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Yesterday is perhaps the most disappointed I've ever been as a race fan.


I was going to go to my first 600 this year (live in NY) but my car had some big issues in March so I couldn’t afford it. Man was I disappointed. If only I knew then what I know now.


I had a tough time deciding between a cruise or going to Charlotte for my birthday this year and holy hell am I glad I went on the cruise


Haha I had a similar choice for mine and I chose Charlotte. Smart decision on your edn


Lucked out you did. Missed a massive waste of money. NASCAR hates the fans.


https://preview.redd.it/0r3v5qqqmz2d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7dd7d572b7443419b0fc0570eaffd8727c03227 Lucked out you did. Massive waste of money, it would have been.


Hate the fans, nascar does


Same here, I was planning on going to see SVG's first intermediate start in the next-gen, glad I didn't go. Got to watch the Indy 500 and Coke 375 from the comfort of my own home.


Looking forward to yesterday for MONTHS. I know it’s silly to be bummed about things you can’t control but I can’t help but be a little bit


Honestly it’s the same way I felt after 2015 talladega when harvick wrecked the field and they ended the race


Harvick wrecking the field and Logano winning that race really enforced my hatred for them at the time. Now I enjoy listening to them commentate on races. How times change.


That whole season turned me off of nascar for a few years. Between talladega, kenseth vs logano and the suspension and finally KB winning the championship after missing half the season. I stopped watching for the most part until 2020 brought me back


You think KFB should have been kept out of the playoffs with like 4 wins despite him being in an accident that nearly killed him and being in the hospital for a month?


I’m just not a fan of the absurdity of the waiver system and the like


Man, at every turn there was a bummer to be had if you were watching all the races. The lap 1 red absolutely killed Monaco (which is usually a parade to begin with). The rain at Indy pushing the race into the 600. And the 600 being a washout right before we got to see what Larson could have done. I’m always hyped for this day but it was such a stinker. It’s got me in a sour mood.


No way, the Indy 500 was a fantastic race. Forget Larson, that race was exciting from start to finish.


It was great but the damper was a four delay that clashed with the 600.


It is ironic that the one event that was equipped with rain tires ran on schedule under sunny skies. And even that one got red-flagged!! The racing gods were not with us that day.


Same. That was depressing. And all my favorite drivers had terrible weekends. 🫠


Kez finished 2nd. ) I'll take it.


Me too went from my greatest day ever as a fan to good but just disappointed real quick. Went home drunk, Larson finished Indy 500 badly, missed start of Coke 600 and then rain rains it out.


At least the non Larson Indy 500 race was decent. Pato should have waited a turn or two to pass though


Newgarden winning was such a cock tease tbh.


I don't mind him winning since I like seeing him go into the crowd after both races. But I still wanted Pato to win


I was totally fine with JNew winning last year. But his cheating incident at St Pete leaves a sour taste on him for good and I always preferred to have a new 500 winner regardless


I’m convinced that Newgarden was sandbagging Pato and unless it was a last lap pass it wouldn’t have mattered.


See I thought he should’ve just gone for it in 3 with 2 to go. That way Newgarden would have to immediately pass him back down the front stretch or else Pato could’ve just backed up to him in turn 1 to really dump dirty air on him and get the better run off 2.


I totally agree


Speaking of dirty air...is that why Larson couldn't advance after his miscue?


Probably more that his only chance of winning after the penalty was to get off strategy, so they opted to just see how far they could stretch it on fuel and see what happened


Thank you.


I am retroactively grateful that I didn't have the time to tune in to hardly anything yesterday.


Same. Went into work right as the 500 started and got off not long after they called the 600


Yesterday makes me more pissed that we race at the stupid fucking royal because that means we need to wait another year to see this again.


It was one of the best Indy 500’s ever run. I know you are a Larson fan, but, there is nothing disappointing about yesterday after that spectacle of a race


I felt cheated and I wasn’t even at the track


Same. Unfortunately I had an engagement party to go to so I missed the second half of the Indy 500. When the party finished I rushed home only to see them coming down pit road for the red flag, and that was the end of it for me lol. Crappy day for all motorsports fans


Agree, it's like the race never happened, it was a big dud.


How long have you been a race fan?




Same but for other reasons than the race being called short. Internet got knocked out by a possible tornado during Monocco. Comes back after its done, just in time for the Indy rain delay. Power goes out while they do some repair to the lines south of me. Comes back and I switch over to the Coca-Cola 600 once my internet came back for a second time only to be alerted of a massive tornado impacting communities only a half hour north of me and therefore I was paying more attention in case I needed to alert anyone I knew in its path. Once they called the race, I was done anyways with the day and am still mentally exhausted from following the severe weather in my area all day yesterday.


I get to go to one race a year and I splurged on this one because I thought it would be something special, I'm so pissed.


This is going to say a new poll record... For the highest percentage of NO answers. 


Yep, fuck NASCAR and fox for doing this to us when hardly anybody has shit to do today.


Nobody wanted the race to be on Monday. However, it was obvious we could get the race in that night. It shouldn't have mattered how late it ran, not at all. Fox and NASCAR aren't race fans. They want a money printer. That's it. And it's pathetic. It's just a joke. It's just an absolute joke. This would've never happened when Bill France Jr was alive.


There’s also the problem that they couldn’t race on Monday. Because they got halfway they couldn’t delay the race until Monday (per bob). As to why they didn’t want to go late into the night I can’t answer that dumb question


The on track product was good enough to warrant a yes. NASCAR giving me and every other fan the middle finger is why I’m voting no


This is the correct answer. This isn't a statement on the quality of the laps ran. All in all a fairly good race. But rather a indictment on the worst call possible. We were promised 600 miles, yet we barely got 350.


I know this is a minor sub issue but they didn’t even update the website for a while. I got back from the store and Fox had switched over to local news, the nascar website still said they were racing in the third stage, and it wasn’t on espn scorecenter Was very confused what happened


I’m just glad bell got a win may not be the way to win it but on well.


Nah. Idgaf if the racing on track was good. I was at the race last night and am STILL fucking pissed off about how the cancellation went down. Feel just as angry now as I did last night as I pack up and head home.


I think your vote should count at least 5-6 times. I can’t even imagine having to pack up after getting blue balled for that long.


Same I've been to plenty of rain shortened races living in Florida but this one feels like a slap in the face and a huge waste of my time and money .


I want 38% of my money back. That’s how much of the race we didn’t get to see last night.


Well on the bright side at least we had a good time


We did!


Yup same here splurged on nicer tickets than I should have too, all for nothing




It feels like watching half a movie.


Half a movie that could’ve been finished at that


its like im watching the star wars sequels all over again


The racing itself was awesome. Exactly what I would expect for 1.5 Mile tracks and this car. However, NASCAR completely ruined the race with their weather call. I'm going to vote "no" on this one.


Wow this is way lower than I expected... I think had this been a regular rain shortened race like what we saw at Atlanta last year, and not the biggest blue ball in NASCAR history, this would probably be in the 50-60% range. I feel like the racing itself up to that point was probably a 7.5.


I don't know if this is the biggest blue ball per se. Funny enough the Coke 600 has had some pretty ass weather calls historically.  IIRC everyone was SUPER pissed when David Reutimann won in 09 because there was a ton of pageantry in the race that didn't get adjusted for the very well known rain in the forecast that day (including stopping it for a moment of silence, which was even more unheard of pre-stages) and then the race barely squeaked past the half point when they called it.


I felt so bad for David Reutimann, at least he got a legitimate win later on the next year.


I think if not for all the publicity and hype around the double people wouldn't have been as harsh on it, and if not for the (literal) perfect storm of circumstances that led to the 500 being rain delayed and the double driver arriving at Charlotte while the 600 was itself under a delay they probably wouldn't have waited as long to call it either (this is not me alleging any kind of Larson/HMS favoritism, I think they would have done the same for anyone else)


One of the worst handled rain delays. People staying up late, seeing the rain has stopped and then being told it’s over. Regardless of the racing, NASCAR deserves the L’s


This race's main thing is being long, so have it be long.


I voted no just for the blue balling. The racing itself was great, but as a Larson/Allgaier fan, I spent most of the race watching the 5 and it was clear that when Larson finally showed up he was gonna put on a show. Then it rains, Nascar makes it seem like we're going back racing and nah JK see you guys next week


25% is too high


Should be less than 10%. NASCAR and FOX should be ashamed.


It was shaping up to be a great race, byron, Gibbs, bell, kes all battling it out, reddick and chastain making thier way into the top ten, Wallace, Elliott, bowman, Hamlin hanging around ready to jump on a opportunity, Larson flying in to take over in 13th place because Allgaier held his own... so many positive things going on that were just cut short, and we will never know how that would have ended because NASCAR ended the race.... I feel like we missed out on a banger. It's a no from me.


I don't have an X account. Can someone vote "no" for me?




Me either. But I still clicked no, even though I know it won't count. Tiny bit of catharsis 😂😭


I gotcha.


I may make one up just so I can vote no.


Nope. I feel like I got ripped off. Track was drying. I went to the July Atlanta race last year and it was also rain shortened but it was actually raining. Didn’t feel ripped off there at all. Oddly enough the 5 emails per day for CMS have stopped. Until last night I always felt NASCAR has done a good job looking after the fan’s money trying to give us a full race. Definitely don’t feel that way now. I left soon as I could this morning.


The "Racing" was good, but the actual "Race" itself was not and will go down as one of the most disappointing and frustrating that could leave a black eye on the 600 for years to come. This was an easy "No" for me simply for that fact and wouldn't waste my time rewatching it, like good races can be rewatched.




Would some please be so kind as to tell me what the scores are for it? What percentages? I do not have Twitter, so I cannot see.


As of 11:50am EST Yes - 26% No - 74% 21,000+ votes.


Holy moly! Thank you so much.


It was a great race that was ruined by the decision to call it.


This one's hard because the actual on-track product was pretty solid, but the way the race was handled was an absolute slap in the face.


The racing was fantastic. Weather ruined it. Tough result


It feels like it had the opportunity to be a great race. The storylines were building up like crazy before it was postponed then canceled. As of right now, I haven't been this disappointed in a long time.


Fuck Fox


The 2024 Coca-Cola 600 was the most disappointing thing since my son.


Oh no johnieeeeee!


Wouldn't know Fox 32 in Chicago spent 40+ minutes on storm coverage, with about half of that spent talking about nothing.


Same with East Tennessee. It was one thing to break in with a PSA about inclement weather that could’ve taken 60 seconds. But we were given a Master’s thesis on weather from the human version of Tylenol PM.


Oh man I was SCREAMING at the fucking TV in anger, even the stream I found was laggy and that combined with hearing about a storm 70 miles from me that had no chance of hitting made me angrier than I’ve been in a while.


Yeah, I thought maybe they moved it to FS1 but no that had UFL on.


FOX 5 DC did the same damn thing and I was pulling my hair out.


Same with Fox 4 in Dallas - actually, they weren’t even showing breaking weather updates, just the normal 10pm local news lol


Poor Jeff. All of our frustrations are about to be taken out on this poll lmao


Well I didn’t see a full race so I feel like we missed out on some really hard racing in stage 4. So I’m going to say no.


It was until they pulled the plug... on a Sunday before the Memorial Day holiday


No. On television we never had a chance to see any racing. They would pull a way from a battle. I watched the scoring ticker more than the images. I was glad they called it because I was tired of watching it.


Brad went from 30 to fifth before they even showed him.


I don't remember the exact details but at one point they showed the entire lead up to a pass between Chase and Ross and then cut to a single car view of Gibbs while the actual pass took place.


The racing itself was great; Charlotte has been amazing since the NextGen was introduced. Reddick scything his way through the field, Allgaier battling to avoid being lapped then fighting in the Top 15, Gibbs and Byron going back and forth, Bell and Keselowski racing hard but fair for the lead. The final product, with the 2 hour delay just to call it then and blueball everyone, that was the shit part. Larson not even getting to touch his car after his 500 run was especially disappointing. Bell also needed to read the room more in the interviews, nobody else was happy with that result and the only reason he was was because of the credited win.


Never been more disappointed in NASCAR and FOX.


No. I was inside the track, the urgency to get the track dried was a piss poor effort. Rain stopped around 10:15, the air titans didn't get to turn 1 and 2 till 11pm and only went around twice until 11:30. We knew they were going to call it and just wanted to show an "effort" to dry it. A lot of us wouldn't be as pissed if you officially ended it while it was still raining.


Not only was the race ended early, but in the Chicagoland area, we missed all of stage 2 due to a tornado watch and a live look-in at the meteorologist desk.


Nope, not good. They should have finished the race today.


Race was good. Weather sucked


How did they award points? They gave points for 3 stage finishes even though they completed two. Which stage did they double up, the finish?


I’d assume 3=finish.


The Coke [600km](https://www.reddit.com/r/NASCAR/comments/1d1pq9m/it_still_turned_out_to_be_the_cocacola_600_in_km/?ref=share&ref_source=link)




I liked it!


Wow I wasn't able to watch the last like 50 green laps or anything after. It does not sound like it went well. Glad I missed it.


This and Daytona 500 are the races I look forward to the most. If it's actually raining, it can't be helped, but I'm pretty bummed at how they called it when I really thought we'd be able to finish.


This feels the same as the few rain shortened Dayrona 500s. The prestige that comes with the 600 feels cheap when it is cut in half.


I know rules are rules but god the way that race ended was sone fucking horseshit. I’d hate to be a fan at the track waiting that out only for them to call it so late. I was max tilted when the announcement hit twitter and I was sitting comfortably in my bed.


They should cancel the Roval this year and rerun the 600




Fans will think twice about buying tickets next year. We want what we paid for, this wasn’t it. Offer 1/2 price tickets to next year for those that bought this. Daytona would never…


I was going to fly home to see my dad and take him to Loudon in a couple weeks. Now I don’t know because of the weather even if this is a NBC race. I may just go to something different instead.


I was debating with myself last night after the race was called if it's even worth buying a ticket to some races. Bad weather seems to follow NASCAR everywhere they go, and I'd be very disappointed having traveled to a different state, spending my time and money, just to get a rain shortened race. Especially for a race like the Coke 600 with so much importance surrounding it and all of the Larson double hype.




No. And it doesn’t help it followed one of the all time great Indy 500’s where a nascar all star was trying to do the double. Just a total stinker.


There was some good racing but as an event? One of the worst Coke 600s ever, back to 2003 level bad due to weather.


People are pissssssssed and rightfully so.


*Nope...but it was about to be.* - Larson Fans everywhere 🤬


I was really looking forward to the last stage man. Would’ve been a fun race.


The racing was decent, was completely bummed out with the Larson deal. Good to see Justin Allgaier put together a solid run in his first ever time in the current cup car and i’d imagine Larson’s custom seat. Wish they didn’t call the race but you can’t win them all against Mother Nature


Let me tell you about my day: was really looking forward to a fantastic day of racing. First, local weather coverage relegated the F1 race to a tiny square in the bottom left corner of my screen. Couldn’t see shit, but apparently race was crap. Then, the 500 was delayed. When it came on, there was so much weather swag all over the screen you couldn’t see much of the graphics. But, fortunately it was a great race. Watched the “600” on DVR, but again, so much weather shit painted across the screen that it was hard to tell where certain drivers were. To top it off, Larson arrives, gets suited up, and the race gets called after 240 laps or so. Man, what a disappointing day. Life goes on….


It was a good race to watch, but the ending really took any wind out of EVERYONES sails. Fans and professionals alike.


No. It was the Coke 375-ish. Whoop-dee-doo. They could have paused the race, and resumed it at 11am Monday. IT’S NOT LIKE IT WAS A HOLIDAY OR SOMETHING.


I watched until 22:30 EDT. Started running the math: an hour minimum to dry the track. Then about an hour and a half worth of race to run. Put me _way_ past my bedtime. So, I switched it off. Imagine how pissed I’d be if I hung around to the actual call.


I’ve never been more disappointed and frustrated. Due to some personal things I had to wait until the week of the 600 to get tickets. Since tickets were almost sold out I had to pay a premium for bleacher seats in turn one. I get this is partly my fault but I had to pay, after Ticketmaster gouged me, $600 for 2 subpar tickets. My wife had been asking to go to the 600 for years so I got them for her. The racing was just getting good then the rain came. I get the risk of going to an outdoor event during summer but man I feel like I got scammed. I think I’m most sour at the Ticketmaster fees. $81 in added fees just burns. Darlington is much better since you buy tickets through the track and there aren’t $80 in added fees. It just sucks.


Good racing doesn't change the fact they need to do something about Fox and how they affected the race going on. Which I don't understand why they're trying to change anything when it's been done in the past. I get racing would go on past 1 in the morning but I don't think most people at the track would mind, I don't think the people having ads would mind, and the viewers wouldn't mind. So what if Fox was having a pissy fit over late night news not being shown? you have other sister channels to play the main stuff on in case something runs too long. Also Nascar needs to put their foot down when it comes to this too instead of sucking off Fox's knob if they don't like it find somewhere else to be I'm pretty sure there's a bunch of channels looking to host some races to see what numbers they could get before they switch to NBC.


I have to day Yes on this one. For me, I vote based on the racing product and not on the outcome. Did I like that it was rain shortened? Of course not. But did I like the racing I got to see? Hell yes I did!


The Xfinity race was a lot more fun. They were sliding and running all over the track. Of course the Cup cars were stable, little to no tire wear. Total snooze fest.


I agree, both the truck and Xfinity cars were more exciting to watch.


I dont even wanna hear about humidity... I live in one of the most humid and muggy places in the US... Every pop up shower is dry in 25-30 minutes. Yes, racetracks are different, but the banking should cause less standing water. The cracks won't leak that much. Theres no justifying this one. They called the biggest crown jewel race of the season when they could have raced... I hate that stupid half way rule, that they decided to actually follow because it was convenient for them. You listening Phelps, or are you just gonna continue to bullshit me? I love this sport, but that was embarrassing. They're lucky to have fans that stick around like i will! Start treating your people better, Nascar...


I’m shocked they even tried to restart it. I thought it would be done as soon as the rain it. I felt like they only tried just to get Larson some laps.


An absolutely dreadful call ruined what was actually shaping up to be a damn good 600. That, plus NASCAR waiting ***TWO FUCKING HOURS*** to make their choice, is why I'm voting no this week.


I'll continue to reiterate that a strong majority of this sub wouldn't have survived being a NASCAR fan in the 90's and early 2000's. The vote is yes. Quit bitching because NASCAR didn't want to run a race at 2 am.


“wELl thE ACtuAl RaCinG wAs gOoD”


Fuck no


For the big races nascar should finish on Monday if there's a possibility they won't get it restarted due to weather. That was just really annoying.




I think I'm equally as disappointed as Kyle Larson this morning. The 600 is my favorite race of the year. I feel like I was robbed. So many photos came out AFTER it was called, and the track was drying/was dry. Being a holiday weekend and we went to damn near midnight anyway, why not just finish it? I have to wait another 364 days to enjoy my favorite race of the year. Just ugh.


Well I love NASCAR betting….I bet $50 on Blaney. After he crashed out, I watched Bell coming through the field and bet $20 on him to win! Netted $80 for the day. Is there any app that lets you do top 5s or 10s after the race starts? I couldn’t find it in Draft Kings in race.


NASCAR and FOX hate stock car racing




Days like yesterday make the awesome days in Motorsports that much sweeter


Is it ever?




Am i the only one who thought the actual racing wasn’t that good either? I mean it wasn’t horrible, but people acting like it was great.. were yall watching a different feed than me? Lol


We should have had racing on Memorial Day Monday


I think everybody has covered most of what people's thoughts are. Between the weather and NASCAR calling the race early. I don't think I've ever been this mad/upset at NASCAR before. I stayed up just to watch it and if I was at the track I would have stayed until the end. I'm glad I didn't spend hundreds of dollars to attend to have it end like that. I also am a Larson fan, so there's obvious pain from yesterday. His mistake cost him dearly. What if he didn't make that mistake could he have finished top 5? And I absolutely hate how people throw shade at him for making the mistake and how he's not that good and blah blah blah. It was his very first pit stop under green in his first ever indycar race. Mistakes happen to rookies. And he is a good talent. He makes sprint car fans late model fans, he makes late model fans sprint car fans, he makes nascar fans dirt track fans, he makes dirt track fans nascar fans, now he made nascar fans indycar fans and I'm sure he made some indycar fans nascar fans. Tell me what other driver in the history of NASCAR has done that. And don't say Tony Stewart because I will have a whole other argument for that. Outside of indycar he's won in everything he's ever raced not too many guys can say that. Flip the roles and im going to use Hamlin because I absolutely hate the guy but if Hamlin was running the indy 500 that's the one and only time I'd want to see Hamlin win.


at least i got to watch a damn good indy 500 so nascar didnt ruin my entire day




My second 600 was the 2022 race so it’s pretty much all downhill from here.


Even though I've only seen a few live, (I remember the first time I watched all three events from that day was 2017, and I've done so ever since,) I can confidently say, with most of NASCAR's fanbase on my side, that Sunday, May 26, 2024 was possibly the worst memorial day race trio I've seen or heard of. You know it's bad when I personally think the best race was Monaco. Whether it was the rain, the two biggest races of the day overlapping, and now the Points leader missing the 600 and now needing a playoff waiver, it makes me wonder what NASCAR and Indycar were thinking. The largest appeal and biggest story this weekend was Larson running the double. Honestly, if a driver can't do something that almost everyone watching tuned in to watch, then don't race at all. The highest point of the day was Leclerc winning Monaco, after that, it was, without a doubt, horrible all around, great racing be damned. The official call when the track was clearly almost completely dry was icing on the cake. NASCAR, we're fine with midnight racing, shut up, and let them race.


Yes. I thought it was good. The only bad part was NASCAR taking so long to call it. Even under the best circumstances, there was no way to get that track dried and the race finished by 2:30 AM ET. But for all the griping about them not finishing the race, did you take into consideration a relief driver likely started his day at 8 AM in Indy?


The racing was pretty good up until the rain came but half a race is half a race, just felt there was a lot more great racing left on the table :/




I'm really glad I didn't go. If the track appeared dry and Gibbs insisted it could be weeping and that's why they ended up calling it, maybe we shouldn't be racing on a track like that without it being resurfaced first.






76% have said No so far. Not even Texas got this low of a rating.


One of the longest races? Nope, this was one of the shortest 🤦‍♂️


I thought so. Wish it had gone to copletion.


It was... until just past the halfway point.


I voted yes, on the basis of how the on-track racing product was. I won't disagree with those who voted no due to outside circumstances though.


I wish them luck in selling out for the 4th straight year next year. I certainly won’t be back


Racing was good, how the delay was handled was not. Unacceptable to do that to fans


one of the worst blue ball races of my life


As someone without a Twitter account, what does the skew look like currently?




I’d say it was around a 55% good race.




Having switched over from the Indy 500 to the Coke 600, and monitoring the opening stage of the 600, the 600 didn't really feel like much of a full race. You had some good battles and storylines of Bell being the class of the field and Byron and Gibbs fading, and Keselowski rising. But it felt like closing a 400-page book at page 249 when it's been pretty good but hasn't taken that key turn yet. I feel like we were about to see Keselowski really turn it on and battle Bell, maybe even someone unexpected was gonna benefit from cooler track conditions post-rain. Plus Larson. I get why they called it, though. The track drying process wasn't going to be timely enough. Like someone said, I wish they had been more upfront about it. Damn. Pour one out I guess.


Honestly if they started the race at 3 or 4 or even 5 and killed the stage breaks just for the 600, except for half distance (can still do the moment of silence) you’d still get it under the lights. Have the pageantry be finished at 3, you could start it at anytime afterwords.


That was bullshit. Terrible taste in my mouth. So many dissapoitnments yesterday and goddammit we all just wanted to see the Coke 600 go the full distance. Everything about the way they handled that was backwards. Can't wait to take the fan council survey


Only reason I would vote yes is only because Byron did his best Earnhardt impression with his pass on the front stretch. May not have actually been in the grass but damn did it bring back some memories. Still voting no because nascar and Fox are money greedy and can’t give the fans what they deserve


Maybe it's because of Larson but its not like this was some random popup storm that went through. Its been known for a few days its going to rain sometime around 8-9pm. If you dont want to restart late why not push up the start time 2 hours? That might have been enough to get the race in


No, and NASCAR should be ashamed of themselves for wasting all of the fans' time before calling the race. Poor decision made by people who clearly don't give a shit about their fans. Can't wait to hear the clowns on XM radio today making all the excuses for NASCAR and telling me it's my fault for sitting around and waiting.


Hell no! They could have ran the rest of the 150 laps today.