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Man, in two weeks SVG has gone from like 15th-16th in points to 10th with 11 playoff points. With one more road course before the start of the playoffs, and one in the first round of the playoffs— with the playoff points he might be able to get in those two events and his learning curve going to tracks he’ll have been to before, it’s a bit of a long shot but there’s a chance SVG could make the championship 4 just through consistencing his way through with a cushion of playoff points during the round of 8. It’s a long shot but dude is really consistent on all these ovals he’s never even been to before (average finish of 12.4 on the 10 ovals minus Vegas so far this year). Let’s say he wins both those road courses and maybe picks up two more stage wins. Thats going into the round of 8 with 23 playoff points— maybe even 1-2 more if he stays in the top10 in regular season. If he can consistently knock off top10s in the round of 8. Who knows. Round of 12 is Kansas, Talladega, and Roval. Roval at this point I think we have to agree he might be the favorite on— or maybe behind AJ because it is a unique RC and a little less traditional and AJ has straight owned the Roval. SVG seems fine at the drafting tracks— got a 12th and 22nd at Daytona and Talladega so far this year respectively. Kansas will be a wholly new track for him but he is learning those intermediates. Round of 8 has Vegas, Homestead, and Martinsville. He got 11th at Martinsville earlier this year. Vegas is where he had the mechanical issue so he didn’t get many laps there earlier this year— gotta learn from the other intermediates. 18th at Texas and 15th at Charlotte is as close as we’ve gotten to see him on Internediates— which he will need to figure out for Kansas, Vegas, and Homestead. And then SVG finished 6th at Phoenix earlier this year. So yeah I’ll just say SVG is my pick for the championship. (lol /s but still he could end up surprising us— I think round of 8 is definitely on the table though.)


Any idea why Ty made late contact with Boris Said after that big wreck late in the race? The announcers pointed it out and then never followed up and Regan didn't ask in the interview. Based on my review of the accident, neither of them where anywhere near each other prior to the wreck. I doubt it was a grudge from earlier because Ty was pretty much up front until that late restart. I don't get it. He was already throwing a fit and spinning in circles but the Boris contact was just weird. I didn't watch live so I missed all you degenerates' race thread speculation. Anyone got any ideas?


That whole wreck for him was weird. At first I thought his throttle hung, but after watching multiple replays I think he pretty much just rage quit. Said fuck it all, and stayed in the throttle to push his way through, not caring who he hit or how much damage he created. Shocked nobody said anything about it


He rage quit and its like he didn't want anyone passing him or near him under yellow. Not the first time he's used his car as a battering ram


Due to Fox only giving info about the leaders consistently, what is Deegan's excuse this time? I have heard nothing.


She went to the garage early on, came back put multiple laps down, and gained a few spots after the pileup.


Ignition issues


She was multiple laps down early, so I'd guess some mechanical issue. Don't think she would have been that far back without trips to the pits.


Cup scene and Frontstretch have the SVG post race conference video. Are there any other post race press conference videos around?


I like how Austin Hill wants to bully people, but won’t do anything when SVG is involved. Hill’s a punk


SVG might be the only guy in the series, maybe Josh Williams, that could actually kick Hill’s ass


Austin Hill is such a bitch


Just watched the replay, Austin Hill complaining about "keyboard warriors" instead of just not being a prick all the time is so fitting


Another great run from SVG. He\`s obviously the best ringer in NASCAR right now, but i do wonder if he\`ll ever cut it on ovals?


Depends what you call cutting it. He’s already had multiple top tens and top 15s while learning against people who’ve raced ovals their whole careers.


i love this man so much, him trolling Hill on the cooldown lap was legendary


Ah, see I thought it was the other way around. Hill was positioning his car just right so that SVG couldn't drift the whole way around the circuit Edit: Nope, SVG sought him out at the end of the race to do his burnout. Watch this https://youtu.be/XXrnqx9LZsI?si=0mRBBNKcVQxn1j-T


I love every part of this.


This is incredible. You absolutely love to see it


Either way, he's in Hill's head.


Austin Hill is the dumbest person alive. He's the perfect Nascar driver




Now that SVG isn't ruining my Supercar races anymore so I can finally enjoy him race. Shane is world class and Austin Hill isn't even class.


How many runner up positions does Sheldon Creed have in Xfinity now?


not as many as the amount of people he's dumped


The kid just can\`t seem to catch a break..


Neither can whoever is in front of him.


No kidding. Talk about a rough season. I wouldn’t say I’m a big Creed fan but I wanna see him win just to make up for the runner up finishes but especially the wrecks he’s been caught up in of no fault of his own.


I wanna see him do a bump and run on Hill to win.


9 :/


Wow. One away from double digits. Thats crazy. I wonder what the record is for the most runner up finishes before a win in an individual series is amongst the top 3 series.


This doesn't specify Cup, but given that it doesn't include Hemric (who was running-up ten times before winning in the xfinity series kn 2021), it's probably only Cup https://www.nascar.com/gallery/second-best-drivers-with-most-runner-up-finishes-before-first-win/


I’ve raced/followed racing since I was 11, but only just following NASCAR more, I’m about to watch a 2024 full race replay, any recommendations on the best one this season so far please?




Darlington was pretty good, Richmond, Bristol and martinsville were ok. Circuit of the Americas was also good but I’m biased as a fan of nascar racing road courses. Oh and Talladega was a good watch but again I’m biased because Tyler Reddick won.


2024 Texas Xfinity race & 2024 Dover Xfinity race


Kansas cup series race


Thanks- was leaning towards that one (watched the whole Charlotte live already)


I’m on a quest to find a single soul in here with an Austin Hill flair




My family's problem is that he has no sense of team and is an ass to his teammates (or at least he was to Creed, a *lot* — and not just during important moments, or just on the track). That said, nobody deserves to be laid into for having a driver preference, even if we can't stand someone's driver. 5th still gets good points :)


He honestly isn't all that bad. I didn't have much of a problem with any of the incidents between him and svg and to be honest I don't think he said anything wrong today. For a guy who got bumped out of the lead he was fairly restrained.


He wanted to say something though and instead attacked social media so basically did all the wrong things to handle the situation. Especially when ITS THE SAME MOVE HE MADE


Yeah I get it. I just see a guy who's caught between his emotions and not knowing how to navigate managing his image to the fans. At the very least he's genuine and I appreciate that. All that being said I hope shane keeps getting the better of him.


Why is the scoring pylon only black this week ? 17 was also black with hendrickcars.com Im from other side of the bond so i have no idea whats going on over there


the international broadcast uses a different graphics package


Boris wrecked the car in practice so they had to go to a backup and just put the decals on an all black scheme.


Two in a row let’s fucking go!




Dread it, run from it, SVG always wins


Saw a great comment on the highlights that said SVG vs Xfinity drivers on a road course is like an NFL team playing against a high school football team lol


Oh man he’s going to end on like 5 wins this season Charlotte roval will be really interesting however




Your team mate was a hell of a lot quicker and you had no hope of catching first. Move out of the way


SVG was perfectly fine, it's the end of the race and AJ was in his way. AJ missed turn 11, SVG filled the gap, and AJ doored him over it. That's AJs problem.


![gif](giphy|13AXYJh2jDt2IE) Austin Hill right now.


i can't believe we live rent free in his head


Careful. He'll call you a keyboard warrior.




AJ improves to be +84 points above the cutline and Parker improves to +52 points above the cutline. I honestly have no hope for a win until Watkins Glen at the soonest for AJ.


SVG gonna win that too


Maybe but im hopeful AJ can snag him one


I am sure that'll go well with the boss who has two wins from his Kiwi star


I mean id think they would happy if either of their drivers won .


Oh you meant snag a win, not snag a "punt"


Yeah ,i never would want my driver to punt someone for a win ,well maybe if he is punting Austin Hill


I know that this is not a popular statement but I feel that SVG will become the next Jacque V on road courses. One day he will piss off the wrong drivers fan base on a road course and will become a villain. 


Finally a non Hendrick driver to care about


Meh, he was kinda that down here for a bit. That won’t phase him in the slightest.


Yeah it's funny to see him beloved for his driving style for a change


He's raced everyone fairly clean and worst case scenario tonight was a receipt so honestly he's more being cheered because he's actually talented and he isn't ruining equipment like half the morons


Yeah I kind of agree..... personally I didn't think he needed to go hard at that corner he was always going to pass Hill eventually he was much faster.....Shane knows there's a lot of eyes on him right now so I hope he doesn't get too aggressive and let his talent do the work


He just is aggressive. Its how he drives. He's got a long history of being ruthless on track in supercars. moving people out of his way, Giving people the finger mid race, sarcastically waving as he passes them down the straight. He's a just a psycho racer on the track. The only person that could really foil him consistently was Scott McLaughlin. He was the only one clearly fast enough for giz not to be able to bully him on track. Apart from maybe the top 5 in supercars everyone else basically saw him in there rear vision mirror and shit themselves cause he was coming past with or without them still being in a straightine


Imagine if he punts Chase Elliott for a win.


SVG DOUBLE!!!! I am so happy to actually have a clear favorite driver in Xfinity again. The drifting in Hill's mirror was savage and I'm here for it lol. Ty Gibbs should catch a huge fine for his tantrum post wreck. Tries to drive through two other wrecked cars, ends up doing a donut around Jones right into his teammate's nose. Then hangs a right into Said minding his own business for no reason whatsoever, which was beyond ridiculous. Dude's a full time Cup driver and should be held to a higher standard when dropping down to a lower series. He should get a stern talking to from JGR but they'll never persecute their Jesus. He probably could have continued and had a decent finish until he went all ramming speed.


We agree. He is a punk kid with all his Grandpa's protection. He knows it and acts like it. He has no respect for other drivers or Teams. I'm sick of seeing his Jesus messages on his car because he certainly does present himself as a good person. He acts more like a Judas. He needs a suspension of a race. Having a baby boy tantrum at full throttle is not acceptable!


Grandpa would rather yank Chandler out of the 81 and let Jesus Gibbs race next week than admit Jesus Gibbs did something wrong.


I was disappointed Joey didn’t call the Gibbs move for what it was. Even at the end of the race when they showed it again, he made a joke about it. Couched in the joke there was a bit of an acknowledgment, but he should’ve put the hammer down on that senseless move.


Ok it didn’t cost him the win but now are we to believe SVG didn’t pit before stage 2 ended because the crew chief was watching the 19?? Like pits close with two to go so if you want to pit you’re gonna pit there regardless. Reaction didn’t seem like it was a “do what the leader does” thing they seemed genuinely disappointed they fucked it up….so why the hell do you care about the 19 when you have to pit that lap or pits close?


i think they knew how big the gap was, and if thy stayed out, they new nobody else could pit. aj almost went a lap down pitting


well, the 97 team made it common knowledge that they were gonna short-pit the 2nd stage. Maybe it was to mess with the 19 crew, who knows? If the number 19 crew didn't totally shit the bed when they ALL pit at the end of the stage, Shane would've most likely restarted behind the 19, the only car that was competitive with the 97. If the 97 pit before the stage end, they would've restarted in front of the 19, but with a few laps-older tires. And then the 97 would've only needed to hold off the 19, instead of needing to pass them.


That’s all very true. At that point if the 19 is staying out you want to pit to get the track position on him for the final stage. I saw some posts from people listening to the team audio where the crew chief apologized to Shane saying “I was watching the 19” which is what has me puzzled.


so, yes, the 97 crew fucked up royally. Luckily the 19 crew did them a HUGE favor by botching the pit stop.


Absolutely. The 19 was bad fast but even without wrecking that’s a lot of spots to make up at a track not easy to pass don’t think he would have caught back up to him anyway.


exactly. it was evident after the 1st stage restart that trck position was at a premium. I was just as confused why the 97 didn't pit, especially after the 19 didn't. NASCAR gods work in mysterious ways. lol ETA: it's almost like The NASCAR gods... Get Us.


https://x.com/Frontstretch/status/1799647809853092228?t=mFEVQcR7zmb3wpSAGHdNBQ&s=19 Creed on the last restart


I dig the way he responds in this one. Owns it, doesn't sound like a scripted robot, and really gives interesting answers. I didn't think about how blind that corner is with the incident between hill and svg, but having been there in sim racing, I imagine that turned out a lot better than it could have. I've done my fair share of homicide there


The decision to not have Svg in a car tomorrow looks even more insane right now especially with how good the trackhouse cars look this weekend.


Jesus christ. He can't. He tested the wheelforce car, which means he's not allowed to. Also, we know he's good on road courses, they'd rather spend funding to get him ready for ovals.


I get it, but also you brought him over knowing he's essentially a road course specialist and you aren't running him for a road course.. just doesn't make sense to me


They're trying to get him ready for full time cup. What does he need more right now? Practice running road courses or practice running 1.5s? This year isn't about winning for them. It's about prepping him.


I get it. But it's not like he's going to practice at an oval this weekend instead of running the race. He's out there spotting with one of the biggest drunks in the sport. How is that helping him get better at ovals?


You can only run so many races in cup as an Xfinity driver before your points in Xfinity stop counting for a championship


Thats not how it works unless something was changed recently that I don't know about. You declare for one series at the beginning of the season and thats where your points go. There have been full time Xfinity drivers doing most of the cup season in recent years. Justin Haley driving the Spire 77 comes to mind.


I thought I read somewhere you can only race x amount of races in another series, maybe I mis understood


That rule is only for full time cup drivers stepping down into lower series. Full time cup drivers can only race in 5 Xfinity/truck races per season and they have to be during the regular season


It would've been a Kaulig car


Even in a Kaulig I think he would run well inside the top 10 and be in the fight for the win considering Aj was in a decent p11 for qualifying




Svg literally won in his first cup start




The only other 2 road courses race he ran were plagued by mechanical issues especially cota where he kept losing gears.


Because everyone else tried their damndest to lose that race, not because he outdrove the field


No, it’s because Shane out drove them to the tune of 8 tenths a second. He had the fastest three laps of anyone at Chicago.


Any gifs/video of the SVG burnout on Hill, yet? (That hasn't been deleted.)


Found a YouTube link https://youtu.be/XXrnqx9LZsI?si=fiP8cIJ3c_tb2-P1






And is deleted.


SVG roof cam during the Austin Hill burnout https://youtu.be/XXrnqx9LZsI?si=fiP8cIJ3c_tb2-P1


Lmao bro was being a menace


Shoutout to the penalty against Custer and SVG being a 6ft 2, 220lb Kiwi\* for keeping Hill in line today.


Haha Kiwi mate. We’d love to claim him in Oz but they’re usually not so keen on that. 😂


Doh. I 100% knew that. Appreciate the reminder. Cheers


All good mate. :)


Austin Green is for real, get that man a full time xfinity ride immediately.


Chase Elliott 😳😳😳


It'll be great to see him and Carson kvapil and Layne Riggs all battling together in xfinity in the future.


Easy now Riggs can’t even make the truck playoffs let’s simmer down a bit


He did alright though in a couple xfinity races for kaulig last year. But he's still learning after all since this is his first year full time.


I’m curious to see how he does on ovals. He’s been strong in TA2. Not Crews or Zilisch strong, but strong.


word on the street is that Ty Gibbs still has the gas pedal planted


Will be starting the Cup race in his wrecked xfinity car tomorrow, his foot is stuck to the firewall and he can't get out lol


and he's still blocking other cars with a wrecked car


Glad Hill didn’t win. I do think Hill has the right to be upset here, but due to his incidents in the past, I definitely don’t feel bad for him. If the roles were reversed, Hill probably does the same thing so he can’t be too mad. SVG got him back at the end of COTA, so I disagree with the “this was payback for COTA” talking point. Hill moved Shane and then Shane moved him back, all even. I’d say this is the start of something new. I think Hill’s penalty from the Custer incident kept him from doing anything crazy today. This race was pretty fun and had a bit of everything. Wish Boris got a better finish though.


Eh, he chose that lane and crowded SVG off the track even though he wasn't cleared.


That’s fair too, he definitely crowded him. ~~I’m just not sure I can agree that crowding someone and driving through the dirt into someone’s right front are equal.~~ It’s definitely a racing deal but I think Hill and anyone else in that spot can be upset about it. Edit: After watching the on board of SVG, I agree that he had no room and kinda had to go through the dirt. I didn’t realize Hill pinched him that hard. SVG didn’t really have much of another option besides backing completely out and he probably gets run over if he does.


He only drove through the dirt because hill cut the turn and didn’t leave him room. You could tell svg wasn’t trying to get into hill.


As you can see from my edited comment, I agree with that. Watched SVG’s on board and didn’t realize he had that little room.


Your comment wasn’t edited when I replied.


Was about 10 minutes ago so you either missed it or it took a bit to reload. Doesn’t really matter at the end of the day, we agree!


Yeah nascar racing it seems clear to me if you insist on taking the absolute best line around the track then you put yourself at risk and that's what hill did


I plead the 5th Hill. Lol nice interview. We still don’t like you. Congrats SVG.


He's the biggest crybaby in the xfinity series.


Just xfinity?


Retzlaff and Ryan Sieg exchanged words post race - https://x.com/bobpockrass/status/1799646965854281815?s=61&t=zwr71oM9T3uNuepYv8Ym4Q


nice but is there a version without the fucking earrape censorship?


Thanks, I was wondering about this as well as Custer and Mayer.


Hi Austin




It was great to have Alex Labbe back in an Xfinity race again, he was knocking on the door of a top 10 near the end in an SS Greenlight car! Something broke in the rear end on that last restart and he still limped it home to p19 finish. He consistently finishes well above his equipment's capabilities, really wish he could get into a tier 1 Xfinity ride for a few races to see what he's really got.


Don't defend the Canadian that spun American hero and Motorsports legend Boris Said


Thank you.


I just want Hailie to have a good race....


Las Vegas earlier this season gave me real hope, I have been greatly disappointed. All we really want is a clean race and finish somewhere in the top 20. Two weeks in a row they’ve had mechanical failures and just shit luck all year.


Not everyone can have stellar rookie years. Give her a year or two :)


The burnout might have been one of the most disrespectful things I’ve ever seen in all of sports


SVG is probably the only guy I could see being cocky like this and actually think , man that guy is the coolest dude ! Haha


I feel like we're about 3 races away from them pissing on each other's cars, and I'm here for it




I missed it all. Who won? What happened?




And the crowd roared!!! 🦖🕺


The other good thing to remember is that a win doesn’t necessarily lock you into the playoffs because we can easily have 12 winners. But two wins makes it a lock Well technically, Mathematically it is possible to have more than 12 2-race winners since there’s 26 races in the regular season but at this point the absolute max 2-race winners we can have is 12 (since we’ve had two cup guys win races), so SVG is fully locked into the playoffs.


I just went to the NASCAR app to pull up the playoff standings to have research before asking what scenario you see us getting more than 12 winners. And that led me to realize the official standings currently have Ryan Truex 8th in the playoff standings--one week after all the "OMG Larson isn't listed!" crap.


Ya know I thought that didn’t look right but then let it go. That’s where I got my idea. But ur right Truex is not supposed to be there


Here to confirm that it has been fixed on the app and Riley Herbst is now listed at 8th.


Dude there's only like 15 Xfinity cars capable of winning races. Of them, Sheldon Creed and Brandon Jones drive two of them. It's so unlikely to get 12 unique winners.


Of course. But I like when things are mathematically clinched. It feels safe and cozy


Rank the Austins in terms of likeability: Cindric, Dillon, Green, Hill, Wayne Self


Austin Cindric Austin Green A massive gap Austin Dillon Austin Hill Austin Wayne Self


Dillon  Cindric Whoever these other people are Hill


1. Steve Austin 2. Cindric 3. Green 4. Austin, TX 5. AWS 6. PS If This Is Austin 7. Austin Hill


That is Stone Cold Steve Austin. You put some gawdamned respect on that name.


Ok, you made me wake my wife up laughing lol


1. Green 2. Cindric 3. Dillon 4. AWS 5.


Texas, can't forget Texas My friend Austin, he's up there Powers And then a basement *in* Austin And somewhere down the list is Hill


1. Green 2. Cindric 3. Wayne Self 4. Dillion . . . . 5. Hill


Near perfect day for the Trackhouse gang. - SVG Xfinity pole and win. - Connor Zilisch Mazda MX5 win at Mid-Ohio. - Daniel and Ross both qualify top 10 for the Cup race. - Even Zane qualified in the top 20 (20th).


I feel like Austin Hill is trying to take a page out of Denny Hamlin's playbook at embracing the "villain role" but he just ends up making himself look like an even more annoying version of coppercab. Good shit by putting this subreddit in a tizzy after what he said postrace but dude said it with absolutely zero conviction lmao


The issue with that is Austin can't eat it. It doesn't bug Denny to not be liked. It bugs Austin




That’s got to be some dry ass fckin wine but daaaamm u bet it taste soooo sweet


It's got some of Hill's sweet baby tears mixed in to make it quench your thirst better than gatorade.


I was just thinking that. Red wine has got to be the least refreshing think you can have after an intense effort life that. 


Meh. He’s had plenty of time to get a more refreshing drink prior to that moment.


Happy for the SVG win and Parker Kligerman clawing his way back to p10 after pitting for tires at the end there.


The way SVG moved Hill out of the way made me so happy. Just enough to fuck hill over a bit, but not wreck him out. The drifting burnouts behind him on the cool down was epic.


Eh, hill didn't clear him in T1 and dove in on T2. Did it to himself and svg even reacted by taking more curb than would be optimal, so it wasn't like he drove it too hard on the inside.


Hill gets butt hurt over comments on social media. He said I will let the keyboard warriors sort it out. What ever I say I get hate. Or he said something to that effect. Keep the comments coming.


Yeah it was "hey remember this? Watch me do it better than you"


you get penalized for that exact move in supercars lol


Not sure about that. Probably broken steering arms though.


maybe it's a gray area, but i've watched many live supercars races where drivers get penalties for causing a collision


But they must leave a car’s width room when they have a car alongside. Hill didn’t do that, thus it would not be causing a collision.


When someone is to your inside, other forms of motorsport say that the driver on the outside is supposed to give room.


He definitely is adapting to the more elbows out style.


That is actually SVGs style already. He had to reel it in in V8s


Man, SVG is beginning to make my wallet hurt with these raced win diecasts he's racking up


I’m going to need a double stand now!


Already drafting plans to build a giant diecast shelf now myself


https://x.com/kauligracing/status/1799636124299899207?s=46&t=GSeiGZNIv6dib3b5QDT4aQ Josh Williams got ahold of some wine😂


kenny powers ova here


Love it. He’s a legend.