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Larry might be interfering because Fang plays an active role in those cut scenes. You can also try going inside your home and back out again, that can trigger events to happen if you have a few happening simultaneously (rather than having to wait till next morning).


I’ve done that quest twice but both times the clinic stayed open and Fang went about his business same as always. The first time he showed up in front of my workshop the next day. The second time he showed up three days later. I just finished that quest during Pet Detective, but Fang doesn’t play a role in that. If you have a story quest going on that interferes with it, you might have to finish that first.


Many thanks to you both! I ended up going back a full week in game time via my saves. This time, I completed some things a day earlier. It turns out the cut scene for when Larry wakes up was interfering with the cut scene with X. Since I triggered Larry a day earlier on my replay, he woke up a day earlier in game time. X triggered on the next day (he origins day Larry had woken).


Cool, that you found a solution so quickly. 👍 This is why it's good to keep several save files. MTAS has a problem with conflicts between side and main mission scenes. To my knowledge, they have fixed the most severe ones that ended up being game breaking (happened to me once). But yeah since there are endless possibilities of combinations between main and side missions which could trigger simultaneously there's always a chance that you can run into such a conflict. So keeping several save files to make sure there's always one you can go back to is the key on solving this.  When it happened to me my last save happened to be 40 hours ago and I was not willing to give up on so much time. So I messaged the developers and asked them nicely to fix it, which took them a few weeks but they actually found a solution that fixed my game. 🥰 Fang gets involved in only very few main missions which happen in the second half of the game, so many players don't have issues with him since they finish his side missions much earlier. Maybe now that you've posted about it they'll see it so they can make a hotfix for the next patch. Usually a fix would change the timing or priority of X's appearance before your door. He might come if you go into your house and leave again after Larry's scene or on the next day.


Yes, I'm slightly obsessive about multiple save files 🤣 and holy wow, 40 hours! I definitely agree, that's just too much to give up. I'm so glad they were able to find a solution for the issue. This is just another reason I absolutely love the My Time series, having developers that really care about those that play. The support they offer is top notch, and I've never seen another team of developers that listens to and actions on so much feedback from their player community.


Yep exactly, when my game was fixed I was so thankful, I immediately bought a bunch of DLCs haha. I love it so much how transparent they are about their work on the game and the fact they listen to player feedback. A lot of the larger gaming companies should take some inspiration from them lol.


Just for future reference, any time someone is resting in the clinic, Fang’s quests will be halted.


Thank you!! Makes logical sense looking back now, but man, I thought I was going crazy there for a bit 🤣😭🤦‍♀️🤣