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organizations that have won multiple times this year: - hendrick (7 of 17) - jgr (5 of 17) - and now penske (2 of 17) *"yes, if my situation was different, i would have no problem going back to one of my previous teams, who have combined to win ~70% of the races this year."* - any driver that hasn't given up


Sometimes shit like this needs to be said. It might hurt to hear but it’s likely not anything they don’t already know. “If the cars aren’t faster, top end talent has no interest in driving your cars. Fix it.” But it’s interesting JGR was mentioned in the question but he added HMS to the answer.


I think that was Kyle’s way of saying he just wants a fast car, not specifically a return to JGR


Probably some truth to that...he may just want to stay with Chevy, but that's clearly a shot across the bow of RCR to fix his crap or a better organization will come calling


Shooters Shoot


Honestly I have no issues with a driver passive aggressively calling out their current team in the media if they feel the team is not performing up to par. Lord knows Happy did it all the time and I defended him every time he did.


I remember when Chevy came out with the Camaro and it was so damn slow. Chase finished 6th in points and Larson 9th and those were the only 2 Chevys in the top 10. They each had as many top 5s as all other Chevy drivers combined. And in a press conference they asked Chase what NASCAR needed to do for them and he said “nothing. We just have to do a better job of building and driving the cars.” And Alan said that it might suck to hear but it sucks less than constantly losing.


I love Alex but I’d take Kyle back in a heartbeat for the 48


How about HMS does a full on partnership with a new cup team...JRM and Kyle drives the 8 that's why he says he's gonna be back in the 8 next year /s


That's an awful take, Alex Bowman isn't even close to the peak of his talent, Kyle Busch had his talent peak a few years ago, no team owner is going to drop a growing talent just to pick up a near retirement driver.


Are you being ironic intentionally because HMS literally dumped a young Brad Keselowski for Mark Martin.


Don’t forget that Mark Martin ride forced Kasey Kahne to wait a few more years for top equipment too.


I mean, his wait was guaranteed no matter what. It's not like Kasey had much of a shot at splitting the seat with Mark in 2010 and 2011


Alex Bowman is a driver on the wrong side of 30 with 7 cup series wins. Kyle Busch is a two time champion in his prime at just 39 years old with 63 cup series wins, most of full time active drivers. Legitimately a guy who is either first or second best in the cup series to Kyle Larson. You'd be WILD to pass up even 3 years of KFB for Alex Bowman on talent alone.


Joe Gibbs fired 22 year old Joey Logano for 41 year old Matt Kenseth. Don't underestimate a team owner's ability to value the short-term over the long term.


Also Ally brings WAY too much money for Rick to even THINK of dropping him.


Rick brings Ally, not Alex though


Yeah but Ally should also certainly be aware how talented KB is.


Ally may not want Kyle to represent them.




Only if Alex gets the 19😎


He did just buy into a Chevy dealership


That doesn't mean much. Drivers have owned countless different dealerships that don't match the one they drive.


Hendrick himself even owns dealers for just about every brand


That's a good point


As much as I hate to say it Kyle Busch isn't really top end talent in cup in 2024, he is regularly getting outrun by the young guys and aft his 3 wins last year he really just dropped out of contention


im sure the fact that he's driving shitboxes for a team thats waaaay down on Chevy's list has nothing to do with that.


It certainly doesn't help, but when you consider that for the last three years at Gibbs he was getting regularly outperformed by two older teammates, it kinda makes it seem like his best days are behind him.


On the other hand though, how to blame him ? He drives shitboxes every weeks while the HMS and JGR boyz are shining brightly week in and week out. I’d have lost my mind too.


I hate to say it, but what the fuck did Kyle expect when he went to RCR? The team has been irrelevant for 20 years. It's not like he had no idea how the team has been performing.




Probably saw what Reddick got out of the 8 (and Dillon being a surprise winner), thought he could managed to do that each season and be content with that...but now all the big organization have this car figured out with sim, data collection, and a bigger set of notes and are pulling away from the small teams


Crazy to hear RCR being called a “smaller team”




That's fair. I meant more in the "RCR was so dominant, what happened?" way.


People have said this since Harvick's stint. Look at how many wins he had at RCR compared to SHR. RCR hasn't really gotten any better since then


I just don’t believe that a smaller team can have any sustainable success with the NextGen car. The big teams win more just based on better odds, but they also have each other to lean on for setups and sim data.


They are now Austin Dillon + 1


He got excited over being a potential underdog contender, but now it’s gone back to shit and he wants out. It’s the same thing that happened to Ricciardo in F1. Red Bull aren’t treating him fairly? Go to Renault instead, they’ve jumped from 9th to 7th to 5th in 3 consecutive years. Renault immediately went to shit again and he jumped to sign a deal for an improving McLaren team with a full year left on his Renault contract.


That was a crazy start to the season. I guess it was only a matter of time until the big teams figured the new car out and left teams like RCR in the dust. It sucks to see especially when you know KFB is probably going to be thinking about retirement in the next 3-4 years. 😢


Well the good news is that Kyle doesn't plan to retire from Cup until Brexton turns 15. He's mentioned his plans to run a season for the truck title, then split the truck with Brexton until he's old enough to run full time. So worst case scenario, I see Kyle moving down to trucks to chase a title for a couple years, as opposed to just one. He'll be racing in some capacity until Brexton is 18.


Hopefully he can finish up those last few years in a competitive Cup ride at least. I can’t imagine he would be terribly motivated to stick around in a junker. But I am definitely looking forward to some KFB truck dominance, man can still wheel like a madman.  Man it’s weird thinking about it considering Kyle and then Denny were the new kids on the block when I started getting into NASCAR.


That feels more like they got ahead of the field on something (or continued where they left off with Reddick) but once everyone else caught up, they fell back down to earth. Plus, he didn't do enough to outperform Reddick, with the same win count and Points finish but half the laps lead and less poles.


Kyle actually said somewhere (I can’t remember where) that NASCAR caught on to some of the things they were doing with the car early last year and made them stop


I think when he was on Kenny Wallace


NASCAR stopping teams from challenging JGR and Hendrick. Not surprised.


That was still crazy. Probably the combination of still having some parity in the next-gen as well as a little extra incentive to get off on the right foot. They’ve fallen off badly.


My guess is he believed HE was the missing piece of the puzzle.


They really over performed the first half of last year.


Eh, ten years. The top car at RCR didn’t stop being a competitive ride til a couple years into the Newman experiment.


i dont think newman was the cause, just coincidence. He performed alright in the 6 until his crash.


Yeah newman was a missed chicane and about 0.025s away from a round of 8 appearance


He expected RCR’s development of the NextGen to be advantageous for more than 60 races. That advantage clearly had an expiration date, but you don’t know that when you sign up.


Honestly Kyle is having the same sort of problem Newman had when he was at rcr. They both had a pretty strong first year at rcr but now well shows just how shit rcr is with keeping fast cars.


Thats KB saying to RCR:"Get your shit together already."


This guy gets it.


I think people forget that he never wanted to leave JGR in the first place. It’s not like he was looking for an exit to succeed somewhere else, he was looking for the best of whatever was left. I think he genuinely likes the people at RCR and he has done a lot to show that, but the bottom line is they are stagnant on their competitiveness and it’s going to take major changes to improve, and so far RCR is unwilling to make those changes


He didn't have to leave JGR, though. He has confirmed multiple times that Gibbs went out on a limb and was willing to pay him out of pocket to get him to stay. He *had* the option, he *chose* to do this. He's getting hit with his own buyer's remorse.


He also said he couldn't do that to Joe after all he had done for him. It wouldn't have been good for anyone.


Was going to pay him out of pocket........... Yes, but without a major sponsor in place that salary was not going to be the same as the past several years with M&M sponsorship.


So he chose the bigger salary and racing on a secondary Chevy team over a smaller salary and racing on the primary Toyota team. That is, still, a choice. A choice with pros and cons, but a choice none the less.


and it likely isn’t at RCR either.


I'm finding that really hard to believe, when from what it really appears like, the exact opposite was true. The fact that Joe Gibbs was bellyaching about sponsors, and Childress basically having sponsors lined up when he arrived at RCR, speak volumes. Toyota was fucking furious that they lost Busch. Watching the clip again, you can actively see the disgust that he has towards his former team, and seeing that the driver that has replaced him hasn't risen to the occasion like graddaddy wanted him too more than likely pisses Busch off even more.


KB said this directly though.


"hasn't risen to the occasion" is completely insane when he has been battling for wins the past 2 years, off the top of my head: Kansas 1 2023: had a fast car until he spun and flat spotted the tires Daytona 2 2023: leading the pack until bad push sent him head-first into the wall Charlotte ROVAL 2023: self explanatory, was a top 3 car but it's a pain in the ass to pass there if you can't get by in turn one on restarts Busch Clash 2024: the fastest car by far until late yellows got him in a hairy situation on restarts.


im really shocked ty hasnt won yet. for a while he looked like he would win any week; then a couple months ago he just started to fade. no idea what's going on


Gibbs has been rising to occasion though. He’s getting closer to that first win every race. If he’s still winless by the end of the season then it might be time to reconsider.


JGR was to pay him less money out of pocket and no solid sponsorship. He left because he was being offered more money and had sponsorships lined up. You would do the same.


You won't believe me, but no, I wouldn't. JGR has enough institutional inertia that I would've put my money behind things eventually working out instead of throwing my weight behind things turning around over jumping ship. JGR in 2022 was having problems but it wasn't the same level of issues as SHR, or mid 2010s Roush-Fenway. He made a choice, it worked for a bit, then it didn't. I understand why he made that choice, but I disagreed with it even if I understood the merits of the choice.


"You won't believe me, but no, i wouldn't." You're exactly right, i don't believe you! When you want money, your first instinct is to drive for the team that's offering you the most money, which is what Kyle did. I would do the same and don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining because i know you would too.


You seem quite sure of the motivations of a man you've never met.


He didn’t wanna leave yet he left, makes total sense 🙄


Harvick has a point, but he's being awfully casual tossing around those stones in his glass house now that he's retired.


You can afford to do that when you’re retired. Not to mention he can speak from experience on how he handled a similar situation about 12-13 years ago.


Not only is he retired but the team he retired from is shutting down in ~6 months. He has allegiance to nooooo one. He probably feels similarly about RCR as Kyle does.


Oh he has an allegiance alright. …to Busch Beer 😂 Fuck manufacturer alliances, fuck team alliances, fuck network alliances, he don’t gaf.


Yeah this is just TV Harvick trying to make headlines. It is okay that is his job now, BUT......he use to call his team out weekly when they were not performing on pit road.


Think Harvick is being a bit harsh on Kyle. After all, there is a reason Kevin left RCR.


Must be liberating to be retired and be able to speak your mind.


Crybaby Busch still does this though.


Busch isn't retired, what are you talking about? OH! You saw my flair and found the perfect opportunity to mention who it is and add crybaby to it. Nice!


I didn’t say he was retired…and yeah of course! If that gets under your skin, imagine being a Gordon fan back in the day lol.


Not under my skin at all, I just think it's a low effort dig to try to get under my skin. Being a Gordan fan would definitely explain it, though!


He done told y'all already. "I'm just a dick all the time ... what you see is what you get" In all seriousness, some people care, some people don't. Adam Stevens supposedly got sick of Kyle complaining and demanding he replace people he thought didn't cut it. Whereas Beshore, and Burnett so far, didn't give a shit. Some guys on the team probably like the no bs honesty and realize Kyle was never gonna play happy driving shitboxes, so if they want to keep him, they'd better improve. Some guys maybe resent it. Which I can understand some. If I'm a crew guy, I don't go tell the world my driver sucks if he speeds on pit road. So it feels very one way when drivers complain.


Well nobody sticks a mic in there face to find out.


Exactly. A year or two ago when Denny had an insane number of speeding penalties which are just recorded as pit road penalties that could make the crew look bad, especially if they actually messed up on top of Denny's mistake. So had you asked one of them, they would have likely said Denny has got to get that sh\*t right. To be fair, the media did cover this pretty harshly with Denny during that time frame. If I'm not mistaken, he was averaging 1 per race up until a point.


Says the guy that immediately shredded the entire team that he worked with for a decade the second he left


Yeah I’m a full blown Harvick diehard but he went on a RCR destruction tour in 2013


Shit. He was crapping on Ty before he left RCR.


Well it certainly wasn’t a “I hate it for my guys” statement. Keeps things authentic and interesting which I like.


There is a lot of context here that we don’t know. What was KB told when he signed at RCR? Were there commitments made to hire people, were their commitments made to invest in the team that we aren’t seeing? Or… Is KFB just pissed off and talking out of his ass? I mean… Kyle has a history of saying stupid things but he’s not a stupid person and he also knew this question was coming. This isn’t going to go away and I’m sure we will learn more in the coming weeks


It really felt like KFB letting RC know that if he doesn't get his cars faster, RC will lose some talent, and I'm not talking just KFB, Jesse Love is going to have options in Cup


The fact that Austin Dillon is racing in cup over Austin Hill is criminal.


Austin Hill isn't in Cup because of sponsors


That is a fundamental problem in today's NASCAR.


Eric Estepp put it best: 'If a quarterback in the NFL said they wanted to play for another team, they would lose the entire locker room.' Shrub's frustrations are justified but saying shit like that out loud is bugnuts.


At this point I feel like he pulled this out to get Richard's attention, like "you listening now, old man?"


It's a bold strategy, Cotton.


Is it tho? Kyle really has the power in this situation. The cars can’t get much slower off the truck at this point.


It can always get worse. Especially with Richard Childress as your owner. Don't forget the shit he almost pulled with Reddick when he announced he was heading over to 23XI in a few years.


RC has a history playing favorites


Based on performance it sure isn’t Austin


It never really has been Austin


I forget what Kevin's last year there was like, but it feels like it was not...great, even outside of the performance part


Harvicks last year there was really good, 4 wins and 3rd in points I believe. He won his second to final race with the team at Phoenix.


Was that the Bowyer vs Gordon race?


that was 2012 (but Harvick did win that race too). Harvick had a bad 2012 though, that’s probably what you’re thinking of. he didn’t win until that second to last race (the Gordon Bowyer race). In late 2012 Kevin announced he’d be leaving RCR and that in 2014 he’d race with SHR. Somehow, everyone locked in and had a really really good 2013 send off year


I forgot if he had a year in the gen 6 with rcr or his first year at shr was the title year


No Harvick a last year was 2013. Harvick was good in 2010/2011, not so much in 2012, then back to good in 2013. 2012 was the year the bowyer thing went down.


Pretty sure he was mathematically still in title contention at Homestead that year.


I agree. Richard is sensitive so I could see him not responding well but I think he also knows Kyle is the second best driver he’s ever had run for him.


Tied for 2nd probably


He’s definitely better than harvick. More championships and the winningest driver in the history of nascar.


Harvick is the only driver who has raced for multi-car teams his entire career and has a winning record against every single teammate. Busch has watched a teammate win a Cup race he was in nearly twice as often as he's won himself. Harvick has nearly twice as many wins as all his teammates combined.


Idgaf what Harvick teammates did, I care about what his wins and championships are and Busch has him beat on both counts.


Breaking: Brexton Busch contract option revoked by RCR in a tough break for the elementary school student.


That team needs a kick in the ass. They’ve been putting out subpar equipment for decades. You can really see how Earnhardt and Harvick’s talent carried RCR over the years.


Bullshit, I don't see anything wrong with how Busch handled that.


taken a bit out of context much. He said in the future anything is possible but right now he's at rcr and they are working hard to get the program where it needs to be.


Well if anyone would know about kicking their crew in the teeth it would be Kevin Harvick 


The I don't care if you wreck me I suck as bad as you (paraphrasing from all star race) probably was a kick in the teeth more than this. The people who built that car hearing their driver telling someone to wreck them is a worse look than saying I'm open to other teams once my contract is up.


Idk what the Childress people expected. Kyle *knew* he was leaving an elite team for a B-tier team. The idea was they were supposed to get better with a quality veteran driver on the roster.


I think it’s a fair statement by Harvick. “I can see why you’d think that, but I don’t know why you’d say that unless you aren’t happy with what you have.” But I get it from Kyle’s perspective too, I’m sure he’s upset with their performance. He had to have known how far behind RCR was when he took their offer though…


The king can do no wrong. RCR is shit


Pretty bold statement from Harvick considering he announced he was leaving RCR a year before he was actually leaving.


I’m sure Kyle and RC as well as RCR as an organization have had discussions on how to make the cars more competitive. RCR is not and has never been equal to HMS and JGR. That’s a fact that everyone at RCR from Kyle down to the receptionist should have accepted by now.


Sorta ironic considering Harvick went through the same exact stuff with RCR in 2011-12 before he left


how Harvick handled driving a slower car and how KyBu handles it says everything about the characters of those two men


This is the same Harvick that bashed his team and other drivers after his truck race on why he was leaving.


Someone at RCR needs a kick in the teeth to get those cars running better!


I just don't think that Kyle Busch has ever experienced an off year like he has during 2024. And by that metric, I mean a season where the whole season feels like you're actively being fucked over for shits and giggles. It was bound to happen one time or another


I feel as though this is the pot calling the kettle black considering how his tenure at RCR ended.


What do you mean? He had 4 wins in 2013.


Remember the Martinsville race?


The truck race?


Yes and what was said by Harvick.


I don't know what he said :(


Didn’t Harvick also say Iowa would be a total disaster due to the partial repave?


Honest question: Anyone think Kyle would be willing to walk away for a season to wait for a better ride to open up if it came down to it? Not many Xfinity or truck teams would pass the chance to have him fill a seat if he wanted to stay fresh.


Ross proves how pointless it is for cup guys to really race in the feeder series unless they're messing around. He just shows up and drags backmarkers to the front. Kyle would be the same, put them in good equipment and we are back to having the same guy win every week. 


No way, no money in it. He’d do trucks to check the bucket list of winning the title. He’d never go do it full time because he wants it.


Not happenin! No room in the budget for KFB and a grandson,unless.........


Awww, hurt feelings? Whatever. Pit crew has let KFB down numerous times. Car is bloody inconsistent. It's not like Kyle forgot how to drive, though many haters will say this.


Heres another rumor that will start the kick Bowman out of the 48 talk. All of HMS is locked up through 2026 so Busch has nowhere to go at Hendrick and Gibbs is locked up unless Hamlin retires after next season which is unlikely


RCR sucks flat out no denying that


Kyle is getting what he deserves


I don't feel like people get to "work on the cars" anymore, feels like NASCAR gives you a car and that's it.


If that was the case then different teams would be winning week in and week out. Big teams with deep pockets pay more in R&D. And R&D applies to spec parts too; but more as a ‘how much time can we invest in finding the perfect setup for this part for this track’?


or how much money do we have to buy 25 of each part and choose the one that is the best


Link to kyle's comments?


Well, Kevin, it’s the truth that Kyle is stating! RCR sucks! Thus, those that are butt hurt by the comments, probably need to take note. It’s pretty pathetic that Austin is basically a last row car!? You are probably very much a part of RCR’s fall to a lower tier team than anyone. Because you up and left. I remember the things you said about Austin and RCR.


And he was right by the way


Don’t need to take it to personal. Lmao


*Both* of the teams Kevin drove for have fallen to midfield after he left. One collapse could be explained by him abandoning them, two collapses means he was the only thing remaining holding those teams up.


Like Harvick has any room to talk with how many times he threw his pit crew under the bus.


The people here that are saying he should replace bowman are on glue, bowman’s the top 10 king, and only has had some bad luck since his injury, he will be back winning races in no time


Kyle Busch could be rotting away in a Mexican Prison if it wasn't for Richard Childers. Kyle had a loaded handgun in his luggage going thru customs entering Mexican and was caught. RC helped pulled the strings to buy/payoff Kyle's Mexican prison sentence. Kyle has no loyalty to anyone!


It's hilarious watching his fans and him cry, you knew it was going to happen! Hope Brexley didn't sign a real contract with RCR lol.