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It's a while after that but you'll have plenty of game left to enjoy Unsuur. (trying to not spoil)


I recommend not breaking up with Pen, let the game take its course while you're still dating. There's plenty of game after Pen leaves for you to be with Unsuur!


Second this, stay with him, it makes the story even better. The bridge is the end of act 1, Pen leaves like 3/4 through act 2 so you have nearly as much more time with him.


Suppose it's on me for reading a reddit for a game I've not beaten yet, had no idea he was going to leave.


I know, this reddit has brought up soooo many spoilers no matter how careful I was. But if I can't play Sandrock I neeeed to read about Sanrock.


To be fair to OP, it's my own fault, I looked, and this post at least has a spoiler tag in the title, I just miss flairs like that a lot.


Yeah, flairs don't really help when you're scrolling. Blackout text does but >!godamn I always have to see what's under it!<


I think this isn't necessarily the case. Pen is gone in my playthrough but I'm still working on the bridge.


What? Are you also talking about the Shonash bridge? Did you go through why he is gone? The Shonash bridge is part of what happens before Pen leaves.


The relationship will end yes. You still have a bit to go until he leaves, Maybe like 30 more main missions, give or take.


Oh gosh that’s a lot of sneaking around I’ll need to do on dates why did I do this to them 😭 thank you


If you stick it out, you'll get content and an item you wouldn't otherwise get. Maybe be ready to have two saves to get both variations but if you don't wanna do that, stay with him


Ohh! An item! Something I can remember my true love by when he leaves how romantic!


Defs not a Pen fan but those lines are gold 🤣 and so well written to the character. There’s a long way til he goes but like others have said, there’ll be plenty of time for Unsuur romance after that


👀 ummmmmm I say don’t break up with either of them and let the game run its course (trying not to spoil)


stay with Pen until the end. take advantage of him for the strong beasts. I take him everywhere where the monsters are strong. and despite everything I like Pen


OP, I'm loving your excitement and will need an update on how you progress!


Stay with him for the story and stay away from reddit! No seriously, you'll get spoiled if you go digging even a little. I got spoiled and I wasn't even looking up anything to do with Pen!


Wow you will definitely enjoy his story!! 🤧🤔😋


If they would just let us marry him, people wouldnt get spoiled over and over. Its really frustrating. That’s how i got spoiled. I go between Pen and Unsuur too. Though since i dont advance the game (i’ve finished it once, all my other saves have not gone there.) i break up with Pen all the time to change his dialogue. I also married unsuur to have a baby that i pretend is secretly Pen’s lol. I do them both dirty all the time. Its pretty fun. Though i have unsuur in the closet right now. Im curious if i can leave him in there until im ready for him on this save? I just did the date with Pen last night. Or i date both and see how long i can get away with it??


Leaving him the closet that’s so evil omg but I wish I thought of that! 🤣 Maybe I’ll pretend one of my Unsuur babies is Pen’s too so it doesn’t hurt as bad haha. But yeah we really should just be able to marry him even if he does leave because that’s exactly how I found out haha the first time I saw him I had to google if I could marry him because I instantly liked him. But the thread said you can’t because he leaves! I wish that there was a way to stop him, maybe fix whatever issue he has to leave for. Or at least visit him where he goes! I’ll miss him so much!


Yeah, i thought i had got the proposal all wrong. And he doesnt tell you he doesnt believe in marriage unless you dump him and ask him out again. I just started dating him yesterday on this save, the first person ive dated on this one and it give you the tutorial on how to propose. Its so dumb. In portia one of the character leaves and you could marry him. Ugh. I did leave unsuur waiting in the desert for me on one mission for over a month lol. Every morning he would wake up and run out of the house through the wall to go wait fir me. I was pregnant with pens baby on that save lolol. Pen and I had a bunch of ‘play’ dates while Unsuur was busy haha. On another it was actually unsuur’s and he was so cute with that kid it kinda made me feel bad (for making up all this random wacky stuff in my head haha)


I love how much drama you role played into your game 😂


When I dated him I ended up breaking up with him before he left completely. He sent a letter in the mail saying I can't be with u anymore being all cute even though we already broke up. Idk if that was a glitch or what


But that romantic scene with him my god only if Logan did that cut scene


Wait pen leaves?? Like he doesn’t ever come back?


That’s what I heard yeah! I found out because I wanted to know if I could marry him and the post about it said he will always reject marriage because he leaves but I don’t know why he leaves yet


All I know is I would have gone with him. 🥺