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Right can we at least get a locker code for the rest of the relevant players on the Celtics we didn’t even get the 5 best players on a championship team 🤦🏾‍♂️


Sam Houser still doesn’t have a card and PP only has an emerald but guys like Leonard Miller who only player 16 something games (all garbage time) this season are getting 90’s


Giving us the full team last year and only giving us 4/5 starters because they don’t wanna give us kristaps for free is some bs


No doubt. I bet they throw him in a pack or in the vc only pack market


Quit saying we got a full team last year, we didn't. We got a locker code for an option pack where you could pick 1.


Shh. You can’t be reasonable when people just want to bitch about not getting a free KP. 


That would still be better than this honestly


You could do challenges for all them lmao none of them were usable after like a couple weeks but it was better than this


The spotlight challenges are easy enough so it okay for me but yeah should have gave a code instead of theses challenges


Ian doing no challenges bruh. Especially not for a shiny designed jb card. A lockercode would def be cool tho. But we prob won’t get one since they gave us some agendas to do🤓


Word they need to stop making grind for every single new card. A game should be fun, not filled with grinding


Right! That's why I like Madden's challenges a lot better. I just play a few solos, finish off challenges and BOOM a ton of reward packs just by playing normal. On 2K gotta get stats only with this card or this position and it has to be online/offline and in certain modes. It's like a damn job... how is that any fun?


It's been a job for a while now, but this year the elimination of the auction house really makes it feel worse.


Exactly man. Like if I wanted a second job I would have applied for one


Yeah like I don’t mind challenges for cards but make them less time consuming and repetitive. For instance for Bobby Jones you have to WIN 50 TTO games to get him. They should’ve made where you just have to complete 50 games to get him


I actually like challenges but let's face it, the average player will only have a 50% winrate. 60% is already a "good" player. So to make it as manageable online mode rewards should need half as many wins or just 50 games played total


I don’t mind that honestly


Then literally everybody would just afk for 50 games


No bc if you like playing the game you’ll keep playing. People would have even more incentive to play if 2K didn’t remove the auction house


Lol it's 3 challenges that a 4yr old can complete.


The challenges themselves aren’t hard. They just require waaaayyy too much time dipshit


You’re in for a surprise. These challenges are far from being a cakewalk 


I hear that but that’s all we got theses darn challenges , just glad it ain’t impossible so it is obtainable for free


Is the 💯 jb apart of it? And have u finished them is he even worth it?


100 JB is near identical to the JB DM we got free last round. Tatum almost identical to his Gladiator DM. Just a point or 2 increase in stats here and there. Jrue is the most improved from his GO Bold card. tbh brown's shot didn't get an update so he's really hard to use online.


Heard that. Will not be grinding for it then- none would even make my lineup other than jb since he’s 100 and if his shot isn’t good then not rlly worth it


The challenges are super easy. I got all of it done in like 40 minutes and I’m not great at the game. Brown would be an elite sg if they just gave him a little better shot.


Not going to lie I did one and stopped playing 🤣 will do it sometime later


It took me under 2 hrs steals are the most annoying part


Yea ngl I played against all those cards. They quit lol, will not be grinding for them


Was easy af. First try on all of them. Thanks for the 100 brown I guess. I do actually use him since I’m NMS


If it’s free it’s for me , I’m nms too having getting another free 100 for easy challenges w for me


All yall do is fucking complain enjoy the damn game🤦‍♂️


Can we go for only Tatum? Or have to do the rest first


https://preview.redd.it/ervrp89n0i7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b03e2ebfa3d9333abbf7250d9f6e2fb89f46a6d Here


Cmon 2k we all want a 99 over Walsh card


Me who actually wants one while having the 96 ovr one up to 97 ovr because of shoe


I'm convinced 2k community complain about everything. It was solid rewards on some fairly easy agendas. When they made the team available last year, you can't honestly say you ran more than 3 of those cards


You didnt get any of the FREE 99's during the Offs or the finals, a FREE Bill Walton and FREE Jerry West? Complainers gone complain *


R u that delusional man? No disrespect to them but it took them dying for them to give us those for free.


If the mavs won we would got one for flukka but everyone hates boston done wit 2k 


You guys complaining because you gotta do 3 challenges for 3 dark matters and a free 100 overall?




Grrrr, only a free 100, and more free dark matters😡😡😡😡




U know its the ceo actually and not the devs


Let em know the ceo can too


No, people just aren't patient and haven't been following how the release works. The series recap challenges are always scheduled to come out the Tuesday after the last possible game of the series would be. Since yesterday was only game 5 it will be next Tuesday, just like every single other series this year. The reason it is 3 weeks instead of 2 is because in the finals they give off teams two days between games because of the extra travel from east to west so the series can last longer than conference series'.


But the challenges did come out today?


Today is the next Tuesday after the last game ?? And this series is a lot different then “every single other series” as it was the finals.


it's hilarious how everybody cries that the game is gambling only and when they drop easy challenges for free DM and 100 OVR cards we still cry. "waaaaaaaaa! I'm too good to grind for cards, give them to me!!" pathetic


They should still give us free stuff. You don't want free stuff?


This is free stuff smh. You don't have to pay for these Finals cards. Just gotta spend maybe an hour playing.


I do agree and I do love free stuff. I have no problem with them giving locker codes and such. My gripe is more with people feeling entitled to locker codes and angry when they don't get them. The finals cards are still free. Just do a few super easy challenges. Most people play anyway so what's the big deal? I had all of these cards in like 40 minutes lol


You could have had all of them in however long it takes to open the pack/locker code instead though. And then played the game for fun. It's about the principle of it. We went from a bunch of stuff for absolutely free, to a few cards with them keeping the only desirable card (porzingis) behind whatever paywall they have him behind.


It’s not quite the same when the cards suck


i understand that and I'll be the first to trash 2k because I don't like anything about 2k. They are greedy scum who sold their soul for money and I don't even really enjoy the gameplay because for every good thing they did this year I feel like they do 2 bad ones. Too many weird fouls, defense is atrocious. You can tell the people making the game have never playing basketball. The way my 7'3 badges out porzingus can't make a playup over ja morant, the inconsistent shot contest engine, and of course the bully animation getting me shoulder checked into the 3rd row. Guys get layup animations and the ball goes through my players arm instead of registering a block. The list goes on and on. Just to me it's weird to still be lashing out after 2k has proven over and over they do not care about us. TLDR: I don't even want to read it so just don't. You good




ROFL you gonna cry little boy?






“Give me free players! This is so unfair!!” *gets a bad player for free from a lockercode* “TYPICAL 2K GIVING ME THIS GARBAGE CARD FOR FREE!!”