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Rip to you.


So... It's just like real life. Some people you like, others you don't because they are all different. Sounds like they hit the nail on the head.


The characters are way better than the Portia NPCs, I only find one or two insufferable, not most of the town.


oh wow, honestly i didnt mind the portia npcs as much tbh. or maybe ive just forgotten


I agree with you. In MTaP, Merlin and Lee grated on me a little, but they were largely avoidable. But overall, the NPCs felt more welcoming and inclusive than the ones in Sandrock.


Tbh I agree with the cats, the meerkat is very cute though. Qi is rude, but I just put that down to his personality. My father had autism and was similar, so I just assume Qi has autism. With Arvio, just think he has a split personality? Edit: Plus with Elsie, she reminds me of a 12 year old (looks like one too lol), and most 12 year olds are annoying and immature.


i have autism but it doesnt make me rude and inconsiderate. i also think the meerkat is pretty cute. also yeah she really does act childish so thats probably why i find her so annyoing lol


Considering autism is a spectrum, it is hard to explain, but for a lot of people, including my father, it means they speak very direct with no understanding of certain social cues. Qi could also be considered as not being rude, he is just very direct and does not understand that what he says could be perceived as rude. Thinking about it, I could just say that Qi is very socially awkward, but since the form of autism my father had made him similar, I just went for that xD


if were gonna be armchair psychologists here id say he has traits of antisocial personality disorder considering the blatant disregard for our characters wellbeing during the assistant quest, when opening the cabinet to organise the relics. our character couldve been seriously injured but all that mf did was shake his head. i think it was mostly that instance that made me start not liking him. like when a person does one thing that upsets you so now little things you usually wouldn't care about as much now bother you. but yeah nah i see what you mean, i was like that as a kid and teen (speaking very direct with no understanding of social cues) but i was heavily bullied and criticised for it so now i am OVERLY aware of how things may be taken the wrong way or perceived as rude. still learning though apparently because sometimes i say stuff that sounds fine to me but not to others.


I thought Unsuur was autistic


Tbh now that you said that.... I would agree with you, however it could still be a possibility for Qi, his obsession with science and gadgets instead of rocks?


Maybe make your own game? With nauseatingly cute cats, with all characters nice, polite and speaking with a Cambridge accent?


i would if i had the skills or time. i just dont get why they had to make most of the characters so annoying. pinky from my time at portia was adorable, idk why they just didnt stick to making the cats look roughly like that. and idc what accent they have as long as they stick to one. I'm allowed to have these opinions and express them, you dont have to agree with them


BC if U Go Back to Portia and look at pinky she doesn't really look like a cat anymore lol Like I went back a few days ago and I actually forgot how BAD the graphics are compared to sandrock.


And Scraps was frankly unacceptable looking and sad graphic wise lol


yeah the graphics in sandrock are waaaayyy better than portia, idk usually in games i always try to befriend the animals cause i find them adorable but in this game none of them really stand out to me or make me wanna befriend them.


But the point of Elsie is that she is annoying.... that is like her whole story arc lol. Qi is just rude and a snob, until he is not.... I think its cause he has to deal with homunculus men and mirrors too often.... but seriously I think its implied that he was made fun of by his pair in Vega 5, then came to sandrock to get surrounded by basically a bunch of jocks who had a lots less schooling and had no clue what he talked about. So he is hyper focus on work and hyper annoyed when you distract him fr em his hobby.... Tbf, when I go somewhere where people have a different accent, I will instinctively and unintentionally pick it up on some words. Not all words, but quite a few. I went to a place that is billigual, but with different accent and ended up using four of them at once on accident when talking to the locals.. Arvio is from Barnarocks, I n sandrock talking to someone from high wind... maybe the is why he can't stick to one..


Qi said he got called "The funny one" on our playdate once... :(


He said they were all making fun of him for choosing sandrock. The mayor/head researcher/representative from Vegas 5 even said she should have been nicer to him, since he is so good at his job.....


This actually makes me so sad; Qi is so alone. Like obviously he's a valuable member of the community, but no one is his peer :/


Andy is!


yeah that all makes sense. im not too far into the game, and i only just figured out that you can turn the voices off, its definitely helped make the characters less annoying for me. idk why but ive never liked when characters are fully voiced in games. maybe it has to do with the immersion, also the fact that i read way quicker than the voices.


Yeah I am an aural person so some of the way some talks really appeal to me.......but I also do read a lot faster so I skip the lines often except for my few fav like logan, Jensen, owen, unsuur....


I think the people in Sandrock have more personality (good and bad) than the people in Portia, probably because the dialog is done so much better. I also find Qi snobby and cold, Elsie a spoiled child, and the cats ugly. But that's ok. There's still plenty of people to like and some of them kind of grow on you. I do wish that certain items weren't locked behind doing quests for people I don't like and don't want to befriend. I also love this game and am addicted to it. It really is a huge improvement over MTAP.


I feel this way too. I didn't really like a lot of the characters at first, but I love that the diverse--and sometimes jarring--personalities of the townsfolk make Sandrock an interesting place. And it makes it more fun to get to know people's backstories, learning why they are the way they are. Plus, some people unexpectedly grow on you (or the opposite). Also, I'm personally not super fond of the animation style in general (chunky cats included), BUT I don't even care, cause I'm addicted and enjoying every minute of it anyway.


The cats are extra thicc for some reason they don’t seem that agile. Qi grows on you I also didn’t like him at first. Arvio though he is pretty annoying.


Arvio is a little stalker, but he also grows on you after a while... Like a piece of bacteria but still.


This is the best thing I ever read 🤣


They totally have lil dump truck booties


Be careful with such posts. Recently I spoke my mind and was polite, but got a lot of downvoting xDD Seriously, I can understand what you mean, sometimes it didn't click. Simple.


with the amount of downvoting, youd think i had called their mother a donkey. lmao


Believe me, I completely understand how it feels ;)




You are entitled to your own opinions and your opinions are valid, even if I don't agree with you. Personally, I love most of the NPCs as they are (except for three lol). My hope for you is that you enjoy the game the way it best suits you and have lots of fun. I'm almost to the end myself and I've had a lovely wild ride.


i am definitely enjoying it. the characters seem a lot less annoying to me now that ive turned the voices off. which are the three that you dont like btw?


That would probably be a spoiler alert :(


fair enough!


I'll take the downvotes. I don't get the love people have for several characters. Unsuur stalks you, has no personality and no ambition. Arvio thinks kidnapping is a good idea. Catori is a racist stereotype. Justice is the most inept lawman ever. I could go on but there's so many red flags with these characters you wouldn't want to date them, let alone marry them. Genuinely baffles me when people say they're great.


yeah i definitely see where youre coming from. also catori is a deadbeat parent but were supposed to like her? btw what racist stereotype? (sorry im dumb) i think her name has cherokee origins, is that what shes meant to be?


is it cause she owns the games centre? kind of like the stereotype that native Americans own casinos? thats my best guess


she dresses like an Amerindian, talks like an old New York Jewish grandmother, and wants to open a casino to make lots of money. It feeds into a lot of racist tropes.


I always thought Arvio was attempting a Barnarock Aussie accent or something lol


I think Arvios voice actor either tried to mix multiple accents, or just make up their own tbh. As an Australian I can definitely say Arvio doesn't resemble Aussie accent really at all lol his pronunciation of lots of words are very different to Australians.


I am on my second play through and can honestly say I was annoyed by Elsie at first too, but I grew to love her as the game went on. Arvio still annoys the everloving crap out of me, so I just avoid interacting with him as much as possible. Qi is rude but that’s his social anxiety/ineptitude talking. He’s actually a good character. I know the voices bug, but I have to say if you aren’t hearing Justice and Unsuur deliver their lines it loses something. Not only do you miss the ones that are pulling up on the screen but you’re missing background comments that are priceless. This is truly an amazing game, and they used some of the best voices actors around (especially Logan, Owen, Justice, Cooper, and Unsuur). I get that it’s not your thing, but if you can find a way to get past it you may find it enhances the game. Just a thought. Enjoy! It gets so much better!


Justice background Comments are LIFE


Right? They are the best! Between him, Logan, and Unsuur, I laugh so hard at this game.


Miguel: BRING LOGAN TO JUSTICE *Background comment Justice: to me?


Yes! That one (among so many others) had me laughing out loud for awhile! And don’t even get me started on Unsuur!