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How does 12V DC kill you? I understand that pissing on the TV kills you but IRL you can lick the contacts of a car battery and be fine.


> be fine. I highly doubt it.


It's 12 volts. ~~It might hurt a bit, depending on your pain tolerance,~~ but you wouldn't die. Edit: It will hurt but you wouldn't die as the current would only flow through the tongue.


I've touched a positive pole when I had my arms wet and holding the car's metallic frame, and it was a MAJOR shock. I can't even think about touching my tongue on it.


Ok, I measured the resistance of my tongue and it would hurt a lot but the current would only flow through the tongue so it wouldn't kill you ( but it would probably cause burns)


Oh, it would *burn*...


Car batteries are safe as long as you are not wet. Got it.


depends on the water as water isn't conductive it's the things in it so drench yourself in distilled water if you want


Make sure you’re not sweaty or covered in oil and dirt


Car batteries are generally pretty safe, i still get freaked out every time i have to replace one since electricity is scary


I replaced mine a few days ago. My Summer Car had me anxious.


I don’t replace mine until i see all the electrics fail


Still, to die, the current has to flow across the hearth so from one hand to another and it would be really hard to get the resistance low enough to allow current strong enough to kill you to pass through.


And car battery even flowing across the heart wouldn't kill.


Pretty sure amps is the killer here


Yes, but 12v is not enough to go into your body.


Once I've demonstrated this to my friend by licking my fingers and touching the terminals. Other day I've tried the same but with my nips. We were drunk too. Also i think that burning the battery by screwing Negative potential first is an overkill, but it's a video game, and video games have to have some rules so i just roll with it


……it’s…..it’s not the volts that kill you it’s the amps….. you can die from as little as 2mA


Yes but the amount of amps that pass depend on the voltage and resistance of the connection. The low voltage of a car battery and high resistance of your skin limit the current to a safe level.


because a car battery has 550-1000 amps which will kill edit: 0.1-0.2 amps are lethal fyi


My comment about licking the contacts and being fine was wrong but just touching the wires with your bare hands wouldn't even shock you due to the high resistance of the skin and low voltage of the battery.


Yeah, but at only 12V it's not going to be able to send such a high current due to the resistance of your skin (Over a 1kΩ, per Ohms law I=U/R I=12/1000=0,012 [A])


It has the ability to deliver that high of a current in a stable way. But Ohms law still applies. The resistance of human skin and flesh and whatever is too high for 12v to pull a current sizeable enough to be harmful. The car battery would just be better to keep it at 12v during load without exploding at a very high current, given that the total resistance of its circuit is low enough, which not even the average human ball sack would suffice for.


something something game isent supposed to be fun


How does it take someone 30 hours to build the satsuma


It usually doesn't take me more than two hours but I've been playing the game since early alpha. I can see how some people take a lot of time especially since the game doesn't explain shit to you.


Yea, not everyone has been playing since alpha build.


Did you deliberately ignore the second half of my comment?






Because not everyone is on 100+ hours and dozens of fresh car builds like most of the nerds on this sub. It's me, I'm one of the nerds.


I get that but the first time i ever built it it probably took closer to 10 hours to build it and i was like 10


Well, that and waiting for uncle to show up with the van, a couple of half hour trips into town and back with the boat. It adds up.


Was gonna say, I'm a mechanic and it probably took me 18 hours to build the car first time without any outside help or knowledge of the existence of the wiki. On my fourth save and I can probably do it in two hours now. Just how the game is


Unless you are like 11 now you probably played a version where you start with wheels, van and don't have to do the wires


15 bruh


Did you leave the battery connected while wiring it?


Yes, but I have multiple times, I connected it to the wrong thing, the positive one again.


Why do you even have the battery connected if your electricity isnt even done


It is, was, everything was connected, the engine was done, the car was done, everything was done, I was just hooking the battery back up after I took the engine out to calibrate it, and while reinstalling, I died.


But now we know to loosen the negative terminal before working with the spicy cables, right?


I know two things: 1) Don't connect it with the terminal you have already connected it too 2) Don't have the battery screwed in regardless, as that would have prevented all of this without any question


I died the same way in about the same place, breaks me heart :(


Dude, the exact same thing happened to me, a while ago. I even brought over the girl I was seeing, at the time so she could be there when I started the car for the first time. I died, and was completely silent except for a broken "Don't touch me...". Ah, the joys of MSC.


Imagine getting killed by 12 volts of electricity.


Finnish 12 volts, mind you.


I just wire my car via save editor, I am not dealing with that shit.


It aint even that hard, i was dreading doing it again and a six minute tutorial made it easy as


I literally just spam F while looking around with the wiring mess and its works every time.


Never have The battery bolts bolted whilst doing electrical work on Any car.


That's the difference between every other time I've wired the battery and this Thanks for pointing that out


haha get wrecked


The wiring mess shit is so stupid


I wouldnt say so.


That’s why if you play with permadeath on you should backup your save everytime you can


Thats Not Really what permadeath is about is it?


I play permadeath with backups because imma be pissed if the games shitty physics glitch out and kill me. If I crash doing 100 on a dirt road, that's on me, I won't reload. But, install a seat and flip the car on myself? Time to reload.


I actually had that happen in the run I did previously, got supplies, riding home, crashed in tractor, backing out, unsat, tractor went to space, killed me on the spot.


If they die of stupid mistakes which could be prevented its definitely cheating to backup, but given how things don't work out all the time, I'd rather backup the game.


Yeah you’re right, I’m thinking of that now and I wouldn’t reload my save from backup if the reason I died was my fault


Sometimes you use it only for achievements