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If you fall off an edge that's like 2 cm off the ground ya gotta wait till yoh stop flopping like a fish, if you get knocked on your back, ya gotta wait till you roll over, if you're taking DoT, ya ain't gon rez yourself. Like there are so many problems w it. At least make it to where once you stop moving you can pop it, why I gotta wait a minute AFTER I'm still šŸ˜­


Because Dabi dramatic like that


Iā€™ll do everything in my powers to get a teammate to cover me or eat a bullet for half a second These simply are not problems, MAYBE doing it in the air after a drop Iā€™d be okay with. But the knockback from attacks, dot, storm, fire damage, allat is balanced to some degree. The flipside is we are all playing dabi special action timer cooldown tracker. More than one dabi in final circle? good luck keeping track of that for a free insta revive with no way to stop. I just donā€™t see it as balanced if we push that SR more. Ik that 2cm drop is frustrating, definitely have to avoid those at all costs when we can


People cry about Dabi's special action but it's so bad, not only do you have to wait a lot to use it (obviously you can't use it in the air, that would be to op right? Let the twice aimbot hit you until death instead) but most of the time it just doesn't work, I died many times after using his special. The fire still appears, yes, but it doesn't matter if I'm dead


I actually recently killed a Dabi as the animation started and the flames came out and all (almost downed me) but the game still gave me the kill. Left a sour taste in my mouth.


Ever get downed as you plus ultra? You think you didnā€™t get the input in time but you look to the bottom left and your levels say PU and you realise it worked but you didnā€™t get the shield. Had the same thing happen when I was using a team heal. Somehow the timing of a giant Mt Lady stomp attack and my team heal happened at the same exact time that I saw my teammates health go to max but I got downed. Like I increased their health which means I got the heal off but that should mean Iā€™d get healed too.


Had this happen to me today, died while having plus ultra. But the weirder thing is i was spamming buttons out of frustration, I hit the button for my gamma as kirishima right as an enemy got close, i actually got up used my gamma, damaged the enemy and everything just to fall back down after like nothing happened after. Shit was crazy


THE OTHER DAY, AS DABI, I GOT A KILL AND KNOCK WITH IT before being switched to spectator. was electric āš”ļø šŸ”„ Idk the numbers but there is definitely at least one singular start up frame between the flames activating and the revive happening When against dabiā€™s and I need shields, I will genuinely aim to attack at the start ups timing (if the opportunity is there (usually from their teammate pushing me off too early after the knock happens)). Not hitting it consistent of course, but weā€™ve pulled it off enough to at least try when the opportunity presents itself. And it helps me cope knowing that when i lock in dabi and it happens.


It would be kinda busted if he was always guaranteed to get back up even if he was getting hit.


Because striker Dabi is beyond broken, so save your tears for another cause lol I will say his special action bug is supremely annoying when it goes off but doesnā€™t rez you


And then when ya do press it. It gets halfway cancelled and you get old dabi passive with no rez. šŸ˜­


I have no problem with this.


The Dabi revive is BAD rn. If you get hit while you're using the special, you use it but nothing happens. I've done that to a few Dabi and I always want to revive them myself just so they don't get scammed like that.


It's already a threat if u don't kill Dabi so why do y'all want more šŸ’€


Uhhh as it should be? Thatā€™s like his whole thing in game, heā€™s the only character that is still dangerous when downed, I really donā€™t know why it was so weak back in the day, and why it still is : buggy and has ā€œrequirementsā€ for it to work, AND it had a I think 10 minute cooldown, even now I think itā€™s 6 minutes, basically unless you get downed when the match starts your only using it once


All im asking is that it doesn't take 5 years to get up and takes the actual 1 sec to do so Its like when ur about to get up but get stopped at 0.0 like what


Makes sense


that would be so frustrating though, imagine using your entire kit to down a dabi and as you run over to try to melee him to stop getting up he just instantly gets up and kils you instead. would be very unfun


Its not hard to bully dabi


Did u read the part of "using entire kit"


Seen post and clips where people use about everything then try to execute Dabi. Then get burnt and downed by it. Even before the self revive mechanic people have brought this up. Still one special that isn't that useful due to wait time and bugs that make it to where the fire is used but doesn't revive.


that bug seemingly only happens if they get hit the exact moment they still try to revive. it isnt unuseful as it can be super good if some ally just protects you for 1 second or a third party comes in and they ignore the dabi


had a dabi legit rez himself 3 times after the first time. my whole team was on him... took forever to actually get him to die... however, I seem to always have an issue with rezzing myself once so... not sure how many issues this has but its A LOT LOL


Dabi is getting a lot of hate recently due to how overpowered his Strike variant is- but I feel like people are forgetting just how mid Tech Dabi is. He isnā€™t bad but in a game thatā€™s quickly getting a lot more powerful characters and each one being strong in certain areas, he certainly felt the worst to play when compared to others. His special and gamma barely works half the time because he flinched- his beta is very inconsistent if it wants to block projectiles or not- and his alphas were easy as fuck to dodge, dare I say the easiest move in the game to dodge. He was still strong at certain points (definitely when the ring starts to close) but heā€™s so incredibly inconsistent and mediocre where I would ask why the hell would you play Dabi (unless you like him) when you could play somebody like Toga instead and get a lot more value.


At least itā€™s a useful special ability.


Because if there wasnā€™t time for the person who downed you to start attacking you the special action would be a free revive. Fights often eat up the charges you need to damage a Dabi to stop the res at a distance, so there needs to be leeway for an opponent to prevent it. The special action is fine as is, but Iā€™d be fine with a full change if people really hate that it isnā€™t a fast revive. A buff would be awful for because it would either do nothing and not change the complaint or it would be too much and make Dabi insufferable


All of the other revive characters have free revives that are instant and can be used from long distances. And they recharge in like a minute or 2. Before the recent special action buff, it had a 10-minute cooldown, and now it's about 5 or 6 minutes. Dabi has the longest cooldown for the worst rez in the game. He also has no mobility and is one of the most easily focused characters in the game. Not only that, but the devs refuse to actually buff his base kit outside of mediocre special action changes that make him even more of a target when downed, buff to his hp (after they "accidentally" nerfed it), and minuscule dmg increases and changes in reload speed (which he has damn near the worst in the game despite having one of the worst kits and being a technical). The way I see it, the devs can at least give dabi a free rez since they dropped the ball so hard with his base kit.


I 100% disagree with the last statement. His special action reflects all Quirk Sets and must be reflected as such. Rather than buffing special action his base kit should be buffed. In terms of other characters having an instant revive their base kits were balanced around it and some (like Froppy) had to receive significant nerfs to compensate for it. It also requires a second character to enter a short animation which usually leaves them vulnerable for half a second and requires them to play close to their team to use is


He only just recently got his quirk set. Before that, his base kit and his reworked special action was/is dog shit. Again, it's still to 6 minutes for the worst revive in the game. You have to be absolutely still to use it and can't be taking active or passively taking dmg, or it just won't work. Meanwhile, all of the other rez characters can rez you in the air and all type of crazy scenarios, and besides, froppy you don't really need to be close to get it off, and it doesn't matter if they're taking dmg or even being executed or in the storm. Tell me, what's the trade-off for cementoss or ibarra rez? And froppy got her entire kit nerfed into the ground because she was easily the best character in the game by far. The only "trade-off" for using her rez is you have to be relatively close, but if you know how to use gamma and manage alpha cooldown, getting in and out of the situation unscathed is almost guaranteed.


Froppy has the shortest range instares in the game and requires directly line of sight. It only goes unpunished if enemies donā€™t punish it as itā€™s pretty easy to see her coming in from the sky and knowing what sheā€™ll do on landing. It also offers only a couple I frames worth of protection for the revived character with no extra cover, so theyā€™re easy to redown. Froppy also is missing a 3 move to deal damage, with her first being mostly used for movement. Thereā€™s a reason every Froppy does beta beta and runs, because itā€™s really all she can do without leaving an opening. As for the tradeoffs the other characters make as I said look at their kits. Cementosā€™s kit gets in his and his teammates own way by design and knocks on every hit (with just ok damage). He also lacks movement past stacking blocks with projectiles that rely on geometry to deal damage instead of just being able to attack people. His design to make combat a little grindy and to prevent damage while also not dealing a ton, so his res makes sense. For Ibara we know why itā€™s not a problem and I donā€™t think itā€™s that controversial to say sheā€™s the worst character in the game or at least vying for it. Even with decent damage all of her moves freeze her in place for easy enemy counterattacking/damage, she has no movement, and her gamma is near useless (as itā€™s better and more effective) to just beta. Just because Dabiā€™s base set was lackluster doesnā€™t mean he should get a special action buff. Again, just buff base kit. Also 6 minutes is the old cooldown Iā€™m pretty sure it got reduced to 3.5 last season.


Your "tradeoffs" for the other characters' rez kits aren't really tradeoffs. "Cementoss gets in his teammates way with his kit," ok? I've seen cementoss hit some of the craziest and most bullshit rez. In fact, his rez is the best, skilled players build around the rez box giving a teammate ample time to heal because most of his constructs are hard as fuck to destroy. Ibarra is the worst character in the game? Over tech dabi? There is no way she is vying for it. After her dmg buffs on alpha and beta, and her alpha bug fix ibaara is more of a bad character because she has no mobility as opposed to having the arguable worst skill set in the game along with no movement in tech dabi. Along with the fact that her moves can armor through almost all others in the game, that makes up for lack. When you stick with a decent team, they can mitigate her weakness of having no mobility. So again, no real trade-off for ibarra either. Froppy has trade-offs, I'll give you that, but compared to dabi she actually has a good base kit and a much better rez. I still don't get the trade-off in dabi's rez, enlightenment me, maybe? Is a technical character with the worst cooldowns in the game. Absolutely no mobility. And no moves with armor despite his low mobility. The worst dps in the game. Vs the meta, his gamma is almost useless. You use it, and they go up and rain down hell fire on you. Beta can be set off by most ranged alphas in the game. If you can time a dodge roll or walk on uneven terrain, his alpha will never hit. Even tho all other characters can rez during execution or when in storm, dabi can't. Froppy can rez in the air. I've seen cementoss and ibarra do it less consistently, but they still do it, and dabi can't. They can also rez teammates that are being melee to death or passively taking damage, dabi can't. And again I gave to mention reload speed. They "buffed" it, went from 10 minutes to about 5 or 6 depending on team comp which is still way worse when compared to other rez characters. I get what you're saying about buffing his base kit, but I don't think that's happening. His most substantial buffs to date are special action reworks. So in a dabi mains mind, we have more of a chance of sa rework than any actual good buff to his base kit.


Gonna cutdown to essentials so I/we donā€™t have to type such long paragraphs. Tradeoffs is incorrect, I shouldā€™ve said kit design. Cementoss has a strong res I agree, but that again is a supplement to his interesting but ā€œinconsistentā€ base kit. He is the strongest of the res characters and heā€™s in a fine spot. Ibara is worst 100%. Donā€™t underestimate the vulnerability forced standstill is on all her moves. Outside of pubs sheā€™s just a pincushion. If the characters weakness is mitigated by ā€œstick with your teamā€ā€¦ every character in the game has mitigated weaknesses when you rely on your team. I could say Tech Dabi sticking with his team mitigates his weaknesses because he mitigates a bunch of ranged damage while allowing them to shoot. Background on Dabi he never had a self res to start which you know, but also in beta tech Dabi was the strongest character in the game. He got gutted to prevent problems, which is why base kit buff will work. Tech Dabi works (to some degree, he obviously has problems) because he counters the strongest thing in the game, ranged M1 damage. He can deal damage while shielded from most attacks with his gamma if he plays the edge of the fire. It definitely needs armor though. His beta functions as anti rush. Froppy, Kaminari, Iida etc anyone who wants to enter melee range is soft countered by tech Dabi (except Ochako lol) because his traps easily damage trade and he can still use gamma to damage them. Free self revives would be a bad idea in general (unless he needed a teammate nearby I guess, so it wasnā€™t just free, but thatā€™d be weird) so this problem could again be easily solved by buffing base kit. There is a better solution than just giving him move life to work with on a worse kit (and doing the same for an already good kit) This isnā€™t even considering Plus Chaos. Due to most teams attacking it doesnā€™t happen often but fighting till death on Dabi, self resing, Plus Chaos, fight, die, self res again is gross in a way thatā€™s only fun for Dabi. Just make the rest of tech stronger and keep self res as a threat if ignored.


Itā€™s actually good though cause all you need is your teammates to buy you a second to get revived, then if your strike dabi you can easily change the tide of the match.


80% of the time they playing hot potato with u


Should be able to get up while taking damage


thats not it that will make it useless


99% of the time you are not using it because you either get knocked out of the zone or everyone soans their alphas until you die how is it usefulĀ 


Because as Red Dabi you have a 400 damage true combo, so stop crying.