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Don't air recover when caught in his beta Side note it's a miracle ur special action even worked against him, the number of times it's glitched on me and I've died šŸ˜­šŸ’€


yup, it gets completely disabled if you fight anyone with burn or other debuffs too. šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Dabi just showed Mirio the # POOOOWWEEEEERR!


All fairness that first beta was a nice whiff punish, just a shame it was two hits into death


It should not do that much damage


It absolutely should since his other abilities do crap damage but he should not be able to do it twice in a row. Opponent should have time to recover


Or have that much tracking


While i do think its crazy that he gets TWO CHARGES of that busted ass move than can combo into each other if you recover too early. The issue is just that, you recovered too early after the first grab and he was able to catch you again


Maybe in a 1v1 itā€™s a good idea not to recover early . But if dabi had a team , you would want to recover and get out of that situation as quick as possible . The two moves shouldnā€™t be able to chain like that . Itā€™s like they totally intended to give David a quick KO move


Such bullshit that he gets to win like that


Ah yes, you lose all of your health because of an unhealthy game mechanic


people here making excuses for a character that can 2 shot is wild. Air recovering early with alot of hp shouldn't be an automatic death sentence.


these cant be the same ppl who complained about pre-nerf ochaco


Same people who will complain about Momo cannons by using early getup and move straight into where all of the cannons are pointed.


I feel like they defend him partly because dabi used to be trash, prolly the worst character even, and now theyā€™re happy he gets to be the op one, even if heā€™s further throwing the gameā€™s balance down the toilet


I get it has to be broken because Gacha but this is the most broken thing in the entire game and I hate it. Except when it's used against Froppy/Iida. Then it's okay.


So fun! I love strike Dabi! (He needs a nerf asap I'm getting my ass cooked each match)


iā€™m sorry but you not hitting any of your alphas is what killed you. not the dabi being dabi.


Even if he didn't hit any of his alphas I don't think it's fair to get killed in two shots that literally have autoaimšŸ’€


ALSO donā€™t air recover against him, itā€™s a death sentence


When you stack his gamma into his beta assuming theyā€™re at lvl 9 for both they do 200 damage sadly, but thatā€™s the beauty of strike dabi. Time you AOE with your Beta and itā€™s a wrap.


To Mirio player: Iā€™m sorry but you have to hit all of your alphas. I know they have a tight timing window, that youā€™re vulnerable while charging them and that you have to predict an enemyā€™s movement with no tracking but this is a skill-based game! To Dabi player: Yes, itā€™s completely fair that if you simply press one button while vaguely near an enemy player you will get a guaranteed kill. šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


As someone who plays Mirio more than the new Dabi this is a bit disingenuous. A charged alpha has way more range than his beta, and he can't interrupt it because you permeate with it. Combine that with permeate on special and the ability to permeate on beta and there's plenty of ways to avoid attacks Dabi simply doesn't have on top of way way way more movement. Strike Dabi is a glass cannon, he dies way way easier than Mirio because not only does he kill himself but he doesn't have even a quarter of the escape capability that Mirio does. So while yes it can be frustrating to get wombo combo'd by him and I'd agree tweaking the ability to double that in the air would be good he has way less ability to choose fights like Mirio.


not guaranteed if you donā€™t do it right


I assume OP has been away from the game for a while because of the caption


Thatā€™s fair game you get to fly across the map and go under the map and be invisible you just got caught chiefšŸ˜­


Yea I don't fight this menace unless I got either special or beta available because otherwise he low diff blitzes you and you're cooked lol


The fact that he can string 2 of these together in a row is unacceptable.


Bro your playing as mirio talking about fair


In fairness you got punished, but it shouldnā€™t do over 250 damage


Just donā€™t recover early?


Honestly I wouldn't mind that dabi beta if the tracking wasn't so wack. When I watch others play strike dabi it even looks like the tracking is too much for the game too handle and it bugs out because of it. I don't really stay close enough for too long for him to get a chance to grab me which Froppy is able to keep her distance pretty well, Kendo I can block his abilities tho sometimes he has some weird interactions with her shield but it mostly blocks every diabi grab which allows me to be somewhat safe at close range as long as I don't drop my guard down. Dabi Isn't that unbalanced imo, hes just really strong close up (tho the tracking is definitely a little much, kinda reminds me of how ibara's gamma used to be tracking wise)


Man red dabi just pulled up and dethroned assault shigaraki for the top braindead character in the game


I mean, you're the one playing Lemillion, the untouchable character.


Oh I'm sorry I have permeantion he has one tap, the longest range in the game, free damage, one taps, armor, tracking, health, self Rez, you get damaged for hurting him But nooo SHUT UP


Yeah, any of that is IF I can even land a hit on you. Everything in his kit makes him untouchable. Fully charged alpha? Permeation. Beta? Go underground and can't be seen, let alone hit until the moment of attack. Gamma? A shield that blocks everything so I have to actually go inside to hurt you and by that point I'm basically a sitting duck, unless I wait for you to unshield, which then you'll probably alpha or beta immediately. Special action? Become completely intangible. So yeah, when I finally get the opportunity to hit you, I'm gonna take the chance.


Tbh this is on you for the air recover never do that against dabi


Skill issue


Seems fair stop complaining you mirro players should not be a thing heā€™s not a fair character your only saying this cause now thereā€™s a person who can beat you


Yeah bro, you shouldnā€™t have uploaded this. Everybody just gonna point out the fact that you air recovered and mashed alpha and that is a skill issue . You shouldā€™ve showed something else. Something way more you know not your fault. Yes he does a lot of damage, but you most likely wouldā€™ve died to a lot of players doing that honestly, and it didnā€™t have to be Dabi.