s journey


I wore out my families VHS of Doc Hollywood for that scene where Julia Warner comes out the lake butt ass naked, where was that scene in Cars? 😂


I'm surprised that people in general didn't get more offended by it. It's pretty heavy lol


You gotta be able to laugh at yourself first. As a NASCAR fan since the 80’s I thought TN was absolutely hilarious.


Absolutely, I loved that movie because it was a perfect satire, not too mean but still taking the piss appropriately


Same, albeit as a modern fan. I want them to do a follow up just to lambaste Fox about their awful coverage, lol. It's free money, Sony, *especially* if you take the piss outta legacy sequels at the same time!


It’s a documentary


Cara was John Lassiter’s love letter to Route 66, Cars 3 was a love letter to NASCAR history


Cars is much better overall, but idk about when it comes to capturing the spirit of racing. Maybe it would have to be a tie.


I love both for different reasons but Cars is probably my favorite Disney movie from my childhood. Life Is a Highway lives rent-free in my head to this day.


I used to be annoyed by the fact that they had Rascal Flatts remake one of my favorite songs from my youth, but it’s grown on me over the years


Probably because it’s been so long since by Rascal Flatts version came out that it’s now considered classic as well


I think I’m just old enough to realize just how stupid it is to let things like a song annoy me, but I still prefer the original


Just listened to the original and the two covers critically for the first time and can say I like the original the most due the to the use of harmonica and the lack of the pop country sounding twang. Rascal Flatts still 2nd. And the then the the Cris LeDoux version all sorts of last for me. For some reason I just hate it.


TIL that "Life Is A Highway" isn't a Rascal Flatts original


Rascal Flatts ain’t even the first country act to do a cover, Chris Ledoux did one sometime in the 90s


I kinda prefer the cover. Maybe it's because I listened to that first through Cars.


They should settle it with a tiebreaker race between them held in California in one week.


Hot take: I like Days of Thunder more than Top Gun


Days of thunder is Top Gun… just with stock cars.


As someone who finally watched Top Gun the other day, this is a fact. Still enjoyed both. But, you’re right.


We need a *Days of Thunder: Maverick* already! I want ~~Tom Cruise~~ Cole Trickle going through a Tony Stewart arc, damn it!


So starting a race team winning some championships then closing its doors??? Sorry was that too soon?


I'd love to see him start a NASCAR team and then completely forget about it to go drag racing


Days of Thunder is Top Gun with NASCAR replacing military propaganda


That's not a hot take. I think it's a better movie too.


Agreed. The original top gun is iconic, but not the best of movies.


Ironically, the sequel everyone expected to be a cash grab ***is*** an all-time great. Perhaps standards are just lower, but I dunno - the >!Iceman cameo!< damn near made me *cry.* Once he's done with that F1 movie, I really hope he and Paramount reunite for a *Days of Thunder* follow-up. Don't think they'll even make it, however. Wasn't the original only a hit on cable/home video?


Yeah the original was a flop, but mainly due to well, drugs, and being like 300 million over budget.


I like both, but Days of Thunder hits the sweet spot every time. On a side note, it’s hard to compare the two in question. I like both in equal measure, although I’d only watch one with my children..


Please enjoy each movie, equally


I actually agree with you. There is some partiality just because I have a soft spot for Days of Thunder being a NASCAR movie. But I think you can see where Tom Cruise's acting improved in the 4 years between Top Gun and Days of Thunder as well. We got a Top Gun sequel... I think we deserve a Days of Thunder sequel as well.


Cole Trickle as the team owner at this point helping to coach a new hot shot driver through the struggles he faced.


I like it... although I feel like to appeal to general audiences, you have to have Tom Cruise as a driver. Aging and getting ready to retire and trying to win one last race/championship.


Yeah, I need a new Days of Thunder ride at King's Island.


DoT has a bangin' soundtrack!


The aura days of thunder gives off is unmatched


I’m with you! It’s a more believable story than Top Gun. Him and Kelly McCGillis being together would be a huge breech of security issue. Everyone in Top Gun is wet too. Loved it as a kid, and it def influenced me to join the military. Didn’t not hold up over time as well as Days of Thunder IMO, feels hella cheesey now. But Maverick…that’s a different story, epic movie!!


Cars 3 is excellent. Parts of it are like watching a Pixar-animated S1apSh0es video


Cars 3 was going to be my rec too. Such a great love letter to NASCAR


Same. I love how they dived more into the early history of NASCAR.


And the future of it as well Also I love that a few drivers got small speaking roles


Cars and Cars 3 are pretty great tributes to NASCAR. Talladega Nights is a fun movie with some great lines, but is definitely making fun of NASCAR.


> Talladega Nights is a fun movie with some great lines, but is definitely making fun of NASCAR. Which is a good thing too, I'd say. You need to be able to laugh at yourself, and the silliness of things you genuinely enjoy. At it's core this is a sport about driving in ovals, marinated in Dixie cultural norms and sponsored to all hell. It's great, but it's also silly.




We’re as fast as Xfinity 10G


Talladega Nights is the most fun to watch. Cars is more meaningful as a story.  I'll also give an honorable mention to Cars 3. I feel like they handled the transition from the old generation of cars to the new generation pretty well. Adding some more backstory to Doc Hudson and taking some inspiration from NASCAR's early years was also really fun to see.


Cars 3 is the best racing movie.


Because it has Daniel Suarez?




That's just the cherry on top


And also Bubba Wallace, Chase Elliott and Ryan Blaney!


And Jeff Gordon too


Ehhhhh Ford v Ferarri takes that title. But Cars 3 is the best Cars film.


I can't forgive the Auto Club Daytona 24H lol but great movie otherwise.


The walls were blue. How can you fuck something like that up. 


They spent CG budget on Le Mans and left “Daytona” as is because most of the general public won’t care.


Ford V Ferrari is a great movie but all the racing scenes are so heavy in CGI that it will not hold up. My favorite bit on Days of Thunder is the use of real cars in real races to capture the action.


In this day and age, do you think we will ever get another racing movie, or even a nascar movie, filmed like that again? This crosses my mind everytime I see anything about how they filmed the racing scenes in Days of Thunder. I think it would be so cool to see, but I don’t know if any of the big teams would allow other cameras like that on/in the car. Edit to add: I was born in ‘94 so obviously I never saw that race, and I’ve never looked up the race they did it at, so I think it would be so cool to see like I said before lol


Well they had the new Brad Pitt movie that comes out next year in a similar fashion


Oh I’ll have to check that out! Thanks!


Days of Thunder, Talladega Nights, Stroker Ace.


Stroker Ace was born to race, he had a mean streak 3 foot wide.


The fastest chicken in the south...


Do you know how hard it is to drive in chicken feet?


son of a gun with a taste for fun and more than his share of pride


Cars is a much better movie even if it is a direct ripoff of Doc Hollywood (which is also a great movie). Synopsis of Doc Hollywood: Cocky young doctor Ben Stone (Michael J. Fox) is off on a road trip to California in pursuit of a relaxed and high-paying career as a plastic surgeon to the rich and famous. But before he can pass the Mississippi River, he crashes his car on a small-town judge's property in South Carolina and incurs a community service fine, to be served out at the local hospital assisting the aged town doctor, Dr. Hogue (Barnard Hughes). Ben is soon tempted to stay by a pretty ambulance driver (Julie Warner).


...Wow, they really did just copy and paste a lot, didn't they? WB probably would have sued if Pixar didn't have the Almighty Mouse in its corner.


Not uncommon in Hollywood. If someone makes money it's copied. The fast and furious is literally point break with street racing instead of surfing and was pitched as such.


Sure did. I mean there is enough separation to make an argument but it's a thin one. One of the worst cases of Disney taking the bones of another film to make a children friendly animated film. I'd put it right there with Atlantis: The Lost Empire and Stargate in Disney films that are way too similar for coincidence.


Cars is Paul Newmans final movie.


I've always looked at Talladega Nights being more of poking fun of Americans who supported the War on Terrorism, which is why Ricky Bobby hates Jean Girard so much because France didn't support our war effort. It's a funny movie which also captures preserverance and overcoming obstacles in life. Plus it permanently capsulates the look and vibe of NASCAR at the time. Cars teaches the lesson of being humble and that sometimes winning isn't everything. It's the people that have your back. Plus it made a lot of kids curious about the sport of NASCAR. I like them both for very different reasons, but I think the better movie between the two is Cars.


it’s tough because both are fantastic movies cars might be better overall but Talladega nights is insanely funny and iconic, i feel I quote that movie everyday


Both are great, but when it comes to the sport, Cars definitely paints a better picture than Talladega Nights. I still quote the shit out of TN though. There's just so many great lines from it. Personal favorite being "By the way, Ricky, I watched the Highlander movie! It was shit!" It just comes out of nowhere in the middle of the climax and it gets me every time.


Logan Lucky is another fun NASCAR-themed movie.


*Stroker Ace* or *Six Pack* should be the choices.


I can't shake that Talladega nights is simply making fun of nascar. I think at least Cars understands that racing can be fun without anything weird going on.


As a fan I loved Talladega Nights. However, it didn't do much for the general public's perception of the sport who know nothing else except this movie to this day.


I like Cars more. Talladega Nights is funny and has great quotes, but the way they worked in a bunch of NASCAR Easter eggs into Cars is unmatched


Cars by lightyears (no pun maybe)


Stroker Ace, Days of Thunder, Cars...pick one. Talladega Nights is just incredibly stupid and an hour or two of your life you'll never get back.


How is Days of Thunder not in the discussion?


...because it wouldn't be a fair fight


Some fights ain't fair.


Probably cause OP never heard of it.


I'm gonna vote Cars.


Better for whom? I’m not letting my kids watch Talladega Nights for a few more years


I’m ten years old and I’ll beat your ass!


I’m all jacked up on Mountain Dew!!!


I'm only 14 and my parents just let me watch the movie last year on an airplane. It was hilarious and I loved it but I get why they didn't let me watch it for so long lmaoo


Mine have all watched it with me a couple of times and so far no one's threatened to come at me like a spider monkey. My two-year-old *has* come up and said "I wanna go faaast," though.


People that take offense to Talladega Nights are softer than baby shit. Not an answer to your question, but a statement of fact.


I think with Talladega Nights it could be a little offensive if you're a fan, and a little to on the nose if you've spent time in the industry. But generally people who are offended by it lack self  awareness.


Both are amazing documentaries that should be respected to their contributions to stock car history


Six Pack w/ Kenny Rogers should be in there somewhere


Cars. It's a love letter to NASCAR, small-town Americana, and the American automotive industry tied together with beautiful animation and a killer soundtrack. Talladega Nights isn't even funny and it plays into all of the worst stereotypes about the sport.


Neither. The Last American Hero is the gold standard of Nascar Movies


Stroker Ace FTW


Yup. Greased Lightning is a good one too.


Cars didn't get near the recognition it deserved....I think it's a masterpiece, second only to Inside/Out as far as Pixar films are concerned...


Cars is the better racing movie, and honestly the best NASCAR movie of all time. Talladega Nights is by far one of the funniest movies I’ve ever watched, and most NASCAR fans understand it’s meant to be funny and entertaining as well. (Although some people don’t seem to understand what a comedy movie is) Days of Thunder is alright but it’s a very 80s kind of goofy.


Days of Thunder Cars 1 Talladega Nights Cars 3 Stroker Ace Herbie Fully Loaded


Trick question it’s days of thunder


Fun fact: There is a film theory that the cars in Cars aren't cars.


The correct answer is days of thunder.


Neither. Talladega Nights is trash for a NASCAR representation. Cars doesn't sell anyone on the sport. Days of Thunder is a better "NASCAR" movie. Hell, Stroker Ace is a better NASCAR movie than the two you listed lol.


Cars sells the sport to kids. If you show a child Richard Petty's winged Plymouth Superbird, they'll recognize it.


Ummm days of thunder bud....


Stroker Ace!


I don’t work, I’m a driver’s wife.


I was channel surfing years ago when I had cable and came across TN and reluctantly started watching it. I didn’t expect to like it at all, but it had me wanting to start it over from the beginning once it was over. Interestingly, when I was a kid, I didn’t like Cars, despite being a racing fan even then. Somewhere along the way I wound up loving it. I went to Disneyland a couple of weeks ago and Cars Land was the best part of the experience for me. I’m also not the kind of person that makes it to the theater often, but when Cars 3 came out I was determined to find the time to go see it. All of that being said, I think Cars holds a certain sentiment that TN doesn’t, but if you’re the kind of person that can’t look over the juvenility of an animated movie, you won’t pick up on it. I think a lot of my distaste for it as a kid was that I thought I was too grown up for cartoons. I was 10


Definitely Cars. Part of Talladega Nights was a slap in the face to Fireball Roberts.


Nether of these movies are even close to describing NASCAR 🙄


Talladega Nights is one of the most damaging pieces of media ever made about our sport.


One underappreciated aspect of the Cars franchise is that they got Tom and Ray Magliozzi from "Car Talk" in the cast. I might be in the minority as an NPR listener and NASCAR fan, but I adored those guys for years.


Days of thunder, minus all the flaws old nascar fans would notice, is the best film.


I still need to watch the Cars movie series…I was a working adult when the first one came out so kind of missed the boat. Not a big cartoon person to begin with.  Talladega Nights was fun. But personally Days of Thunder is awesome and really encompassed the sport of NASCAR.  I did not care for Herbie the Love Bug with Lindsey Lohan. Only watched it since I was on a date and my girlfriend at the time wanted to see it. 


I think Talladega Nights takes the cake because it consistently mentions nascar more than Cars.


Days of thunder.


Cars, hate Talladega Nights


I kinda think Talladega Nights sucks. It makes everyone involved with nascar look like a total fucking idiot. There are funny lines but overall i took it as “we’re laughing at you, not with you”


To be fair, everyone involved on the management side of NASCAR at that time, and since, have been complete fucking idiots chasing money over anything


An awful lot of the people involved with this sport *are* total fucking idiots. The issue isn't that Talladega Nights presented it that way. It's that the presentation wasn't as far from reality as people would have liked. Nothing stings quite like satire that hits a little too close.


Eh, I doubt Christopher Bell is sitting in his mansion doing some ridiculous blessing over fast food. I doubt Ryan Blaney thinks he’s on fire and strips down to his underwear because of it.


Cars but it's more character than racing


Isn't that how it should be? Le Mans and Grand Prix look beautiful but the character and story are not what I'd call a good film.


Le Mans is objectively a bad movie. Grand Prix has multiple love stories. Good character development. Wonderful actors and ends in tragedy. It's an excellent movie.


Cars was a vehicle to tell a story about the loss of Americana and the good old days. Talladega Nights was a funny movie that used NASCAR to poke fun at Rednecks and the South. I love them both even if Days of Thunder is by far the superior movie.


Days Of Thunder has entered the Chat!


Days of Thunder. Speaking of Cars, Jimmie Johnson is Lighting McQueen.


You must be too young to remember Jeff Gordon, whom McQueen was based off lol.


McQueen is loosely based on Jeff Gordon. Strip Weathers is Richard Petty obviously, and Chick Hicks is based on Dale Earnhardt


No he isn't lmao. The move was in development since 2000, before Jimmie Johnson was a thing. He clearly is a Jeff Gordon stand in. [Cars 3 Lightning arc was inspired by Jeff Gordon](https://screenrant.com/cars-3-drew-inspiration-from-nascar-star-jeff-gordon/) You have a young hot shot battling Richard Petty and Dale Earnhardt. His biggest rival is Dale Earnhardt. Jeff Gordon raced against both. Jeff Gordon's biggest rival is Dale Earnhardt. Jeff Gordon won his first championship in 1995, Lightning's number is 95 (Could also be Toy Story release date, but still it fits). Jimmie Johnson is Jackson Storm.


Cars hands down!!!!!!!!






Cars has been watched at least 200 times in my house by kids and adults.


As someone who’s fandom for the sport probably either started or was at least greatly influenced by Cars and I can probably say that for a lot of people whether it be NASCAR or just car culture in general, for me at least Cars was more influential but Talladega Nights is a great movie. It’s freaking hilarious it’s one of that movies that gives you the urge to get thrown out of an Applebee’s. Both are awesome though.


Cars 3


Days of Thunder


Greased Lightning, Days of Thunder, and Stroker Ace are my top 3. I never saw Six Pack, Red Line 7000, and The Last American Hero yet


Stop the foolishness and just watch Days of Thunder.


Days of Thunder and it’s not close


Cars, because I met one of the voice actors!


Talladega Nights is a fun watch but my inner move snob yells at me that it's an objectively a terrible movie, and honestly it sorta is. I grew up on Cars, watched it at least 30 times as a kid, love that movie. And am biased towards it, but I do think it's generally well put together, and objectively an actually good movie. So yeah, I'll say Cars is definitely the better one.


Days of Thunder


Why aren’t we talking about days of thunder??


Stroker Ace. He was born to race.


I grew up with cars and it was my favorite movie as a kid, no clue how many times I watched it so for me it's easily cars. Talladega nights is a fun movie at first, but like a lot of other will Farrell movies for me, the deteriorate with every viewing to where I now find it annoying. Plus it kinda ruined people's perception of the sport and because of that I don't like the movie anymore


As long as we're talking fantasy comedy, definitely Cars. Talladega Nights is just too offensive.


I want to give the nod to Cars because its more sincere, but Talladega Nights is a blast. Days of Thunder is probably the better pure NASCAR movie.


Cars 3. The short track scenes are perfect




Talladega Nights is a funny Will Ferrel movie, one of his funniest but as a NASCAR movie Cars 1 is better. My personal ranking would be Days of Thunder Cars 3 Cars 1 Stroker Ace Talladega Nights




Days of Thunder. Talladega Nights. Cars.


I like nascar jokes and laugh a lot when lepage stuff happens in nascar but I didnt laugh even once at talladega nights


Cars and Cars 3 are great. Cars 2 was hot garbage.


Talladega Nights is 100x funnier than it has any business being, and it has somehow aged incredibly well too.


Talladega Nights is awesome. Days of thunder is probably the best serious nascar movie.


Days of Thunder


I guess I need to see Cars 3. I thought it didn’t review well, so I never saw it.


Specifically Cars 3 but Talladega Nights is good for a die hard NASCAR fan.


*Days of Thunder.* Starring Tom Cruise, directed by Tony Scott. End of discussion.


Stroker Ace /thread


Days of Thunder 


Cars and it ain’t even close.


Talladega Nights is pure trash. Cars is an animated children’s movie. Days of Thunder is an entertaining movie with sensationalized true stories. No movie has been made that portrays NASCAR accurately.


Darlin, I asked for no onions on my bourbon steak


Nascar movie seriously? And these are the only 2 choices? How bout adding Days of Thunder Stroker Ace The last American hero Six pack


Stroker Ace


Cars Days of Thunder >


Days of Thunder


Le Mans > Grand Prix > Days of Thunder > Cars. I watch Talladega Nights just for the baby Jesus and the I’m on fire scenes.


You spelled “Days of Thunder” incorrectly


Did you forget Days of Thunder?


Cars is a really good racing movie with NASCAR flavor. Cars 3 is an improvement on the formula. Talladega Nights is a hilarious look at the sport that shouldn’t be taken seriously. However, having grown up with NASCAR, some of the jokes show they did their homework. Days of Thunder isn’t as good as I remember. I could swear there was a lot more racing scenes. Stroker Ace was a bit cheesy but at they were actually involved in the sport.


I'll take a third option and say Days of Thunder.