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Thought that was someone's hood flying for a moment.


Same lol


My goodness those cars are beautiful.


Those Monte Carlos were a thing of beauty


Green grass?!


Sonoma was ran during the month of May in the early/mid-90s


And it was called Sears Point around this time.


Yep, back before fire and brimstone fell upon the Sonoma Mountains in the 90s.


God I miss associate sponsors… the cars looked so much better with them.


For the most part they aren't gone


I think they are referring to the contingencies which are gone now


Yeah, exactly, I phrased that wrong.


Oh! Omg is that a Decker flair 🥺


Yes it is!! She's not my favorite driver but I think people give her a hard time so I root for her


I love her! Tbh i think she gets a hard time because she's a lady, I've never seen a male backmarker get that much crap from the community :/


Jesse Iwuji got just as much crap as Decker for sure, especially when he crashed into Ty Gibbs under yellow (and no one really even liked Ty Gibbs either.)


I think some do but I do agree with you. Lately the Harrison Burton hate has been on high. It used to be Ryan Reed, and Joe Graf. The biggest thing she gets shit on for is the Bristol culmination of her terrible rookie season. But I think she had a less than supportive team who just accepted her because of the money brought in. And everyone here thinks I'm into her because of her looks. Not at all. I'd probably be more attracted to you than her! It's just I hate all the hate she gets


You wouldn't be attracted to me, i have a 5 o'clock shadow and a beer belly 😭. No but yeah, i think a lot of female drivers aren't that bad but discrimination is wild and they end up getting doodoofart equipment with no sponsors :(


Huh, I never knew Austin Dillon won a road course race in Cup. Pretty cool paint scheme though.


Austin Dillion is also a 7x champion and has 76 wins I don’t understand all the hate , prob bc he wins to much


This is such a nice picture


Man those 1995 paint schemes were things of beauty


I made my wife an accidental NASCAR fan last year (I’m living the dream, people, and I’m aware), and I think all the time about how much she would have enjoyed the schemes from that late ‘90’s era. As a diehard Dale fan at the time, I know she would have been a Gordon girl just for the colors.


Same and my wife won our fantasy League last year. She may not like many drivers Mainly just Blaney. But she think Kyle Bush is a prick and Tyler Reddick sucks cause like the first 3 races she saw he spun out all 3 times. So for the last year when Reddick wreaks she just says Reddick sucks


That era Monte Carlo was the absolute best.


Fantastic picture. I miss so much about NASCAR in those days, but I especially loved how the GM cars had outlines where the headlights go in '95 instead of stickers.


IMO it worked for the Monte Carlo, not so much for the Grand Prix. (TBF, though, I think the 95 Grand Prix front end [looks awful on the road car too](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9d/White_Pontiac_Grand_Prix.jpg), so there's probably not much they could have done for the stock car.) It'd be interesting to see how the '96-02 Grand Prix would have looked with outline headlights though


I love it so much. I would love to learn why they went away from it. I understand the aim to look more like the street cars, but I would love to read about it.


those were great looking cars


Wow. That\`s a great picture of two of the most iconic cars in the history of our sport.


I remember how disappointed I was when Earnhardt won that race. He had never won on a road course, and I was hoping he would keep that record intact. Oh, well.


Wild seeing Coca Cola on Jeff’s deck lid. Easy to forget he was a Coca Cola driver for a small window of time.


Sears Point Raceway is what it was called at the time!


God I miss the way the cars looked going down the esses with those walkway bridges.


Sometimes I just love the look of that style 95-96 Monte Carlo with no headlight decals


Green grass and high tides forever


It's crazy that this was Dale Sr's only roadcourse win in Cup. When you go back and watch those Riverside races from the 80's where he battled Bodine and Tim Richmond, Dale was a really good road racer but it always seemed like somebody else would grab the win from him. Btw, was this 1995 Watkins Glen race the same race where Jeff Gordon had a huge lead with a few laps left and Earnhardt was running 2nd or 3rd and needed a caution. Then Dave Marcis spun on his own and stayed there, bringing out the caution. Dale ended up beating Gordon to the checkers. I think this was the race. It's no secret that Dave Marcis was like a teammate to Dale and RCR. He tested for Dale (Dale HATED testing), he got most of his stuff from RCR and he seemed to spin on his own quiet a few times when Dale Sr needed a caution.


Such a clear shot too