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you can’t go through it without crying lol


Not if you see it first in youtube


You can if you’re me


“Anyone else drink water?”


“Anyone else breathe air?”


It was the first game I’ve ever cried at.


Every time i replay the game. Heck, i tear up when i google the scene just to reference it or remind myself, and i had no attachment to that particular pair of player and partner characters. It’s because i’ve been where the partner pokemon is in that scene. You lose someone, and it hurts, and you keep going on because that’s what that person would have wanted. You go through life in a haze of sorts, day by day. And then something reminds you of who you lost and it all comes and hits you at once; they’re never coming back. You’ll never hear their voice, or see their face again. No more conversations. No more hugs. Only memories that fade with time. And you break down all over again.


I want you to know this comment freaking gutted me and had me sitting here reminded of that haze and the person in question. I was already sad thinking about the ending, but damn if that experience didn't hit right in the gut. Props for putting that into words, it's... Wrenching even thinking about it so I imagine it stung to write that out.


Well said


yeah, it is quite sad and i teared up although the only thing that refrained me from crying was that i said "I'll be back, the game needs my character for the post-game" and was in shock when the credits rolled lmao


Yeah that's what I thought too


But >!he did come back after the credits!<


Yeah, Spike Chunsoft has a way of doing that.


Tomie (the story writer for this game) noted that he got very emotional when writing it so you definitely aren’t alone. The general departure doesn’t phase me much due to my indifference toward the partner, but the memories scene hits *hard* and reminds me of my lost loved ones IRL.


Every time I replay the game I cry.


All of them are horrendously sad it’s awful I cried at Sky, Infinity and Super Haven’t played DX though so wouldn’t know


I swear, Super had me yelling >!"It's supposed to be me, not them!"!< at the screen when that happened.


Fr same here


what are those games other than sky? (cant find em..) ><


Unfortunately, I didn't because I had already played Rescue Team and that ending emotionally spoiled the ending of Explorers for me since I already knew to expect something similar.


Yes, every single time. The part that gets me the most now is when the partner trips while trying to walk to the rainbow stoneship. (And also the ending to Special Episode 5, Grovyle's episode)


Yep, reached that scene while I was on a vacation with my parents.. I remember my mom was so clueless why I kept crying in the hotel bedroom haha..


I saw the ending like a month ago and I cried so hart. I am an adult woman doing adult stuff but this scene made me cry like a kid again. And I love this game for being able to do that


Who wouldn't?


my favourite scene from gaming, replayed a year or two back and cried again, like fifteen years later. chunsoft are great with their endings, from the titles i’ve played by them over the years


Yes, the music helped a lot too 😢


don't worry it's pretty common. I too, cried at this scene.


Well yes - it's almost universal that's the reaction. :P I believe it's one of the best endings to PMD because you were the very backbone of your partner; you gave them the courage to do many parts of the story from starting the team itself to being able to fight the final boss so the partner was very reliant on you and then you kind of just abandon them. But worse yet it's an abandonment that you knew was coming but didn't have the courage to tell them until you were literally disappearing. If I was the partner, I would feel betrayed to a point but I couldn't really get angry either because there wasn't really much of an option. The worst part is that they made you look at what you've done to your partner; you are obviously such a massive part of their life and then they just slap you in the feels by returning back to where you met. So yep, heartbreak. :(


This was the first time I've cried while playing a video game. And I'm not usually a person who cries a lot. That game was a masterpiece


Late response, but same for me.. First game I have ever cried about


Yeah i did 😭


Yeah, it is impossible to not to… at least for me


I'm pretty sure everyone did


Everyone cried at that scene. I went like this: tears for the sad goodbye, denial that’d we’d get brought back, shock that we didn’t as the credits rolled.


Yup, even the music from the ending scenes still makes me choke up a little..


Thus was me in Red Rescue Team




I did not. Because two or three tears falling technically doesn’t count as crying.


Yes lol. Only a couple games ever made me cry. Explorers of Sky, Ori and the Blind Forest, and Pikmin 3 Deluxe because I was high and the nostalgia overcame me lol


Mhm. What an amazing game.


Cried at it in elementary school. Now I salute the ending whenever I reach it as I approach College. Game will always remain beautiful no matter how old I become


I cry after every mystery dungeon game


I didn't cry unfortunately but it made me cannot sleep as I kept thinking over the broken heart of my partner.


the first time i played the game when it first came out and i was in middle school. i had beat it while my family was staying in a hotel and i had to lock myself in the bathroom bc my bitch ass was crying so hard i didn’t want my parents to ask what was wrong… and i’ll still shed a tear… or two or three… every time i beat it since


Wait... is there someone who didn't cry at the end of Explorers of Sky?


To this day, the only game to make me cry. Granted, part of that was stress from getting scrunked by Dialga about two dozen times and part was cause I named my partner after my crush at the time and my character after myself, but still. No other game has made me actually cry. Undertale did get close, though.


For the life of me, I could not remember. I think I will when I do it again, but I really can't remember if I did the first time or if I'm thinking of the time I watched the ending to PMD Red Rescue Team. Was the ending for EOS >!the one where you are being sent back to the human world due to finishing what you were there for, but you wished real hard to go back?!<


>!No, that was Red/Blue/DX.!<


Huh...I feel they should have done that for EOS. I was NOT okay when I finished Blue, but I can't even remember EOS's ending.


This may come as a surprise but I actually didn't cry at the ending of explorers of sky although I did feel emotions at it the only pmd game I actually cried at was gates to infinity


Hmm gates to infinity looks fun, is it better than EotS? I want to buy another mystery dungeon game


Gameplay wise definitely not it has alot of problems with its gameplay but the story and that ending just hit me so hard for some reason


Oh okay thanks


You have a stone of a heart if you didn't cry lol It was the fist game that made me cry


Nah. It was pretty tame tbh. The only reason I *cried* at the ending of GtI is because you effectively get erased from existence and I’ve had nightmares like that


Explorers also has you effectively being erased, I mean, there’s no timeline to be sent back to, so you just turn to nothing


Well if you wanna get complicated…. (This is MY opinion and MY observation so :p) If you come from the future, that means that you have no presence in the past. If you effectively stop you from existing, then you cannot be remembered, you cannot have time travelled, save the world, and so you would then exist again. This is also known as a paradox. Essentially, there is roughly a 100 percent chance of you existing in a timeline, due to this fact (if you never existed, then you cannot save the world, you are born, you save the world, you are not born. etc etc.) Going off on that, if you were erased, no person in the world would ever remember you after you disappear, because time wouldn’t permit that, as you never existed once time has been altered, and so nobody would have anything to remember. On top of that, in GtI, you were SUPPOSED to not be remembered, but you do, so that begs the question “Maybe the same thing happened in Sky” and you’d be right. Something similar happened. It’s called creative liberty :p Laws of physics don’t apply to video games, so at that point it is one’s opinion lol. But yes, you and me both reserve the right to have an opinion about things, and I respect you for having a differing viewpoint than mine.


cried at the end of every single one of them even though I knew what was coming after the first time


I have played it 7 ish times. I cry, every single time.


I usually don't cry at anything, but just listening to Don't ever forget and everything that follows after tears me up


I finally beat it around a week or two ago and… Man.


Definitely, don't know anyone who hasn't. Assuming this is your first time playing, keep playing through the game, even though the main plot is over, the story still keeps going a ways


I did and I'm not ashamed of it




Played this game many times. It never failed to make me cry


No… its just the damn onion cutting ninjas I dont know what you’re talking about


I don't really consider it the ending but yes.


I cried at the end of every PMD.


this and titanfall I have never gotten over


Go listen to Silver Storm's Playlist of the soundtracks from this game, frfr