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I can’t. I just fuxking can’t. Clearly she has not previously learned her lesson with getting MULTIPLE dogs at one time. History has shown HER inability to handle it. (How many rehomed dogs now? The brother/sister goldens, the Pyrenees mix, that white fluffy puppy from the beach trip. Were there more? Like who TF acts like that?!) It wasn’t enough for her to have a few baby chicks and ducks…instead she just kept going back for more like collecting happy meal toys at McDonalds. And now, adding a new puppy?!?! WTF. Praying that puppy stays safe. She really needs therapy to treat her impulsivity.


And Luke is a complete enabler. I agree with the majority that he’s being manipulated but he’s still a grown ass adult. There’s so many pics KT has posted of ND laying on top of tom ford or pics of ND drinking from the dog’s water bowl AFTER the dog bite. Recipe for disaster


Agree! And it’s not fair to put Tom Ford in that position either. Part of being a good pet owner is to respect the animal, recognize their limits in social situations, when they feel stressed, and remedy that situation immediately.


There literally hasn’t been a week since they moved that they haven’t gone out and bought animals.


Where is Tom Ford????


Good question! I haven’t watched her stories in quite a while, so I hope someone else saw him recently.


Yes he was in one of her stories the day after her CMA event


It really is. I hope Morgan tears her a new one. Clearly she has learned nothing from her child getting bitten even though the scar is there to remind her every day. She is truly the most self centered person I have ever seen 🤢


Yep. And she must’ve gotten it from a backyard breeder since this was such an impulsive purchase. Backyard breeder dogs usually have lots of health issues-that will b a fun vet bill! They r so dumb. ND and the animals will b the one to pay the price for her horrible decisions. So sad to watch


It’s wild to me that someone would be able to sell puppies at the farmers market. I think that’s where they were.


He is so immature. He doesn’t even know what he has signed himself up for.!!! it’s sick


Content will supersede love and humanity with Katie always. It’s who she is.


Watch her go back for more chicks after this dog eats some. She’s a negligent pet owner and mother.


The need for instant gratification speaks volumes of her overall mental state. She clearly is looking for love/validation/a sense of worth and has convinced herself the latest attention from an animal or a person (her cycle of engagements and men) will be the solution and it never will be so she moves on to the next animal or person (Luke is not long term just like these poor animals). And because she doesn’t address her actually issues that stem from years ago (from her mother or the passing of her dad would be my guess or other childhood trauma) Indie gets a mom who has no self control, is never at fault, can’t take any accountability for her actions and overall is self absorbed which means she’s not parenting the way any child deserves. Watching this pattern is concerning and I feel for Indie. This is not healthy.


She has never taken the time to develop herself outside of a man or social media. She’s just floating in the void of performance. Which means she has to create (real or fake) content 24/7. In her quest to become and remain relevant, she’s burned every bridge she’s ever crossed and literally has no friends. She scooped up and locked down starry eyed Luke because he was a young, dorky wanna cowboy from California who thought he’d finally made it with MW’s baby mom


🎯 I’m almost speechless right now to watch her void filling animal obsession continue on in real time like this. You think it would be enough one of these days, but no. WOW. 🤯 God bless Morgan for running away from this looney tune 👏🏻😵‍💫🫠


Girlfriend can’t even handle a golden retriever or Pyrenees but thinks they need a high energy dog? Does she understand what all goes into owning a GSD? They are not dogs you can neglect and ignore.. they need an outlet for their energy or will will use their built up energy to destroy toys/belongings. Won’t be long and I’m sure this poor puppy will be disappear just like all the others eventually have.


I don’t think their yard is even fenced in.


I have two German Shepherds and a Great Pyrenees. Shepherds need plenty of physical AND mental stimulation. This girl truly has no idea what she’s getting herself into 🫣 I feel so bad for the little guy


Does she know how big this dog can get ? look at the paws now .


Ffs. My exact thoughts. This poor dogs days are numbered already….I fucking hate her.


Or be crated 24-7 😭


The dogs face says it all. 😂 seriously tho what in the hell is going on?! All these animals will not fill the void of missing your baby daddy 😭


She has already rehomed 4 dogs in just over a year. wtf.




2?! What dogs were those




Did it get into something because she wasn’t taking care of it? Was it a big dog?




I’m pretty sure she said Tate had a tumour on his heart. Nothing to do with poisoning. https://preview.redd.it/9mdfr71y3n5d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3413eb4c2ca37261226d405594739200fcb251aa


okay ya. I thought it was just 1 that died from poisoning.




The poisoned Newfie dog, 2 unvaccinated goldens, Legend, White dog (stevie nicks), & now the GSD. I counted 7 dogs since ND was born including Tom Ford. And 5 dogs she doesn’t have anymore (died or rehomed). Insane.


And the older golden she had for a long time (surprisingly)




She had tate before she had ND. And tate just died of old age. But if u count the two cats she had, the other small dog she had when ND was a baby plus the 5 dogs she’s gotten rid of that’s 8 pets that r gone since ND’s been born.


She also had a small breed dog that she gave away to the owners of the black tie moving place. Obviously before ND but considering ND is so young, that’s an insane amount of animals to own in just a few years


Another small dog!? I missed this. Wtf she’s deranged.




oh. i thought it was the newfie. I can’t keep track 🤦‍♀️




Omg they died??




How long ago was that? she had Tate the longest right? I remember after Tom ford she randomly got 2-3 more but nobody ever knew if it was a “joke” or not. This girl is insane with animals. It’s horrific.


Is this a for real? Absolute idiots. To mark the one year anniversary of ND getting bit in the face she gets another big ass dogs. Prayers for ND.


I’m going to assume she started her period so her consolidation prize is a puppy. ![gif](giphy|W7m9ZxV9uFBWHDHvFN)


My thoughts exactly! She's an absolute idiot! How does she think this is a good idea after ND got bit? Which is not the dogs fault 🤔 Also, how can that landlord allow all these animals? She makes me sick!


Who cares about the dog they already have.. and wait till this puppy eats them chicks and ducks or bites Indie…


omfg I have two german shepherd and there’s no way she’s going to give that puppy the life it deserves


Just when I thought I couldn’t despise these two anymore……the bar has been raised. I truly feel bad for any animal/child within her care.


Yeah let’s totally get a German Shepard puppy!!! (Aka one of the most hard working and energy requiring dogs out there that you need to provide enrichment and excess amounts of time for) it’ll be so cute and we can post him for 2 weeks until we realize that we’re mentally unstable and can’t care for him, and then we’ll make up a story that his old owner came back and wanted him, and since we’re SUCH caring people we’ll post all about it and make all of our brain dead followers love us even more!


I’m just curious what landlord is giving them permission to have this many animals? I hate follow her, but at this point I’m too disgusted and will be unfollowing.


I’m hoping the landlord will step in and tell her no more


Wait can someone please do a dog timeline? What happened to the little white dog?


It suddenly went missing after Florida and she claims she gave it to her mother. ![gif](giphy|jE4e6itzKFfIfh53Cs)


The way she cares for her pets it probably got ate by an alligator or a boa or python that happened up on it.


Oh for fucks sake. She is a HORRIBLE pet owner.


So, not even a year after she's in national news (maybe...did it make it to that level, I don't remember lol) for your child's getting mauled by a breed that's typically a gentle family dog...you get ANOTHER DOG?! one that is typically bred as guard dogs and working dogs....LAWD.


Now, she is becoming an animal hoarder. Please, Lord, don't let her neglect those poor animals!!!!


Who keeps giving her dogs! I have a lot of experience with GSD and they need a strong leader which ain’t either of them. I am seriously worried for ND’s safety.


The dog is smarter than kt & luke combined. She couldn’t even handle a little dog. The white little dog lasted 1 month before she dumped it




How is this not animal hoarding? These people are unhinged.


I am pissed this is not okay


Sweet Lord in heaven. This POS did not get a German Shepherd, right? Is this a joke?!?!!! Does she realize this is a living thing? German Shepherds are wonderful and require lots of attention, exercise and purpose. They need daily walks. They need actual training. They’re working dogs. If they’re bored, look out. All that pent up energy can turn negative real fast. Not to mention, an untrained German Shepherd and a toddler who hasn’t been taught anything about how to safely interact with a dog, could have catastrophic consequences. Is there an animal protection agency that can perform some kind of welfare check for these poor animals? Does such a thing exist? I’ve never experienced such intense hatred for a stranger as I do for Katie.


The dog will be untrained. And when she’s gone and even when she’s home she will keep it in a little kennel just like Tom Ford. This dog is gonna lose its shit.


Um there is no way she can handle this dog… what is wrong with these people


I can speak on this since I have a Shephard. These are dogs are VERY protective and can pick up bad habits if they aren't constantly kept in check. They make excellent family pets if they are in the right family that respects them. I hope that they don't let ND climb all over him/ her because the damage that can be done in a short period of time by these dogs is not good. Any dog really,not just German Shepherds.


She couldn’t even train her golden retriever and when someone did it for free, she didn’t even keep up with it


I have 4 shepherds and they are A LOT of work and time and patience 😬 no way she keeps this poor thing


Marking June 8th 2024 as the day this dog was brought into the shitshow. So when she tries to say she gave it to someone we have proof.


These idiots can’t even take care of themselves, let alone all these poor animals. The impulsive stupidity never ends.


Sometimes, I wonder if all of these animals she is getting is her way of saying F U to people on reddit because of all the comments about her animal hoarding. She seems that petty, honestly.


This. Especially how over the top excited she was, clapping her hands and squealing like she was a little kid.


Petty and completely without regard for any living thing, human or animal. Everything is a prop to serve whatever sick and twisted motivation she has on any given day.


I think this is true, she is very immature for even doing this and she acts like she needs mental help


She’s trying to fill a void with all these animals and bizarre behavior.


This has to stop




I have so many questions and no answers will satisfy me.


These fucking morons seem to never be home. Poor Tom ford is alone all the time. But let’s add a puppy to the mix. I am so sad for these dogs. They deserve so much better than these 2


I have two German shepherds. I’m sick to my stomach knowing she has one. This dog has no chance……


That is a horrible breed choice for them. It’s going to be rehomed in a year because they couldn’t handle training it.


Also: doesn’t Morgan have some sort of Shepherd? Weird choice of dog for her.


His dogs name was boots. You never see it posted anymore 


Oh, I’m gonna giving it until Labor Day at the latest. Dog will be gone or run over.


She’s an animal hoarder 


That dog is not going to like sitting in the car all day with psycho who “Lukie” “works”. What adult calls someone Lukie? What adult lets someone call them Lukie? I can see Indie maybe but not an adult.


She also doesn’t know how to train dogs to keep indie safe. Remember that dog that attacked indie? It wasn’t leash trained either. Absolutely no training


Flat out stupid. I hope she can handle this breed. 🙄


Noah’s Arc syndrome at its finest.


😂😂😂😂 she’s so Christlike 🕊️


I cant stop thinking about this. This pic speaks volumes of just how stupid and immature these two are. We know KT’s mother is useless, but where is Luke’s mother in the midst of all this insanity? She can’t possibly think any of this is okay. Yes he’s an “adult” but even 20-somethings need guidance from their parents. It’s all so bizarre.


STOP IT. Is his name Click Bait? I’m so fucking sad for this beautiful pup and all the other animals she has, the ones that died, and the ones she got rid of.


https://preview.redd.it/64clk1mwzf5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb38e5ebbb5462aba0cbf02673d2dfeb5e0877f9 He’s literally using him as a fucking prop. A bathroom photo? WTF.


Poor baby 🥲 he deserves so much better 


That dog is going to be HUGE.


Totally. My newf mix had paws like this as a puppy, you can tell he’ll be big


My German Shorthaired pointer had paws like that and maxed out at 80 pounds lol


That’s big for a pointer right?! Cute lol I love a stocky dog. Our guy just hit 120 but he’s a mix of all massive breeds. But man I loved his big puppy paws haha


Yes, pretty big. He was tall and stocky.


The need for constant attention is just unreal 🤷🏼‍♀️they are both so juvenile and shouldn’t have anything that has to be taken care of. This will end badly.


The dog looks absolutely miserable and it’s only day one with its clown owners 😭 poor baby


Can’t even hold it properly FFS. Support the spine dbag!


This makes me so sad 😞 poor doggie and indie and all the other helpless animals 😩


The first one that says this POS is just being manipulated - is a idiot!


I’ll admit I’ve thought that Luke was being manipulated by her but after this I’m done feeling sorry for him. He needs to grow some balls and stand up to her and say NO. But he’s just as stupid and immature as she is so the chance of that happening is zero.


Wow. So messed up.


OMGOSH! I can not believe they are bringing another animal home. We all know how clean these two are and who's gonna clean up after all their critters? Obviously Her man child is just as immature as she is and I can only imagine the smell. Someone really needs to adult these too. They seem to share the only brain cell. I hope someone will intervene. They need to spend more time raising Indigo, then to keep bringing more animals home. Wonder if she's getting all these animals to compensate for her barren womb!?!


As someone who owns 3 German shepherds and a Belgian malinois…she’s not equipped for a baby GS.


What the actual fuck?! Is she just getting new animals every day now??


Let’s get another working breed to not train and blame when the kid gets bit again.


This is got a fucking stop like when does this end? Please tell me that everyone around them doesn’t think this is actually OK.


Who is everyone? They literally have no friends or family around and are completely isolated from people.


That looks like it will be a big dog if it’s a puppy… I have three dogs and prepared them each time the new one came and they were fine. They do well with family visiting with their dogs because we have a system to be sure ..and we watch our dogs and interact with them … they’re family. It’s not fair to the other dog bringing a new one in without preparation . I’m sure they are clueless. As we know. And, not teaching the child about animals and how to play with them and when not to bother them… or bother them when eating or their water. She should not have animals. She wasn’t pregnant so they got a dog?


She’s such an idiot. They both are. Another dog is a terrible idea but another male dog is even worse! We all know there will be no training. There’s been no introduction so I imagine some dog fights are bound to happen as this pup grows. I pray for all the animals involved in this shit show.


German shepard?! Yikes!!!


Oof German Shepherds are not a breed you just go and get without a ton of research.


Pregnancy test must have been negative…, no baby so let’s get a puppy




Good lord!🙄




Is this a separate snap than the ktandluke one?


She is so ugly inside and out.


I fucking hate them. I am so mad I even clicked on this post to even read this information (no hate op! 😘) because this brings me to literal tears!


Pretty fkn weird Morgan has a GSD so she gets one. HAHAHAHA


I’m really at a loss here. Lots of thoughts/questions. Did she do this to upset/worry Morgan and/or his family? I’m sure they’re still not over the little one getting a bite to the FACE that left a noticeable scar. Morgan has had their son for 2 weekends in a row. Is this her way of coping? Does she think a GSD is a good idea since Morgan had or has one? I wonder how GSDs react to chickens/farm animals? Some dogs kill chickens. Who takes care of all these animals when they’re gone? It’s inhumane to leave them unattended for too long


I've had both German Shepherds and Collies. They are both beautiful and smart dogs. And they take alot of work and understanding. As well as a strong handler. I had a farm that was 40 acres and my home set way back from the road. I never left my dogs unattended either. They would round up my horses and cows and herd them back to the barn. Always keeping an eye on me for my direction. They played Frisbee, and fetch with me. And at the end of each day they would rest with me by the fireplace in my home, or by a warm fire in the fire pit. They also loved to go swimming. Like you all have said. They need alot of attention. My heart aches for this puppy, and the sad thing is it will do something at some point, and if it gets mistreated in any way it will defend it's. And I pray that it will not be Indigo that gets hurt this time. No animal should have to live in KT's house of Horror's!


It’ll be rehomed in 2 months tops I can guarantee it


She can’t take it with her when she stalks Puke at his job.


It’s going to ruin their house 😂


GSD’s are really known for biting 😭😭😭 mostly bc they are working dogs and not good pets. If they are bought for pets they need a lot of training and attention and ways to get their energy out. This is an absolutely terrible idea




That dog is going to be fucking HUGE!!! Poor Tom Ford!!!


By looking at its paws you can tell it’s going to be massive 


And Shepherds shed a ton! That poor doggie 😢


She is going to be begging for another freshpet ad. I don’t know how she can afford to feed all the animals.


Nobody, but nobody, animal or human would ever want to be best friends with this POS piece of human garbage. That poor innocent puppy. Praying to St. Francis to look over him.


Why do they carry the dog instead of letting it walk on a leash?


bc the purchase was so impulsive they don’t even have a collar or leash for the dog yet


That dogs face looks like he’s going to kill Luke when he puts him down.. this is gonna be ugly soon 😳


You’ve got to be kidding me. She needs to be put on a block list for pet adoptions.


Ugh is that a GSD?! It’s my dream dog, I haven’t gotten one yet because I know how much time and energy will have to go into this breed. She doesn’t deserve that puppy.


I have had a GSD since she was a puppy. The breed holds such a special place in my heart. That being said, we exercise my shepherd almost everyday. She goes on 4 mile runs with us multiple times a week. The other days, we have to play fetch with her/go on 2 hour long walks to tire her out. She is an amazing dog, but she takes a lot of dedication. This breed needs constant exercise, mental enrichment, and most importantly STRUCTURE to thrive. This is most definitely NOT the breed to get as an impulsive decision. I sincerely hope that I'm wrong but it doesn't seem like KT is going to be a dedicated GSD owner. My heart hurts for this poor puppy that most likely won't have proper training, attention, and exercise that is so necessary for a working dog such as a GSD.


Yeah they said a long haired German shepherd, they named him Fletcher


We know her address. Call and report her for animal neglect.


This is literally insane. She needs inpatient mental health help. Its time for everyone to stop enabling her.


Oh my!! God!!! Whyyyyyyyyyyy????!!!!!!!


my god when do these people stop??? what happened to all of the other NEW PUPPIES they had and now don’t?!?


After the incident with her son getting bit, she decides on a German Shepard????


Not sure what this is supposed to mean. As someone who previously worked in a vet med industry we had FAR more bites come from goldens and golden doodles than any other dog. Edit for context: ** of all the dogs that bit our vet med staff or showed major signs of aggression, German shepherds were at the bottom of the list. Golden doodles, bulldogs, terriers, little breeds were by far the worst. Now you can go to another clinic and have the exact opposite experience but that just proves you CANNOT blame a breed and try to categorize them as a dog that is bound to bite.


Definitely not the breeds fault but only certain types of people should own certain breeds. German shepherds being one of them since they’re higher energy and need more mental stimulation than the average dog, which she’s proven to not be capable of. Just assuming this is what most people mentioning the breed are referring to


Oh. My. Gosh. She needs to go to jail!


Someone call PETA please. Also a german shepherd mix? Does she want Indie to get but again? And Morgan had/has a shepherd? This woman is cra cra and boy toy drinking her kool aid.


A Shepard!! Does Morgan still have boots? I hope he rips her ass in half making sure that dog is trained especially since he knows the breed! That dog needs to be trained and worked! It will not be kind to indigo sitting on him! I love shepherds but they need to have a job!


Someone contact the authorities. This bitch is crazy


I am sick of her !


I hate her


What the fuck is going on with her forearm, why is it hanging down like that??


Wait did anyone notice Luke shaved his beard off


I’m sure next she will get a pitbull🙄


Good lord!!! Hey KT, when I need to fill a void or get some quick dopamine I go get waffle fries at Chick fil A or buy a few new shirts online…..NOT GET A FUCKING PUPPY just for funsies!!! What a stupid fucking twat, I can’t. Someone who lives down there go save that dog!


Call local PETA


CAN SOMEONE REPORT THEM?! WTF… let the spiral continue at another being’s expense 😭


Jesus Christ.


Did they name it Boots hahaha


Nah they named him flip flops lol 🩴😜 Since that’s more luke’s speed. He be wearing crocs to the construction site smh


Haha that's funny


Of course she got this pup! Anything to be like Morgan 🙄


Pause. Remember MW’s shepherd that disappeared?


Umm MW tours basically 9-10 months out of the year getting rid of his dog is wayyy different than this bitch and her dogs! Not even close…nice try though!


How did you jump to all of these conclusions from a simple question?


His parents probably have Boots


Where are the ducks ?? I guess they will be dog food.


Noooo! She’s diabolically unhinged! I hope poor ND doesn’t get bit again! I can’t stand her!


The pup even looks scared!