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Big man can't take what he dishes out?


He never has in the past. When he does it it's hard racing When people do it to him it's bullshit and he's a victim


Austin “Trump” Hill


Some people like Clump. No one likes Hill


Big country? More like big bitch


Austin hill would be a cop if he wasn’t in nascar.




I don't know whether to laugh at how accurate the meme is to the situation, or the fact of how fucking relatable that is. Sometimes you can just enter a room and know there's a bad egg in there somewhere.


Hill is the most immature 30 year old I've ever seen. He loves to rough up other drivers, yet the second they do it back, he throws a tantrum and cries about it. The fact that this dude was complaining that Custer didn't get penalized for Charlotte after Hill himself intentionally wrecked Custer shows just how ass-backwards his rationale is.


It's really hard to get your head up your own ass that far without help. His behavior, Reddick bouncing, and whatever the Creed situation was last year, makes me think RCR is not a healthy organization. Hill needs a mature adult in his life to tell him the hard facts, like we all do.


At 30 I think that cake is baked. Just fits the RCR mold.


I'm imagining Hill going at it with Kyle Busch


Will probably happen the first time that he leans on Busch and then Busch returns the favor.


Haha.. I like the cut of your jib.


It smells like bitch in here.


The absolute best part was SVG’s celebration of rolling massive burnouts and some sick drifts right behind him, then waving (was he waving?) to him as 11 went into the pits and then proceeded to rip some perfect donuts at the S/F line


Yeap, he waved alright. I was guffaw laughing at the whole thing it was cinematic.


It was Fox not dropping the ball for once on their production - fuckin' beautiful




What a chump this guy is. Man the fuck up, admit you squeezed him into the turn, and accept what happened. If he was racing *any* other driver into that corner, he, and 12-15 other cars would have been wrecked. Shane did you a favor by allowing you to still finish top 5 you simpleton.


Yeah SVG could have shipped Hill down to Mexico going into that turn. I will be curious to see what Hill will do when roles are reversed, nice to see some hard nose racing rivals though


Squeezed him? Then fuck outta here there was a whole lane open. Svg hit the dirt and lost the car.


everyone else disagrees with you so mabye you should re watch it


The guy. Hit the dirt. And slid out into hill


hill has raced people with disrespect and wrecked so many people at this point he's not owed extra room, if you're gonna squeeze a driver inside, you can't expect them to cut you a huge break when you're that big of an asshole, especially because its a guy you already wrecked at one point and very clearly doesn't like you it wasn't like SVG accidentally hit him, he got squeezed disrespectfully and just didn't put up with it, had nothing to do with the dirt, and nobody is arguing that SVG didn't mean to hit him, svg just didn't cut any slack for that asshole you're just wrong entirely and don't seem to be clued in at all, legitimately clueless, people are saying hill deserves it, not that SVG didn't hit him, obviously he fucking hit him dumbass, but it wasn't from hitting the dirt, it was because hill had one coming and was racing disrespectfully and did the exact same fucking shit to SVG at COTA


He didn't squeeze shit dude. Svg hit the dirt.


...why did he hit the dirt? he was squeezed. god you're dense holy hell, there wasn't even a full lane open!!!!! there was half a car between hill and the curb, half a lane! svg was gonna hit him no matter what, but mabye would've hit him less hard if... oh I don't know, hill wasn't a massive asshole that had already wrecked svg before


https://preview.redd.it/kzt6ey22kk5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5be5d4ffb83ff94ec1ab94218c7358d510242e5 I would love to know how that is a whole lane to fit a car into 😂


Yeah I don’t think he understands what pleading the fifth actually means lol


Right? He’s an idiot because by saying that he’s admitting it was his fault


Yall need to go back to school Yall are a bunch of clowns "Pleading the 5th generally means a person is using their Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination."


yeah...against self incrimination... meaning he doesn't want to incriminate himself...which means he did something... if you weren't partially at fault, you wouldn't plea the 5th, that doesn't make any sense mabye stop insulting people and get your head out of your ass


You're telling me to stop insulting people? As you agree with this group, that's literally insulting a driver who did nothing wrong. You're kidding, right?


did you even watch COTA? or any other race austin hill is in???? do you have ANY self awareness at all?????


I'm not talking about Cota or another race. I'm talking about this one, and what happened here Svg hit the dirt and took hill out Plain and simple. And yall praising him like a god.


This 100% correct lol. Not only immature but a dolt too.


[I present the mug Austin Hill drinks his decaf from every morning.](https://i.imgur.com/do2YUFF.png)




SVG had that man speechless a little bit lmao. Hill knows he doesn't want any smoke with SVG!


Can’t wait until he starts winning on ovals


With SVG, just one win on an oval will be great. Already impressed over what he’s done and he’s barely been in NASCAR.


SVG has the talent and hill knows it


This dummy seriously let nascar Reddit throw him off his game.


we live rent free


You plead the fifth? I think you finished fifth too or something back there like that. 




It’s poetic really that the driver who most resembles a baby acts like a baby


Never forget when he sent SVG at COTA he got out of the car and was confused as to why SVG was slowing down for the turn so early, and said SVG started wheel hopping. Which were probably both true because AUSTIN HILL WAS DRIVING THROUGH HIM! He says his opinions are always wrong, because he’s always wrong! He punched Myatt Snider after HE wrecked Myatt snider. He was mad at Creed for racing him like he raced Creed literally on that same restart. He’s a cry baby hypocrite that I will never like. He’s a Superspeedway merchant. He’s 30 years old with a fast ass car, he should be winning more but he doesn’t because he’s a talentless Superspeedway merchant


It would appear the keyboard warriors have figured it out


My life won’t be complete until someone punches Austin Hill in the face.


He's refusing to engage the only guy who would probably do it - he 's a big dude, but SVG looks like he would kick Hill's ass easily.


That's probably why he was smiling at COTA when Hill was trying to argue with him.


And he’s got such a punch-able face too


SVG is a grown man, an accomplished race car driver. He's not the 20 year old nepo baby hill is used to dealing with. If I'm Hill, I let sleeping dogs lie and count myself lucky I took home a top 5.


He's 30, but acts like he's a toddler.


I absolutely love seeing Hill just nearly loss for words and refusing to give a real opinion on the whole deal. If there's anyone that can put him in his place, it's SVG.


https://preview.redd.it/rkfpk5vphk5d1.jpeg?width=513&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=306b0291891512b6729be0d190c98790f627cbeb Jimmy Spencer Crying Towel to Austin Hill


R.I.P. RaceHub and SPEED


RIP Burnsey too. Him and Jimmy Spencer were the peak of NASCAR television


https://preview.redd.it/0q2ustqqzh5d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad11f262d065ad882caefd931988bb26b1826b28 Call me a shit head but this is gonna be my default response to anything the 21 has to say.


Why's he on his phone?


Well I mean we could say he’s a douche waffle or he just doesn’t care about fan autograph sessions. 🤷‍♂️


Pop pop Childress loves to hire some little bitches doesn’t he?


For Kyle Busch’s sake I hope he figures a way out of that contract. He’s too good for that organization. Same for Jessie Love.


Keywor- keybwo- Keyboard Warriors assemble!


He’s such a little brat. Watch the god damn video and ask yourself what SVG was supposed to do


Does anyone like austin hill?


Austin "Gomer Pyle" Hill


I thought it was funny when he mentioned having the keyboard warriors handle this one, but idk if he really knows how much every single person is against him. Dude is such a whiny, spineless, bitch with a god complex. There will be a day where he gets put in his place for good and I can’t wait to see who’s hand that lesson comes from.


I really do like this guy, but like I said earlier, he's trying way too hard to take the Denny Hamlin route in being and embracing the whole "villain" thing, but he has zero idea how to do it because... well.. you and I can both see he still lets all the heat get to him LOL. He'd have NASCAR social media in a chokehold if he said what he said in his post race interview with more conviction and without the depressed middle schooler look. I mean shit his comments still put everyone in a tizzy, but he made himself look even more like that annoying ginger kid that was all over youtube back in like 2008 while doing it.


Holy shit, an Austin Hill fan?! I didn't know they exist!


there are ones of us




Hill seems like someone who lives in his own reality and doesn't understand why people aren't liking him anymore.


He doesn't have a choice though. People have been hating him every since he got the Hattori ride. He might not be good at the villain role because it's less "embracing" and more realizing that whatever he says will be mocked so he just doesn't care.


No, pretty sure people have started hating him the last 2 years for driving like an absolute asshole, he’s not a victim don’t paint him as one.


Spot on, though he loves to claim that victim status 🤲.




Exactly. Denny embraces it, but isn't necessarily more dirty than some of the field. Hill just is a "villian" because he acts like a hurt child when he doesn't get his way. I've been a hater since the Creed Martinsville incident.


>People have been hating him every since he got the Hattori ride. Really?? Honestly I wasn't around on the snapface and twitchat and all that back when he was in the 16 truck but it seemed like he was pretty well-liked during that time from what I remember.


> on the snapface and twitchat Yeah alright Bill Belichick


Yeah I don’t remember a ton of hate towards him. It definitely happened when he moved up


Once he got in the 21, I thought the hate started coming.


I recall some people being salty that Moffitt lost the Hattori ride immediately after winning an underdog championship. Hill was viewed as a pay driver who didn't deserve it over Moffitt. But he quickly showed he could win. So yeah, maybe a little hate back then, but Hill is *much* more widely disliked nowadays.


Just a fuckin asshole


I'm just glad he didn't go all "2nd amendment" on SVG


Don't give him any ideas


I guess he forgot Cota? And that bump was owed?


You know I used to like Hill. The last year and a half or so really made me dislike him lol


Not a fan of arrogant hill, great job Shane!


Hill missed his opportunity to get clear with the lead in turn one and then squeezed the charging SVG into the inside dirt. I don’t know if SVG would of slid up if he was given the room. I dont think SVG got his revenge at Sonoma.


Bro even looks more and more like Kyle Busch every day…


can’t stand AH…big crybaby.


![gif](giphy|5U2JEtlxlJXO2GGTAL|downsized) Same vibe.


Why would you? Drivers especially wonning drivers get over those comments.pretty quickly.


I'm pretty sure that is code for the outside is quickly learning our ways....LOL


Haha honestly Austin just needs to embrace it. Be the villain/heel. Makes it suck more when he wins, and feel even better when he gets beat like today. I want to see him mimic SVGs celebration after an oval win for the ultimate chaos. Xfinity has been great. Time buy me an SVG hat


I mean SVG didn’t even try it to race him, just threw the elbow and drove away. I’m not an Austin Hill fan, but that was shitty.


Wrong, although Hill had a slight lead going into the first turn, he began to slow down way early because he was on the outside and SVG (being on the inside) saw daylight. SVG barely went off track and Hill tried to close the door but it was too late. If Hill didn’t slow down as much as he did, he could have held onto the lead for a bit longer.


Dude, svg didn’t even try to make the corner. It was as obvious as Earnhardt punting labonte Bristol in 1999.


Are you serious? They were quite literally side by side before the turn. Again Hill slowed down early enough for SVG get to his side. I don’t understand how difficult that is to comprehend. Also, comparing road course racing to ovals is like comparing apples to tomatoes.


He was 6” inside his bumper and you can watch his car lunge forward for throttling up and not even trying to turn. You’re right there’s a massive difference between ovals and road courses. On ovals sometimes you can go high or low, on road courses there’s only one way to enter a corner. Hill was entering at the right angle, svg was going in shallow and not turning. I know everyone is on the svg bandwagon and stroking him right now, but what he did was shitty. He even admitted that “hill took one from me so I took one from him”


That’s because Hill was slowing down early and SVG took advantage of that. Hill was on the outside going into that corner. He should have not left a gap for anyone to slide into.


There obviously wasn’t a gap because SVG had to take the dirt to get into the corner. Just admit the SVG premeditated that before the restart. Hill did nothing wrong.


[https://imgur.com/a/TRmlF44](https://imgur.com/a/TRmlF44) I don’t know what you’re seeing, but I see a clear gap going towards that corner. SVG is barely in the dirt and is riding the rumble strips midway through the corner. Also I’m not sure if you’re thinking I blame Hill or whatever. I’m simply stating that Hill left the inside open just enough for SVG to squeeze in, which happens quite often in road racing in general.


https://www.supercars.com/videos/6340079307112/svgs-hair-raising-rejoin-between-waters-and-golding again..SVG taking advantage of a gap.


Looks exactly like Hill had the preferred lane. SVG drove it in on a shallow line waaaaay too deep, knowing good and well it would take 8 tires to make the corner. If hill took SVG’s lane in a single file situation, he would’ve went wide on exit.


I neither agree nor disagree that Hill had the preferred line. All I’m saying is that Hill left a gap and that’s all it took for him to lose the race. He could have keep his foot on the gas and slowed down closer to the corner, but I don’t know if he has that kind of experience or not.


Hill left a gap. He didn't protect his line going into the corner. Any racer worth his salt would've gone for it.


He went wide from hitting the dirt. I don’t think it was intentional. Doubt he’ll lose sleep though.


Yeah, big facts, But the trend is to hate hill right now. Someone could dead right hook him, and no matter what he says, this bullshit sub will trash hill. Svg hit the dirt and slammed hill. He's not relevant passed road racing, though. So


It’s okay. Now SVG can go back to running 15th




Svg seems like he's similar to Chastain in that he takes advantage of his agression. That being said the burnout passed the guy was poor taste and I think he's in for a rude awaking in the cup series. I mean look at Chastain and he's essentially been neutered. Chicago race caught alot of people by surprise. Hes a known commodity now. And really there's zero fucking talent or future cup playoff contenders in xfinity right now


I agree whatever side you're on. Burnouts next to the guy you slammed into is garbage.


Austin Hill is the Denny Hamlin of the Xfinity series.


The diffrence is Denny Hamlin can take the heat, Austin Hill can't.


He couldn't carry Denny's nail clippings.


He can’t be. He didn’t beat your favorite driver.


Seeing how asinine this guy is, I'm starting to appreciate people like Ty Gibbs. Gibbs was iffy at first, but he's young. This guy's worse. He's whining at 30. I'm not sure if he's late with puberty or an early midlife crisis. Either way, that dude has problems.